BBCAN5 Day 47

April 26, 2017

10:00-11:00 AM: Dre told Jackie that she has no idea what to do since she has a feeling that people will try to nominate Kevin and William as a duo. Dre said Ika and Demetres pulled Dillon in and told him that Kevin said he will be after Dillon. Jackie said they told her he would be after her. Dre said she thinks it’s a tactic they are using. Dre told Jackie that Karen has pull on Dillon and she is the one telling him that Bruno, Kevin and Jackie have to go. Dre said Dillon wants Kevin out. Jackie told Dre about the Bragade alliance consisting of Neda, Ika, Cassandra, Karen and someone else. Jackie thinks Ika is using that to keep Karen close. Dre talked to Jackie about how William is getting closer to Kevin but he will not protect her with Kevin. Dre said she may be holding a grudge since she didn’t get to spend even one night in the HoH room while William had it. Dre told Jackie that William put her game in jeopardy by telling Kevin that she is not as much with Ika as he thinks. Dre and Jackie discussed what to do next week. Jackie said Karen would be a number for them. Dre said Karen will vote any vet out of the house. Jackie mentioned going after Kevin next week. Dre said she is worried that Dillon, Jackie and William will be in danger the following week if Ika and Demetres win HoH. Dre said they need to be organized and have a plan in mind so that they have the same targets and know which way to vote. Dre implied that she would be willing to nominate Ika and Demetres. Jackie asked if they should get Ika out. Dre said Demetres would have to be on the block with her. Dre told Jackie that Dillon has been mentioning that Ika and Demetres are strong players and they are a power couple. Dre saids he will make the move against them if she knows that they have the numbers and it will not backfire on any of them. Jackie asked if it’s smarter to get Demetres out first since he has a better shot at winning HoH. Dre said if Ika stays by herself and one of them put her on the block, she is going to be pissed and want to fight every single one of them. Dre said Ika will likely try to align with Kevin. Dre and Jackie agreed that Ika and Kevin have to go before the Final 5. Dre said cutting Kevin would lead to William coming back to them. Jackie said if Demetres goes, Ika will align with Kevin and William. For that reason, Jackie said Ika has to go before Demetres.

11:00-12:00 PM: In the bedroom, Karen told Ika that she thinks she will be evicted since whoever has the Secret Power of Veto will be able to say Bruno is staying if he gets voted out. Ika asked who Karen thinks has the veto. Karen said she caught William looking for it about 10 days ago. Karen told Ika she has never lied to her or put her in jeopardy, even fighting for her to stay by getting Dillon to put Sindy on the block. Karen said they will see that they made a mistake by nominating the only person who has never gunned for them. Karen said people have tried to get her to go after Ika continuously, yet she didn’t ever buy into it. Karen said she truly believes that she will be evicted. Ika disagreed. Karen told Ika that she doesn’t control the secret Power of Veto and she does not control this week. Ika said she has control of her vote. She listed off the other votes for Bruno to go as well. Karen said that’s not how things will be going down. Up in the HoH room, Dre told Dillon that Ika and Demetres are laughing at them. Dre said Karen likely wouldn’t be on board to get Ika out. Dre told Dillon that Karen needs to realize Ika is not taking her to the end. Dillon asked if they should take Demetres out over Ika. He suggested that Demetres is a bigger threat since he wins competitions. Dre said Ika would be able to realign with Kevin but Demetres would have no one. Dre added that Ika has the ability to speak. Dillon said she is so manipulative. Dillon said taking out Kevin would keep Ika and Demetres cool with them for another with another week, while at the same time allowing them to bring William back closer. Dre said if they ever go after Kevin first, they cannot have Ika or Demetres win any more HoHs. Dre admitted it likely wouldn’t be her going on the block if that happened, though she thinks they have thought of taking her out since she is thinking about taking them out. Dillon said he is on board with going after Ika and Demetres. Dre said they should turn up. While Dillon initially said Demetres should go first, he then said Ika should go first since Demetres would be lost without her. Jackie later joined them. Dre said she is ready for the turn up and is on board with nominating Ika and Demetres or Kevin and William. Jackie said she agrees that Ika and Demetres have to go.

