BBCAN5 Day 26

April 5, 2017

10:00-11:00 AM: Bruno and Demetres chatted out by the hot tub. Demetres said he is not looking forward to tomorrow. He said it sucks to be the one to evict someone. Bruno asked if Gary is still pushing his campaign. Demetres said not really. Demetres said they will have to put Ika on a chain since she was having a bad day yesterday. Bruno said he needs to work on Emily in order to have her get through to Dillon. Bruno mentioned that he has already convinced Emily not to nominate Demetres. Bruno said it’s key to keep distance between Jackie and Dre. Demetres doesn’t think they will get back together, given that Ika and Dre are always hanging out.

11:00-12:00 PM: Ika told Dre that Demetres said Bruno told him he would nominate Dre and William. Ika said Demetres then said Dre’s gut was right about wanting to go after Bruno and Kevin. They discussed that Bruno and Kevin will continue to throw competitions, so now would be a good time to have Dre win HoH and throw them up on the block when they don’t see it coming. Dre expects people will target her first in a knockout competition if there is one. Ika agreed. Ika told Dre that Gary keeps campaigning to her and saying that Demetres cannot be trusted if he keeps Dre. She said Gary doesn’t know how close she is with Dre, and he is jealous about their relationship. Dre said she is so disappointed in Gary since she loved him. Ika agreed and said he is ruthless. Ika told Dre that she would not be able to send her home even if it was in her best interest. Dre agreed. Ika said Dre and Demetres are the only two others she would be okay with winning the game. She mentioned she likes William but is not as close to him as Dre is. Dre admitted she feels that she cannot tell William everything since he doesn’t understand. Ika said it’s weird that he is okay with people who are coming after his friends. Dre thinks William will be more loyal to them than he will be to anyone else, but she is concerned about how much he is hanging out with Jackie.

12:00-1:00 PM: Ika told Demetres that he should probably let Gary know he is going to vote him out beforehand. She said she doesn’t want him to be blindsided if something ends up happening and a twist allows him to stay. Ika said Demetres is right that Dre would be more loyal to them. Demetres said he doesn’t know what he will Gary. He mentioned that it’s purely a game move and he would want to keep Gary on a personal. Ika and Demetres discussed that it would suck if backwards week meant Gary stays and Dre leaves after he evicts Gary. Demetres figures there is no way they can have him stand up in front of everyone, voting to evict, then they say “psyche!” and evict the other person. Demetres questioned what the point of winning HoH would be. Demetres asked if Gary thinks he is going home. Ika said Gary told her that he feels about 80% safe with Demetres. Demetres asked Ika what she said to Sindy yesterday. Ika said she chewed her out because it’s not fair that Demetres has to keep bailing the alliance out because people are throwing competitions. Ika said on her HoH she is going to do whatever she wants. Ika said she really trusts Dre. Both Ika and Demetres agreed that Ika is in tighter with Dre than William is. Demetres thinks the alliance will not turn on them in the near future. He said they know that if they take the shot, there is a good chance they will save themselves. Demetres said their allies are focusing on too far ahead in the game and they will not see what hit them when they take them out. Ika and Demetres agreed that they would prefer to keep Bruno or Kevin. Ika said Kevin is fake and a liar. However, Ika said Bruno is the type of person that they should be scared of since they actually like him and can’t see through him like they can with Kevin and Neda.

1:00-2:00 PM: Ika told Sindy that Demetres said he trusts Sindy the most out of anyone in the alliance. Ika said Demetres mentioned he doesn’t like Neda’s attitude. Sindy said he is not the only person in the alliance that feels that way. Ika said Demetres commented on how Neda treats Sindy like crap. She then said Neda was talking about Sindy throwing the competition and added that Sindy is always talking about herself. Ika said Neda is being mean about Sindy to Demetres. Sindy didn’t understand why Neda would do that. Sindy said Neda took the role of the leader in the alliance. Sindy thinks Neda is trying to save them since she is already safe. Ika questioned if Neda is actually doing that. Sindy said she may be trying to but it does not come off that way. Ika said Neda told Demetres that Ika is an emotional player and therefore he should be running decisions by her instead.

