BBCAN5 Day 11

March 21, 2017

11:00-12:00 PM: Dallas let Ika know that he plans to have a good chat with Demetres today. Ika suggested that he reiterate things with Demetres. Dallas said he will not go back on what he said. Ika explained the sketchy part is that Dillon and Emily are claiming that it was fake. Dallas suggested that they showed their cards based on the expressions on their faces when he made that speech. Dallas said they can get Emily out of the house and then work on targeting Dillon next. Ika said she believes that Dallas is staying as of right now. In the kitchen, Jackie asked Demetres if he believes that the Dallas and Dillon incident was real or fake. Demetres said it doesn’t really matter either way. Demetres figured it was real to an extent. Demetres said there are pros and cons to both decisions. He said leaving Dillon in the game would result in him having two players after him. On the other hand, Demetres said Dallas is a big player but he does not think that Dallas would come after him. Dallas then pulled Demetres aside to talk. He assured Demetres that what happened yesterday was 100% real. Demetres said he believes it. Dallas said he will do whatever he can to win HoH in order to keep Cassandra, Demetres and Ika safe. Demetres said he believes Dallas would not be after him next week. Dallas said he doesn’t want to be sent home for making an emotional decision to vote for Mark. Demetres said Dallas would be being sent home for associating himself with Dillon when he came into the house. He added that he also has to beat Dallas in order to win the game. Dallas argued that it is still early and they can work together for now. Dallas said he is willing to make a Final 4 with Demetres, Cassandra and Ika. Demetres said there is a lot of time go and he cannot promise anything. Dallas asked if Demetres can allow the house to vote whichever way they want. Demetres said yes.

1:00-2:00 PM: Dallas told Dre, Emily and William that Demetres is flip flopping between keeping him or sending him home. He said he will nominate Dillon and then he is willing to nominate Bruno, Kevin or whoever they want as the second nominee. Dallas said Cassandra is on board with it too, as is Ika. Dallas pointed out that Demetres will be too focused on Dillon to come after them even if they go against his wishes. Dallas reiterated that he has no problem taking the first swing at the vets. Dre asked which vet Dallas thinks is the most sketchy. Dallas said it is either Bruno or Sindy for him personally, but he will go after any of them. Dallas said this is the last pitch he will make to them until the day of the eviction. Jackie said she feels good about the chances of Demetres wanting to keep Dallas around.

2:00-3:00 PM: Emily asked Demetres how much he trusts Dallas. Demetres said he believes that Dallas will not nominate him if he wins HoH next week. Demetres thinks Dallas will go after Dillon. Emily asked if Demetres believes Dallas would really flip on Dillon like that. Demetres said yes. Emily said she knows Dallas and Dillon have a Final 2. Demetres argued that Dillon would be the only person after him if Dallas stays. Demetres explained that he has deals in place with Dallas. Demetres said he wants to hear Dillon say he will not put him on the block, then he will consider keeping Emily. Emily said she can control Dillon. Emily then grabbed Dillon. Demetres told Dillon he expects to have a lot of pull this week in terms of where the votes go. Dillon agreed that he would. Demetres said he is willing to consider keeping Emily if they can cut a deal. Dillon said he will not nominate Demetres when he wins HoH whether it is this week or four weeks from now, as long as they can keep Emily. Demetres said he would definitely lean towards keeping Emily then. Emily said Demetres is 100% safe with her as well. Demetres said he cannot promise anything right now.

3:00-4:00 PM: Cassandra told Jackie that Dillon and Emily will make a deal with Demetres that they will not come after him if he keeps Emily safe this week. Cassandra and Jackie think that everyone is on board with keeping Dallas right now. Cassandra said Dallas is dumb because he is not sticking with Demetres lately. Jackie said she has a good feeling that Demetres will want Emily out over Dallas. Jackie told Cassandra she will have a huge target on her back if she does not vote the way that Demetres wants this week, but she thinks they have the votes anyway. Jackie asked if Ika is in. Cassandra said Ika told her this morning that she is. Cassandra asked Jackie who she would nominate if she were to win HoH next week. Jackie said she is thinking of nominating Bruno and Sindy. Cassandra headed up to the HoH room to inform Dallas that Bruno and Demetres are game talking and they stopped talking when she walked by. Dallas said Bruno is down with what the house wants. Dallas worried that Demetres will decide that it’s not best to keep him. Cassandra suggested that Dallas go suck up to Demetres. Cassandra said she will have to go with the house and she cannot be the only vote. If Dallas has the numbers, Cassandra said she will 100% vote to keep him. Out in the backyard, Ika told Sindy that Cassandra is fighting to have Dallas stay. Ika said Dallas has got to go. She let Sindy know that she is trying to see what Cassandra has up her sleeve by saying Dallas really has to stay. Ika then told Sindy that Dre let her know Emily is coming after the two of them.

