BBCAN4 Day 35 - Dallas is evicted

March 31, 2016

9:00-10:00 AM: Joel went to work on turning Nikki against Jared’s side. He said the way that those people treat him brings him back to his childhood days when he was made fun of. Joel said he does not want people like that to go far in the game. Nikki told him to be strong. Joel said she is right but he would rather not be around people like that. Nikki told him to expel them from his life. Joel said he would like to expel them from the house. Nikki suggested he distance himself from them in the meantime. Joel pointed out that Nick and Phil are people that have been there for him when people tease him. Joel said Tim has done that for him as well when he has been down. On the other hand, Joel said people like Jared, Kelsey and Raul have not been there for him. Nick then told Nikki that whatever was said to her last night is not necessarily true, as people that made it seem as though they are looking out for her were conveniently coming to her the night before the eviction when they needed her. Nick said Nikki will have Mitch not matter which way she votes. Nick told Nikki that they are all pretty much dead if Maddy stays. Nick explained that Maddy has been talking poorly about Nikki since the beginning, while Dallas has not said a single bad thing about her. Nick said that Maddy made fun of Nikki during tantrums. Nikki said she feels like hiding today so that no one can pester her. Joel and Phil rejoined them. Phil said he can tell that Joel is not okay right now. Joel brought up being called gullible and being made fun of for his performance in competitions. Phil asked Nikki if she is okay. She said yeah and that she is not talking to anyone about game today.

Nikki told Mitch that the brothers will turn on her if she keeps Maddy, as they have both cornered her today. Mitch said they will not turn on her if they are actually her friend. Nikki wondered how everyone knew about their talk last night. Mitch said that he is unsure. Nikki questioned why the vote had to hang on her decision. Mitch told Nikki that they all heard Tim say last night that he doesn’t care about the vote, so there is no way that he can get mad at Nikki for voting the other way. Mitch asked who Nikki wants to see go far in the game. Nikki said Jared, Mitch, Raul and Tim. Tim joined them. He said he is fine to go either way but it could be a change in the way the season goes if Dallas stays. Mitch said it is changed either way at this point. Tim explained that Dallas staying would not mean that they want Jared out. He said it is about respecting Dallas being a strong player. Tim clarified that there is no plan moving forward if Dallas stays, so he will likely go next week. Mitch said he would bet anything that Dallas and Jared would work together moving forward if Dallas stays. Mitch said the house is now split for good, regardless of who goes. Tim told Nikki to think about the past month that they have been there. Tim explained that Cassandra and Phil feel that Maddy will come after them and Jared and Raul fear that Dallas would come after them, which are both legitimate fears. However, Tim said that he does not play out of fear.

Tim said Jared is a leader and there is no leader on the other side. Tim explained that he told the brothers they will have to make this happen. Mitch said Tim is the reason that it is happening, suggesting that he is influencing Nikki’s vote. Tim admitted that he has influence over Nikki. Tim said there are individual players who want something different than keeping Maddy. Nikki spoke up and said Cassandra is the only one. Tim pointed out that Nikki was pushing for it as well. Nikki said that she was but she has worked it out that they should stick to the original plan. Nikki told Tim he has been alone with Cassandra all the time, which makes her feel excluded. Tim said he cannot hear this. He said he gave Nikki half of his bottle of vodka and let her use his bathroom whenever. Nikki said Cassandra and Tim are always whispering together and are keeping things from her. Tim said there is nothing and it was actually Cassandra and Nikki that spent a lot of time together this week plotting to keep Dallas. Tim told Nikki she can do whatever she wants but she should not lie to him. Nikki said Tim has a connection with Cassandra and of course she is going to have to turn to someone else. Tim said he and Cassandra are not working together and he has voted her out once and will do it again. Nikki said she would like to think that Tim is her friend. Tim told Nikki that she is. Nikki revealed that she would like to get rid of Cassandra. Tim said that’s fine but he should not be punished because of it. Nikki said she wants Maddy to take Cassandra out. Tim told her to vote that way but it would be voting on a personal level, not due to game reasons. Nikki asked why Tim changed his mind about Dallas, implying that it was due to Cassandra. Tim said he sat down and thought it over and realized that he never once nominated Ben or Tahan, even though he thought they were the best players in the game. Tim said he wants to play Big Brother the same way in which he keeps the strong players in the game.

