BBCAN4 Day 33 - A plan to keep Dallas develops

March 29, 2016

9:00-10:00 AM: Out by the hot tub, Jared spoke to Mitch. Jared told Mitch that Raul admitted to saying to Emmett that it is only beneficial to Joel to keep Dallas, while Joel was in the room. Jared said Raul will be a huge target if Joel wins HoH now. Jared figured that it would screw him over since he is the logical person to nominate next to Raul. Jared then told Mitch that he put the fear of God in the brothers last night. He revealed that Maddy told him that she had planned to backdoor the brothers, not Maddy. He said he had forgot to tell them that previously. Jared said Phil then wanted to get Maddy out this week but he eventually talked himself out of it. Jared explained that Phil wants help getting Maddy out next week in exchange for taking Dallas out this week. Jared said the brothers were rattled. Mitch said that he may sneak that in there as well. Jared said that he should for sure do it.

10:00-11:00 AM: Dallas spoke to the brothers and told them the people that keep him in the house will have his vote and will not be nominated by him if he wins HoH. Dallas said he is pretty sure that Maddy would nominate the brothers next to Cassandra if she stays and wins HoH. Dallas pointed out that his targets out there and known all around the house, which means that he cannot go to Jared and Raul to campaign to them in hope of getting their votes. Dallas figured that it would enable the others to sit on the sideline for an extra week while he goes after those two. Phil said he really does like Dallas. Phil told Dallas that he does feel safe with him but there are other people that don’t. Phil encouraged Dallas to really push those people. Nick told Dallas not to give up just yet. Phil added that Tim is an integral part of this and is the king pin of this eviction. Phil said that Dallas is likely to get two or three votes on his side if he can convince Tim to get on board with keeping him. Dallas said he already told Tim that he is after Jared and Raul. Phil said that Tim doesn’t care about targets and wants more than that. Dallas discussed keeping Nikki and Tim safe if he wins HoH.

While playing a game of pool together, Phil and Nick talked some game. Phil told Nick that they should be fine with Maddy as long as people like Mitch and Tim reinforce the idea that they are not going after her. Phil said they still will be going after her but she just wont know. Phil figured that Maddy would then listen to them if she becomes HoH. Nick suggested that nominating Jared and Raul again would be her smartest move. Phil agreed. Phil said Dallas will not do what people tell him to do but Maddy is so desperate for a home. They agreed that it is best to keep Maddy for those reasons and because she is less likely to win HoH. Phil said the only person that they would have trouble against on the block would be Nikki. Phil thought that their argument would have to be that they can shield and protect those that vote for them. Phil said Cassandra, Jared and Tim all want them to go far. Phil wondered why Jared did not tell them about Maddy coming after them earlier. Nick and Phil are confident that they would stay in the game if they are nominated next to Mitch.

11:00-12:00 PM: Cassandra and Dallas talked things over in the bedroom. Cassandra said that going out with a bang could help his game. She explained that if there is ever a time where the two of them, Tim, Maddy and Ramsey are in a room together, he could call Maddy out about saying the other day that she is going after her. Dallas said that he is willing to do something like that. Cassandra told him that Joel will be on board with keeping him as long as he has the numbers. Cassandra reiterated the need to get Tim on board with the plan. Cassandra encouraged Dallas to work on Tim today. Dallas said that people need someone that is going to take Jared and Raul out. Dallas told Cassandra that he could have control over Ramsey once Maddy walks out the door.

2:00-3:00 PM: Dallas began working on Nikki and Tim. He told Tim that Maddy wants the brothers to go, Cassandra to go and then Tim to go. Tim said he believes Dallas. Dallas said he was close to Maddy and yet she betrayed him and is being phoney and stuck up. Nikki pointed out that Maddy was kissing Nick and trying to work on him but Phil wasn’t having it, so she has now moved on to Ramsey even though she has a boyfriend back home. Dallas said that Maddy will cut people in a second after giving them the impression that she is growing close to them. Dallas said that his primary targets will be Jared and Raul. Dallas figured that Maddy must have cut a deal with them since she backed out of targeting them in the double eviction. Tim said he has told Cassandra that he wants a mapped out plan of how the game would look with Dallas in the game if he is on their side, so he is all ears. Nikki and Tim agreed that Dallas’ word can be trusted over Maddy’s. Tim pointed out to Nikki that keeping Dallas means that Jared and the brothers would be going next. Dallas said he is fine with the brothers. Tim asked Dallas where Mitch fits into his game. Dallas sees him as someone that is with Jared and Raul but he said that he is not targeting him. Tim said Mitch will win the game because no one is after him. Dallas told Nikki and Tim that he will always have a target on his back over either of them. Dallas said he is strong in competitions but that is one more person that can be fighting for their side. Tim asked where Ramsey would fit into Dallas’ game if he stays. Dallas said he is willing to make a Final 4 deal with Cassandra, Nikki and Tim if he stays in the game.

