BBCAN5 Day 50 - Demetres wins the Power of Veto

April 29, 2017

9:00-10:00 AM: Karen cried to Ika, saying she is mean sometimes and it hurts her feelings. Ika told Karen that she has to handle the meanness if she is going to dish it. Karen said she can have sensitive feelings and still be the way she is. Ika asked what upset Karen. Karen explained that she was the reason Ika stayed and Sindy went, yet Ika continues to come after her. Ika asked when she did that. Karen told Ika that she can be vicious and mean, and she knows when she is like that. Karen said Ika has treated her this way for 10 days now. Karen said Ika can laugh and thinks it’s funny, but she is a sensitive person and does not like it. Ika said they barely spoke when Karen was on the block because she was upset thinking that she was going home. Ika admitted that she was harsh and petty to Karen yesterday, though she did not think that she had been that way for the other 9 days. Ika said it isn’t true that she was vicious and mean for the last 10 days. Ika told Karen she is genuinely sorry if Karen believes she was cold to her. Ika said she has been vicious and mean in the house but not to Karen. Jackie spoke up and questioned if it’s okay to be vicious and mean in the house. Ika told Jackie not to talk to her and to keep out of her conversation when no one is talking to her. Jackie called Ika vicious and mean to her. Ika said she has been and told Jackie to f*ck off. Ike continued talking to Karen, explaining that she was cold because Karen didn’t believe her that she was voting to keep her. Karen said she observed a shift in Ika’s attitude after she started talking to Bruno. Karen thought it made Ika doubt her and it was the reason why she ended up on the block. Ika assured Karen that Bruno and Kevin did not change her opinion of her. Demetres joined the conversation and let Karen know that he put her up to ensure that Bruno goes home. He said Karen can decide whether or not she wants to believe it. Ika let Karen know that she doesn’t want to hurt her feelings. She asked Karen to tell her if she does anything to upset her. Karen said she doesn’t want to be the victim. She added that she doesn’t want people thinking Ika made her cry.

10:00-11:00 AM: Players were picked for the veto competition. Kevin, Demetres, Ika, Dillon, Dre and Jackie will be competing. William will be the host. In the bedroom, Ika told Demetres and Dre that Jackie gets brave when people are on the block. Ika said Jackie is fake since she was just being nice to her last week. Ika claimed that she will drag Jackie up and down the house every single time if she tries to punk her. Ika said she will have Jackie rethinking her whole entire existence. Ika asked Dre to talk to her friend Jackie because she doesn’t want her in therapy for five years after he is done with her. Demetres told Ika to let Jackie have it if she keeps being brave. Elsewhere, Dre told Karen that it wasn’t necessary for Jackie to get in the conversation. Dre said she is not condoning Ika’s behaviour but she would be mad as well if someone jumped in her conversation. While Ika was in the shower, Dre approached her to inform her that Jackie said she would prefer to have Ika stay. Dre said Kevin said the same. Ika mentioned that they lie. Dre reiterated that Demetres is the target. She asked Ika not to tell him.

11:00-12:00 PM: Ika asked Karen to give her a hug. She apologized again. Karen thanked her. Ika said she will be vicious and mean but not to Karen. Karen said that’s good to hear. Ika then headed to the bedroom to let Demetres know that Dre said he is the target. Demetres said he knew it wouldn’t be a super easy decision to send Ika home like she had thought. Ika said people think she is playing everyone even though she would not have shared this information if so. Ika said they need to study really hard and win the Power of Veto. Ika mentioned that Kevin might think she sucks in competitions and the whole house hates her anyway, making her an easy target for next week if she stays. Demetres agreed that there is some logic behind that. Demetres said he is done with Dre since she hasn’t done anything for his game. After the veto competition, Ika said she may approach Kevin to point out that he is putting himself in the same position that they were in. Ika explained that Kevin is going to be a shield for Dre and William since he will be evicted before them.

1:00-2:00 PM: Ika told Demetres that she would want to get Jackie out if she stays. She mentioned that she would put Dre and Jackie on the block next to each other. Ika thinks Demetres would do a better job reintegrating himself if she leaves, whereas she would be the devil. Demetres said he wont want to talk to anyone either. Ika said the houseguests hate Demetres because of her. Demetres said he doesn’t mind since he doesn’t like them. Demetres said if one of them wins the veto, they can try talking to Dre and then they would have two votes. Demetres said he cannot believe Kevin didn’t take their deal. Demetres thinks Kevin knows that they wouldn’t go back on it, but he doesn’t want them having any chance of going back on it. Demetres said he would have kept Kevin and Bruno if he believed that they would have been a shield. Demetres said he thinks they would have ended up being the shield for Kevin and Bruno, not the other way around.

2:00-3:00 PM: Karen filled Dillon in on her talk with Ika. Dillon said Ika has been vicious and mean to every single person in the house at some point. Karen agreed. Dillon said Ika preaches that she is real, though her “real” is just her being mean to everyone else. Dillon told Karen not to let Ika talk her into anything. He said Ika needs to go. Karen said they will make the best decision for the two of them. Dillon said they cannot have Ika win the veto. If she does, he said Demetres will be going home. Karen expects to be the replacement nominee. Kevin said it will be Jackie over Karen. Jackie joined them. Dillon and Jackie assured Karen that she would have their votes and William’s vote if she goes on the block. Dillon said Jackie will have the votes if it is her on the block instead. Jackie and Karen agreed that the replacement nominee is going to be one of them.