10:00-11:00 AM: Nikki and Tim continued talking. Tim said a move to keep Dallas would not mean that he wants Jared to go, but rather that he wants to stay true to himself. Nikki said it’s quite obvious to her that Tim wants Dallas to stay. Tim said it may change again if people give him logical reasons and don’t make it about personal reasons. Tim told the others that it is not up to him to decide who stays or who goes, unless it comes down to a tie and they give him the power to make the call. Tim said in the moment he may end up deciding that Maddy should stay. Tim reiterated that he is not working with Cassandra or anyone else in a Final 2 deal. Tim told Nikki that he will respect her if she tells him what she is going to do. He said he will have much more respect for someone who makes their own decision. Nikki said she has already told Tim where she stands and now it will come back to bite her. Tim said not from him but maybe from Cassandra. Tim told Nikki that he will not seek revenge over someone making a move against him unless they lie to him. Tim said he expects it to be a landslide in Maddy’s favour but if it comes down to him he will keep the strongest player in the game. On a friendship level, Tim said he is sorry if Nikki feels as though he has been spending more time with Cassandra and excluding her. Tim said he treasures the moments with her when they sit down and have fun talking about non-game stuff. Tim said he knows how Cassandra operates and he would rather keep her close than have her working with someone else. Tim brought up knowing that Cassandra had something going on with Dallas even before he was on the block. Nikki asked why she should keep Dallas if he is going to protect Cassandra. Tim told her that she doesn’t have to.

Nikki and Tim then got into a heated back and forth about the bath incident that happened a couple of nights prior. Tim said Nikki needs to be put in her place sometimes to show her that she cannot get everything that she wants. Nikki said that it was not about that and she does not want him to manipulate the situation. Tim explained that he was trying to do something nice for someone else. Nikki said that Tim started it and raised his voice first. The two continue to go in circles. Tim said that he is sick of Nikki’s attitude, while Nikki said that she is sick of Tim thinking that he can rule this house. Tim said that he doesn’t want to, though Nikki disagreed. Tim thanked Nikki for finally being honest about what she is mad about. Tim then left the room. Mitch came back to Nikki and she will be fine no matter what. Nikki said she hates Tim so much and thinks that he is a bully. Nikki said she is not the only one who think that Tim wants to the rule the house. Mitch agreed. Mitch told Nikki that Tim said it himself that she can do what she wants to do, even though he clearly wants Maddy gone. Nikki wasn’t so sure about that, considering Tim got worked up at the end of the discussion. Nikki said Tim cannot control her. Mitch encouraged her to show Tim that. Nikki said that Tim is not her friend and he is a liar. Nikki told Mitch that Tim made a deal with Dallas and said that Dallas could never vote either of them out. Nikki said she is glad that she got all of that off of her chest.

Mitch asked Tim to speak. They headed to the HoH room. Tim said he is sick of the drama and he is not coordinating anything, so he does not want people saying that. Tim pointed out that Dallas likely would have been put up and taken out next week had he stayed. Mitch told Tim that someone else has broken his trust in the game, which is leading to him wanting to reveal a dynamic to Tim. Mitch said the fear that has been put in him by the brothers is that Tim has mentioned that he is someone who can make it to the end, slip through the middle and win the game. Tim admitted to saying that. Mitch revealed that he is frustrated with the brothers because they relayed something that he said in confidence but did it in an out of context way. Due to that, Mitch said that his decision in the upcoming vote has to do with the brothers. Tim said he is fine with Nikki making moves against him but he knows that she would not accept it if he did the same thing to her. Tim felt as though Nikki would see it as personal in nature. Talk turned back to the brothers. Tim said part of their problem is that Phil and Nick are so different. Mitch agreed but noted that the three of them are in a similar position in the house since most people like them but people are going to be targeting the middle soon. Tim agreed and said he knows that they have not wanted to be in power until now. Tim told Mitch that he is someone that is able to explain his thoughts logically. Mitch said it has been tough for him to understand Tim’s position in the house. As for Tim’s idea that Dallas is more deserving, Mitch said that is not up to them to decide. Tim admitted that his flaw was coming into the game thinking that he knows what he is doing even though it is a totally different game. He said he is fine with people pointing that out and he needs someone like Mitch to explain arguments for Maddy in a logical manner.