Tim told Dallas that the house is thinking that Maddy will be gone next week if she doesn’t win HoH. As for Dallas, Tim figured that he could shake things up if he stays. Tim wanted to hear a plan in terms of where everyone would fit if Dallas stays. Dallas said Ramsey could be used as an asset. Tim wondered if he would be on board if Maddy is gone. Dallas said that Ramsey is closer to him than he is to Maddy. Tim said he would like to have Dallas in the house but he wants to know what happens after Jared is gone. Dallas said he would then go after Raul and they could decide as a group who they would nominate next to him. Tim said he likes that Dallas is going after Jared and Raul but that is not what he needs to hear. He pointed out that there are certain people in the house that nobody would go after. Dallas said Joel and Mitch. Tim agreed. Dallas said he is on board with go after them once Jared and Raul are out of the picture. Tim said it is all food for thought and they will think it over. After Dallas and Nikki left, Cassandra told Tim that they have to decide if they want to go to the Final 3 with Jared or the brothers because Dallas is after Jared and Maddy is after the brothers. Tim said anyone can take down Jared and Raul like Dallas is promising to. Tim said he could do it but he could not go against Mitch because everyone would then be after him. Tim figured that Dallas would always be after top dogs, which he would become once Jared and Raul leave. Cassandra said that’s true and they would have to make a Final 4 deal with Dallas if they were to keep him.

Tim told Cassandra and Nikki that Ramsey will have to be targeted before Maddy. Cassandra said she wants that. Tim said that’s good but Dallas will not get on board with that. Tim told the girls that he would love to have Mitch win HoH next week because they need to know what he actually wants, even though he may nominate one of them. Tim discussed his conversation with Maddy in which she refused to make a deal to keep the brothers safe. For that reason, Tim assumed that Maddy would nominate the brothers next to someone like Raul. Tim said that does not hurt them. Cassandra agreed and said to keep things the way they are. Tim said he does not know if he wants to keep Dallas. Nikki added that they would have no one to go after once Jared and Raul stay. Tim agreed. Cassandra told them that she just wanted to hear Dallas out. Tim felt that Dallas was using empty words and did not outline a concrete plan. He also said that keeping Dallas would mean turning on people that they have a good thing going with. Cassandra agreed with Tim that they have less security if they keep Dallas around. Tim told Nikki that he does not see Jared, Raul, Mitch, Joel or the brothers nominating them at this point, so it would not make sense to turn on the group by keeping Dallas around. They ultimately agreed that keeping Maddy is the best option for this week.

3:00-4:00 PM: In the storage room, Cassandra told Dallas that Tim wanted to hear him say that he would go after people like Mitch and Ramsey after Jared and Raul are gone. Cassandra also told Dallas that Tim may be concerned that he is working with Ramsey. Cassandra told Dallas she knows that he means what he says, as opposed to Maddy whose deals she does not trust. Dallas said he is fine with Ramsey going but he would like to keep Joel around for a week or so. Cassandra said she is in the same boat as Dallas when it comes to Joel. Dallas told Cassandra that he will speak to Tim again in order to reveal his full pecking order. Cassandra explained that Dallas needs to find a way to counter the fact that the houseguests feel as though they have an easy two weeks since everyone is united against Maddy and Ramsey if Dallas leaves this week. Dallas thought that Cassandra and Nikki would be on board with his Final 4 offer but Tim is the one that he needs to work on. Dallas said no one would expect the three of them to work with a guy like him. Dallas was even willing to nominate Ramsey next to Jared if that would seal the deal.

6:00-7:00 PM: Nikki was upset with Tim because she had washed the bath out after he told her that she could use it. Cassandra then used the bath before she got the chance to. When Nikki brought it up, she said that Tim lost it on her. Nikki explained to Maddy and Mitch that Tim went red in the face and was fuming, saying that he earned the room fair and square. Nikki said Tim was holding court in the kitchen, being obnoxious. Nikki said she is sick of hearing Tim’s voice and she hates him. Nikki headed outside shortly thereafter. She began crying and said that she wants to leave. Mitch comforted her, though it was not enough. Nikki attempted to get out of an exit by the hot tub. She then was considering pulling the fire alarm. The feeds then cut. Tim eventually went outside and told Nick, Phil and Raul that he did something nice for Cassandra and yet he is now suddenly the bad guy. Tim said Nikki is cranky cause she gets pissed off when other people get stuff that she doesn’t. Tim pointed out that Nikki slept in the HoH room and has been able to use his bathroom whenever she wants. Tim believed that Nikki was upset that people got drinks last night and she didn’t. Tim said Nikki has a sense of entitlement and continues to follow the same pattern.

