BBCAN5 Day 46

April 25, 2017

10:00-11:00 AM: Bruno told Kevin he thinks he can do well moving forward. Kevin said he has not yet given up on Bruno. Bruno said that he doesn’t seem them getting the votes, so they have to think of another plan. Bruno and Kevin discussed getting Karen to self evict. Bruno said Karen seems a little calmer today. They agreed that Kevin has to amp it up a bit to bring Karen back to where she was yesterday. Bruno said if they can pull this off with anyone, it’s Karen since she would self evict. Kevin said it’s crazy how a superfan is threatening to self evict. Bruno said Karen told her that she never liked their talks and did not trust him. Kevin said Bruno put so much time into that relationship. Bruno said it was all for nothing. Bruno said people would be crazy to get Karen out. Kevin wondered if Demetres and Ika would keep her. Bruno said they want her out. Bruno mentioned they could go the other route, trying to get Dillon, Jackie, Dre and William, if not for Ika and Demetres having already reeled Jackie in. Bruno said Ika and Demetres have everyone believing that they are their best friends. Bruno talked about a plan to whisper in Bruno’s ear as he is walking out the door, saying Ika and Demetres are going after him next. Bruno and Kevin discussed that Dre is in the best position in the house, having the numbers all around her. Bruno said it will be so hard to get her out. Kevin asked if Dre could win any Final 2s. Bruno said for sure. Dre told Jackie that she doesn’t understand who Bruno and Kevin are going after. Jackie said she told Bruno that Karen would be her target because she doesn’t want anything getting back to anyone. Dre told Jackie that Ika and Demetres may target Jackie. She said William will not and Dillon likely won’t either. Jackie said she doesn’t think it is in her best interest to win HoH next week. Dre said that’s fine as long as Ika or Karen aren’t going to win. Dre mentioned that Ika likely won’t go after Kevin since she is realizing that they are going to be the only two returning players left. Jackie explained that she owes something to Demetres more so than to Ika because Demetres is the one showing her through actions that he is not coming after her. Dre and Jackie discussed that they need to get Bruno out this week. Dre thinks Bruno will claim that he is after Ika and Demetres but he will align with them if he stays. Jackie told Dre that she would gain a lot of respect if she took Ika out. Jackie thinks everyone in jury wants Ika out. Dre said she wants her out next. Jackie agreed.

11:00-12:00 PM: Bruno told Ika that if they keep him in the house, he will hammer the other side 100%. Ika said Demetres isn’t sure that he can trust them. Ika mentioned that Demetres is worried Bruno has a soft spot for Dillon. Bruno said he has nothing to say to Dillon and he would be more than happy to put him on the block. Bruno talked about thinking that Demetres was cast for him in a way, given that he reminds him so much of Bobby. Ika said her heart is telling her to keep Bruno, but she needs to find a way to trust him. Bruno said he will be a bigger target than Demetres as long as he is in the house. Bruno told Ika that he would owe her and Demetres everything if they are the reason he stays.

12:00-1:00 PM: Dillon told Dre that Demetres and Ika should respect whoever takes them out since they are big players. Even if that doesn’t happen, Dillon thinks that they will gain the respect of the jurors. Dre talked about how her game would have been different if not for Ika and Demetres playing both sides. Dre said she doesn’t think that they deserve all of her trust. Dillon asked Dre if she will nominate them if she wins HoH. Dre said she might. Dillon said something has to happen if he wins HoH, because they are going to give the game to them if not. Dillon is also concerned about Jackie and Kevin getting by. Dre said Jackie is alone whereas Kevin is going to play with William. Dre said Ika and Demetres need her more than she needs them. Dre wondered if she should confront Ika. Dillon said no. He told her that the confrontation will start when Ika and Demetres are put on the block. Dre said she wants the returnees out because they tried to make an alliance at the start, getting close to the newbies just in case they needed them. Bruno and Ika spent a significant amount of time rehashing past events in the house. They discussed their perspectives and why they made the moves that they did. Bruno the headed to the HoH room to do the same with Demetres.

