BBCAN5 Day 22 - Neda decides not to use the Power of Veto

April 1, 2017

8:00-9:00 AM: Karen told Demetres, Dre and Ika that the other side is acting really sketchy. She wondered if they are planning a backdoor. Ika said they are not going to do that. Ika said the other side is probably trying to create distrust amongst their side in order to get them to target each other. Karen said this would be the perfect opportunity for Neda to backdoor someone like Dillon. Demetres said she wouldn’t get to choose the replacement nominee. Karen said she didn’t vote for Dillon originally but she could now. Ika said the other side will turn on each other once two of them are put on the block and they have to campaign against each other. Karen said the other side sees themselves as the elite while they are just the peasants that the elite will never speak to again. Karen said the puppetmaster Geppetto, Neda, is running their side. Karen said eventually Pinocchio gets out on his own, though the people on that side don’t have any brains. Ika said she doesn’t get how Neda is able to vote for nominations and to play for HoH when she was just HoH. Ika said it is not fair and hopefully Neda isn’t actually playing for HoH this week. Dre said she is.

9:00-10:00 AM: Ika told Dre and Karen that Bruno, Kevin and Dillon have a little girl controlling them. Ika asked which is more dangerous, the person controlling them or the person being controlled. Karen said it’s the one controlling them. Ika said that side wants them to turn on each other so that they go to the other side if they win HoH. Karen said it will not happen. She said she hates Jackie and Kevin and therefore she will be putting them up on the block. Ika said that would be a good week. After Dre left, Karen said she does not want Gary to go. Ika said she doesn’t want him to go either but they do not have the numbers. Karen said if they get the opportunity to take Geppetto out, they have to take it. Neda let Kevin know that Gary pulled her aside yesterday and said he still believes in the two of them being Final 2 since they are the most deserving. Neda said Gary was swearing on everything that he did not campaign for Cassandra to stay. Neda told Kevin that Dillon let Dre know that Gary is going around campaigning and she gave no reaction. Kevin said Dre doesn’t care. Kevin admitted Gary was telling him that they can be there on finale night together. He added that Gary said he doesn’t want to play Neda’s game. They discussed that he has a deal to go to the end with everyone. Dre then spoke to Neda. Dre said she doesn’t expect Neda to use the veto. Dre said she has been a bit upset because she is on the block. Dre wanted Neda to know that she was being as honest as possible. Dre suggested that Neda is aligning herself with people with pretty faces and nice smiles. While Dre said she doesn’t have that, she said she was not lying and she did not campaign for Cassandra. Neda said Gary went up to everyone yesterday and swore on his family that Dre did all of the campaigning. Neda assured Dre that she wants to keep her around over Gary. Dre said she is continuing to hang around Gary because she doesn’t want him to know she is on to him. Neda said Gary will keep digging his own grave. Dre worried that people would believe Gary and Jackie more than her. Dre said she would expose Jackie when she has enough proof. Dre said Jackie is just a pretty face. Neda observed that Jackie sits back a lot and just listens. Bruno told Sindy he hasn’t had much time to sit down and chat with Ika. Sindy said the other side thinks Ika is with them since she is hanging out on that side, so they are spilling information to her. Sindy told Bruno that Ika is working on Dre and the others so that they do not go after Bruno and Kevin. Sindy said it will be best to have Ika on that side once Dre or Gary leave. Sindy suggested Ika is the reason that the other side went after Dillon and Emily over Bruno and Kevin. Neda joined them. She commented on how Jackie sits back and listens a lot. Bruno said they should get her talking more. Neda agreed. Bruno mentioned he is dead set on the six and he is blind to everything else.

10:00-11:00 AM: Bruno asked Neda about her talk with Ika. Neda said Ika knows she blew up her game. Bruno said that’s the way he sees it. Bruno informed Neda that Dillon and Emily want to target Ika and Demetres. Neda said that’s bad. She thinks Dre and William need to go before those two. Neda told Bruno that Dre needs to go first since she will nominate Bruno and Kevin.