5:00-6:00 PM: Demetres told Ika that Dillon looked him in the eyes and promised not to nominate him during his first HoH reign. Demetres considered getting Dillon to swear on his niece to solidify it. Demetres wondered who Dillon would nominate if he doesn’t come after him. Ika said Dillon talked about wanting to make a big move. She thought that it could possibly be Kevin and Bruno. Ika let Demetres know that Dillon admitted he is just saying he planned the fight with Dallas so that people will vote to evict Dallas. Ika said Dillon proposed that she and Neda should work together with him and Emily. Ika told Demetres that Dillon said he has a good relationship with Bruno and Kevin. They talked about how Bruno and Kevin are close with everyone. They agreed that those two are loyal to them. Ika said Dre really trusts her and has told her that she wants to go after Bruno and Kevin. Ika told Demetres she knows for a fact that the two of them and Neda would be safe if Dre were to win HoH. Demetres thinks they could talk Karen into going after Dillon if she wins. Ika worried that Cassandra would try to form something with Dillon once Dallas leaves. Demetres thinks Cassandra still feels pretty tight with him. He isn’t sure that he wants Cassandra to go next week. Ika said she feels good with anyone but Dillon or Emily winning HoH next week. Demetres agreed.

6:00-7:00 PM: Ika asked Dre if she is wanting to nominate Bruno and Kevin. Dre confirmed that she is. Ika asked if Dre feels Emily is the bigger threat than those two. Dre responded with “never”. Ika said Dre would be leaving Dillon and Emily in the house if she were to nominate Bruno and Kevin. Ika suggested nominating one from each pair, then it looks like she is targeting couples. Ika explained that she would have a replacement nominee option as well then. Up in the HoH room, Bruno, Kevin and Sindy talked things over. Kevin mentioned Emily told him that Cassandra tried to make a Final 2 deal with her last night, even though she has been campaigning for Emily to go. Kevin said he would like to call Cassandra out and tell her that she is his target, because Cassandra saying they have a Final 2 deal is damaging his game. Bruno and Sindy discussed that nobody is going after people like Dre and William. Bruno said those are the biggest threats in the game.

10:00-11:00 PM: Cassandra told Ika they should speak to Demetres and bring up that they fought hard for him last week, now he is paying them back by keeping someone who will target the two of them. Ika suggested that Sindy is in Demetres’ ear and she has influence over him. Gary joined them. He said he feels bad because Dallas gave him a t-shirt and brought up a lot of great points. Specifically, Gary noted that Dallas said the vets would have an 8 on 5 advantage in the HoH competition if he were to stay. Gary said Dallas told him he doesn’t feel like he can trust Sindy. The three discussed that Dillon said he would stay close to Dallas on purpose in order to make it seem as though what Dallas did yesterday was fake.

