BBCAN5 Day 12

March 22, 2017

9:00-10:00 AM: Ika told Gary she is staying away from Demetres because Sindy has made it clear that she actually likes him. Gary said he is not going to stop flirting with Demetres. Ika said Gary is fine but she will have to back off. Ika thinks Sindy feels some type of way about her. Gary said Dallas hates Sindy as well. Ika said Cassandra lies in order to make her not like people. Ika let Gary know that Jackie just told her Emily came up to her, Dre and William to say that they are pickoff of the vets. Ika said Emily listed off her, Kevin and Sindy as her targets. Gary asked if Ika wants to get Emily out since she is coming after her. Ika said she wanted Emily out but she is taking Gary’s advice not to stick her neck out. Ika figured she would have the votes over Kevin or Sindy. Gary said Dallas would never do this to Ika. Ika agreed but pointed out that Gary suggested she not fight for Dallas. Ika said she will nominate Emily and Dillon if she wins HoH. Gary said the same.

10:00-11:00 AM: Dre told Gary and Ika about her talk with Emily. Dre said Emily is claiming she has all of the votes except for hers, Jackie’s and William’s. Dre explained she didn’t want to give her word and then have to go back on it, so she wants to see how the house is voting. Dre and Gary agreed it is obvious that Emily is talking to them only because she is on the block. Ika then spoke to Jackie, telling her that she will talk to Demetres to see what he wants to have happen with regards to the vote. Ika said hopefully Demetres will want Emily to go. Cassandra, Dallas and Dre the entered the room. Dallas swore on his mother’s life that he will not go back to Dillon if he stays. He told Cassandra, Dre, Ika and Jackie that he has the four of them, then he needs Gary, William and one other person. Dallas said he feels that there is a lot of uncertainty with regards to the vote. Jackie said that’s because Demetres is flip flopping. Dallas let Jackie know that Demetres came to him 15 minutes before the veto ceremony and said he was going to put her up. Dallas thinks that Sindy got into his ear to change that. Dallas said he will talk to Neda in attempt to get the 7th vote that he needs. Dallas claimed he will set the house on fire if he leaves. Dallas called Bruno sketchy and said he is working with Dillon and Emily. Afterwards, Dre told Ika that keeping Dallas is best. Ika agreed but said she knows that Dallas does not have Neda’s vote. Dallas then spoke to Ika, telling her that he plans to put everyone but Cassandra, Dre, Gary, Jackie and William on blast if he finds out that he does not have the votes. Dallas wondered if he should go put Dillon on blast right now. Ika told Dallas that people need to be honest and let Demetres know that they want Emily gone. Ika said she thinks Dallas is leaving because of Cassandra, not because of him, since people do not want to make Cassandra stronger by building an army for her. Gary then spoke to Ika. He told Ika that Dallas will have the votes to stay now that Emily threatened Jackie and the French connection. Ika disagreed. She asked Gary to let her know which way he is voting. In the HoH room, Cassandra told Jackie that Bruno and Kevin are the two sketchiest people in the house, so the two of them need to make a fake four person alliance with them. Cassandra said they can make a deal to have each other’s backs if they win HoH. Jackie wondered if the guys would tell Neda about the deal. Cassandra thinks Bruno has kept quiet about her talk with him the other night, therefore he will not tell. Cassandra said they need to keep Dallas. Jackie didn’t want to go back on her word to vote however Demetres wants. Cassandra let Jackie know that 15 minutes before the veto ceremony Demetres told Dallas that he was going to nominate Jackie, so he lied to her too. Kevin joined them. Cassandra asked if Bruno would be down with working together as a four. Kevin said he knows Bruno and Cassandra have had their issues. Cassandra said she thinks they could do well together. Kevin said they should meet up. Downstairs, Dallas called Dillon out for lying to people by saying that they knew each other outside of the house. The two shouted and swore back and forth at each other. Dillon swore on his niece that he did not say he knew Dallas prior to entering the house. Dillon said the only one he knew outside of the house is Bruno, because they are Facebook friends. Dillon clarified that they had never met. Dallas said it makes a lot of sense that Bruno and Dillon know each other, since the two of them and Emily are always together. Dallas said Dillon had better pray that he goes home this week, otherwise he will knock him out of the game.

