BBCAN4 Day 62

April 27, 2016

2:00-3:00 PM: Feeds returned in the middle of a conversation between Jared and Nikki. Nikki told Jared that she has picked her winner. She said things change. Jared asked who that would be. Nikki said it might change. Jared said fair enough. Nikki told Tim that it was so awkward when Jared asked her if she still thinks that he or someone like Mitch would have been a worthy winner of the show. Nikki said she asked Jared if he expects her to bow out of the game for him. She told Tim that Jared said he didn’t say that but he thinks that he has worked hard in the game and would be a good winner. Nikki said she told Jared that she has chosen her winner and said things change when Jared asked who that winner is, before walking off. She asked Tim if she should not have done that. Tim said it was brilliant. Nikki feels that Jared thinks she is so idiotic that she will volunteer to go because she said earlier on that Jared would be a worthy winner. Nikki said it’s good that Jared knows she is not a pushover now. Nikki told Tim that Jared was trying to intimidate her but she would not back down. Nikki said Jared is not her winner and he will come last if she has anything to do with it.

4:00-5:00 PM: Cassandra and Kelsey spoke in the bedroom. Kelsey said she thinks that Cassandra was acting a little bit weird and really crazy this morning. Kelsey let Cassandra know that she was making feel uncomfortable. Cassandra said that people are upset because she put King Jared on the block. Kelsey said they are upset because they are hearing that Cassandra told everyone that they are taking them to the end. Cassandra explained that she would never be Final 2 with Jared or Kelsey because they would always take each other. She pointed out that she is not there to get third place. Kelsey questioned how she can believe Cassandra when she says the same thing to everyone. Cassandra brought up that Jared and Kelsey wanted to get Tim out last week. Kelsey denied it and said that they could have got a third vote had they tried. Jared joined them and said that the brothers wanted Tim out but what he did was go to Tim and tell him everything and he then voted for him to stay. Phil entered the room. Cassandra asked to speak to Jared and Kelsey alone but Phil did not want to leave. Cassandra left.

Tim entered the room. Kelsey told Tim that Cassandra is making the move more personal than it needs to be. Kelsey also told Tim that Cassandra has not had her back this entire game. Tim said he knows that and has never said she has. He said there was a turning point and he now trusts Cassandra. He explained that Cassandra is so good at what she does and while it is not his strategy he can see that they are in a game. Tim mentioned that in order for Cassandra to save Jared she would have to send Nikki out. Tim said Nikki is someone who now has a loyalty to Cassandra. Tim told them that they do not see how things developed between Cassandra and Nikki from where they were when they were after each other. Tim told them that they are not picking up on something but it’s not for him to say what that is. He added that there is something that has been happening since early on and it will all be explained in time. Tim told Kelsey that Cassandra cannot keep Jared because that would strengthen the brothers to come after her. He said Cassandra felt that Jared and the brothers teamed up and therefore she had to make this move. Kelsey argued there was no way that Cassandra was ever going to keep Jared. Tim pointed out that the brothers won the PoV or else they would have been gone. Jared said that Cassandra wants this move on her resume. He said Cassandra didn’t beat the best and she took the coward’s way out. Tim told the group that the intention behind the move is being misunderstood. Phil asked if Cassandra has explained it. He figured that it was a game move because she cannot beat Jared. Jared said Cassandra cannot beat anyway. Tim disagreed and said she might be able to if she can explain herself.

Tim explained to Jared and Kelsey that some moves take ages to happen even though they see this as a shock this week. Jared said he didn’t think that his friend would do this to him. Kelsey told Tim that he has to admit that Nikki has not played the game. Tim told Kelsey that she needs to understand that some people have played the game with Nikki. Furthermore, he pointed out that both he and Nikki were there as wildcards to be used and last week there were some who decided that they are not useful. He mentioned Cassandra as someone who found them useful. Kelsey said it is a sad and cowardly way to win. Tim asked if it is cowardly or smart and strategic. Jared said he would have felt less hurt had Kelsey made this move against him as opposed to Cassandra doing it. Kelsey said Cassandra has taken deceit to a whole new level. Tim pointed out that it was a game move to Cassandra but Jared and Kelsey have yet to give her an alternative game option in terms of why she should keep Jared. Jared and Kelsey felt that it was a personal move. Tim said it’s not and that Cassandra is cut and dry and removes emotion from the act. He figured that any personal stuff from Cassandra is a reaction based on how Jared and Kelsey have reacted in a personal manner.

