BBCAN5 Day 24

April 3, 2017

8:00-9:00 AM: Ika told Neda that Kevin said Dillon told him he would nominate Ika and Demetres if he wins HoH. Neda said that’s not good. Neda figured that Dillon’s desire to make those nominations is due to a combination of the nomination votes and how well Ika and Demetres did in the HoH competition. Neda asked Ika if she thinks that Sindy threw HoH. Ika said yes. Neda said she hates that Sindy would do that. Neda let Ika know that she appreciates how hard she and Demetres fought for HoH. Ika said she hates when other people sit in an alliance and let other people become targets. Ika doesn’t think that Sindy will be a target. She mentioned Sindy saying that all she is doing in this game is pleasing people until she doesn’t have to anymore. Neda said Sindy was perfectly fine, not moving, then she fell at an opportune time when no one could see what happened. Neda noted that Sindy never has an opinion. They agreed that Sindy tries to play the role of the peacemaker. Neda hopes that Sindy keeps being annoying and then she becomes a target due to it. Ika said Gary hates Sindy and thinks she is shady cause she runs around saying different things to different people. She said Gary also said Sindy is in the best position in the game.

9:00-10:00 AM: Bruno, Kevin and Sindy chatted in the hot tub. Sindy asked what she should do if Bruno and Kevin are nominated together and she wins the veto. Sindy wanted to know which of the two has the better relationships and therefore would have a better shot at staying if on the block. Bruno and Kevin said they would prefer to leave it up to Sindy to decide. Bruno said they have the same allies but different enemies. Bruno, Kevin and Sindy agreed that they will vote to save each other no matter what, even if they are the lone vote for that person. Kevin said they have too much of a personal connection not to vote for each other. Bruno agreed. Bruno said if The Six ever gets down to six, they will have a tight three at that point and it would give them the advantage. Kevin said he will always use the veto if Bruno or Sindy are on the block. They discussed that there targets are Gary, Dre, Karen and William.

10:00-11:00 AM: Bruno and Demetres discussed that they have the team to be able to keep holding the power every single week. Demetres mentioned that he will be stepping on toes all season if his comment during the have-not vote pissed Ika off. Bruno said he thought it was funny. Demetres said at the same time, he gets it. Bruno asked if Ika is alright now. Demetres said it’s a lot easier to be cool now that he is HoH. Demetres told Bruno that it put a little bit of distrust between the two of them. He said it was a bit of a reality check that they are all playing a game. As for this week’s vote, Demetres said he really cannot think of any reason to keep Gary. Demetres said it sucks since he likes the both of them. Bruno asked if the nominees are campaigning. Demetres said neither of them are.

11:00-12:00 PM: Ika told Bruno that Kevin said Dillon plans to nominate Ika and Demetres if he wins HoH. Bruno said he wants to get Dillon to go for Dre. He claims that he will talk to Dillon today. Ika said Kevin told her that he tried but could not get through to Dillon. Bruno said he will explain that he Dre is the glue holding that side together since she has both William and Ika. Ika said they just need to make sure that she is not nominated next to Demetres, cause they have the votes as long as only one of them are on the block. Neda asked Demetres who he is thinking of nominating if he has the power to nominate. Demetres said he will nominate Dillon. As for the second nominee, he said he will have to decide if he wants to go against what he said when he told Emily that he would not put her up. Demetres pointed out that the worst case scenario would be Emily winning the veto and pulling Dillon down if she is not on the block. Ika said he should throw them both up there. Neda said Demetres can claim the promise was for this week, not next week. Demetres said he will not try to get out of it on a technicality if he breaks his word. Kevin said Dillon and Emily will go after Demetres regardless. Neda suggested that they tell Dillon and Emily to nominate Dre next to either Demetres or Ika in order to force the two pairs to go after each other, then they will control the votes. Ika said the best angle to push is that she should be nominated next to Dre. Ika thought it would be weird if Bruno were to push for Demetres to go up next to Dre when he is always hanging out with Demetres.

7:00-8:00 PM: Feeds briefly returned after being down for several hours. Big Brother let the houseguests inside after an outdoor lockdown. Pizza and other food awaited them inside. The houseguests were then called to the living room to watch an episode of a TV show. The feeds then went down again.

8:00-9:00 PM: When feed returned, Ika and Demetres were speaking in the HoH room. Ika told Demetres that Gary will definitely go after Neda. As for Dre, Ika thinks she will go after Neda but only after Bruno and Kevin are gone. Demetres suggested that getting to the end with Neda could be good since she is not good at competitions. Ika pointed out that Neda has won a couple of competitions already. Ika said it would be better to take someone like Dre or Sindy. Ika questioned if evicting Gary is the right move. She told Demetres that Gary is strong, he will always be a target, and he is going to go after Neda. Ika said she doesn’t want their allies thinking that they are controlling everything they do. Demetres argued that it’s not the right time to make a move against them. He said he would rather make that move when they can get one of their own out. He also said Dre leaving would mean William would go to Jackie’s side.

9:00-10:00 PM: Ika again told Demetres that Gary is a big target that can win competitions and save them. She said Gary has more revenge in his soul. Demetres agreed that Gary has more firepower. Ika said she doesn’t want either nominee to leave. Demetres told Ika it is not up to them to have to save these people. Demetres worried that their allies would simply replace them with Dillon and Emily if they were to turn. Ika mentioned that they could simply say he voted Dre out because he thought that she would stay due to it being backwards week. Ika admitted that part of her is spiteful and wants Gary to stay just so the others don’t continue to get their way.

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