BBCAN5 Day 40

April 19, 2017

10:00-11:00 AM: Sindy asked Dre how she is voting this week. Dre said she really doesn’t know what’s happening because no one is talking to her. Sindy said a bit of her was very confident that Dre would save her since she did not do her wrong. Sindy told Dre she feels betrayed by Ika because she threw her name out after swearing on her kids that she would never go after her and would keep her safe. Sindy explained that she lied to Dre about nominating William because Ika told her to. Sindy said Ika then told her to pretend she confronted her and then tell Dre the truth about it. Sindy mentioned Ika has been playing both sides and Dre is the only person who forgave her for it. Dre said she knew Ika was playing both sides but she didn’t know the extent to which it was happening. As for this week, Dre assured Sindy that Ika did not throw her name out there. Ika said she was there when Ika spoke to Dillon. Dre said she still feels like it’s Kevin, Bruno, and Sindy, and Sindy would view them as a trio if she were in her position. Sindy insisted that Bruno and Kevin wanted to work with Dre but Ika would tell them that Dre will not work with them and there is no point. Sindy said the trio is willing to work with Dre and William. Sindy told Dre that she could go ahead and put her back on the block if she stays. Sindy said there is no way that Ika could convince her to go against Dre and William, though she may be able to convince Jackie to make that move. Sindy said she has been in rooms with Ika and has heard her tell Bruno and Kevin that the French Connection are after them since Week 1. Dre said Kevin has never talked game with her. As for Bruno, Dre said they talked for five seconds and Bruno lied to her. Sindy explained that people creating distrust between them is to blame. Sindy told Dre that Ika will forgive her even if she votes Jackie out, because Ika wont have a choice. Sindy brought up how Ika has turned on her. Dre said Sindy should talk to Ika instead of assuming things. Sindy said she knows what Ika is like due to their relationship on the outside. Sindy added that she knows Ika will not vote for her to stay. Dre said it scares her a bit to see how Sindy’s side turns on each other. Dre said she will think about what Sindy had to say. Sindy headed to the blue room to speak to Bruno, Kevin and William. She filled them in on her talk with Dre. Kevin then told William that Ika and Demetres will bring Dillon and Karen to the Final 4. Sindy said Jackie will win the game because she will be able to say she was always the underdog and she was alone in the game. Sindy said Jackie will slide through since nobody will go after her. Bruno told William that Ika will use Dillon and Jackie to go after Dre and William. William said Dre trusts Ika and he doesn’t know what to say to her. Sindy suggested that Dre may be more willing to listen now that she has talked to her. Sindy said she doesn’t know why she is being punished for being a good person and not going after Dre and William. William said he doesn’t know if Dre will listen to him since she has been kind of sketchy towards him the past couple of days. Bruno told William that they can work together and trust each other but the things that Ika have said made it hard.