11:00-12:00 PM: The veto ceremony took place. Neda decided not to use the Power of Veto. Dre and Gary remain nominated. Neda told Bruno that they will be okay once they get out Gary and then Dre. Neda said Ika will be super loyal once they get Dre out, because then she will have no one else. Bruno said he can see that too. They agreed that Ika is fine now and she will not come after them. Neda said keeping Ika and Demetres around is good since they will always be a target now that they are starting a showmance. Neda suggested that Bruno try to get Dillon and Emily to stop targeting those two. Bruno said he will try but he thinks it will be hard to get through to Dillon. Bruno told Neda he loves their group. Neda pointed out that her immunity ends in another week. Bruno said he will be fighting for Neda, winning HoHs and putting vetoes around her neck.

7:00-8:00 PM: Feeds returned after being down for nearly seven hours. The houseguests voted to decide the have-nots. They had to put cookies in the jars of the houseguests that they wanted to be on slop. Big Brother through a twist in there at the end, showing the houseguests who everyone voted for. On top of that, the houseguests with the fewest votes were made the have-nots for the week. Bruno, Demetres and William are have-nots for the second straight week. Bruno was furious about what happened. He told Kevin that he came back to play the game, not be a part of these gimmicks. Kevin said Bruno has to play Big Brother US. Kevin questioned how good players are supposed to make moves when things get flipped like that. Bruno said they cannot. Bruno told Kevin that he will sit on the couch, not say a word, and give them nothing anymore. Kevin pointed out that Gary isn’t on slop even though he got 48 cookies. They discussed that they had just built a relationship with Jackie and now she saw how they voted. Bruno said it’s so stupid that Gary is so protected. Elsewhere, Gary told Karen that since it’s backwards week, the person that gets voted out may get to stay. He said Ika keeps telling everyone that and he is not happy about it. Gary told Karen that he gave one to Neda, one to Jackie, and the rest to Neda. Gary told Karen that if he doesn’t get anything else from this experience, he is happy that he met her. Karen said the same to Gary. Gary said he knew something was up when it said to “say it out loud” while voting, so he didn’t say what he really wanted to say. Gary said Kevin got exposed. Gary said Kevin’s strategy game is still on and he wanted to be a have-not in order to get sympathy, so he gave himself chips. Karen said Kevin wanted to get in with them. Dre joined them. She said she gave hers to Gary because he laughed when William was on slop. Dre said she didn’t think anyone else would vote for Gary. Gary said Neda got mad at him for putting one chip in for her, yet she gave him all of her chips. He said Emily also gave him all of her chips, yet she got upset that he wasn’t giving her sympathy.

8:00-9:00 PM: Ika told Dre that she will have nobody if she leaves. Dre told Ika to make peace with Demetres. While placing his cookies into the jars during the have-not vote, Demetres is said to have joked that he likes seeing Ika pissed off, but he likes sharing a bed with her. Ika told Dre she will not make peace with Demetres. Ika said Demetres made her look stupid in front of Canada. Dre said it was a joke and Ika is acting like Gary. In the bedroom, Demetres told Bruno that Ika is mad about what he said and she will not even look at him. Demetres said he thought it was a joke and pretty funny, but he didn’t think Big Brother would end up showing it to everyone. In the pantry, Gary told Emily he didn’t campaign for Cassandra. He said if he gets voted out for that reason, the houseguests are idiots. Gary asked why Emily nominated him then. Emily said everyone told her that Gary was coming after her and Dillon. Gary said he didn’t tell anyone that. Gary admitted he felt that he didn’t connect with Emily since Week 1, so he did want her out at the time. Gary gave his word that he will not go after Emily. He said his word is all that he has in this game. Emily suggested that Gary talk to a lot of people this week because they don’t know what will end up happening.