1:00-2:00 PM: Bruno told Demetres there would be no reason for him turn his back on Ika and Demetres if they keep him in the game. He said those two will become bigger targets if he goes. Demetres said he knows he is not going up if Bruno wins HoH next week. However, Demetres is concerned about how things would play out in the Final 4. He said he isn’t sure that he could beat Bruno at that point. Bruno brought up that Dre is in a great spot and nobody is going to take her out. Bruno said he is more than happy to do it when the time comes. Demetres and Ika discussed their talks with Bruno. Demetres said he is not going to make a decision right now. Ika said she understand that Demetres feels as though Bruno has to go. Demetres and Ika agreed that Bruno likely would not nominate them next week. Ika said she doesn’t think that they could beat those two in order to get to the end. Demetres agreed. Ika said she is playing devil’s advocate. She pointed out that Bruno has no relationship with the others. Ika told Demetres that Bruno and Kevin would always be two votes for them. If Bruno leaves, Ika said they will only have Dre as a vote on their side. She added that people will come after them next since they are a pair. If Bruno stays, Ika thinks that people may target Bruno and Kevin before them. Ika said it’s scary to be the only option to go on the block. Ika explained that they are big targets just like Bruno and Kevin are, so they need each other to stay in the house moving forward. Ika thinks they need to consider keeping Bruno unless they believe their social games are so strong that people will stick to their one week deals next week. Ika asked if Demetres thinks Bruno and Kevin would have tried to work with them if they had won HoH. Demetres said no. Demetres mentioned they have been playing the game in a way that they stick to what they say, and keeping Bruno would be going back on that. Demetres said it rubbed him the wrong way that Bruno said Dre is in a great position and no one will take her out. Demetres and Ika agreed that they do not want Dre to go. However, Ika said they will leave if they sit on the block next to Dre. Ika said her gut tells her that getting rid of Bruno is the right thing but he is also is telling the truth. Demetres agreed. He said it would have to be the four of them against the rest of the house if they do keep Bruno.

2:00-3:00 PM: Dre told Jackie she doesn’t want to get into fights but she doesn’t mind getting into confrontations. Dre said it would be ugly if ever there were a fight between her and Ika. Dre said she wants to ask Ika if she is full of it. Dre told Jackie she doesn’t understand how Karen can act so defeated and not campaign. Dre and Jackie discussed how it’s weird that Bruno has not yet campaigned to them. Dre said she doesn’t see why anyone would keep Bruno unless he says that he is targeting Ika and Demetres. Dre thinks Kevin is going to play with William now just because he has no other choice, not because he wanted to, or else he would have done it from the start. Dre thinks Kevin would be willing to put his relationship with William aside for the game.

3:00-4:00 PM: Ika told Dre she spoke to Kevin and got the vibe from him that he wants Bruno gone because it would be better for his game. Ika said Kevin probably feels better having protection from the two of them, Demetres and William. Ika said that is just her reading the situation, since Kevin would never tell her that. Dre said she expects Bruno to try something. Ika said Bruno has already spoken to her and to Demetres. Ika told Dre that Bruno staying would take the pressure off of her and Demetres but it is not good for their games. Dre told Ika that she thinks Dillon is going to go after Jackie and Kevin next week. Ika said she would keep Jackie. Ika thinks Jackie would be even more indebted to them if they save her.

5:00-6:00 PM: Dre told Ika that William is happy to have Kevin to himself. Ika worried that Kevin can come off very sincere and fool William. Ika told Dre that they should tell Kevin they tried to make something with Dillon. She said she doesn’t want Dillon telling Kevin first. Dre asked who Kevin’s targets are. Ika said he told Demetres that he would go after Jackie and Karen, leading her to believe that Kevin has some sort of deal with Dillon. Ika said Kevin wants Bruno to go because he knows it would leave him in a very good position. Dre said she is scared that William knows she would nominate Kevin if she wins HoH. Ika asked if William would nominate her and Demetres. Dre said no. Ika said they need him to nominate Dillon next to Jackie or Karen. Dre said she is glad that William trusted them enough not to use the veto. Ika figured it was at least in part because Kevin said he would no longer push for it to be used. Ika said Kevin stopped pushing for it to be used since he had a secret veto anyway.

6:00-7:00 PM: Ika spoke to William about getting to the Final 5 with Dre, Demetres and Kevin. Ika asked if William trusts Kevin now. William said he trusts Kevin 100%. Ika said she trusts Kevin through William. Ika asked if Kevin would go after her or Dre. William said no. William admitted that he didn’t trust Kevin before but he now does. Ika reiterated that they have to work together. William said he thinks Dillon would go after Ika. She agreed and said Dillon seemed to be lying to her when he said he would go after Kevin and William. They agreed that they cannot lose each other in this game. Ika then went to Demetres to fill him in on her talk with William. Ika pointed out that William said he trusts Kevin 100%. Ika said she didn’t want that to happen. She is concerned that Dre doesn’t have much pull over William anymore. Demetres said he just spoke to Dillon and he said he is going after Jackie and Kevin next week. Demetres doesn’t think that Dillon fully trusts them, though he believes that getting Bruno out could help build some trust.

