BBCAN5 Day 23 - Demetres wins HoH

April 2, 2017

2:00-3:00 PM: Feeds returned following the HoH competition. Demetres is the new HoH. He is no longer a have-not.

3:00-4:00 PM: Gary asked Demetres if he wants to talk. Demetres said he cannot right now but they will have a talk. After Demetres walked away, Gary questioned what there is to talk about. He pointed out that Demetres has told him he would keep him 100%, yet now he is changing his mind when he is in power. Dre spoke to Ika, looking to clarify the wording of the rules for yesterday’s have-not vote. Dre wanted to know if they were specifically told to vote for the people they want to be on slop. Ika said yes. Dre asked if she is sure. Ika again said yes. Dre then asked Bruno. He too said he is almost sure that it said to vote for the person you want to be on slop. Dre wondered if the eviction vote would be backwards too. Bruno asked if Dre wants Demetres to evict her since it could be backwards. Dre was unsure but said that’s the thing that she is worried about. Karen asked Ika if she has thought about who Demetres would nominate if he gets to nominate two others. All Ika said is that it would not be Karen. Karen said she would hope not. Karen then revealed that she really wants Gary to stay. Ika said she does too. She added that Neda doesn’t seem to want Gary to stay. Karen said that’s too bad since that side already has too many numbers.

4:00-5:00 PM: Bruno told Demetres he is wondering if he will only be casting a vote or if he will get to nominate two houseguests afterwards as well. Demetres said he is hoping that someone will be evicted tonight and then he will get to make nominations after that for another eviction on Thursday. Bruno hoped to see that happen as well. Kevin joined them and asked if the nominees have campaigned to Demetres yet. Demetres said they have not but the decision seems pretty clear. Up in the bedroom, Gary told Emily that Ika and Demetres have not given him any reassurance that he is safe. Gary said he will be devastated if he leaves. Emily said she would rather work with Gary than with Dre. Gary said Dre seems to think that he is campaigning hard or he is throwing her under the bus, though all he is doing is stating the facts. Gary listed off Dre as someone who is a strong competitor, smart and shady. He also said she campaigned for Cassandra and she has a lot of good relationships throughout the house. Emily encouraged Gary to campaign to people. She said nobody has told her anything yet but she will talk to people after Gary does because she would like to keep him around.

5:00-6:00 PM: Dillon asked Demetres who he will nominate next to him if he gets the chance. Demetres said he is not even thinking about it until he gets told more information. Dillon mentioned Demetres made a promise not to nominate Emily. She was the last to fall in the competition. Demetres said Emily is good. Demetres told Dillon he doesn’t expect to get any additional power out of this HoH other than the ability to cast the sole vote. Demetres said it kind of sucks but at least it got him out of the have-not room. Dillon said he knew he had no chance to win it, so he dropped out first just in case that person would become the new HoH due to backwards week. Dillon asked if Ika wants Jackie out. Demetres said he hasn’t really talked to her. They said it seems that way judging on her have-not votes. Ika asked Gary what he wants her to say to Demetres. Gary said he doesn’t know but Demetres doesn’t seem to be as 100% on board as he thought he would be. Ika said she hasn’t been talking to Demetres since the have-not vote. However, she asked if Demetres really wouldn’t listen if she said she doesn’t want Gary to go. Gary said Ika has influence over Demetres. Ika said other people do too. Gary pointed out that she is the one in bed with him at the end of the day, getting the last word. Ika said it doesn’t matter whose bed you are in.

6:00-7:00 PM: Demetres got his HoH room. He spoke to Dre and let her know that he is going to keep her. He wanted Dre to know that she has nothing to worry about. Dre still worried about potential twists this week. Demetres asked Dre not to tell Gary which way he is voting. Demetres said he will speak to Gary about it at some point. Elsewhere, Neda told Kevin they need to find a way to get Dillon and Emily to target the French Connection instead of Ika and Demetres. They then discussed that Gary has to go this week. Neda said Gary is horrible for everyone’s game. Kevin admitted that Gary had him fooled and he was trusting him. Neda listed off her ideal eviction order. She said it would be Gary, Dre, Emily and then Jackie. Kevin agreed that it is best to get rid of Emily before Dillon. Neda’s reasoning was that Dillon would remain a huge target even after Emily leaves. Neda told Kevin that William also needs to go. She pointed out that they went through a whole list of people and totally forgot about him. She said William is so smart. Kevin said William is an attractive guy and they get along, but it’s strictly game.

