BBCAN5 Day 29 - Dillon and Emily are nominated; Kevin wins PoV

April 8, 2017

8:00-9:00 AM: Neda told Kevin not to bring up the Sindy thing to William again. Sindy asked Kevin if it’s true that he told William she nominated him. Kevin said yeah. Kevin told Sindy he thought that William was testing his trust since he already knew the votes. Sindy said nobody knew. Kevin said it wasn’t done maliciously. Kevin said he is trying to get Emily and Jackie nominated. Sindy said she is going to deny it, say Kevin lied, and tell people that she nominated Dre and Jackie. Sindy said they have to get Dillon and Emily on the block since they cannot have the other one who is not on the block win the veto and use it. Kevin again apologized for telling William that she nominated him. Sindy said William told Ika that Kevin confused him. Kevin said he talks in circles a lot and has trouble getting a concise point across. The two discussed their cover story. Sindy said she will claim that she voted for Jackie but she could not say that when Jackie was in the room, so she said that she voted for William. Sindy said she can tell people that Kevin didn’t know which way she actually voted since they are not working together.

11:00-12:00 PM: The nomination ceremony took place. William nominated Dillon and Emily for eviction. Dillon told Emily that he wants her to win the veto. Emily said her mindset is that she doesn’t care anymore. Jackie said Emily will snap out of it. Emily said it sucks because they will be on the block next to each other every time as long as they are friends. Emily wondered who the replacement nominee would be. Jackie said they need to convince William to nominate Sindy. Dillon said Jackie needs to win the veto and use it on Emily. Elsewhere, Neda told Bruno that she needs The Six. Bruno said he feels great about it. Neda pointed out that Ika put in work this week. Bruno agreed. Kevin joined them and apologized for throwing Sindy’s name out there. Bruno and Neda told Kevin that they all mess up and that it’s okay. Neda said Emily needs to go since she is the glue between Jackie and Dillon. On top of that, she said Dillon will not be able to keep himself calm without Emily, so he will become such a big target. William told Jackie that it would be cool if she didn’t use the veto if she were to win it. Jackie asked who the target is. William said Dillon is a big target but he wants to see how the next few days play out. Jackie then worked on getting a target put on Sindy. She said Sindy wanted to go after two close people such as Dre and William. Jackie pointed out that Sindy is all buddy buddy with the HoH each week. Jackie said nobody is going after Sindy since both sides think that she is helping them out, making her a dangerous player. Jackie then reported back to Dillon and Emily. She said she planted the Sindy seed and they need to do the same. Dillon and Emily the headed to the HoH room. They said Sindy is playing both sides of the house and she wanted Dre and William out. Emily said Sindy will make it to the end since nobody has said her name this entire game. William said he will need more information about Sindy if he is going to nominate her. Dillon said they can get another floater out of the house if they evict her. Dillon and Emily promised that William was not on their radar. In the bedroom, Dre asked Sindy who voted against William. Sindy said she doesn’t know but thinks that it may have been Jackie. Dre said she thought that too. Sindy claimed to have nominated Dre and Jackie. After Sindy left, Dre brought up to Ika that Demetres voted for Jackie. Ika, after acting confused momentarily, confirmed that Demetres voted for Jackie. They went through the votes and discussed that Sindy had to have been lying about nominating Jackie. Dre said she will trust Sindy 50% for now. Ika said the important thing is that Sindy trusts them. Ika suggested keeping this information from William in order to let him continue to think that Jackie nominated him. Ika said she will talk to Sindy to see if she will confess. If she does, Ika said that will mean that they can trust her. Demetres joined them. He confirmed that he voted for Dillon and Jackie. After Dre left, Ika told Demetres that Dre knows Sindy is lying and therefore she has to confess. Ika and Demetres agreed that they would like to get Emily out over Dillon this week. Ika thinks that Dillon would have Bruno and Neda controlling him at that point, so those two can help keep one of them off of the block.