12:00-1:00 PM: Demetres talked to Kevin about his conversation with Karen after her put her on the block. Demetres said Karen called him an idiot and said he ruined his game. Demetres said he will not take Karen far. Kevin said he wants to put her up next week. Ika joined them. Kevin said if they could have kept Bruno, it would have been great for the three of them. Ika agreed. Kevin said Dillon, Jackie and Karen know he knows that they were going to vote against him, so now they are trying to make him vengeful by asking if he is going after Ika and Demetres. Kevin said those are the three people he trusts the least. Kevin said Ika, Demetres, Dre and William are his people. Ika promised she will not put Kevin up. Kevin said the same to Ika and Demetres. Ika said part of her feels bad about sending Bruno home over Karen since he deserves to stay more. Ika said it sucks that they couldn’t build trust earlier. Kevin said that’s their fault. He said Bruno did nothing to show that the can be trusted. Kevin let Ika know that he wants to campaign for Bruno but he knows that it’s not going to work. Looking ahead to next week, Kevin said he is thinking that he will nominate Jackie and Karen if he wins HoH. Bruno came by. He asked Ika about the vote. Ika said Dre told her that she will absolutely not keep Bruno. Ika said they will not do it without her. Kevin and Ika then told Bruno that William wants him gone. Afterwards, Kevin told Bruno that William doesn’t want to keep him since Dre is totally against it. Bruno said everyone is listening to Dre and therefore nobody is ever going to take her out. Bruno and Kevin agreed that Ika and Demetres should not listen to Dre since it is better for their game to keep him around. Bruno thinks that’s why Dre wants him to go. Bruno and Kevin agreed that Ika is playing Dre’s game. Bruno said he has no shot at staying. Bruno told Kevin he would legitimately be willing to go Final 4 with Ika and Demetres if he stays, yet they are listening to Dre. Kevin said William is more loyal to Dre than to him, and he would pick her over him any day. Kevin told Bruno he realistically doesn’t think that Ika and Demetres want to keep him. Bruno agreed but said he doesn’t blame them since they would be nuts to send Karen out. Bruno told Kevin not to push for him to stay. Bruno revealed that Ika approached him yesterday to ask if Kevin wants him to leave. Bruno said he told Ika that Kevin wouldn’t do that. Bruno told Kevin that the problem for him is he has no trust with Dillon, Jackie and Karen. Bruno thinks those four all know that Ika and Demetres have to go, but they do not trust each other. Bruno said Kevin needs to survive long enough for Ika and Demetres to need him to take out Dre.

1:00-2:00 PM: Bruno told Kevin to be careful because Ika always pulls in her next target, giving them information, and then sending them home. Kevin said that’s him. Kevin said he is considering approaching Jackie to point out that they are at the bottom since they are left with three pairs. Kevin wants to tell her that they should have a mutual understanding not to go after each other. Bruno said he will try to talk to Karen for him, letting her know that Kevin realizes it would be crazy to go after her. Bruno hoped that setting Kevin up with Karen would also help him bring in Dillon. Bruno said he thinks everyone is on the same page when it comes to knowing who has to go, though they are all afraid to say it. Bruno said Karen sees Ika and Demetres as a huge problem. Kevin talked about needing to pull away from William if Bruno leaves, because he wants Dre and William, not he and William, to be seen as the pair. Bruno said people will see Kevin and William as a pair.