11:00-12:00 AM: Cassandra and Ika headed up to the HoH room to speak to Demetres. Cassandra said she and Ika stuck their necks out so much for Demetres last week, yet now he is getting rid of Dallas who will never go against any of the three of them in favour of Emily whose #1 ally is clearly after Demetres. Cassandra asked Demetres to trust the two people that had his back last week when no one else would. Demetres argued that Emily will not win anything anyway. Cassandra mentioned that Dillon probably made a deal with Demetres not to nominate him, but that doesn’t mean he will not nominate her or Ika. Demetres said Dillon and Emily will nominate him. Cassandra pointed out that Dallas is good at competitions and he will not nominate Demetres if he wins. Ika asked if Sindy is influencing Demetres at all. Demetres said he will do what is best for his game. He explained that his initial gut instinct was to target Dallas as soon as he lost the veto competition to Dillon. Cassandra questioned why Demetres would not attempt to take Dillon’s girl out. She acknowledged that getting a strong guy out is the alpha male move, but said the “little girl” is attached to the big boxer. Ika added that girls can control guys just like Sindy is doing with Demetres. The two girls went on to tease Demetres about Sindy. Sindy admitted to having a crush on Demetres. The girls joked that they do not feel important to Demetres anymore now that he has Sindy. After Cassandra left, Ika apologized to Demetres. She said Cassandra wanted to talk to him. Ika said the plan worked since people are now thinking Sindy has Demetres wrapped around his finger, making Sindy shoulder the blame for them. Demetres and Ika then discussed their options for this week. While they were consistent in saying that Dallas has to go, they went over many points as to why it would be beneficial to keep him. Ika figured it would look like a bad move to keep Emily if you were watching from home. She said the fact that Cassandra is campaigning so hard to keep Dallas shows that she is closer to him than she is to them, so they need to take Dallas out in order to make it easier to get her out later on. In the kitchen, Dre spoke to Jackie and William about how Emily threatened to nominate whoever does not vote for her to stay. Dre revealed that Emily said she is confident that she has the votes and that the three of them are the only ones not to pledge their vote to her at this point. Dre said they need Dallas to stay but she does not know if it can happen. All three agreed that they do not like how comfortable Jackie is. Jackie suggested that they talk to Demetres about that. Afterwards, Dallas told Jackie about his plan for nominations in the event that he stays. Dallas said he will nominate Dillon and Sindy, then nominate Demetres if the veto is used. Dallas told Cassandra he would backdoor either Bruno or Demetres. Cassandra told him to backdoor Bruno. Dallas agreed. Dallas said Bruno, Dillon andEmily have a side thing going on. Cassandra said she has told him that since Day 1. Jackie informed Cassandra and Dallas that Emily is saying she has everyone’s vote except for hers, Dre’s and William’s thus far.

12:00-1:00 AM: In the storage room, Dallas told Cassandra he doesn’t think there is a chance he will stay. Cassandra let Dallas know that Demetres said he is considering what she said. Dallas said Demetres is BSing her. Dallas revealed his plan to hold a house meeting tomorrow in order to call out Bruno and Sindy. Dallas said he will tell people that he can’t stand half of them anyway, so vote him out. He also wanted to ask them to do him a favour since he will commit suicide if he has to hear another word come out of Sindy’s mouth. After that, Dallas said he will go around the house with pots and pans saying “Sindy the fake! Sindy the snake!”. Dallas told Cassandra to stop campaigning for him since she is going to end up ruining her own game. Cassandra said Dallas will be out of the game if he calls a house meeting and does that. Dallas said he knows that but he is gone anyway. Dallas wants Cassandra to stay tight with Jackie. Dallas exposed a week one alliance he had with Bruno, Dillon, Kevin and Mark called “The Wise Guys”. Dallas asked Cassandra to campaign against him before he makes his speech, because he wanted to help lessen the target on her. Cassandra asked Dallas to give her a day to try to get the votes, then have the house meeting on Thursday if it is still not looking good. Dallas agreed.

1:00-2:00 AM: Cassandra asked Ika what is really going on with the vets. She wondered if they were all lying to her. Ika claimed she has been told the same things. Cassandra said it is reassuring to have Ika as a friend and know that she is 100% loyal and vice versa. Ika agreed. She suggested they talk to Demetres in order to have a heart to heart as opposed to the less serious talk that they had with him earlier this evening. Cassandra and Ika agreed that Demetres wants Dallas to go but he does not want to tell them. Ika said she thinks she needs to sit Demetres down to talk about the Sindy situation, since Sindy really does like him. Just before Cassandra and Ika left the have-not room to talk, Sindy was being teased about liking Demetres. Ika said she would feel like sloppy seconds if she were Demetres, because SIndy was all about Mark while he was in the house. Sindy insisted that she flirted with Demetres even prior to Mark leaving. Sindy became frustrated with the girls and commented on how she guesses they know who she likes. Ika then headed to talk to Demetres about Sindy. Feeds were down for the conversation.

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