11:00-12:00 PM: Ika asked Gary what he wants to have happen. Gary said he wants Dallas to go. He then said Dallas would not come after them. Ika agreed that he is not. Gary asked Ika to convince Demetres that Dallas will not come after him. Ika said Demetres will not listen to him. Cassandra asked Emily if she and Dillon would be willing to keep her safe. Emily said if she votes to keep her safe. However, Emily said she has heard from a couple of people that Cassandra is campaigning pretty hard against her. Cassandra said she is staying out of it and not sticking her neck out. Emily asked if Dallas has Cassandra’s vote. Cassandra said she cannot keep a loose cannon like Dallas, but she is going to go with the house. After Emily left, Cassandra told Neda that they need vets in jury. Neda agreed and said the newbies will not vote for a vet to win the game. Cassandra said it will be embarrassing if a vet doesn’t win the season. Neda said it sucks because she actually really enjoys Dallas. Cassandra said he is loyal. She told Neda they only need seven votes but she doesn’t want it to be a split vote. Cassandra listed off Ika, Gary, Dre, Jackie, William and herself as votes to keep Dallas. Cassandra said she wants Dallas to stay because he was on her season and brings her comfort, but she is not going to stick her neck out for him. Cassandra said she wants the females to stick together and go far. She also said the vets need to stick together. Neda agreed. Elsewhere, William said he is scared that Dallas would come after him. Jackie said Cassandra will be able to talk him out of it. Jackie figured that it would be good if they let Demetres know that Emily has been threatening them and that she said she will be targeting two of the female vets. Jackie told William that she would like to go to the Final 3 with him and with Dre. She said she would be willing to cut Cassandra for either of them.

12:00-1:00 PM: Demetres told Bruno that he can’t blame Dallas for trying. Bruno said it seems like he shot himself in the foot by doing that. Bruno wondered how he ended up getting dragged into it. Bruno revealed that Cassandra came to him and said the two of them, Jackie and Kevin have to talk later. Bruno and Demetres agreed that Cassandra is offering deals to everyone. In the storage room, Cassandra told Dillon that she no longer wants Dallas to stay after his blowup. She said Dallas will do the same thing to her. Cassandra told Dillon she needs a guy to win competitions for her. Dillon brought up that Cassandra has been campaigning for Emily to go. Cassandra explained that she was working with Dallas but she is done with him now. She added that she is loyal to a fault and she thought that Dallas was one of her people. Meanwhile, Jackie told Emily that she was apparently supposed to go on the block against her until 15 minutes prior to the veto ceremony. Jackie figured that’s a good thing for Emily since it must mean that Demetres wanted Dallas to go. Emily asked Jackie if she is with Dallas. Jackie said she doesn’t know anymore after everything that just happened. Jackie asked Emily who she and Dillon would nominate. Emily said whoever votes against her. Jackie said she wants to be able to give Emily an answer about her vote but she is waiting for Demetres to get back to her. Jackie then went to Demetres. He said it seems like the house is on board with voting Dallas out. Bruno, Demetres and Ika then talked things over. They agreed that Dallas has got to go.