2:00-3:00 PM: Karen told Bruno and kevin that Dre and Jackie are definitely back together now. She observed that they had not talked in weeks yet they now have started cooking together. Bruno told Karen that she will be on the outs along with Dillon and Kevin if he goes home this week. Karen said she expects to go on the block if she doesn’t win HoH. Kevin said he feels the same way. Karen revealed that her strategy is probably going to change now that she was put on the block this week. Karen told the guys that she is focused on getting Jackie out next. Kevin said he agrees with that. Karen said it sucks that Jackie took her spot now that deals were made. In the bedroom, William asked Jackie if she is going after Ika and Demetres. Jackie admitted she had planned on it originally, but she is now unsure of whether or not it is the best move. Jackie said she doesn’t like the way Ika tells her that William hates her. William said Ika is making things up. Jackie said she may be being naive, but she doesn’t think Ika and Demetres would put her on the block right now. She thinks they will use her as a number for the time being.

3:00-4:00 PM: Jackie asked William if he would nominate Ika and Demetres next week. William said he wouldn’t do it since Ika is not coming after him. Jackie wondered who she would really go after since lots of people feel safe with Ika and Demetres. Jackie thinks Kevin might be Ika’s target. William said he doesn’t know who to go after since Ika and Demetres are big targets but he has a good relationship with them. Jackie agreed that it’s tough to make a move against them if they are on your side. Elsewhere, Karen asked Dillon to promise her that he will get Jackie out if she leaves. Dillon said he thinks he should keep Jackie around to help go after Bruno, Kevin, Ika and Demetres. Karen asked if Dillon would target Ika and Demetres first. He said yes. Dillon explained that those two think they are untouchable, so he wants to take the shot at them. Karen said they have to be target next if she leaves. Dillon said he already had that idea in his mind. He let Karen know that Dre wants to talk to her about the same thing. Dillon said he will be throwing those two on the block if he wins HoH. In the kitchen, Bruno asked Ika if there is any way to convince Dre to keep him. Ika said Dre is not budging. Bruno said nobody is going to be able to get rid of Dre. Ika said she knows. Bruno said everyone will go after Ika and Demetres before they go after Dre. Bruno asked Ika why she is letting Dre run the show. Ika said she is not running it but they need her vote.

4:00-5:00 PM: In the pantry, Ika relayed her conversation with Bruno to Dre and Dillon. She told them that Bruno asked her why she is letting Dre run the show. She also said Bruno pointed out that nobody is going after Dre. Lastly, Ika said Bruno told her that people are using her and Demetres as a shield, only to go around and tell others to put them up. Dre asked if she should confront Bruno. Ika said no. Ika then told Dillon that Kevin is talking about putting him on the block next to Jackie, but he said he will tell Dillon that he is nominating her next to Demetres. After Ika left the room, Dre told Dillon that they need to get Ika and Kevin out, so they need to win the next two HoH competitions in order to make it happen.

5:00-6:00 PM: Bruno let Kevin know that Karen said “if you stay, you’re welcome”. Both Bruno and Kevin took that as meaning she convinced Dillon not to come after them, seeing as they saw those two speaking. Bruno told Kevin to use him after he is gone by throwing him under the bus if needed. Kevin said it means a lot that Bruno is trying to set him up this nicely. Bruno said he wants Kevin to win the game. Bruno pointed out that he could stay if Ika really wanted it to happen. Kevin agreed. Bruno thinks Ika needs to see that Dre is going to be so hard to get out. Kevin was unsure of whether or not William would be willing to keep Bruno around since he is likely selfish and wants Kevin all to himself. Kevin said William realizes that he always would have been more loyal to Bruno than to him. Bruno and Kevin agreed that getting Demetres out would put Kevin in a better position moving forward.

6:00-7:00 PM: Dillon and Kevin compared notes on what Ika has been telling them. They both said Ika told them that the other is after them. Kevin assured Dillon that he will not be going on the block if he wins HoH. Bruno joined them. Kevin said Ika and Demetres need to go if they win HoH. Bruno said Ika and Demetres have been attempting to pull in Jackie. Dillon said it’s not working. He also said Karen is over it and Dre has had enough of it as well. Dillon asked Bruno why he isn’t trying to campaign. Bruno questioned what he could even do. He said he needs four votes but only has one. If he could get the votes, Bruno vowed to go after Ika and Demetres. Kevin said Demetres cannot compete this week, so they have to win HoH and do the job that should have been done two weeks ago. Dillon said he is an idiot for not having nominated Ika and Demetres next to each other during his HoH.