2:00-3:00 PM: Demetres told Kevin that he is not looking forward to tomorrow. Kevin said Gary was campaigning pretty hard to him last night. Demetres asked if Gary knows that he is going to be evicted. Kevin said he thinks Gary gets the vibe and is panicking. Both Demetres and Kevin agreed that they love Gary. Demetres said he is in such a tough spot given that he didn’t even put these two on the block. Demetres said somebody in their alliance had to win HoH given all of the twists that were taking place. Demetres said he thinks that he has to tell Gary tonight that he is voting him out. He explained that there is no case to be made for keeping him. Ika let Sindy know that Neda used to say to her that they need to have each other’s backs since the three BBCAN3 houseguests will be having each other’s backs. Sindy said she has Bruno’s and Kevin’s back as much as she has Ika’s. Sindy suggested that it is disloyal to be mad about something like that and not approach her about it. Ika said it bothers her that Neda wanted to target someone like Cassandra because she thought she was coming after her, even though Neda is safe and cannot be evicted. Ika said she would be fine losing someone like Dre for the betterment of the alliance. Sindy said she would like to keep Dre over William, Jackie and Karen since Dre would be a jury vote for either of them. Ika agreed. Ika said Neda seems to be planting seeds so that they will all like her the best once they get to a certain point, not expecting that they will actually sit down and talk about what she is doing. Ika told SIndy that she could see Neda being ruthless and cutting Bruno and Kevin at any given time. Ika said they cannot let that happen. Sindy agreed and said those two are so loyal. Sindy pointed out that she has recently been able to reconnect with Dre. Ika told Sindy that Dre said she feels like they can trust Sindy since she genuinely listens when she talks to her. Sindy said she could see herself nominating Jackie and Karen, using Emily as the backdoor option if needed. In the bedroom, Jackie told Neda that William is playing a really good game and people would feel bad to nominate him. Jackie said she would like to nominate Ika next to Demetres. Neda asked if Jackie would nominate Dre and Ika. Jackie said yes. Neda said if Demetres and Ika are nominated together and Dre wins HoH, she would then save Ika. Jackie said she would then nominate Karen in order to get her out. Neda said she would be fine with that.

3:00-4:00 PM: Neda spoke to the live feeders while she was alone in the bedroom. She mentioned Ika is wanting to keep Dre around so that she can target Bruno and Kevin when the time is right. Neda figures she will go after Emily, Dillon and Jackie first. Neda said Bruno is the only person she trusts in The Six. She questioned how that happened. Neda is concerned about William coming after her once her immunity is up. She would like to see William leave over Dre. She said Dre and Jackie will continue to go after each other. As for next week, Neda doesn’t want to win HoH because she doesn’t want to become a bigger target prior to her immunity ending. Neda asked why Ika needs to be so sketchy. She said the alliance would be great if they were able to fully stick together, but it’s not going to happen.

4:00-5:00 PM: Sindy told Bruno that Ika was saying she trusts him so much. She added that Demetres really likes Bruno as well. Sindy discussed her conversation with Ika in which they said the alliance members will have different targets and they have to respect each other’s decisions when that person is HoH. Sindy said Ika didn’t like that Neda continues to defend keeping Dillon and Emily, whereas Bruno and Kevin are okay with Ika and Demetres targeting those two if they win HoH. Bruno said he doesn’t care who goes as long as they get someone out. Sindy said if someone cares about the order that the people on the other side leave in, they should win HoH. Sindy mentioned Neda is the only one not on board with that. Sindy said Ika and Demetres are following through on what they said, diverting the target away from Bruno and Kevin. Bruno said they are doing great. Sindy revealed that she really trusts Ika. She then told Bruno about Ika saying Neda was talking smack about her to Demetres. Sindy feels as though Neda should approach her if she thinks that she is not pulling her weight in the alliance, or if she is worried that she threw the competition. Lastly, Sindy told Bruno that Dre really likes him. Bruno said his goal for the day is to work on Dre before tomorrow’s HoH competition. The six, aside from Neda, had a chat in the HoH room. Sindy said she plans to nominate Jackie and Karen. She asked who the others are nominating in the event of a double eviction. Bruno said Dre and William. Kevin said Dre and Karen. Sindy said Neda would nominate Dre and William as well. Ika said they are keeping people who are targeting her and Demetres, and keeping people who are not going after their alliance. Ika questioned if Kevin is even trying to win HoH. Kevin insisted that he is not throwing it. Ika admitted she doesn’t know if she believes him. Ika said it feels like a one sided alliance to her. She pointed out that Dre and William are not coming after Bruno, Kevin and Sindy. Ika said it’s weird that there are three people (Dillon/Emily/Jackie) coming after her and Demetres yet Bruno and Kevin don’t plan to nominate even one of the three. Ika said she feels like she is being hung out to dry since she they have been working to keep Bruno and Kevin safe and have been taking out people who were not after them. Bruno said it will be a mess if they start targeting the people that they can control, cause then those people will throw two of them on the block for sure.

5:00-6:00 PM: Ika asked when Jackie became such an important part of their lives. Bruno said he doesn’t care about Jackie. Kevin said Jackie is not important to him at all, so he is willing to nominate her next to Karen. Sindy said Jackie threw Kevin and Bruno under the bus by saying they are the three headed monster running that side of the house. Demetres said they know they can get Dre and William to nominate only one person in their alliance, yet their alliance members want to target them over people who will nominate two of their allies. Demetres said he didn’t want to win the last HoH but he did what was best for the alliance. Demetres asked that Bruno, Kevin and Sindy not let Ika get picked off in the HoH competition if it is a knockout style one. He worried that everyone would try to eliminate Dre and William right away. Kevin said he would like to knockout Karen first and then he will go after Jackie. Sindy mentioned Jackie told Dre that Neda needs to be targeted as soon as her immunity is up. Ika said it seems as though Kevin wants Dillon, Emily and Jackie to come after her and Demetres. Kevin said not at all and told her that they can take Jackie out next in order to balance out the sides. Kevin claimed that he will nominate Jackie and Karen if he wins HoH.