After Raul left, Tim spoke to the brothers. Tim bought up that they will need to figure out the order in which they target people like Jared, Joel and Mitch. Phil said Mitch is by far the most dangerous player. Tim said he is glad to hear it because not a single other person is willing to say it. Tim told the brothers that they need people that are going to go against Mitch. Tim pointed out that Mitch will win the game if he makes it to the end. Tim said he would be bored stiff watching Mitch, which doesn’t make him a winner of Big Brother in his mind. Tim felt that there is a whole other side of the game that Mitch is not playing, since he is simply going under the radar. Tim said anyone can take out Jared and Raul but the hard sell will be finding someone that is willing to stick their neck out by putting Mitch on the block. Phil told Tim that he is willing to do it but he would backdoor Mitch. Tim said Phil would need a lot of people behind him. Phil figured that everyone would be on board to vote him out if it was a backdoor move. Phil agreed that Mitch will win the game if they don’t take him out.

7:00-8:00 PM: Mitch asked Jared what they should do if either of them or Raul win HoH. Jared said they would have to nominate Maddy and Ramsey for the group unless they opt to pull something shady. They weren’t sure if it was too soon for that. Jared revealed that he would backdoor the brothers if he decided to go that route. Mitch said the brothers will only be taken out via the backdoor. Mitch admitted that he has been feeling weird about the brothers because they have become more distant of late. Jared said they are a bit closer to him now. The two compared notes on Cassandra. Jared felt as though she leeches on to people that can protect her, such as Dallas and Tim. Jared mentioned that Cassandra always talks to him about going to the Final 2 together. Mitch said she tells him that they have a unique connection. Mitch told Jared that the would rather go to the Final 3 with he and Raul as opposed to someone like Nikki. Mitch felt that it would be too tempting for the two of them to choose Nikki if they got rid of Raul before her.

8:00-9:00 PM: Cassandra checked in with Tim and told him that she had a brief chat with Dallas this afternoon. She said that Dallas has a new plan and wants to talk to Tim about it later. Cassandra said she is scared that Raul will be after Tim, which Tim was not surprised by. Cassandra said that Raul is not about the group. She then said that Ramsey is with Jared and Raul because Jared has a very good connection with Ramsey. Dallas spoke to Joel and let I’m know he believes that he has votes from Cassandra and Nikki. As for the brothers, he thought that they were on the fence and could be persuaded if Tim agrees to keep him. Dallas felt as though his talk with Tim went well. He planned to talk to him tomorrow. Dallas said that Ramsey has been telling him that he will vote for him if he gets enough votes, though he does not trust him a lot.

9:00-10:00 PM: Joel told Cassandra that he sees Mitch as someone who thinks that he has everybody wrapped around his finger. Joel figured that Mitch would be left scrambling if Jared and Raul were to go. That being said, Joel admitted that Mitch has all of his bases covered and would be able to find someone to work with. Joel asked which option buys them more time. Cassandra said that getting rid of Dallas does because keeping him would mean that Jared, Mitch and Raul would be after them. Dallas let Cassandra and Joel know that he is willing to nominate Jared and Ramsey. He counted out the votes and felt that Ramsey would go in a landslide. After that, he pointed out that both he and Jared would continue to be going after each other. Out in the hot tub, Mitch told the brothers that he believes they could force Maddy into make a personal decision such as going after the girls first. Phil agreed. They discussed Tim next, with Phil saying that you would beat him if you sat next to him at the end. Mitch disagreed and said that Tim would 100% win if he makes it to the Final 2. Mitch said he would even vote for Tim. Mitch told the brothers that even though he thinks that Tim wants to win it doesn’t mean that he wants him out right now. However, he said that it is something to think about. Dallas headed outside and joined Mitch and Phil. Dallas told Phil that he is not his target but he is Maddy’s target. Dallas revealed that he believes he has votes from Cassandra, Joel and Nikki. Mitch told him his biggest hurdle is his image as a competition threat. Dallas brought up that he is willing to nominate Jared and Ramsey. Phil felt that was a big point.