9:00-10:00 PM: Kevin told Dillon he expects Bruno to be evicted 5-1. Kevin said he thinks Bruno understands. Dillon commented on Bruno being a strong player. Dillon let Kevin know that Ika and Demetres said Kevin told them he would rather shoot himself than see him win. Kevin asked if Dillon really thinks he is the type of person to say that. Dillon said no. They agreed that those two didn’t expect them to have a conversation. Kevin said Ika and Demetres are so convincing. Dillon said he needs to be able to trust Kevin and needs Kevin to be able to trust him. Kevin said Dillon can trust him. He pointed out that Bruno is going and he needs someone to trust. Kevin said he would like that person to be Dillon. Kevin added that he is willing to work on his relationship with Karen. Kevin told Dillon he has a close relationship with William but he knows that William is closer to Dre. Dillon disagreed. He said Kevin is closer to William than Dre is.

10:00-11:00 PM: Kevin told Jackie that he expects Bruno to leave by a vote of 5-1. Kevin said he is not going to be going after Jackie. Jackie said she has heard otherwise. Kevin said he has heard a lot of things about Jackie as well, as people are trying to turn them against each other. Kevin explained that they are two solo players in a house with three pairs. Kevin said it would therefore be ridiculous to go after each other next week. Jackie told Kevin that she doesn’t like looking stupid, but Kevin played a role in making her look that way in this game. Jackie said she was looking out for Bruno and Kevin’s best interest from the beginning. As for her targets, Jackie said Ika and Demetres haven’t really done anything directly to her. Jackie admitted there are reason to put Kevin on the block, though there are reasons to put others up as well. The two discussed that they really like William and he is someone who they could work with. Jackie and Kevin agreed to keep each other’s names out of their mouths. Meanwhile, Karen asked Bruno if she can trust Kevin Martin. Bruno said yes. Bruno promised that Kevin is not going after Karen. Karen asked if Ika should be targeted over Demetres. Bruno said Ika’s game isn’t as strong anymore since her manipulation no longer works, whereas Demetres is still a comp beast.

11:00-12:00 AM: Kevin spoke to Bruno about making a last ditch effort to rally the votes. Kevin said if Dillon is wanting to go after Ika and Demetres, he can use Bruno as a weapon. Kevin said the votes would have to be Dillon, Jackie, William and himself. Bruno said he was going to come to Kevin with the same idea. Kevin asked what they have to lose by trying. Bruno said he doesn’t think it will work. Bruno told Kevin that he doesn’t want to put him in a bad spot by saying some things that people would associate Kevin with as well. Kevin said it’s Bruno’s game and he should try since keeping Bruno is more important than setting Kevin up nicely for next week. Bruno said he is good with where he is at. Even though Kevin offered to help, Bruno said there is no chance. Elsewhere, Jackie told Dre that Kevin hinted at his targets remaining Ika and Demetres. Dre said she can’t get a good read on whether Kevin would want to join Ika and Demetres or go after them. Jackie said Kevin was trying to play the card that he is alone. Dre said Kevin has William so he is not alone. Dre pointed out that Kevin pitched to William that he should use the veto because William would be his #1 and he would have no one else. Dre didn’t like that Kevin suggested she is the one paired up with William. Dre said people will nominate William next to Kevin if they want him out, because William is the only one who would use the veto on Kevin. Dre said she loves William and believes that he can work with them once Kevin is not there. Jackie said she thinks the two of them are in a better position than they thought they were. She mentioned that she has been connecting well with William over the past few days. Jackie doesn’t think that they are anyone’s primary targets right now.

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