6:00-7:00 PM: Sindy got Neda caught up on the discussion that the rest of The Six alliance had while she wasn’t around. Sindy said she understands from Ika’s perspective that there are three people who all want her and Demetres gone. Neda said Jackie, Dillon and Emily all want Dre out but they are wanting to put Ika up next to her. Neda said Ika put herself in this situation. Sindy pointed out that they were wondering why Jackie is not being considered as a target over Dre and William. Neda said that’s fair enough. Neda asked what the consensus was at the end of the conversation. Sindy said Kevin is willing to consider nominating Jackie and Karen, while she is also planning to nominate Jackie and Karen. Neda asked how that helps their group. Neda said Jackie doesn’t win anything as opposed to William who has competed well. Sindy said she understands from Ika’s perspective that there are three people after her and they weren’t even going to nominate one of them. Neda said Jackie mentioned wanting Dre out over Ika, cause she wants Dre gone in order to have William to herself.

7:00-8:00 PM: Jackie and Neda spent some time going over the days and studying for a potential HoH competition. Dillon came by and asked what the plan is for nominations. Neda said anyone from that side, cause she doesn’t care. Dillon said he is thinking Dre and Ika or Demetres and Ika. Jackie and Neda said they are fine with that.

8:00-9:00 PM: The houseguests were played some clips about the evicted houseguests in advance of tomorrow’s HoH competition. Emily brought up that Ika is being so mean. Neda said she wont even look at her. Dillon said he will lose it if Ika pops off. Neda said the only reason Ika doesn’t mouth off to her is they are on the same season, but she wont even talk to her. Neda told Dillon and Emily that Ika did not learn from her first season. Dillon said Ika is worse in person than she is on TV. He thought she got a bad edit originally. Dillon mentioned nominating Demetres and Ika together to ensure that one of them leaves. Neda said she doesn’t care. Demetres spoke to Ika and told her that she cannot go too hard on the girls. He said she is making it harder for Bruno, Kevin, Neda and Sindy to keep them off of the block. Demetres let Ika know that even Bruno is getting sketched out by her behaviour.

9:00-10:00 PM: Gary told Demetres that people are going to tell him exactly what he wants to hear. Demetres said nobody is telling him anything. Gary thought it was fishy that nobody would tell Demetres to vote him out. Gary said enough is enough and they need him to stick around to go after the people that the others are afraid to nominate. Gary said Neda lied to him and he is coming for her. He said he will put her straight up on the block and tell her that she is his target. Demetres spoke to Ika after his talk with Gary. Demetres said they need to stop thinking about the alliance and focus on doing what is best for the two of them. Demetres asked what the better move is. He pointed out that Dre is loyal. Ika said that’s the only thing saving her right now since she sucks at competitions. Demetres noted that Gary would have a lot of people to go through before he would consider turning on them. Ika said Gary will be the bigger target and he is also more entertaining. Demetres agreed. Ika said Dre will target Kevin and Bruno. Demetres said Gary is after Neda but he will probably go after Kevin and Bruno since Neda is immune. Ika asked why their allies want to get rid of Gary. Demetres said it’s because Neda is scared of him. Demetres concluded that Gary has to go or else they will lose William to Jackie. Outside, Bruno and Neda agreed that Dillon or Emily winning HoH would be the best case scenario. They want those two to take the shot at Ika and Demetres for them. Neda thinks Demetres will stick with them once Ika is gone. Bruno said he loves Ika but she is such a liability. Neda said Ika flips out all the time.

11:00-12:00 AM: Dre told Demetres that she got in Sindy’s head about Jackie, telling her that Jackie said she wants to go after Neda once her immunity is up. Dre admitted that it was a lie. She said she also told Sindy that Jackie is after Bruno and Kevin. Dre told Ika and Demetres that Sindy is closer with Bruno and Kevin than Neda is, based on the vibe she is getting from Sindy. Dre thinks Sindy will be looking for someone who is willing to put Neda on the block since none of those three are willing to make the move themselves. Dre said she is willing to do it. As for next week, Dre said she doesn’t want to nominate Jackie. She said she needs to get someone bigger out. Dre asked Demetres if he is good with Bruno. Demetres said he thinks so. Dre asked if Demetres would be able to nominate him. Demetres said no, then added that he would rather nominate Kevin. Demetres told Dre to go ahead and nominate Bruno if she wants. Dre said one of them needs to go since she needs to get a chief out.

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