10:00-11:00 PM: After Dallas left, Phil told Mitch that he knows it is best for his game to have Dallas stay. Phil felt that everything Dallas said was bang on. Phil explained that everybody would be out to get Dallas, while they would be able to remove the wildcard in Maddy. Mitch said they need to really believe that Jared will win the game if they are planning on keeping Dallas in to go after him. Phil disagreed. Phil brought up that Dallas is more predictable than Maddy and he can read how Dallas thinks, which is always good in Big Brother. Mitch said Dallas is a better competitor and he does not think that Maddy can win the game. Phil said Maddy and Ramsey are good together but Dallas and Joel are weak together. Mitch ultimately said that he can see the benefits of both options and he will need to think on it a little more. Mitch then brought up that he and Phil are in similar positions and there will be a temptation for Phil to get rid of him. Phil asked how Mitch knows that. Mitch explained that he can read Phil’s body language. Phil told Mitch not to base it solely on this week. Mitch asked how far Phil wants to take him. Phil said definitely to the Final 5 or 6. While Mitch said many others do not want to take the brothers near the end due to them being a twist, Mitch said that does not bother him. Phil said he would never nominate Mitch or support him being nominated if that’s the case. Mitch said he will not nominate Phil either. Phil let Mitch know that his name was brought up for the first time today. While Mitch said that he wants to keep it a secret, he did advise Mitch to speak to Tim. Mitch said it is weird that Tim has not wanted to have any game talks with him. Before things wrapped up, Mitch told Phil that Jared said Tim was talking about backdooring the brothers but decided against it.

11:00-12:00 AM: Phil told Mitch he knows he could talk Tim into sending Maddy home. He figured that Nikki would follow Tim, especially considering that Nikki wants Maddy to go. Cassandra said she wants Dallas to stay but she does not want to go against the group. She added that keeping Dallas will shake up the game but sending him packing should lead to a couple weeks of smooth sailing. Phil asked Mitch if he is okay with going against Jared and Raul. Mitch said he is not sure about that and he would have to think about how he would manage those relationships. Phil said there will be eight or nine people in danger if Maddy stays but only two in danger if Dallas stays. Cassandra’s main concern was that Jared and Raul would be mad at them and feel betrayed by the move. Mitch said Tim’s input will change a lot because if he gets on board it may lead to Jared and Raul becoming more accepting of the move. Cassandra and Phil agreed Maddy needs to go.

12:00-1:00 AM: Tim asked Cassandra if she thinks it is better to keep Dallas. She said yeah and told Tim that Mitch and the brothers are on board as well. Tim said he is open for anything and does not want it to be his decision. Phil joined them and said they will vote Dallas out if Tim wants. Tim said that it’s not about him and he just needs them to know what they are doing. Tim admitted that something is telling him to keep Dallas. Tim wanted the vote to remain a secret and for Maddy not to find out that she is going until the votes are read on eviction night. Tim said the best players deserve to play the game and that is why he never nominated the best players during his season. They agreed that Dallas is more likely to be loyal to them than Maddy is. Tim said they don’t want Jared and Raul to see this as a move against them. Phil thought that the group would still back those two. Tim suggested giving Dallas HoH so that he can make his move next week. They discussed letting him take Raul out so that the Dallas and Jared feud would continue. Tim told Cassandra and Phil that he wanted them to reach he conclusion of keeping Dallas on their own but nobody had given him a good enough reason up to this point. Tim thought that it would buy them at least another week in the house. Tim wanted to speak to Dallas in order to cut a deal in which he cannot nominate them, aside from as a pawn if they volunteer, until Jared, Ramsey and Raul are out of the game. They agreed that it cannot get out that they are making this move until just before the vote. Tim hoped that they could get Jared and Raul on board beforehand by making them believe that it was their own decision to keep Dallas. They expected that the votes they would have would be from Cassandra, Joel, Nikki, the brothers and then Tim as the tiebreaker.

While that talk was going on, Mitch was working on Joel. Mitch said there is a possibility that the vote will be 4-4 or 5-3. He figured that it would be a 3-3 vote with the two of them in the middle. Mitch told Joel that Cassandra mentioned his name as someone that she would nominate, alongside Ramsey, Dallas and Maddy. Mitch said it annoys him that Cassandra is going to pretend that she saved Maddy in the event of a unanimous vote. Mitch told Joel that making it a 4-4 vote would likely result in Dallas staying, though he could side with the others and vote Dallas out to make it 5-3. Mitch told Joel that he is happy to go all the way with him in this game. Joel said the same to Mitch. Mitch told Joel that he would gain favour with Jared, Raul, Maddy and Ramsey by voting Dallas out. He also explained that it could be an opportunity to join the group with Jared and Raul if it is something that he wants to do. Mitch said the move could damage his relationship with Cassandra, Nikki and the brothers. Joel said it could damage the relationship with Tim as well, though Mitch was unsure about that one. Mitch said Maddy and Ramsey are dangerous as a duo but that is reason to keep them because they will be targeted. The two continued to talk things over until their talk was broken up by Cassandra and Phil.

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