BBCAN5 Day 30

April 9, 2017

9:00-10:00 AM: Ika told Neda that people are complaining about her. She specifically mentioned Sindy saying things about Neda’s attitude. Neda said it’s annoying since they have had a heart to heart about their issues. Ika said Demetres thinks that the BBCAN3 alliance wants Ika and Neda to go after each other. Neda said she hates how Sindy is in such a good position. Ika said it bothers her too. Ika let Neda know that Bruno has also come to her to say that Neda’s attitude is really bad and her immunity will be up soon. Ika said Demetres has been telling her that people are making these comments because they do not want Neda to be her #1. Ika asked if Dillon staying is bad since he will be closer to Bruno than to Neda. Neda said it is still better than keeping Emily. Ika told Neda that Sindy was complaining about Neda calling out Kevin, so she let Sindy know that it was done to protect her. Neda said Sindy complains about everyone to everyone. Ika said Sindy acts like a peacekeeper but then she goes around and does stuff like this. Ika asked Neda if it’s true that she said “Ika and Demetres are getting really close and she (Ika) would choose him over me”. Neda swore on her cat that she did not say that. Neda said Sindy should not be saying her true feelings and claiming that it was said by someone else. Neda said Sindy is jealous. Neda reminded Ika that Sindy has screwed her over in real life. She added that Sindy is petty and was throwing herself at Demetres but he ended up choosing Ika. Neda told Ika that they shouldn’t even worry about getting to a point where Ika has to choose between her and Demetres since that would be the best case scenario. Ika said Demetres knows she would choose Neda and he has even told her to do so. Ika said Demetres is loaded and $100,000 is nothing to him. Ika told Neda she does feel that people would vote to evict her if she were on the block right now.

10:00-11:00 AM: Bruno told Kevin and Neda that William was pushing for Dillon to stay. Neda said the easiest way to get William on board with keeping Dillon is to tell him that he will then have Jackie once Emily is gone. Bruno told Kevin and Neda that they are his core and things are getting stacked against them right now. Bruno said Jackie is a crucial number and they cannot let her go. Bruno said William is the glue since Dre and Jackie hate each other. Kevin said William is also strong in the competitions. Neda said William should leave next and then Dre should go after that. Bruno, Kevin and Neda agreed that Dillon has to stay. Kevin said Dillon wants Emily to stay. Bruno said Dillon will remain the focal point as long as he is in the house. Neda added that he will stick to their side. Kevin asked who Ika and Demetres would target if they were to win HoH. Neda said they would go after Dillon and Jackie. Bruno said that’s good but not good, because they need to get rid of some numbers on their side. Neda asked if they should put Dre and William up with the goal of targeting William. While Bruno said yes, Kevin said that targeting Dre would be better for his own game. Neda pointed out that William needs to go because he is the person on that side who could reel in Jackie. After Neda left, Kevin let Bruno know that William thinks Neda is the ringleader. Kevin mentioned William asking him if he is playing Neda’s game. Bruno said Ika is ready to strike at Neda based on the comments that she has been making.

11:00-12:00 PM: Bruno told Kevin that Ika was pretty upset with him since he didn’t get the job done in terms of keeping Bruno safe this week. After Kevin won the veto, Bruno said Ika then told him that Kevin finally proved himself. Bruno said it was almost as though Ika was trying to plant seeds against Kevin. Bruno assured Kevin that he will never turn on him. They talked about taking each other to the Final 2 no matter who else is with them in the Final 3. Bruno said he thinks that Ika is trying to build an army to come after them. Bruno mentioned he has been trying to make people think that he is closer to Sindy than he is to Kevin so that they don’t end up on the block together. Bruno and Kevin agreed that Demetres has to go if he is on the block next to Ika. They figure they will be able to say to Ika that keeping her is showing they were loyal to her all along. Bruno sees the house as being split with himself, Kevin, Neda, Dillon and Jackie on one side. On the other side, he sees Demetres, Ika, Dre, William and Karen. Sindy is someone who they think is in the middle but is leaning towards Ika’s side because she does not like Neda. Bruno and Kevin agreed that Neda has been better to them than Sindy has. Bruno reiterated that Dillon needs to stay and that they need to get him focused on going after Ika and Demetres. Bruno thinks Ika will begin to trip over her own lies soon. Kevin called Ika the queen and said she controls every conversation. Jackie joined them. Kevin pointed out that he had to win the veto or else Bruno or Jackie would have been on the block. Bruno told Jackie that they owe Kevin. Jackie agreed. Bruno said they need to fire at the other side next week. Jackie thinks that she and Kevin will be able to pull in William if Dre is gone, but she mentioned they cannot be the ones to take the shot at Dre or else they will lose him. Later, Emily asked Bruno if he thinks Kevin would use the veto in order to get Jackie out. Bruno said Kevin is likely worried about pissing William off by using the veto. Emily said she didn’t know Kevin was aligned with William. Bruno then said Kevin thinks that someone in the alliance will go up if he saves someone. Emily disagreed, saying Kevin has so much pull over William. Emily said she doesn’t know why Kevin would even go for the veto. Dillon seconded that. Bruno reminded Dillon and Emily that Kevin didn’t nominate them. Emily said she doesn’t trust Kevin at all. Dillon agreed and said Kevin is not part of his alliance.