11:00-12:00 PM: Dre, William, Bruno and Kevin spoke in the bedroom. Bruno said people want to keep them apart because they don’t want them to compare notes. Bruno mentioned that after Dre spoke to Bruno, she ran back to Ika and then Ika came back and told everything to him. Dre said she knew that because Ika was pissed about her conversation with Bruno. Bruno said Ika and Demetres have been keeping them from talking. Bruno explained to Dre that Ika and Demetres will use Dillon and Karen to go after them. Bruno guaranteed that Ika and Demetres will try to cut a deal with him if he wins HoH. Bruno suggested that Dre and William would be the ones they throw under the bus. Dre said to put her up if that’s what he wants. Dre told Bruno that they give so much credit to Cassandra and to Ika. Bruno said Ika is very good at the game and it took skill to cut a deal with Dillon. Dre said she doesn’t think Ika is that good. Bruno said Dre and William can use them to go after Ika and Demetres since Dillon and Karen will not do it. Sindy joined them. She said she trusted Ika and put Neda on the block because of it. Dre questioned if they are saying they cannot think for themselves and just listen to Ika. Dre said she feels like she sees the game so differently from the people in the room. Sindy asked who will go after Jackie if she stays. Dre said Jackie is a lone. Sindy said she will use that in her Final 2 speech. Dre said she will find her own arguments and if Jackie wins against her, she wins. Dre admitted that she doesn’t think Ika will have Jackie on her side. Sindy asked who Jackie will go after. Dre said she has no idea but it will not be her. Sindy said there is risk with regards to who Jackie will go after, though there is no risk when it comes to who she would go after. Sindy asked Dre what is holding her back from keeping her. Dre said she doesn’t see any logic behind it since you can make counter arguments for everything she is saying. Sindy said she has been honest with Dre the entire time. Dre said if Sindy knew Ika was playing her, she wasn’t honest with her. While the campaigning was going on, Demetres and Ika spoke to Jackie. Ika said she is going with her gut and she really believes in the truce that they made. Jackie explained that she has moved around the house because she always feels that she is giving more to people than she is getting back from them. Ika said things don’t work out for Jackie because the real alliance seemed to be Bruno, Kevin, Neda and Sindy, then those people were pretending to be with others. Ika let Jackie know that William does not like her and he doesn’t want her there. Ika said they need to put their differences aside for the betterment of their game. Jackie said she doesn’t want to play personally. Ika said Bruno and Kevin are trying to be nice to both nominees so they can reel in whichever one stays. Jackie said she knows Bruno and Kevin would definitely want to keep Sindy over her. Ika agreed. Jackie asked if she should talk to Bruno and Kevin about their votes. Ika told Jackie to stick to Dre. Afterwards, Jackie spoke to Dre in the pantry. Dre said she doesn’t care who Jackie’s targets are next week. Dre assured Jackie that she will be voting for her to stay. Dre said all she wants is to make sure that William is safe and that Jackie will not come after her until the target she wants out is gone. Dre asked Jackie not to tell William which way she is voting, because William is still undecided. Dre said she doesn’t care if Jackie goes after Ika and Demetres or whoever. Dre said she will chill with Ika and Demetres but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t want them out. Dre assured Jackie that she will not vote any newbies out until at least Bruno and Kevin are gone. Jackie said she has votes and now she is only worried about William since he seemed upset she was hanging out with Kevin yesterday. Jackie explained that she just needed a friend. Jackie asked if Karen would vote Sindy out over her. Dre said she thinks Sindy will do that since she wants the returnees to go.

12:00-1:00 PM: Dillon, Dre and Karen spoke in the HoH room. Dre said Jackie told her that she will not be her target if she wins HoH. Karen wondered who shd would target. Dre said Jackie probably wont try to win HoH. Karen said Jackie has talked about putting her on the block next to Ika. The three discussed that Sindy has still got to go. Karen asked if anyone is campaigning to Demetres and Ika. Dre said no. Karen said they will continue to work on Dre and William. Karen said Jackie is going to make it all the way to Final 3, but they have bigger fish to fry than her right now. She said Neda and Sindy have to reconnect in the jury house and make some KD together. In the blue room, Kevin told William that he and Bruno will be the only people he trusts once Sindy goes. Kevin told William that he and Dre will be safe and he will not have to win HoH if Sindy goes. He explained that he and Bruno will go after Ika and Demetres and vice versa. Kevin asked if Dre would throw HoH. William said he doesn’t think so. Kevin said he understand where Sindy is coming from but it would be bad for Dre’s game to vote against Ika. William said he wondered if it would be best for he and Dre to vote on different sides. However, he said Sindy will leave anyway so it doesn’t make sense. Kevin told William that he wants the two of them to be in the Final 3 with Bruno. The two agreed to fight for each other. Kevin said people told him that there was a plan to put Bruno up as the replacement nominee if he used the veto on Dillon or Emily. William asked who told him that. Kevin said Ika. Kevin said he then got scared and didn’t use it. William said Ika was right. William told Kevin that’s the only time that he has played him. Kevin said he loves William and now they can trust each other 100%. William explained that he was being told Kevin was calling him his boy toy, so he said he was going to get him to use the veto to take his friend out. Kevin asked if Dillon and Emily knew that Bruno would be the replacement nominee. William said no. Kevin said he is so glad that William admitted he was trying to get Bruno out, because he always thought that was the case.