5:00-6:00 PM: In the HoH room, Nikki asked Tim what Kelsey had said. Tim said Kelsey mentioned that Nikki is not deserving as a player. Nikki began to storm out of the room. Joel and Tim stopped her. Nikki said she is not having that. Nikki said she will drag Kelsey out by her hair. Tim told Nikki that he stood up for her. Nikki again tried to go for the door. She said she is not going to attack Kelsey but she is going to smash her brains in. Nikki laughed while saying it. Tim told Nikki to make her revenge be that she is at the end of the game while those who see her as undeserving are out of it. Jared walked in. Everyone went quiet. He told them to keep talking about him. Nikki said they are talking about his girlfriend. Jared said it’s a valid argument that he deserves to be there more than Nikki. Jared explained that it’s not about her being an international but rather that he has fought so hard to get to where he is while Nikki had to be forced by production to be in competitions. He said there is a big difference. Nikki said they are all equal and they were all picked to be on the show. Nikki told Jared that it is so condescending to say he deserves it more than she does. Tim said there are different strategies. Nikki mentioned that she has kept her dignity. Jared pointed out that she is best friends with Cassandra now. Nikki admitted that they had their differences but she said that they have sorted it out.

Cassandra entered the bedroom and said that she made a game move because she does not think that she can beat Jared in the end. Jared said they both know it is personal and why he is taking it personally. Tim let Cassandra know that he is trying to help Jared and Kelsey make sense of why it is not a personal move. Cassandra explained that she would have finished in third place had she gone to the Final 3 with Jared and Kelsey. She said that she thought Jared would respect a move like this since she is getting the best player out. Jared mentioned that it was done in the most cowardly way. Cassandra countered that by saying that she told him to fight for the PoV. Cassandra said she came there to win $100,000 for her family, not for Jared. He said she wont be in power next week. Cassandra said he wont be in the house next week. Jared let Cassandra know that if he has a say there wont be a single person in the jury voting for her to win the game. Everyone left the bedroom but the back and forth continued in the kitchen. Cassandra was irritated that Kelsey claimed that she had started a rumour that the brothers and Maddy had aligned. She clarified multiple times that she did not start that. Kelsey said she began to see that Cassandra says the same thing to everyone and has made Final 2 deals with them all from the start. Cassandra insisted that she has a certain few people who she is loyal to and it can all come out at the end. She apologized for putting “King Jared” on the block. However, Cassandra said she feels that she had a great HoH week since she got a player out who she cannot beat in the end. Kelsey told her that nobody has left yet. Nick brought up that Cassandra told him she would take the brothers to the Final 2. Cassandra said it was a different time in the game since there was a middle group and yet it appeared that they had gone after Tim who was a part of that middle group. Phil said he always knew that they would be the first to be targeted out of the middle group because nobody can beat them in jury. Phil did admit that he loves game moves and is not mad at all. He said Cassandra may still get his vote for that reason.

6:00-7:00 PM: Jared sat down with Joel to have what he called the biggest talk that he is going to have in this game. Jared assured Joel that he has had his back throughout the game and knows that Joel has had his back as well. Jared said Nikki wont let Joel sit on her bed, Tim makes jokes about him and Cassandra only uses him when she needs him. Jared brought up that he is now friends with the brothers because he has seen that they are very loyal and are good people. Jared suggested that it could come down to Joel and the brothers vs Kelsey and himself in the Final 4. Jared said he would take Joel to the end if Kelsey were to leave and Kelsey would do the same if he were to leave. As for the other side, Jared said that Cassandra would take Nikki or Tim and Nikki and Tim would take each other. At the end of the talk, Jared asked Joel if he is going to be getting rid of him. Joel said he doesn’t know at this point. He explained that he would like to hear Nikki’s side of things before reaching a conclusion. He did tell Jared that he would let him know what he is going to do before the vote takes place.

7:00-8:00 PM: Nikki asked Phil if he understands why she has given him the silent treatment. Phil said no. Phil mentioned that she is on the block and people get weird on the block so he doesn’t try to push her buttons. Nikki explained that she felt hurt that she was friends with them from the beginning but they are betraying her this week. She said that she is not asking for their vote because she knows that they have already made their decision. Nick said it’s not betrayal. Phil added that there has been no loyalty to them from Nikki. Nikki said she doesn’t want to get into a discussion about it but she felt hurt and knew that there was no point in talking once they had made up their minds. Nikki told the brothers that she is probably going tomorrow and she knows they are likely nice boys outside of the house but she feels a bit betrayed. Nick told Nikki that the level of respect that she has shown them is the same as the level that others have showed them.