12:00-1:00 PM: In the bathroom, Ika told Dre that her main concern in the game is the two of them, Demetres, and William. Dre agreed. Ika said Bruno is shady. Dre brought up that he has been playing every side. Ika said they can use Bruno for now but he is definitely pushing his own agenda. Ika told Dre that she would like to take a shot at Bruno if he is not in power in the next two HoHs. Ika hopes that Jackie will leave next and then they can go after Bruno and Kevin. Ika said William has to work on bringing in Jackie. She suggested that he throw her under the bus and push that she was solely responsible for coming after her. Ika doesn’t want Jackie to nominate her next to Dre, William or Demetres. As for this week, Dre said keeping Dillon would be keeping a strong player for Bruno. Ika said she will listen if Dre thinks that it is best for Dillon to go. Dre explained she knew Dillon had to go as soon as Bruno said he has more control over him. Ika later threw out the idea that they should have had William take a shot at Bruno this week. Elsewhere, Emily told Karen that she hates Kevin. Karen said she has been saying that all along. They agreed that Kevin has got to go. Karen pointed out that Bruno and Kevin are tight since they were on the same season. In the bedroom, Kevin let Dillon know that he cannot use the veto. Dillon said he gets it. Kevin asked Dillon if he still wants to go over Emily. Dillon said yes. Meanwhile, Karen spoke to William about the need to get Dillon out this week. She said Emily is going after Jackie and Kevin. Karen insisted that the other side will be winning if Dillon stays, making it a wasted HoH. Karen said Neda and Bruno will tell William to keep Dillon since he is a number for them. Karen thinks she can have some pull over Emily if she stays. She also said Emily will be weak without Dillon. Back in the bathroom, Ika spoke to Dre about how Sindy always needs attention. Ika said Sindy is obsessed with herself and that’s why she gives her empty compliments all the time. Ika said Sindy is “Thirsty with a T”. Ika commented on Sindy asking Demetres to lotion up her leg for her. She also said Sindy said she will show Demetres some things about sex in the jury house. Ika told Dre that if you want Sindy to like a guy, you just have to like him first. Dre then headed to the HoH room to speak to William. They discussed that Dillon needs to go. Dre said Dillon, Bruno, Kevin and Sindy are all working together. William admitted that Kevin got really excited about keeping Dillon when he mentioned it to him. They listed off the votes to evict Dillon as Dre, Ika, Demetres, Jackie and Karen. Even if Jackie flips, Dre said William would then be able to break the tie.

1:00-2:00 PM: Ika told Demetres that she doesn’t trust Sindy anymore. She said her gut has been telling her that Sindy has some sort of resentment towards her. Ika thinks Sindy attempts to outshine her but she does not do that with anyone else. Ika said she doesn’t want anyone but Dre and William to win the game. She said she has never flipped back and forth on how she feels about them, though she flips back and forth on The Six. Dre joined them and said she thinks Dillon needs to go. She mentioned Karen being able to have more influence over Emily than Jackie does. Ika told her to get that thought out of her head since Karen will not influence Emily. Ika said there are pros and cons to keeping each of the nominees. She claimed that she doesn’t care which one goes first. Dre thinks there is a chance that Emily would put Kevin on the block. Ika disagreed and said Bruno would talk her out of it. However, Ika said she will get rid of Dillon if Dre thinks it is best. Demetres brought up getting Dillon out before jury so they don’t have to deal with him there. He also said Dillon can play the game without Emily but he doesn’t know if she can play the game without him. Demetres said he will also be able to win a competition that caters to big guys if Dillon is out of the picture.