1:00-2:00 PM: Ika told Demetres that if she gets HoH, she would like to have everyone wear black. She then wants to say it is Emily’s wake, and next week she is going to bury her. Ika said she doesn’t want Bruno to nominate Dre or William when they are not coming after them. Demetres figured they could talk him out of that move. Ika hoped she could talk Dre out of nominating both Bruno and Kevin. Demetres and Ika discussed that people are going to go home and see that Demetres is deliberately putting a target on Sindy, not Ika, and that Ika was really the one working closest alongside Demetres. In the bedroom, Dre told Neda that Dallas has not mentioned her name. Neda said it’s because he can’t right now. Dre said she wouldn’t mind keeping Cassandra around as a shield, but she would cut her if needed. Dre said her priorities are William, Neda and Ika. Dre said she believes that keeping Dallas would be best for them. Dre brought up that Emily threatened her. Neda said she thinks Demetres doesn’t even know what he wants to do yet, so it will probably flip back and forth a few times. Dre said she understands that Dallas is Cassandra’s #1, but she really believes Dallas would go after Dillon. Neda said they already have Demetres and Dillon going after each other. Dre said they will not go after each other since they made a deal. Dre let Neda know that Emily listed off the female vets as her targets. Dre said she wanted to share her thoughts but she will vote with the house. Neda said she hates both nominees and does not know what she is going to do yet. Neda told Dre she is likely safe either way. In the HoH room, Cassandra asked Ika where Demetres’ head is at. Ika said she is working on figuring that out. Dallas entered the room. Cassandra said she needs to avoid Dallas because people associate the two of them with each other, and now she will have a target on her back because of what Dallas just did. Dallas said they should probably all stop campaigning for him at this point. After Dallas left, Ika told Cassandra that Demetres said he really values Neda’s opinion. Ika said the two of them may be on the wrong side with Demetres now. Ika swore to Cassandra that Demetres said he is going to make a deal with Dillon that they cannot nominate him or nominate Sindy if he keeps Emily in the house. Ika said she doesn’t know how they got here, saving Demetres only to lose him to Neda and Sindy. Ika asked Cassandra what they should do if they win HoH. Cassandra said Bruno and Kevin are going to lie through their teeth. She suggested cutting a deal with Dillon and Emily, then telling Neda and Sindy that they want to go to the end with the girls. Cassandra said Dallas is an idiot for what he did today. She said he can go because he is a loose cannon.

2:00-3:00 PM: Cassandra told Ika that they should nominate Bruno and Kevin next to each other, using Sindy as the replacement nominee if needed. She said the BBCAN3 alliance needs to be broken up. Cassandra said Dallas screwed himself by blowing up on Dillon today. She figured that he would have stayed otherwise. Jackie joined the girls. She let them know that Demetres said Dallas is leaving. In the storage room, Neda told Demetres that he needs to go with his gut instinct. Demetres said it was so clear to him what needed to be done at the time, referring to Dallas needing to go. Demetres said Cassandra is making deals with everyone, making it as if she is making deals with no one since it’s the same for everyone. Demetres is concerned that Cassandra can rally up the newbies because she is very convincing. In particular, they worried that Cassandra could rally up the French Connection. The two agreed that they are making the right decision by targeting Dallas.

5:00-6:00 PM: Feeds were down for a while as the houseguests participated in a group task. When they returned, Dallas was campaigning to Sindy. Dallas said he wants to know if he is going home. Sindy said they are still team vet. Dallas admitted he doesn’t think that is authentic even though he has heard that elsewhere. Dallas told Sindy he believes that Demetres wants him out. Dallas mentioned that Demetres changed his mind about nominating Jackie at the last minute. Dallas observed Demetres and Sindy talk just prior to the veto ceremony. He asked Sindy if she played a part in getting him on the block. Sindy said no. She said she likes Demetres but there is not a lot of game talk between the two of them. Sindy said the last she heard was that Jackie was going on the block. She told Dallas that she also heard Emily is going home. Dallas asked Sindy if he has her vote. Sindy said she is still team vet as of right now. In the HoH room, Ika told Bruno that Cassandra is planning to bring Dillon, Emily and herself in to work alongside of her and Jackie if Dallas leaves. Ika then revealed that Cassandra said they should nominate Bruno and Kevin, targeting Bruno. Ika warned Bruno that Dre, Jackie and William have also mentioned targeting him. Ika suggested that Cassandra is the leader of that group. Both agreed that Cassandra has got to go. Ika proposed throwing a couple of votes against Emily so that Dillon and Emily would have people to target. Ika figures that Cassandra, Jackie, Dre and William would take the blame for those votes. In the bedroom, Dallas campaigned to Neda using the same pitch that he made to Sindy. Dallas asked Neda if he has her vote. Neda assured Dallas that he has her vote unless everyone tells her that she will be the only person voting that way.