12:00-1:00 PM: Kevin asked Bruno if Sindy is good with him even now that she knows he told William that she nominated him. Bruno said Sindy is fine. Bruno said he thinks Ika is good. Bruno told Kevin that everyone is on the same page and Ika fought hard to save him this week. Kevin noted that Ika fought hard to cover for him as well. Kevin asked what happens if they get picked to play in the veto completion. Bruno said this is the first time that he doesn’t want to play in. Kevin agreed. Bruno told Kevin that if Dillon or Emily wins and Jackie goes on the block, Dillon or Emily will be pissed if they don’t vote Jackie out. Bruno said the replacement nominee will most likely be Jackie but everyone else wants to split up Dillon and Emily so they cannot fight that. They agreed that they will be done with Dillon and Emily if that happens. Bruno said that is not good since they would have been safe with the both of them. In the HoH room, Dre told William she thinks that they can trust Sindy a little more than they can trust Emily and Jackie. Dre also said that Bruno has the most connections in the house and they may be able to work with him over Dillon and Emily. Dre explained that they need to align themselves with people from the other side who would be willing to go after their own people before them. Dre told William to nominate Kevin as the replacement nominee if Jackie uses the veto. Dre figures that William would have an easier time repairing his relationship with Kevin even if he puts him on the block, compared to nominating Bruno. Dre said they can let Jackie know that she will be seen as trustworthy if she doesn’t use the veto, plus she will have Emily all to herself since Dillon is the target. Meanwhile, Dillon told Emily that he doesn’t trust the people they are working with. Emily asked if that includes Bruno. Dillon said he doesn’t trust Bruno. Dillon said Bruno’s social game is so good and he is friends with everybody. He wondered if Bruno is telling the same thing to other people that he is saying to them. Both agreed that they didn’t ever really trust Kevin much. Dillon said they need to win the veto and then make a Final 4 deal with Dre and William. Jackie joined them and said William tried to talk her into not using the veto. While she thinks that she has not broken her word to William up to this point, Jackie said she would be willing to break it if she wins the veto. Ika spoke to Sindy about the plan to tell Dre that she voted for William. Ika said she will tell Dre that she called Sindy out and she admitted to it. Sindy asked Ika not to say that she called her out. Ika assured Sindy that she will make her look good, then she will bring Sindy in to talk to Dre.

1:00-2:00 PM: Ika told Emily that Jackie said she is working together with Dillon and Emily and that they are targeting Dre, Ika and Demetres. Emily denied having said that. Emily said she knew this would happen when all she was trying to do is make sure that Jackie didn’t feel alone in the house. Ika explained that associating with Jackie makes Dillon and Emily look bad since Jackie is with a new alliance every week. Ika told Emily that she was not coming after her or Dillon until they started hanging out with the person who says she is her #1 target and says her alliance is after her. Players were picked for the veto competition. William, Dillon, Emily, Dre, Karen and Kevin will be competing. Dillon and Emily spoke to Karen about potentially using the veto on one of them. Karen said she would want a say in their nominations if they were to come in power next week. Dillon agreed to that. Karen told Dillon and Emily that they can get Jackie out if she uses the veto and Jackie goes up. Karen said she thinks that Dillon would have to be the one to come off of the block. She explained that Dillon’s allies are liars and they are going to take a shot at him if he is still up there. Dillon said it’s a risk that he is willing to take, because he would rather leave than have Emily leave. Up in the HoH room, Kevin told William that he will fight for the veto and he will take it over a prize if it comes down to it. William mentioned that everyone started throwing Sindy under the bus, including Kevin by saying that she voted against him. Kevin said he wasn’t lying about that and it wasn’t meant to throw Sindy under the bus. Kevin told William that Sindy will not go after him. William asked if Sindy ever said she wanted to put him on the block next to Dre. Kevin said no. Kevin also suggested that Sindy is likely not trying to win competitions. While William thinks that people are trying to get him to nominate Sindy as the replacement nominee, he said it would have to be Jackie.

3:00-4:00 PM: Kevin commented to Neda about how they are a dysfunctional alliance. Neda said she doesn’t know how they do it, but they need to keep staying in power. She mentioned that Dre winning would have been dangerous. Neda said Dre has to be the next to go. Neda and Kevin agreed that Emily needs to go if the nominations stay the same. Neda said it may be hard to target Emily if she is up next to Jackie, because Dillon would get so upset about it. Kevin said he will try hard to win the veto so it doesn’t come down to that. Neda said they are working with very stressful people. Kevin said they still manage to get through it somehow.