2:00-3:00 PM: Big Brother gave the houseguests multiple cakes to celebrate the birthdays of Bruno, Dre and Sindy. They were all born in April. They each received something from home as well.

3:00-4:00 PM: Kevin told Demetres he feels like Dillon’s fight has left him. Demetres said that is probably because he thinks that he is going home. Demetres argued that Emily may not be too motivated without Dillon, though Dillon is likely going to have more motivation without Emily. Demetres said William was good to them this week and he is going to go with whatever William wants. Kevin said he is on board with doing that as well. Kevin mentioned that Dillon may be pissed at William and Dre for nominating him. Demetres thinks they will look past that and see that they were put on the block because of Ika and himself. Demetres expects Dillon to take a shot at him since he is a bigger target. Kevin said Dillon leaving would result in Emily and Jackie pairing up. He pointed out that they both hate Ika. Demetres said Dillon would nominate Ika too. Kevin told Demetres they should keep the weaker competitor, Emily, if both Dillon and Emily are going after Ika and Demetres.

4:00-5:00 PM: Ika and Demetres discussed that William seems to want to take Dillon out. Ika said she did a good job convincing him not to do that last night, so now she needs to convince him to go with his gut and take Dillon out. Ika suggested they tell people that William wants Dillon out and therefore they should do that since it’s his HoH. Ika and Demetres agreed that they need to find a way to protect Dre and William. Demetres said they have to keep winning HoH or else their allies will take them out. Ika’s ideal scenario is to have Emily and Jackie leave back to back. Ika said she convinced Neda that there is a Season 3 going on and that they want to rip her and Neda apart. Ika mentioned that both she and Neda discussed that Sindy has been making little comments to each of them about the other. Ika said Neda told her it is Sindy who is worried about her relationship with Demetres. Ika said Neda’s attitude sucks but she is probably not as sketchy as Bruno, Kevin and Sindy are at the moment. Ika said they put too much trust in Sindy. Demetres said he will never trust Sindy after seeing what she did to Jordan on her season. In the bedroom, Bruno talked about how he thinks Sindy means well. Neda disagreed and said she has seen Sindy relaying information in a way that gets you to turn against certain people. Specifically, Neda said Sindy has done that to her and to Ika. Neda reiterated that William needs to leave if it is a double eviction. Bruno said William is as key for that side as Dillon is for their side. Bruno said it scares him that Jackie thinks she is close with William. He worried that Jackie will join William if Emily goes. Neda said she wont as long as Ika and Jackie are still feuding. Neda suggesting egging it on between those two. They discussed that they will not have the numbers to save Dillon if Ika and Demetres vote the other way. Neda said Jackie will vote with that side in that scenario. Next week, Neda hopes they can get Jackie to nominate Dre and Ika, not Demetres and Ika, if she wins HoH. After Bruno left, Neda spoke to the feeders. She said Sindy is the rat in between the sides. Neda said her perfect scenario is to have Emily, William, Dre and Jackie leave. However, she said Sindy will have to go at some point in there too. Neda called her the sketchiest sketchbag of them all. Neda explained she would like to continue to keep herself in the middle. Neda asked Canada to please not hate her. She said it is so mean to cheer when she is eliminated from the HoH competition. Neda said she understands that people don’t like when someone controls the beginning of the game and takes out their favourites. Neda also admitted she is not the most entertaining. Neda made it clear that her only alliance she is loyal to is “The Nedas” which consists of her mom, her cat and herself.

5:00-6:00 PM: Dre told William that when he talks to Jackie he should say he made Dre and Demetres promise not to go after her. This plan was discussed with Ika previously. The goal is to avoid having one of them go on the block next to Ika if Jackie wins HoH. Dre said she doesn’t see the benefit in keeping Dillon around even though she is going to trust Bruno and Sindy for now. William agreed that Dillon has got to go. Dre said Bruno is someone who doesn’t want to get his hands dirty. Dre told William that Bruno has great connections everywhere and she is the only one going after him. Out by the hot tub, Sindy told Bruno that Ika is acting as if she did something wrong to her. Sindy explained that Ika has been keeping her back to her and ignoring her. Sindy said she is frustrated because she was close to Ika in the beginning but now Ika has replaced her with Demetres. Sindy told Bruno she feels like she doesn’t have a #1. Bruno said she is looking at one. Not only did Sindy notice a difference with Ika, but she thinks she has to start the conversations up with everyone including Neda. Bruno told Sindy she is doing great and she shouldn’t be discouraged or stressed. Inside, Ika let Neda know that she was on board with getting rid of Emily but that is not what William wants to do. Neda said William doesn’t have a vote anyway. Ika and Demetres both said they will not go against what William wants after he kept their alliance safe this week. Ika said she shouldn’t be the one doing all the work. She told Neda that Kevin should go put some work in if he wants Dillon to stay. Ika said they can go after Emily next week if they win HoH. Neda said she is going after Dre and William. Ika said they aren’t even talking about her. Neda replied by saying that is because they can’t since her immunity is still in play.