1:00-2:00 PM: Dre let Dillon know that Bruno was saying Dillon, Karen, Ika and Demetres will be together and leave her and William at the bottom. Dre said she was thinking that that is not what is happening. She said they are trying to make it so that Sindy stays this week. Dre said Bruno started spilling the tea about Ika. Dre said they don’t understand that she wants Ika out as well, just not right now. Dre told Dillon that Bruno was focused on turning her against Ika when she had already turned on her after the double eviction. Dillon said they have no idea what they are talking about. Dre said Bruno and Kevin want to make Ika look like a liar when they were doing the same thing. Dillon said Bruno and Kevin played he and Emily in the same way. Dre mentioned Bruno saying Ika swore on her kids that Bruno, Sindy, Demetres and herself would be the Final 4. Dillon said Ika swore on her kids to him too. Dre and Dillon discussed that Jackie likely wont try to win HoH. Dre figured Jackie would still go after Ika and Demetres. Both Dillon and Dre agreed that it would be perfect if that happens since they wont have to be the ones to make that move.

2:00-3:00 PM: Ika told Dillon she thought Bruno was a loyal guy but now she cannot even look him in the eyes. Ika said she is shocked by him. Ika mentioned Bruno made Final 2 deals with her and Neda. Ika said she met Bruno at the Niagara trips and liked him there, so she wanted to like him in the house. Dillon said he wanted to like Bruno as well.

4:00-5:00 PM: Ika asked Karen if Jackie has talked to her. Karen said no. Ika said Jackie talked to her and said if she gives her her vote, she will not come after her. Karen said Jackie would come after her and that’s why she is not talking to her. Ika told Karen that Jackie wouldn’t say anything when she asked who she will go after. Karen figures she is Jackie’s target. Ika said to wait until Jackie talks to her. Karen said neither nominee has talked to her at all. Karen then asked Demetres if either girl has campaigned to her. Demetres said no. Karen said that tells her that the two of them will be the nominees. Demetres said nobody is campaigning to Ika either. Karen said Jackie did, meaning they have made deals with everybody else. Demetres figured it was just a matter of them knowing that they will not get their votes. They talked about how the other side is working hard to flip the vote. Demetres and Karen agreed that they have to win HoH either way. While William was alone in the bedroom, he looked to the camera and said that if you didn’t see the new episode yet, he has a secret Power of Veto. In the other bedroom, Dre told Demetres that she is trying to hide from the people on the block. Demetres asked if they have been campaigning. Dre said they each spoke to her once. She said she is voting Sindy out but told her that she will take what she is saying into consideration. Dre told Demetres that William will vote Sindy out. She admitted that William gets confused at times. However, she said it is beneficial for everyone’s games to break up the trio.

5:00-6:00 PM: Ika let Dre know that Karen said yesterday that she noticed Dre hanging out with the other side all day. Ika said Karen is claiming that Dillon noticed it as well. Dre said that’s impossible because Dillon will be closer to them than he will be to Karen. Ika said the last thing she needs is to have Karen win HoH and nominate Dre for some reason. Dre said Karen has been putting doubt in her mind about William, then she will go speak to William and feel bad for ever doubting him. Dre believes that William is on her side. Ika said William is on Dre’s side but she does not trust him since he spends all of his time with Bruno, Kevin, Jackie and Sindy. Ika admitted she can see why Karen feels the way she does about William. She again pointed out that William is always hanging out with Kevin’s people. Ika wondered what William would do if he were to win HoH. Dre said William would likely prefer not to win HoH because he doesn’t want to be put in a position where he has to show which side he is on.