9:00-10:00 PM: Neda let Ika know that she was talking to Bruno about ways to get Dillon and Emily to shift their target off of her and Demetres. Neda said she will drill into their heads that Ika and Demetres, another pair, will always be targets ahead of Dillon and Emily. Neda asked who she should say they are targeting. Ika said it will be easy to convince them that she is after Jackie now that she targeted her when trying to get her put on slop. Neda encouraged Ika to talk to Demetres. She said he is like a sad puppy. Ika said she is not speaking to him. She said she will be fine with him and wont evict him, though she does not want to talk to him. Elsewhere, Jackie told Sindy that Ika was the one person she did not want to have hate her, because of how she is. Jackie worried that a video clip of Ika going off about her will now be getting tons of hits. Sindy said there will be people taking Jackie’s side as well. She said it’s kind of flattering to have Ika against her. In the bathroom, Gary let Ika know that Jackie is coming for her and trying to make her out to be a mean girl. Gary mentioned Jackie saying that she doesn’t know if she will recover from this. Ika said Jackie can leave then, cause she isn’t going to stop.

10:00-11:00 PM: Ika told Dre she let Neda know that Dre would probably target Dillon and Emily. Dre said Ika should not have told her that. Ika said Neda wont say anything since she admitted her people are Bruno and Kevin, and Dillon and Emily are just numbers. Ika explained that Gary is being targeted hard because they think he is after Kevin and Bruno. Ika said she does not mention anything about going after those two guys since she knows she will be screwed if she does. Ika said Neda is willing to protect her and keep her around since she is not going after Neda’s people. Demetres asked Ika if he can talk to her. She said she doesn’t want to talk about it. Demetres said he is just apologizing. Ika said “okay, it’s fine”. Demetres said he will stop with that stuff. Ika said okay. Demetres apologized again. Ika said okay and walked away.

12:00-1:00 AM: Karen told Gary she is going to nominate Jackie and Kevin since she is staying true to what she said about going after people who target her. Karen said she would like to see Jackie leave before Kevin. Karen then asked if she should nominate William next to Jackie so that she will not get any votes. Gary said yes. He told Karen that she would then not be on Kevin’s radar. Gary said Karen can make that move and then the next week he will win, nominate Kevin and William, and get Kevin out of the house. Downstairs, Dre told Ika that she needs to decide if she wants to stay mad or Demetres or if she wants to find it in her heart to forgive. Dre asked if Ika wants to share a bed with him anymore. Ika said no. She admitted she doesn’t even know what to say to Demetres. Dre suggested telling him that she forgives him. Ika said she does not forgive Demetres. She said she would like to pretend that he does not exist. Once Dre got up, Demetres approached Ika. He said his comment was not respectful. Ika replied with “okay, sure, I don’t care”. Ika asked Demetres if he knows how dumb he made her look on TV. Demetres insisted that it was a joke. Ika said Demetres is playing her to look stupid and probably has been this whole time. Demetres denied it. He asked where they stand at this point. Ika told Demetres that he has The Six. Demetres said he needs Ika more than he needs anyone in this game. Demetres apologized and said he feels awful for what he said. He let Ika know that it has been bothering him all day. Ika simply said “okay”. Demetres then headed to the have-not room. Emily noticed that Demetres looked sad. Demetres said Ika is probably making up an excuse to end things. Demetres said it’s eye opening that Ika has this much power over him that she can make him feel this bad. He wondered if he could even trust her when she reacts in this manner. Meanwhile, Dre attempted to get Ika to move on and forgive Demetres. Ika said she cuts people out when hey do something to hurt her. Ika admitted that Demetres seemed sincere and seemed to be sad. They discussed that Ika should sleep on it and talk to Demetres again tomorrow.

1:00-2:00 AM: Dillon and Ika spoke to Dre about their theory that whoever gets voted out this week will actually stay, while the other person will be the one that gets evicted. Dillon said he has been considering voting Dre out if he wins HoH for that reason. Dre told Dillon to do what he feels is best. Dre said Big Brother could do whatever they want, whether it be saying it’s backwards or just telling her to leave if she is voted out. Dillon said Big Brother flat out lied today by telling them to vote for who they want to be on slop, then flipping it and making the other people the have-nots. Dre told Dillon to do what he feels is best and she will not have any hard feelings.

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