6:00-7:00 PM: Dallas headed to the have-not room. He told Cassandra, Dre and Jackie that both Neda and Sindy looked him in the face and told him that he has their votes. Dallas wasn’t sure if they were being honest. Cassandra pointed out that Demetres does not want Dallas to stay. She said she has no clue what to think right now, but she is getting the impression that Dallas has no shot at staying. Dallas then campaigned to Kevin. He said he had another blowup with Dillon today in order to show that it was not fake. Dallas said he is a bit worried that Emily told Dre, Jackie and William that they are the only three not to have promised her a vote. Kevin said he explicitly told Emily that he cannot tell her 100% which way he is voting because he needs more time to think it through. Kevin told Dallas the same thing. Kevin said he would never blindside Dallas and he will let him know if he is voting him out. In the other bedroom, Gary told William that he thinks Dallas will be after the two of them. William disagreed but said he thinks Dallas will be targeted. Gary told William that the house is flipping and Emily is going to stay. Gary made plans to later confirm the vote with William once he gets more information. Gary asked William if he is his #1. William said Dre is. He then backtracked and said Gary is an equal. Gary told William that his feelings are hurt and that means he will have to find himself a #1 too. Will called Gary his “1.1”. Gary said he wants to be #1. William said he cannot have two #1s. Gary admitted to being a very selfish person who wants people to be 100% devoted to him. Gary told William not to tell anything he says to Dre. However, he told William to tell him what Dre says. Gary said he would like to see Dallas leave this week, though he does not want to get in the middle of it. Gary suggested that Cassandra will be pissed off and come after them once Dallas leaves. Gary explained to William that Neda is a mastermind who controls a lot of people. Gary said he is on Neda’s radar because he is not someone who will listen to Neda. Back in the HoH room, Bruno and Ika discussed that Dallas would be better for their individual games. The problem is, they both believe that leaving Dallas in the game would give Cassandra too much power. For that reason, they agreed that Dallas has to go. Ika worried that everyone is looking at Dillon and Emily as free agents as opposed to targets. Bruno hopes that they can change that. In the have-not room, Emily told Cassandra it was weird to have a conversation about working together and then see her talking to Dallas and campaigning for him. Cassandra said she asked if they can work together if she votes to keep Emily. Cassandra explained that they both needed to get something out of it. Cassandra said she’s sorry she even had a conversation with Emily. Emily said Cassandra will not fess up to campaigning against her. Cassandra said she did it but she did not campaign yesterday or today. Emily said she thinks that is in Cassandra’s best interest. Cassandra said she is not campaigning. She told Emily that the way Dallas acted today made him someone that she does not necessarily want to work with.

7:00-8:00 PM: Emily told Dillon that she is definitely going to go after Cassandra if she stays in the house. Emily said Cassandra is so fake. Dillon told Emily about his talk with Cassandra. He said he doesn’t care how Cassandra is as long as she is another vote for Emily to stay. Dillon mentioned that he may poke at Dallas tomorrow when no one is watching, in hope of getting him to blow up again. In the have-not room, Bruno, Cassandra and Jackie met up to discuss working together with Kevin in a group of four. After Bruno left, Cassandra and Jackie talked about nominate Dillon and Emily next to each other now that they made that agreement with Bruno and Kevin. In the bathroom, Dre asked Ika if Neda is keeping Dallas. Ika said no. She told Dre that she doesn’t think people are being honest with Dallas. Ika told Dre that Emily needs to go on the block if they win HoH. She continued to try to sway Dre away from nominating Bruno and Kevin together. Ika also looked to turn Dre on Cassandra. She told Dre that Cassandra does not care about her or William, but rather she looks at them as numbers. Ika told Dre not to let Cassandra manipulate her.

8:00-9:00 PM: Cassandra asked Dallas if people are still lying to him. He said he doesn’t know if they are lying. Cassandra told Dallas he does not have the votes and he will be leaving tomorrow. Dallas said it is not an unreachable goal. Cassandra said Dallas will need to get people to speak up then. She suggested that he talk to Karen again. Dallas did just that. As Cassandra suggested, he offered Karen safety until the Final 6 if she were to vote his way this week. Karen felt as though Dallas had deals with many people around the house and therefore he would not be able to honour it. Dallas said that is not true. He told Karen that he can be a meat shield for her. Dallas insisted that he would be targeting Dillon. Karen worried that she has been hearing her name thrown out there a lot, particularly as a second nominee next to Dillon. Karen asked Dallas who he would nominate. Dallas said he has to nominate Dillon. Other than that, Dallas said he feels sketchy about Sindy. Karen still thought that Dallas would come after her. He said there is no point in targeting a 53 year old woman. On the other hand, Dallas said Dillon and Emily would nominate Karen. She said she will be on the block regardless.