7:00-8:00 PM: Kevin and William discussed that Ika wants to work with the two of them, Demetres and Dre. William asked if they should do it. Kevin said yes. Kevin asked if they can tell the alliance about the Secret Power of Veto if they do that. Kevin worried that they wont trust him if not. William said he has to think about it. William thinks Ika may be pissed at her for putting more blood on their hands. Kevin said they can keep it a secret then. Kevin talked about how he would love to keep Bruno, but he wont push William and Dre to do so if it is not best for their game. Kevin let William know that he will be his Final 2 now that Bruno is gone. Kevin said he trusts Ika and Demetres for the next two weeks. William said he wanted to go after them. Kevin told William that they will not go after William. Kevin said he would likely nominate Jackie and Karen if h wins HoH. William asked if it’s too early to go against Ika. Kevin told William he believes that Ika and Demetres would keep him safe. They discussed that it would be big if they can get to Final 5 if they do stick with that group. William mentioned that it may be good to go after Ika and Demetres because the one who stays would team up with the other three people to come after them if not. Kevin again said he would like to stick with them for two weeks.

8:00-9:00 PM: William asked Dre if she is on board with working alongside Demetres, Ika and Kevin. Dre said she isn’t sure. William said he thinks it is a good move since whoever remains out of Ika and Demetres would align with Dillon, Jackie and Karen if they make a move against them next week. Dre said the vibe she is getting from the house is that people either want to go after Ika and Demetres or go after Kevin. Dre mentioned William could end up going on the block next to Kevin, though she could convince people to nominate Jackie instead. Dre told William that telling Ika he trusts Kevin 100% was a bad move since it only made Ika trust William less. William said Ika and Demetres are not coming after them right now. Dre said she doesn’t think that she can nominate those two. She mentioned that Dillon might make the move.

11:00-12:00 AM: Ika told Demetres and Dre that she will nominate William and Kevin if she wins HoH. Ika explained that William has to go up so that he cannot use the veto on Kevin. Ika said Kevin needs to go and she wishes that he was still on the block with Bruno so that they could send him home this week. Dre said Kevin will not come after Ika for a week. Ika said she will throw him on the block next to William since he is her target. Ika said Kevin lies so bad that William believes he is Kevin’s #1 and Kevin is his #1. Ika talked about Kevin being the one to have the secret veto. Ika said she is mad that he found it. Demetres said Kevin is probably pissed that he had to use it, though Dre mentioned it could have been the last week to do so. When Ika asked if Kevin would honour the one week deal, Dre said he would have no reason to since they didn’t have to vote to save him. Dre said she would have to nominate Karen next to Kevin. Ika told her that it has to be William sitting next to Kevin. If Kevin wins the veto, Ika said she will send William home since she cannot leave those two in the house together.

12:00-1:00 AM: Ika, Demetres, Dillon and Dre spoke in the backyard. Ika said Kevin 100% had the veto. Ika said he is such a liar when he claims that they will see it was not him. Ika let the group know that Kevin has already pulled in William and now he is trying to pull her in, telling her that she cannot trust Dillon. Ika told Dillon that Kevin is coming after him. Ika let Dillon know that she plans to nominate Kevin and William. Ika told Dillon that Bruno and Kevin said that if Dillon wins the game they will shoot themselves. Dillon said they are the ones who played him. Dre said she would legit feel bad about putting William on the block next to Kevin. Dillon told Dre that William would pull Kevin off the block if Kevin were to be nominated next to Dre. Demetres said that’s a good way to look at it. Afterwards, Dre told Dillon that she doesn’t think Kevin said half of the things Ika and Demetres are claiming he did. Dre thinks Ika and Demetres are just trying to ensure that Dillon goes after Kevin before them. She said Ika told her just before that talk that they need to pull Dillon aside to tell him all of the things that Kevin has been saying. Dre said she wouldn’t be able to nominate Ika and Demetres. Dillon asked if he is supposed to do it. Dre said no since she still might do it anyway. Dre told Dillon that they have to decide who needs to go first between Ika and Kevin. Dre admitted that Ika and Demetres are right about the need to put William on the block next to Kevin. Dre said her options are to nominate either Kevin and William or Ika and Demetres. Dre said she thinks she would nominate Ika and Demetres as of now. Dillon told Dre that she will feel differently tomorrow since she has been flipping back and forth over the past three or four days. Dre said they need to sit down and figure out who the two of them, Jackie and Karen should go after so that they can have numbers when they make a move.

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