7:00-8:00 PM: Gary told Bruno that he is a fighter and he will fight until the end. He said it’s not over until it’s over. Bruno agreed. Gary said he feels like he has more to offer than Dre does. He also said he thinks he deserves to stay more than she does. Gary said he will express his feelings to Demetres and then that’s all that he can do. Bruno mentioned not knowing where Dre’s head is at. Gary said that’s a scary thing. Gary said Dre is all about making entertaining television, taking risks, and making big moves. He pointed out that even though everyone thought he was close to Cassandra, he had no clue that Cassandra and Dre had such a tight bond that Dre would be willing to campaign for her to stay. He said that shows how capable Dre is of forming strong relationships that go undetected. Gary said Dre approached him about keeping Cassandra since he would have been the obvious second vote, yet he was not about that and had no intention of keeping her. As for next week, Gary said he would nominate whoever the majority told him to. Gary explained that he would want to use the opportunity to gain favour with the houseguests since he is on the bottom due to his association with Cassandra.

8:00-9:00 PM: Up in the HoH room, Demetres and Ika made up after their conflict last night. Demetres told Ika that he has such a crush on her. The two then kissed. They were soon joined in the room by Neda, Sindy and Kevin. Neda continued to bring up the need to shift Dillon and Emily’s target from Ika and Demetres to Dre and William. Neda brought up that Emily should go before Dillon since she will make it to the end if no one takes her out now. Ika suggested that Neda would be able to reel Dillon in if Emily were to leave. Neda is concerned that William will target her once her immunity is up. Ika disagreed. She said Dre is focused on targeting Dillon and Emily, and Dre and William are connect, so she expects his targets to be the same. Ika mentioned that Dre is still asking her for tips on how to get in with Neda. After everyone else cleared out, Ika told Sindy that she likes Neda but her attitude sucks. Ika admitted that she is short with Sindy at times. She said it’s because she is questioning why Sindy lets Neda control her. Sindy said she listens to Neda and realizes that she cannot give her own input. Ika said Neda is only looking out for herself. Ika swore on her life that she will protect Sindy over Neda. Demetres then joined them. Sindy asked if he is evicting Gary. Demetres confirmed that he is, which Sindy was happy to hear.

9:00-10:00 PM: Gary told Demetres he wants to talk to him before he sleeps. Demetres asked if they can talk tomorrow because he had a couple of tequilas. Gary asked Demetres to promise him that they will talk. Demetres promised they will talk in the morning. Ika then spoke to Demetres, letting him know that Neda keeps drilling it in to Sindy’s head that the two of them will always stick together. Ika didn’t understand why Neda is already doing that. Ika said they are not only a threat outside of their alliance but inside of it as well. Ika said Neda wanted to have Demetres to herself. Ika told Demetres that Neda loves to be in control and wants to destroy things when she feels that she is losing control. Ika said the people on their side are not working as hard for them as the two of them are working for their alliance. Ika and Demetres agreed that Dre is more loyal than all of the people they are working with combined. Ika mentioned that they may become the next huge target if Gary leaves. Demetres said their alliance will be pissed at them if they keep Gary. Ika said they have been doing what the alliance wants every single week. Ika explained that they have options this week since they can claim they voted to evict Dre since they thought there would be a twist and it would mean that Dre would actually stay. Ika clarified that she just wants them to consider both options over the next few days. Meanwhile, Dillon told Kevin that they have to put Demetres up since he is a big threat. Kevin said both Ika and Demetres are stronger players than Dre and William are. Elsewhere, Bruno told Emily that Ika and Demetres seem to be the only ones targeting Dillon and Emily at the moment. Bruno said Gary, Dre, Demetres and Ika all have to go. Emily said she isn’t sure that she would be able to nominate Demetres since she gave her word that she would not nominate him during her first HoH reign. That dated back to when she was not the block against Dallas. Bruno said he would go against his word if he knew the person was coming after him like Demetres is coming after Emily and Dillon.

