BBCAN5 Day 43 - William wins the Power of Veto

April 22, 2017

10:00-11:00 AM: Players were picked for the veto competition. Demetres, Bruno, Kevin, Dre, Ika and William will be competing. Jackie will be the host. Kevin spoke to the live feeders. He said he will throw Bruno under the bus in a second if he has to. Kevin said it will be devastating if Bruno wins the veto, since he doesn’t know how he will be able to survive. Kevin said he is not giving up and there is no way that he is going to leave. He said he will win the veto later today. Kevin thinks the others may get sketched out if they see Bruno trying to ditch him first, even when he is showing loyalty. For that reason, Kevin doesn’t want to give off the vibe that he would throw Bruno under the bus just yet. Bruno and Kevin then spoke. The two discussed that they want each other to win the game if they cannot win it themselves. They agreed to fight for each other in jury. Bruno said whoever stays has pretty much no choice but to go with Ika and Demetres. Kevin agreed. Bruno thinks Ika may use the veto if she wins it. He talked about how the videos from home really hit her and they realized that they messed up by going after each other. Kevin said if one of them gets off of the block, they will have that vote and Ika’s, so they only need one more plus the tiebreaker. Kevin said Demetres definitely wants one of them out at the moment.

11:00-12:00 PM: Dre told Jackie that people are talking about there being an alliance between the newbies. Dre suggested that Jackie act as if she doesn’t like her or trust her. Dre also told Jackie not to say that Ika or Demetres are her targets. Dre then headed to the pantry to tell Ika that Jackie likes her. Dre claimed that Jackie said she is not going against Ika. Ika brought up that William is making Dre look bad. She said she told Kevin that it’s William, not Dre. Dre said she is done and doesn’t know why she held on to William for so long. Demetres joined Dre and Ika to let them know that Dillon and Karen are getting sketched out and questioned why Ika didn’t sleep in the HoH room. Demetres said he told them that Ika left the HoH room because it was cold. Demetres added that Karen commented on seeing Ika and Bruno talking earlier. After Demetres left, Ika told Dre that Karen is going to go on the block if the veto is used. she pointed out that Karen is causing a lot of paranoia. Ika thinks that Dillon and Karen are doing the same thing that the Bruno, Kevin and Neda group were doing before. Ika told Dre she trusts her 100% but she doesn’t know about Dillon. In the bathroom, William told Kevin that he will use the veto on him. He said he needs to be ready for dirty looks from Ika since she is going to be pissed if that happens. Ika then headed to the HoH room to speak to Deemtres about their allies. She said that she has been working on putting distrust between Dre and William, and she thinks that it is working. Ika wants William to be a target. They discussed that Kevin has to go this week. However, Ika explained to Demetres that they will go home if they are on the block next to anyone. If Bruno and Kevin are still around, Ika thinks that people would go after them first. Demetres said there is no way that they can keep them both around at this point. Demetres told Ika that he should have nominated Karen and William. Ika said anyone who sits on the block next to those two is going home. Ika said Bruno and Kevin would keep the two of them around since they too are huge targets.

12:00-1:00 PM: In the bedroom, Dre let Dillon know that Ika is concerned about his video from home since she thinks that it will bring Dillon and Karen closer. Dre also informed Dillon that Karen may be the replacement nominee since she is so paranoid. Back in the HoH room, Ika and Demetres continued to discuss that Bruno and Kevin leaving could put them in a bad spot. Ika clarified that she is not saying to use the veto on them, but rather that they need to think about everything. Dre joined them. All three discussed that Karen is annoying and she needs to go. Ika said she would probably nominate Karen next to Jackie or William if she wins HoH next week. Ika then spoke to Dre about how she and Demetres will be voted out over anyone if Bruno and Kevin are out of the house.