8:00-9:00 PM: Tim told Nikki it’s funny that people kept them there to jury because they thought they didn’t really matter but now they are potentially the difference between someone winning and losing. Tim said the lie he told that everyone believed is that he is not there to win. Tim felt that made the others think that they are not threats to their game because an international will not win the game. Tim pointed out that there is a whole lot more they can do to hurt games than win. Nikki said she has hurt herself based on what she said to the brothers because it will all get back to the king and queen. Tim told Nikki that she wasn’t going to get the votes from that side anyway. She was more concerned about next week and going on the block next to Cassandra. Tim said that he will be the one on the block. While Nikki headed to the bathroom, Jared and Kelsey joined Tim. Kelsey said she has been consistently nice to Nikki from the moment she walked in the door. She didn’t want Nikki to feel as though she hates her or thinks that she doesn’t deserve to be there. Nikki joined them and Kelsey said the same thing to her face. Kelsey added that she has to campaign for Jared and it’s nothing against Nikki. Nikki understood and said she knew which way Kelsey and the brothers were voting and that’s why she didn’t even bother trying to get their votes. Nikki brought up that it hurt her when they said that she doesn’t deserve to be in the house as much as others. Nikki explained that Big Brother Canada has been an enormous challenge for her and she did not expect that she would ever last this long. For that reason, Nikki believes that she equally deserves to be there. There were also discussions about the Cassandra and Nikki relationship. Tim defended it by saying that the girls genuinely patched things up once they felt that the brothers were after them. He said he is not in a Final 3 with those two but they are working together because the brothers are after them. Tim mentioned that anyone else is welcome to join them.

9:00-10:00 PM: Jared told Kelsey and the brothers that he thinks he has a shot at getting Tim’s vote. Kelsey asked how. Phil figured that Jared would have to use them in order to get Tim on his side. Jared agreed and told the brothers to know that it means nothing. Jared said he will tell Tim that he would nominate Cassandra and the brothers if he were to stay. Phil asked if Jared would actually put them up. Jared said not a chance. A short while later, Jared spoke to Tim alone and told him that he would nominate Cassandra and the brothers if he stays and wins HoH. Jared told Tim that he needs people on his side who can win competitions. He mentioned that neither Cassandra nor Nikki are going to win those for him. Jared said they can get Cassandra and the brothers out and then it boils down to competitions. He also assured Tim that Kelsey would do what he asks and therefore she would not nominate him either. Tim told Jared that they can chat tomorrow. Tim headed outside to chat with Cassandra and Joel. He let them know that he plans to vote Jared out. Tim said it is up to Joel to decide if he wants to do the same. He let Joel know that he will not come after him if he decides to do anything different. Tim clarified that he is not keeping Nikki to keep Nikki but rather he is voting for her to stay in order to make their three stronger. After Tim went inside, Cassandra told Joel that Tim said he wants to get the two of them to the Final 2 and she really thinks he means it. Joel said he is down with that. The three remain on board with the plan to evict Jared.

11:00-12:00 AM: Tim told Cassandra that he is so excited at the thought of Jared possibly leaving and Kelsey and the brothers realizing that it is then 4 against 2. Cassandra said it will happen that Jared leaves. Tim admitted that he has a feeling Cassandra and Joel would choose Nikki over him if they end up on the block together. He said it is fine. Cassandra said they would not do that. She told Tim not to be stupid. Cassandra assured Tim that he would have her vote and Joel’s vote 100%. She pointed out that Tim is the one who would be able to help them get further in the game. She also said that it would be stupid for her to take someone out who would bring her to the Final 2. Cassandra said she would feel bad about not taking Joel but he would beat her in the end even though she played a way better game. Tim figured that Joel would beat him as well. If Joel were to win the final HoH, Tim thought that Joel would choose Cassandra over himself.

12:00-1:00 AM: Jared told Phil it’s so annoying because Joel goes between both groups. Jared said Joel has played the game well and doesn’t do what anyone tells him to do, opting to do what is best for his own game. Phil said he hopes that it is not he or Kelsey walking out right after Jared if he were to leave tomorrow. Jared said he would love for Cassandra to be the next to go, following by Nikki and Joel. Jared said saving Tim until the end would guarantee that Kelsey or the brothers wins the $100,000. Jared said Tim would deserve $20,000 if he is able to make it to the Final 2.

1:00-2:00 AM: Joel let Cassandra and Tim know that he will be informing Jared of which way he is voting tomorrow prior to the eviction taking place. Joel clarified that he will be voting to evict Jared.

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