10:00-11:00 PM: Gary told Kevin he feels like he is going home. Kevin said he doesn’t know what Demetres wants to do. However, he pointed out that Ika is good friends with Dre and she has a lot of influence over Demetres. Gary said he thinks he is sketching Demetres out for some reason. Gary hopes that if Demetres does vote to evict him, backwards week saves him so that he can come back and go after Ika and Demetres as payback. Kevin let Gary know that he will fight for him in any way that he can. Gary told Kevin not to blow his own game up for him. In the pantry, Kevin spoke to the live feeders about his game. He said his true allegiance is to Bruno, Sindy and Neda. He said he will work with The Six until the end. Kevin called Dillon a meat shield that he can keep in front of him. Kevin doesn’t think that Dillon will ever go against him or Bruno. Kevin said Karen is his threat since she will put him up if she wins HoH. Kevin said he is getting close to William and he finds him attractive, but it is strictly game. Kevin said he trusts Ika and Demetres but they are good at the game. Kevin said he has the perfect stat line of zero nominations and zero competition wins at this point. He credited his allies for that. Kevin admitted the game was tougher last time with 15 strangers. This time, Kevin said he has personal relationships with people outside of the house that has allowed for greater trust. Kevin said Neda is so fun to play the game with because she is so smart and so good. Kevin said it’s perfect that Ika and Demetres are going after Dillon and Emily and vice versa.

11:00-12:00 AM: Ika told Demetres that he has to make Neda believe that he will listen to Neda more than he will listen to her. Ika said to make Neda think she is only someone that he shares a bed with. Demetres said he can bring up that he doesn’t know if he can trust Ika after she got mad at him for no reason. Downstairs, Neda told Bruno that Ika and Demetres are sketching out about Dillon and Emily. Neda said she can see through their game and can tell that Ika and Demetres want Dre and William to stay to take out Bruno and Kevin. Neda said she wants William to leave before Dre because Dre will remain a target. Neda said she doesn’t want Dillon and Emily to leave. Bruno agreed. Neda said she wants Dre or William to go first and then they can watch Emily, Dillon, Ika and Demetres go at each other. Bruno said if Demetres gets to make nominations and nominates Dillon and Jackie, they can take out Jackie.

12:00-1:00 AM: Gary told Ika that Demetres turned down talking to him three times today. Ika said he has had enough for today and will have fresh ears tomorrow. Ika let Gary know that every single person but Dre and Karen have gone to Demetres and said they want Gary out. Ika said the difference between Dre and Gary is that Demetres knows 100% that Dre will not come after them. She admitted there is some uncertainty surrounding Gary. Ika told Gary that Neda said she has a Final 2 with Gary. Gary said there is a big difference between a Final 2 deal and saying that he will not come after her. Gary insisted that Neda is twisting his words. Gary told Ika that the only one he has a Final 2 with is her.

1:00-2:00 AM: Ika told Gary that the only thing she is holding on to is that she loves him. She said she does not trust him 100% yet. Ika said the other side has done a great job creating doubt on their side. Ika told Gary that Demetres will listen to her if she says to keep Gary, but she is worried that she will screw up his game by doing that. Gary said people are already after Demetres anyway. Gary said he would like to go after Neda next week if her immunity is up. Ika said she would have to go on the block next to another vet. Gary said he would nominate Bruno and Neda. Gary started saying that maybe he should go home because of his poor play this season. He said he has a good situation waiting for him on the outside. Ika told Gary he is a Big Brother player and a legend, so he cannot let these people run him out of the house like this. Ika said Gary has to start acting like the king and queen that he is, not letting these people make him look stupid. Gary said it will not have been worth it for him to come back only to go out pre-jury. Ika agreed and told him that she needs him to start realizing that. Ika told Gary that she will work hard for someone when she wants them to stay. She said she will fight when the time to fight for someone comes. Gary said that time is now.

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