4:00-5:00 PM: Sindy told Bruno that Dre and Ika don’t trust Kevin. Bruno said hopefully it is something that can be fixed over time since Kevin is someone who can help them in competitions. Bruno told Sindy he thinks that Neda’s immunity may be up after this week. Sindy agreed. Bruno said a seven person jury would make Neda’s immunity way too powerful. Bruno asked who they should nominate if it’s a double eviction. Sindy said she wants to keep their alliance intact as much as possible because they need those votes in jury. Sindy said she wants Emily to go over Dillon this week because she is a strong competitor and she keeps Dillon and Jackie working together. Sindy said she may nominate Dillon and Jackie. Bruno asked if Sindy is good with Dre. Sindy said yeah. Sindy told Bruno she had a conversation with Dre and Ika about bringing Bruno in since she trusts him.

6:00-7:00 PM: Just prior to feeds going down for the veto competition, Sindy let Dre know that she nominated William. Sindy said she was scared to say it when Dre and Ika had sat her down earlier. Sindy told Dre she hadn’t lied to her the entire game and after it happened she asked herself why she did this time. Dre told Sindy that she trusts her but she doesn’t want her to lie to her anymore. Sindy said she felt so bad and had told Ika that she doesn’t know what to do.

1:00-2:00 AM: Feeds returned after being down 6.5 hours for the veto competition. Kevin won the Power of Veto and $10,000 from The Brick. William asked Kevin what he thinks is the best thing to do with regards to the vote. Kevin said he has a feeling that Dillon will give up and will want Emily to stay. Kevin asked William what is best for his game. William said he doesn’t know. Kevin said Dillon is really pissed at him right now so he might come after him, but he also may calm down and refocus. William suggested that it may be a good thing if Dillon goes to Bruno once Emily is gone. Kevin said it may be best for Dillon to stay. Kevin said Dillon will remain a big target whereas Emily will be able to go under the radar. In the bathroom, Dillon told Ika that Jackie said 6 or 7 times that she doesn’t want to be there. Ika said she can self evict then. Dillon explained that Jackie pulled on his heart strings and that is why he has been associating with her of late. Bruno spoke to Sindy about how it is better for their games if Dillon stays. Sindy said she wants Dillon to stay. Downstairs, Kevin told Ika that her talk with William worked seeing as he seems to want to keep Dillon. Kevin said Dillon is pissed at him for not throwing the competition to him when it came down to the two of them in the final round. Bruno and Kevin then spoke in the pantry. Bruno said Ika is looking out for herself and Demetres first even though she is helping their alliance. Bruno expects Ika to want to take a shot at Neda once her immunity is up. Bruno said they need to win HoH and start firing back at that side. Both Bruno and Kevin agreed that Dillon has to stay this week.

2:00-3:00 AM: Demetres let Ika know that Karen was saying Jackie was going to self evict but Dillon stopped her. Demetres said he has no problem pushing her to self evict. Ika said it would be cool to have someone self evict because of her. Dillon asked Ika who she would vote for at the moment. Ika said she would keep Dillon. He questioned why she would do that. Ika said he is more straight up and would let her know if he is targeting her. Dillon said he should be more shady then. Karen then got out of bed to speak to Ika and Demetres. She told them that Dillon said he has been working with Bruno, Kevin and Neda since the beginning. Karen said they have to get Dillon out this week or else Bruno and Kevin will be stronger. Karen said she wants Kevin gone since she doesn’t trust him at all. Karen then brought up that Jackie wanted to self evict. Karen suggested that they “dial it up” with her. Ika agreed. Dillon attempted to get Emily to sleep in the same bed with him. Emily has not wanted to up to this point since Dillon has a girlfriend. Numerous houseguests encouraged her to do so. Though she had told Dillon no, Emily gave in. Before long, the two were kissing in bed.

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