BBCAN5 Day 18

March 28, 2017

10:00-11:00 AM: In the bedroom, Kevin told Neda that everyone seems to be on the same page for next week. Neda thinks everyone would nominate Dre and William. Kevin said he will have to nominate Dre and Karen. In the HoH room, Ika told Neda that Dre spoke to her last night with regards to her denying that she was campaigning for Cassandra. She asked Neda if she believes what Dre had to say. Neda said no. She told Ika that Dre was just covering her own butt. Neda told Ika that Cassandra is jabbing at everyone, so she finally made a jab towards her. Neda said Cassandra made a comment that she needs to get off of her high horse when this immunity ends. Ika said Cassandra has got to go. In the pantry, Cassandra told Dre she wants to know if Gary is lying. She asked if Gary actually brought a group together to discuss keeping her last night. Dre confirmed that Gary did indeed do that. Cassandra said Ika is saying she doesn’t know if people are telling the truth about keeping her. Cassandra asked Dre to tell Ika that she is keeping her if she asks. Cassandra believes that she has a chance to get the votes, even though she thought that there was no chance just a day ago. Dre agreed. Kevin and William discussed the plan for next week. Kevin said he wants to go after Karen because she will take a shot at him. He also said Karen will float all the way to the Final 4, taking one of their spots, if nobody takes her out. William said he is scared that Dre could be in trouble and then he will be used as a pawn next to her. Kevin agreed that William will likely go up next to Dre. Kevin clarified that he would never nominate William. Kevin said he would love to work with Dre but he is scared to do so because of Cassandra. Kevin assured William that people are more scared of Dre than of him. William said he still doesn’t want to be the pawn. William asked if other people are after Karen. Kevin said he doesn’t think that anyone else will. William agreed. Kevin told William that the returning houseguests are vicious and all really want to win. Kevin said he doesn’t think Bruno would go after him, nor would Sindy. He mentioned Neda didn’t go after him either, though he doesn’t fully trust those three.

12:00-1:00 PM: Up in the HoH room, Ika asked Cassandra if she is okay. Cassandra said nobody talks to her. She mentioned that keeping her would be good since nobody wants to associate with her. Ika asked Cassandra whose true colours she is seeing now that her back is against the wall. Cassandra said she sees Neda is really rude. Cassandra observed that Emily and Dillon are so comfortable. Cassandra said Karen is great and a nice person. Cassandra told Ika that she loves Dre and William. They agreed that Gary is awesome. Ika mentioned that Gary brought them all together and said the other side is getting what they want every week, taking out people that are on their side. Cassandra told Ika that they have the votes as long as she and Demetres are on board. Ika said she is trying to talk to him. Ika didn’t understand why Neda didn’t care about the Wise Guys alliance. Cassandra said it’s because Neda is now in with those guys. Ika told Cassandra she will keep her if she has the votes. Ika said it’s a good thing that William thinks Neda made up the story about Cassandra throwing him under the bus. Ika said Jackie is really annoying.

2:00-3:00 PM: Ika told Neda that she let Cassandra know she will not be getting her vote since Jackie has been telling her everything that Cassandra said about her while they were friends. Neda said Cassandra’s goal is to ruin their games before she leaves. Ika said she honestly thought Cassandra wanted to work with but they were not letting things go. Neda said Cassandra is evil.

3:00-4:00 PM: Dre told Ika she shouldn’t let the information that Jackie is telling her about Cassandra get to her. Dre said voting Cassandra out is enough. Ika said Jackie told her Cassandra called her Neda’s earpiece, since she gathers information and brings it back to Neda. Ika said Cassandra told Jackie this at a point when they were all cool. Dre said she doesn’t know if what Jackie is saying is true. Dre asked Ika not to believe everything that Jackie says. Ika said she doesn’t trust Jackie. Gary joined them. Gary said a lot of people will pin things on Cassandra now that she is leaving. Gary told Ika not to believe what Jackie is saying. Gary said she doesn’t agree with Ika’s method of telling Cassandra she is voting her out. Gary pointed out that Cassandra could return. Ika said Cassandra’s soul is black. She said the same about Jackie. Ika said she is not willing to work with Jackie even as a number. Ika explained that Jackie will not work with anyone who is not in power. Gary said Cassandra will not go after Ika. Ika said Cassandra is a stressful person, is bad for their games, is not a good number, and they will be gone when Cassandra campaigns against them. Dre said she strongly believes that Cassandra was not coming after Ika. Gary agreed. He told her not to burn that bridge. Ika said she will set fire to that bridge. Ika said Cassandra is annoying and sucks at the game. After Gary left, Ika told Dre she let Gary know that he would probably be the replacement nominee. She said she thinks that is why Gary went and threw Dre under the bus to Neda. Dre said she likes Gary but she will have that in the back of her mind now.

4:00-5:00 PM: Jackie told Bruno and Sindy that Cassandra apparently pulled four or five people together last night in hope of rallying votes. Sindy said she heard Gary talking in the bathroom last night and she overheard him asking Dre how to say “The Five” in French. Sindy said they then called themselves “La Cinq”. Bruno, Jackie and Sindy discussed that Gary, Dre, William and Cassandra must be in that group. Both Bruno and Sindy assured Jackie that she has their votes. They said there is nothing that Cassandra could do to change that. After Jackie left, Bruno and Sindy continued to discuss “The Five”. Bruno asked if Demetres and Ika could have been involved. Sindy said she didn’t hear them. Bruno said those two are always up super late. Sindy then headed to the HoH room to tell Neda about La Cinq. Neda figured that the fifth member would have been Karen. Neda said Karen has been mentioning that she believes Cassandra. Neda wondered who that group thinks they can pull in for the vote. They decided that it must be Ika and Demetres. Neda assumes Dre told Jackie about the alliance because she knows they cannot get the votes and therefore she wants to build a relationship with Jackie.