6:00-7:00 PM: Neda informed Bruno and Kevin that Ika and Demetres will not vote against William. Neda said they told her that it should be Kevin’s job to convince William. Neda told the guys that they can’t just give up. She thinks Jackie and Sindy will vote with the other side. Neda said they will go into next week with no numbers if Dillon leaves. Kevin said they will not be able to get the vote to go their way unless William is on board with keeping Dillon. Neda said they need to convince William that he will not have any control over Jackie as long as Emily is in the house. Kevin threw out the idea of using the veto on Dillon. Bruno said he would go up then. They all agreed that Kevin cannot use the veto.

7:00-8:00 PM: In the HoH room, Ika let Dre and William know that Neda is targeting them. Ika said Neda got so pissed off when she said she is not going to vote against what William wants. Dre said she almost wants Kevin to use the veto so that they can throw Bruno up on the block. Ika told William to nominate Bruno if that happens. Karen joined them. Ika asked if she is okay with Dillon leaving. Karen confirmed that she is. Ika asked who Emily would nominate if she won HoH. Karen said it would be Kevin and Jackie. Karen said Dillon and Emily have been sucking face all day and Emily is going to be pissed off once Dillon leaves. Karen headed outside to talk to Emily. She said Jackie, Kevin, Neda and Sindy are playing both sides and need to go. Karen told Emily she believes that Kevin is responsible for getting them nominated this week. Karen said Kevin has to go. Emily said Kevin is her target. Dillon joined them and asked Karen to promise to vote him out. Karen said she will do that if that’s what Dillon wants. Karen then started explaining to Dillon and Emily that their alliance with Kevin and the others was never real or else he would use the veto on one of them. She said Jackie would then go up on the block. Emily said William will nominate Bruno. Karen didn’t buy it. Dillon mentioned his plan to throw Kevin under the bus at the veto ceremony. He said Bruno lost it when he proposed that idea.

8:00-9:00 PM: Dre told Ika and William that they could save both Dillon and Emily and bring them over to their side. Her proposed plan involved convincing Kevin that Jackie would be the replacement nominee and that William thinks she has to go. Once Kevin uses the veto, William would then nominate Bruno and they would vote him out. Dre said they can reel Emily and Dillon in by explaining that their alliance members got them nominated. Dre told Ika and William that they have to play like it is their last time. Dre said this move would make William a great player. Ika admitted that it would be great TV. She said William would have to be comfortable with the move. William said he would be the one getting the blood on his hands but nobody would give him the credit for the move. Ika and William agreed that it would be a good move to nominate Bruno if Kevin uses the PoV, but he should not push Kevin to do so by lying about nominating Jackie. William said he will simply tell Kevin that he wants Dillon to go and then he will see if Kevin uses the veto. Ika headed to the backyard to speak to Demetres. She got Demetres caught up on Dre’s plan to get Bruno out. Both Ika and Demetres agreed that making the move against Bruno would put them in a tough spot. Ika said Neda pissed her off in their earlier conversation. Ika told Demetres that it made her want to get rid of Dillon. They discussed that their alliance is selfish every single week. Ika said they will make sure that Kevin doesn’t use the veto but they will send Dillon home. Bruno and Kevin joined them. Ika explained that she will be doing whatever William wants this week, as she does not want to burn bridges with him and with Dre after they kept them all safe. Ika made it clear that she is not happy with how Neda reacted earlier. Ika said she wants Dillon to stay over Emily but she is not going to screw over Dre and William to make it happen. Bruno and Kevin said they understand. Kevin said he is going to do whatever William wants as well.