9:00-10:00 PM: Gary quickly spoke to Kevin about the vote. He said Dallas is not coming after him, but Neda and Sindy are not going to vote to keep him. Kevin said he doesn’t want to stick his neck out for Dallas. Gary agreed. Kevin said he thinks people are going to vote to evict Dallas, so there is no need to campaign. Cassandra joined them. Gary left. She said everyone wants Dallas to stay but they are too afraid to say it. Cassandra told Kevin that Bruno is down with the four person group with Jackie and herself. The two agreed that they cannot stick their necks out for Dallas. Cassandra mentioned that Dallas wants to get a group together to talk about the votes once the backyard opens. Cassandra then went to tell Ika that they need to have a vets meeting. Not long after, the backyard opened. Ika told Gary that Cassandra is becoming the Dillon of the house in that nobody likes her. Gary said she might go next week but he would like to see Dillon go first. Ika agreed and added that Cassandra is not after the two of them. In the storage room, Dallas told Jackie that he is going to call a house meeting in order to call Emily out for calling out Dre and others about their votes. Jackie told Dallas to talk to Dre and William beforehand, because he can’t put a target on their backs. Dallas said he will. He expected that his plan would end Emily’s game. Dallas was then called to the diary room. Dallas came out with a card in his hand, which he had taken from the task earlier in the day. Dallas pretended to read the card, saying that there is no place for intimidation and threats in the house. He went on to say that Emily has done just that. Dallas pointed out that Emily cornered both Dre and William, saying she will go after them if they do not vote for her. Dre spoke up very quickly to say that she is not okay with what Dallas is doing. Dre said she would have addressed that herself if she felt that it needed to be addressed. Dre was also upset that Dallas mentioned William’s name. The meeting quickly broke up. Dre told Dallas that what he did was not okay. William said Dallas made them look like fools and blew up their games to some extent. Dre left the room and said that Dallas can go now. Dre said she did not need the whole house to know about what Emily said to her. Jackie went to Dallas and angrily said that she told him he should ask Dre and William for permission. Dallas apologized. He told everyone to vote him out. He promised to clear things up for everyone.

10:00-11:00 PM: Dallas spoke to Dillon, Emily and Neda. He told them not to target Dre and William. He explained that he heard about this information through the grapevine, not through them directly. Dallas told the group to make it a unanimous vote and send him home. He said he cannot handle the pressure. Dallas apologized to everyone again. Kevin let Dallas know that he has to vote him out. Dallas said it will be unanimous. He told Kevin that he is still his favourite player. Dre spoke to Dallas in hope of finding out who told him what she had said about Emily. Dallas would not say. She asked if it was Cassandra or Jackie. Dallas said it was actually neither of them. Dre said she doesn’t know if Dallas was trying to save her, but she would have called Jesus if she needed a saviour. Dallas said sorry and told her that he will clear things up for her before he walks out the door. Bruno approached Karen in hope of smoothing things over with her. Bruno promised not to put her on the block. He said they are the two oldest people in the house and he genuinely wants to work with her. The two eventually agreed not to nominate or backdoor each other. Karen asked Bruno who he is targeting. Bruno listed off Emily and Dillon. He also said he would be willing to target some vets.

12:00-1:00 AM: Dillon spoke to Bruno and Emily about creating a five person alliance between the three of them, Kevin and Neda. Dillon said they can cruise through the game if they remain loyal to it. Dillon said Cassandra is going next week. Bruno said Cassandra is making Final 4 deals with everybody. Dillon said Cassandra and Jackie will be on the block together. Bruno agreed 100%. Dillon asked if he should take a shot back at Demetres. Emily said you don’t to do that and then have it backfire. Dillon figured that he would somewhat be back on good terms with Demetres if he didn’t nominate him.

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