7:00-8:00 PM: Sindy made another campaign pitch to William. She said that she is willing to promise her jury vote to Dre and William, voting for either of them if they make it to the Final 2. She said this in front of Kevin. She explained that she already told Bruno and Kevin they will not have her vote if she makes this deal. Sindy said she is only asking for one more week so she can stay for her birthday. Sindy vowed to help sway the jury in favour of Dre or William as well. Sindy again told William that he can throw her back on the block next week if he doesn’t want to work with her moving forward. William asked how many voters there are this week. Sindy said she needs four votes to stay. Sindy explained that she chose her side and she has not spoken to Karen, Ika, or Demetres. Sindy pointed out that she picked Dre and William during the double eviction as well, seeing as people were pushing for her to nominate Dre. William said he will speak to Dre some more. Meanwhile, Dre told Dillon that Bruno is her #1 target. She said she wants him to leave and then everyone else can go. Dillon said someone on their side needs to win HoH so bad. Dre thinks Dillon will be safe no matter what since the two sides are after each other. Dillon said if Bruno or Kevin go next week, he would nominate Ika and Demetres if he wins HoH the following week. Dillon told Dre that whoever remains out of Bruno and Kevin would be his replacement nominee if one is needed. Dre suggested throwing HoH to Jackie in order to let her make that move for them if the time comes.

8:00-9:00 PM: Back in the blue room, Kevin revealed his game to William. He started from the beginning and discussed the formation of The Six, then worked his way forward to current day. Kevin told William that he and Dre are in a good spot if they vote Sindy out this week. Kevin said he would never tell Sindy that, but there is no reason for the two of them to flip. However, Kevin said Sindy would not nominate Dre or William. William said he knows that. Kevin said Jackie might nominate them. William told Kevin that Dre doesn’t think so. Kevin told William that it would be smart of him to throw HoH, though selfishly he does not want William to do so. Kevin asked if people want Bruno out more than they want him out. William said yes. He told Kevin he isn’t sure what Ika wants though. William revealed that Dre may want to go after Ika once Bruno is gone. William said he will do whatever he can to beat Ika in the HoH competition if they are battling it out for the win. William said he wants to see Ika go and he wants to see a fight in the jury house between Neda, Sindy and Ika.

9:00-10:00 PM: Jackie told Bruno and Kevin that she needs them to keep it on the DL that she has been talking to Ika and Demetres, so that she can continue to get info from them. Jackie said those two actually believe that she has a truce with them and that she wants to work with them. Kevin said to make them believe it. Jackie said she will have every reason to go against the truce. After Jackie left, Bruno told Kevin that he doesn’t think they can both vote for Sindy to stay. He figured it would not look good to Jackie if they both voted her out, especially considering the other side could spin it that they voted her out thinking that she would leave. Kevin said he will vote Jackie out and Bruno can vote with the house. They agreed that Sindy cannot leave without a vote on her birthday. Up in the HoH room, William let Dre know that he trusts Kevin 100% after Kevin pretty much told him his whole game tonight. William told Dre that Kevin asked about trying to get him to use the veto to backdoor Bruno. William said he admitted to that plan. William then let Dre know that Ika told Kevin not to use the veto because Bruno would have went up if so. Dre said it’s good that William told Kevin the truth. Dre said she would like to trust Kevin but she wants Bruno out before that happens. At that point, William revealed he would prefer to see Ika leave before Bruno. While Dre initially said they could wait and see if Bruno or Kevin can win HoH, she thought it would be best for her to win in case she is not safe in the event that a replacement nominee is needed. Dre said she will be targeting Bruno if she wins HoH. She told William that Kevin will have to be nominated next to him. If Bruno or Kevin came off of the block, Dre said she would nominate Karen.

10:00-11:00 PM: Sindy spoke to William about Dre’s vote. She noted that Dre is the one who needs convincing. Sindy pointed out that saving Jackie could be a reason that Dre ends up on the block next to Ika, since she will be seen as part of that group. William said he doesn’t know what to say to Sindy. He told her that he feels bad. William explained that one side is better for Dre and the other side is better for him. William let Sindy know that Dre is not going to keep her. Sindy said she will try talking to her once more. William also said he plans to vote with Dre.

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