9:00-10:00 PM: Ika told Demetres that she would have Dre and William’s backs over The Six any day. Demetres said the princess, Neda, will not get her way this week. He said she was already handed half the game due to her immunity. Ika said Cassandra or Gary should have been given the immunity since they are more entertaining in this game that is all about drama. Bruno reported back to Neda to let her know that it will be war if they keep Dillon. He said Ika is pissed because she put in work to keep them safe. Neda said she doesn’t really think that they did much work, but worst case scenario they will still have Emily on their side. Karen got Dre and Ika caught up on her talk with Dillon and Emily. She said Kevin told Dillon that Ika and Demetres and running this side of the house and they need to be crushed. Karen said Dillon and Kevin had a Final 2 since the beginning. Karen mentioned Sindy voted for Dre and William. She said Sindy is the mole and she cannot be included in any more conversations. Karen let Dre know that Kevin is saying William is his boy toy. Karen said she cannot respect that Kevin is playing with his sexuality.

10:00-11:00 PM: Ika sat Emily down to tell her that her allies are not who she thinks they are. Emily said she realizes that now. Ika advised her to sit down with Dre and William so that she can get filled in on everything that her alliance said. Ika told Emily that she may think she is safe but her allies are wanting to blindside her. Emily said she hates Kevin’s guts and she will be targeting him. Emily told Dre and Ika that if they can get Kevin to use the veto and then they vote out the replacement, the three pairs could all work together. Ika said they can get Karen on board too. Emily agreed. Ika explained to Emily that her allies would tell them that she and Dillon were coming after them and vice versa. Ika let Emily know that Dre sat her and William down for two hours to try to convince them to get on board with the same plan that Emily just mentioned. Dillon joined them. They got him caught up on the proposed plan. Dillon said he is on board. Ika asked if Dillon would run back to the other side. Dillon said he does not trust them.

11:00-12:00 AM: In the HoH room, Kevin told William that Dillon and Emily are pissed at him since he wont use the veto. William asked if he would be scared to use it. Kevin said he would use the veto if William wants to nominate Jackie. Kevin promised that he will do whatever William wants. William said he wants to think it over a bit more. Emily then spoke to William. She talked to him about the proposed plan and alliance of seven that they can form. Dre and Emily encouraged William to work on Kevin. William said he will tell people that Emily was campaigning to him. In the bedroom, Kevin told Dillon that Dre and Ika are treating him like he is already gone by talking to Emily. Neda pointed out that those two did not talk to Emily until Day 30 because they now think that she is staying. Neda asked if Emily would ever go to that side. Dillon said he doesn’t know because he doesn’t know what they were talking about. Dillon asked Kevin to use the veto on him. Kevin said he would have to know who the replacement nominee would be. Dillon said Kevin thinks the replacement nominee will be Bruno. Bruno told Dillon, Jackie and Neda that William could always say that he is putting Karen up and then he will put him up instead. Bruno and Neda agreed that it would be a brilliant move on William’s part. Bruno, Jackie and Neda discussed that they need Dillon to stay over Emily. Bruno said they have the numbers as long as Sindy is on board. In the pantry, Dillon told Demetres and Emily about his conversation in the bedroom. He said he did the best acting of his life. Emily then headed up there to do the same thing. In the HoH room, William told Kevin that it may be a good idea to use the veto so that Jackie can go up. Kevin said he will do it if that’s what William wants. Kevin told William that Dillon and Emily will not target him if he goes after Jackie. Kevin also said his relationship with those two would be repaired if he uses the veto on one of them. Kevin said it is best for both of them to have Jackie on the block.

12:00-1:00 AM: Kevin and William continued to discuss using the veto on Dillon in order to put Jackie up. Kevin said he likes it more the more they talk about it. William headed downstairs to talk to Dre. He let her know about his talk with Kevin. Ika interrupted and told William to abort the plan and not use the veto. Dre said Ika is stressing out for no reason. Ika said they have Emily on their side and they do not need Dillon. Ika insisted that Dillon would be on their side and would not target them if they keep him safe. Ika said Dillon is a monster and they should not be playing with him. Demetres agreed with Ika. Ika told Dre that she will be on board with the plan if Kevin actually uses the veto. Ika later told Demetres that they cannot let Kevin use the veto. Both agreed that they do not want to work with Dillon. Ika thinks Emily will be even more on their side if she thinks that they tried to keep both her and Dillon. In the bathroom, Dillon and Emily compared notes about Bruno. They discussed that he told each of them that he would vote to keep them. Emily said Bruno always called her his #1 and he said that he loves her. Dillon said he hopes that Bruno is the one walking out the door. Back in the HoH room, Kevin told William that he likes the plan but he wants them to sleep on it. They discussed that Jackie will be so upset. Kevin said he wont feel bad. William agreed and said she is a flip flopper. Kevin said this move can help bring him closer to Dre. William agreed.

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