1:00-2:00 PM: Demetres told Dre that he thinks Ika is regretting the two of them. After watching videos from home last night and seeing her children and their father, Ika decided not to sleep in the HoH room. Dre asked if it’s because of yesterday. Demetres said he thinks so. Demetres said it bothers him that one minute Ika is one way with him, then the next she is another way. Demetres said he feels like he is chasing Ika around half of the time. Demetres told Dre that he was struggling with his lines during the nomination ceremony and he couldn’t even eat because of what was going on with Ika. Dre suggested that Demetres let Ika know how he feels. Dre said Ika is very reserved and guarded with her emotions. Demetres said Ika is just going to stop talking to him if this happens outside of the house. In the bedroom, Ika told Bruno and Kevin that she is trying to show Demetres that they will be voted out over anyone if Bruno and Kevin leave. Ika mentioned that Karen and William are very dangerous players since anybody who sits on the block next to them will go home. Ika said Demetres told her that he is willing to nominate Karen. Bruno asked if they would have the votes to get her out. Ika said they would have her vote, either Bruno or Kevin’s, and then they would need one more. Ika said Dre hates Karen and thinks that she is just as bad as Bruno and Kevin. Bruno asked Ika if she would use the veto. Ika said yes. Bruno asked if Demetres would use it. Ika said they are only having conversations right now and nothing is 100%. Bruno and Ika talked about how the videos from home hit them hard since they saw each other’s families and it reminded them that they really know each other outside of the house. Bruno said the four needs to stay intact past this week and then they will win the game. Elsewhere, Dillon and Karen discussed that Bruno and Ika keep talking. Karen said Ika is being different today which means she is buying it. Dillon went to Ika and told her not to believe what Bruno is saying. Ika said she is not.

2:00-3:00 PM: Dre told Ika that Demetres is hurt because she makes it seem like they will never work on the outside. Dre said Demetres looked like he was tearing up and he said that he cannot eat because he feels some type of way. Ika let Dre know that the truth is she likes Demetres so much that it scares her. She said she doesn’t want to like him. Ika talked about Demetres being 25 and young, which is not what she thought she wanted. Ika asked if she should talk to Demetres. Dre said yes. Ika then headed upstairs to talk to Demetres. She apologized and said she doesn’t want to hurt him. Ika said that the videos from home didn’t change how she felt about him, which scared her because it should have. Ika said she says things about how they will not work on the outside because she doesn’t want to be the one wanting it to work if he doesn’t feel the same way. Demetres said he doesn’t want to mess things up back home. Ika assured him that there is nothing to mess up. The two agreed that they didn’t expect to feel this way about anyone in the house. Both apologized to each other again before they started making out. In terms of game talk, the two agreed that Dre is more loyal to them than to anyone else in the game.

5:00-6:00 PM: Kevin and Bruno discussed that Ika seems game for saving the both of them this week. Bruno said Demetres is the one who needs to be convinced to get on board with the plan. Both agreed that Ika has to be the one to do the convincing. Bruno pointed out that Ika and Demetres, like a lot of people, are starting to not like Karen. Kevin said they will need to get Ika and Demetres to use the veto if they happen to win. They talked about how those two will be sitting ducks if they let one of them leave this week.

6:00-7:00 PM: Karen spoke to Dillon about what he would want to do if Bruno, Kevin and Jackie are all out of the house. Dillon said he would want to target William next. Karen asked who he would put on the block next to William. Dillon said Dre. Karen told Dillon that they are on the same page with regards to that. Karen said she wishes that she knew what Bruno has been putting in Ika’s mind. Dillon told her that it doesn’t matter since Ika is not buying any of it.

1:00-2:00 AM: Feeds returned following the veto competition. William won the Power of Veto. Ika asked Kevin if he talked to William. Kevin said he will try to tonight. Ika said she will keep him up to date on how the conversations with Demetres are going. Kevin wondered if Demetres would be okay with William using the veto. Ika said Karen will go on the block if that happens. Kevin didn’t think that William would use the veto unless Demetres is on board with it. He agreed to talk to William and then let Ika know how things are going. Ika headed to the HoH room. Demetres told her that Kevin approached him about making a deal to nominate Karen as the replacement nominee. Ika said that’s because she planted that seed in case Bruno or Kevin were to win the Power of Veto. Ika said William cannot use the veto. Demetres said he wants Karen gone but he would prefer to see Jackie go if it came down to it. However, Demetres said he would prefer to see Kevin go over everyone else. He mentioned how they discussed that Kevin is a big target to go on the block ahead of them. Ika said Bruno is still there for that. Ika told Demetres that Bruno and Kevin came to them too late.

Earlier today, Big Brother released the details of William's Secret Power of Veto. They are as follows:

The Secret Power of Veto gives the holder, William, the power to save anyone from the block over two Power of Veto ceremonies. The ceremonies where this power is active are Wednesday April 19th & 26th. This Power of Veto is a SECRET and Big Brother will never reveal who used it. However, William is free to tell people about this secret power once it has been played or should he choose not to use it. This Veto does not give him the power to name the replacement nominee, nor does it give him safety from being named a replacement himself.

Should the secret power of veto be played by William, Big Brother will deliver the news to the houseguests at the end of the Veto ceremony.

The regular Veto is still in play and regular Veto rules apply, this includes William and should he win the Veto he will have two Vetos.

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