5:00-6:00 PM: Neda told Ika and Demetres that Sindy overheard Gary asking Dre how to say “The Five” in French. She explained that there is a five person alliance between Gary, Dre, William, Karen and Cassandra. Ika asked who Karen is lying to in terms of her vote. Neda said Karen is lying to both nominees for now until she figures out which way the house is voting. Neda said Dre cannot be trusted since she went to Jackie with the information about the alliance. Neda clarified that Jackie did not reveal who came to her with the information about the alliance. After Neda left, Ika told Demetres the funny thing is that they were gathered last night when Cassandra was trying to rally the votes. Ika said she would have mentioned it but she didn’t think it was a big deal. Ika figured Demetres and herself were included in La Cinq. Demetres said they didn’t have anything to do with it. Ika said they will look sketchy if their allies find out that they were there. Demetres and Ika discussed that they cannot win HoH since they are safe on both sides right now.

8:00-9:00 PM: In the pantry, Cassandra told Karen they need to get Ika to switch her vote or else Jackie will be staying. Cassandra asked if Karen has talked to Ika. Karen said Ika told Cassandra that she is leaving. Cassandra said Ika keeps changing her mind. She mentioned that Jackie must have went to Ika today. Cassandra thinks Ika had a friendship with Neda since before this season and therefore she does not want to go against her. Cassandra then spoke to Gary. She wondered if she should approach Ika. Cassandra said Ika told her she doesn’t have her vote after Jackie went to her and told her stuff. Gary said there was a point today where Cassandra had both Demetres and Ika’s votes since he had worked on them. Gary suggested that they work on them at the end of the day. Cassandra let Gary know that Ika told Dre she is going to be the target next week. Cassandra said Dre doesn’t think that they can get Ika’s vote. Gary told Cassandra to stay away from Ika and Demetres for the rest of the day. He said he would work on getting Cassandra their votes.

9:00-10:00 PM: Out by the hot tub, William told Cassandra he is not trusting Jackie anymore since she is running around everywhere. William thinks she will run to the power every week. Cassandra said she is not like that, cause she is loyal to her people. William said he is disappointed in Jackie. They agreed that Jackie will not win the game if she keeps playing like this. Cassandra pointed out that Jackie was a key part of their side yet now she is at the bottom on the other side. Cassandra told William they need to win HoH and get Kevin, Bruno, Dillon or Emily out. Cassandra brought up that Ika told her she didn’t have her vote two nights ago, then she changed her mind this morning and then again went back to saying she is not voting for her after something Jackie said to her. Cassandra and William discussed that they thought they could trust Jackie. William said she is lost in the game. Out in the backyard, Neda told Kevin that Jackie said Cassandra pulled five people in to a group meeting last night. Neda said Sindy overheard Dre and Gary talking about “La Cinq” last night. Neda said the five are Cassandra, Karen, Gary, Dre and William. Neda explained that those five thought they could have the votes but Ika and Demetres would not ever do that. Neda said Dre told Jackie about it in hope of repairing their relationship. Kevin said he will nominate Dre and Karen if he wins HoH. Neda told Bruno and Kevin that they need to solidify their five with Dillon and Emily. Neda said Ika knows about it and is fine with them solidifying that. The five then met up. Dillon, Emily, Bruno, Kevin and Neda decided on an alliance name. They agreed to call the alliance “Black and Saints”. Neda told Dillon and Emily about La Cinq. In the bedroom, Kevin told William that a lot of people are threatened by Dre. He said William is likely to go up next to her. Kevin said he would not nominate William. Kevin told William he is in a really good spot since nobody will go after him over Dre. Kevin reiterated that he has to go after Karen since he will be her #1 target and because she will make it to the end if no one targets her. William let Kevin know that he should expect to go up next to Bruno if Dre wins HoH.

10:00-11:00 PM: In the bathroom, Ika asked Karen if she was mean to Kevin earlier. Karen admitted that she was not the nicest. She explained that Kevin is working against her and he is in a bunch of alliances. Karen brought up that Cassandra is convinced she has the votes. Ika said Cassandra is going home. Ika told Karen that arguing alongside Cassandra against someone else is going to make Karen a target. Karen said Kevin is working with too many people. Ika said that’s not their problem. Karen told Ika she believes Bruno, Kevin, Neda, Sindy, Dillon and Emily do have an alliance. Ika said they are always together. Karen wondered if voting Cassandra out is doing what Neda wants. Ika said she thought they were just going with the house. They agreed that it doesn’t necessarily matter if they go against the house when there is already a divide. Their talk was then broken up.

11:00-12:00 AM: Cassandra told Gary and Karen that William is 100% voting for her to stay. She mentioned William said he doesn’t trust Jackie. Cassandra said Demetres is scaring her. Gary said it’s because of his relationship with Bruno that his vote is in question. Cassandra agreed. Cassandra thinks they can get Ika back on board, though she is not sure about Demetres. Gary said Cassandra is in a relatively good spot since she really only needs to work on one person in Demetres. Gary said it’s because of the work that the two of them have put in. Gary told Cassandra he is worried that people are talking about how he has been working hard for her. Cassandra said people are mentioning Dre doing that but not him, so he should be okay. Cassandra said they have 24 hours left to work on the votes, otherwise Jackie will stay with the other side and they will be down another number. By the pool, Ika told Demetres that Cassandra really does seem to have four votes. The four are Dre, William, Gary and Karen. Ika clarified that they are not going to be keeping Cassandra. Demetres said he thought Cassandra did indeed have those votes. He said it makes sense for those people to keep Cassandra but it does not make sense for Ika and himself to do the same.

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