Mitch and Tim discussed Tim’s willingness to play without fear by keeping the big players in the game. Mitch said that the fans will enjoy watching Tim keep rivals in the game but those in the house are going to play with fear even though he isn’t. Tim mentioned that he would not handle HoH in the same way that he did this week if he were to win it again. Tim said it’s tough for him to be in an alliance if they are not going to be a solid alliance. Mitch said he has not been in a named alliance yet in this game. Tim wondered what would happen two weeks from now if Maddy and Ramsey are broken up next week. Mitch said people are already anticipating that time and that’s what has caused the divide this week. Tim noted that in his mind Dallas would have gone next week if he stayed this week, which is not the same way that Cassandra and Phil were looking at it. Jared joined them. Tim explained the same thing that he had just explained to Mitch, saying that he saw Dallas leaving next week even if he were to stay. Jared said his worry about Dallas staying is that he separates the brothers from him and it works. Tim explained how the plan to keep Dallas came about, saying that Cassandra and Phil came to him but he was the first to say that Dallas deserves to be there. Tim said he offered to be the tiebreaking vote in Dallas’ favour if they got the votes to force a tie.

11:00-12:00 PM: Tim told Joel that he could see this happening yesterday because nobody wanted to stick their neck out and say that they are voting to keep Dallas. Joel said he would not want to go out like Dallas is, based on someone’s problem with someone else. Tim agreed and said he will not be spending time with Nikki anymore in this house. Joel figured that people will want to keep Nikki around due to her tantrums. Tim said he is not going to bow down to Nikki. He let Joel know that he tried his hardest to make Nikki see that this decision is not about Cassandra. Tim said they need to win HoH in order to change things. Tim pointed out that the brothers are trying to stay off the block and are sucking up to Jared, otherwise they would be able to show strength and make something happen. Tim said that he does not have time for Nikki If she is going to make personal decisions like the one to vote Dallas out because of Cassandra. Joel added that they are keeping another person in the house that plays personally in Maddy. Tim agreed. In the storage room, Raul told Cassandra that Ramsey is not going after her. Cassandra said that they should bring him in there right now then. Raul said no. Cassandra said that she has decided to vote Dallas out. She explained she is doing it for Jared and Raul, so they had better have her back moving forward. Cassandra said that she went back and forth all week and was in turmoil. Raul assured her that they will protect her. Cassandra mentioned that Jared needs to change the way that he treats her.

8:00-9:30 PM: During the 90 minute eviction episode, Dallas was evicted by a vote of 5-3. Cassandra, Joel and the brothers voted to evict Maddy. Nikki, who was originally being counted on to be the fourth vote, decided to evict Dallas. After the eviction, Kelsey and Loveita left the secret suite and were brought on stage. Arisa informed the houseguests of the twist, telling them that it was a fake double eviction and that one of the two would be returning to the house. The houseguests then learned that they would have to unanimously decide which of the two would be brought back into the house. Kelsey and Loveita each had one minute to make their plea as to why they should be chosen to return. The show ended with the houseguests debating which houseguest to vote back in. Cassandra and Maddy made a deal to work together in order to get Loveita out if she ends up returning. The live feeds will remain down until after Sunday's episode.

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