3:00-4:00 PM: Ika told Dre that she has been studying and she wants to win the veto so bad. Ika let Dre know that she loves her. Dre said she loves Ika too. Ika began to cry and said she doesn’t want Dre to think that she has ever played her in the game. Dre said she knows and it’s fine. Ika swore that she was protecting Dre. She said it hurt her to think that Dre believed something different. Ika told Dre she feels like she turned her back on her. Dre said she is not turning her back on Ika but people kept telling her that she is going to look like a fool. Ika said the people also told her that she is being fooled by Dre who is going to use her as a shield and take her out, yet she did not believe that. Afterwards, Dre headed to the pantry and repeated asked “what am I doing?”.

1:00-2:00 AM: Feeds returned after being down over 8 hours for the veto competition. Demetres won the Power of Veto. As a reward, he will get to test drive a Toyota 86. He will get to bring a member of the jury along with him. William asked Kevin if he thinks Demetres will use the veto on Ika. Kevin said he will use it on himself. Kevin said Jackie will go on the block and then they can evict Ika. Kevin let Dillon know that he plans to nominate Jackie. He said they have to vote Ika out. Kevin said he will not touch Karen, though she will likely be paranoid. Kevin plans to tell Karen that she is safe. Dillon asked if William will vote with Kevin. Kevin said he thinks so. In the have-not room, Demetres told Ika that they will figure something out to allow her to stay. Demetres mentioned he could tell Kevin that they will keep him safe and use the veto on him if he keep them both around, otherwise he will send him home next if Ika leaves. Ika didn’t think it would be good to say that. Demetres argued that he is the target and will leave the next chance they get anyway. Demetres asked who he should take for a drive. Ika said Demetres could take Bruno and then lie about what Bruno said in order to get closer to Kevin. Demetres said Neda is an obvious no. He talked about taking Sindy since she is honest and because he sent her out on her birthday. Ika said she would have chosen Sindy if she had won. Ika told Demetres that Kevin has all three jury votes right now. She said Demetres can win the game if he gets to Final 2 and both she and Kevin are gone. That being said, she thinks that Demetres would be the only big target left if he takes Kevin out of the house. Kevin headed up to the HoH room. He said that was the best result since his time was right in the middle and people do not think that he threw it. Kevin said he will nominate Jackie, then Demetres will fight with Dre and William for the votes. Kevin pointed out that Demetres has five competition wins and he is likely more threatening than he is heading into next week. William headed to the HoH room to talk to Kevin about trying to convince Demetres to use the veto on Ika. Kevin said Demetres is not going to do it. Kevin told William he can try since it would be an amazing play if they can get it to work. William said Ika will be pissed if they lie that they will save Demetres and then don’t. Kevin told William that it is up to he and Dre to decide who goes. Kevin said they have the votes to keep Jackie over Ika if they want. William assured Kevin that he wants Ika out. Kevin and William discussed that they will likely be on the block if Demetres wins HoH. On the other hand, William said Ika cannot win anything. Dre joined them and said she is going to talk to Demetres in order to try to get him to use the veto on Ika. Kevin said Demetres knows how big of a threat he is and he loves the game, so it’s unlikely that he wont save himself. Kevin said she understands if Dre and William would want to vote Jackie out over Ika even though that’s not what he wants. Dre said she cannot see the house considering keeping Ika. Dre admitted that she doesn’t know if she can vote Ika out. Kevin said that’s like he couldn’t vote Bruno out. As for the plan to get Demetres to use the veto on Ika, Kevin figures that Demetres will argue that Dre and William can simply vote with him in order to save Ika.

2:00-3:00 AM: Dre told Ika that she is likely going to go if she stays on the block. Ika said she has Dre’s vote and Demetres’ vote, so she just needs one more. She talked about getting Dillon on board to vote with them. When Dre implied that Demetres should use the veto on Ika, Ika said he needs to use it on himself. Dre said Demetres needs to be a gentleman. Ika replied with “girl, bye”. Ika continued to point out why keeping her is the best option for Dre. She said that those two will not put Dre up and they will also remain a target over her. Dre said it’s not her that they have to worry about. Ika mentioned getting Dillon on board since it is in his best interest to keep a pair in the house since he is a big target if she goes. Dre said she thinks Karen will get Dillon’s ear in order to tell her to break up the duo.

3:00-4:00 AM: Dre told Dillon that Ika and Demetres will be loyal if they save them, but she questioned if they actually want to save them. Dre said she doesn’t know what she wants to do. Dillon admitted that the argument Ika made about being a bigger target was a good one. Dre asked who Ika and Demetres would nominate next week. Dillon said Kevin and William. Dillon said he feels like getting rid of Ika is the good play. Dillon thinks Demetres will go after Kevin and William even if Ika is gone. Dillon expects Demetres to try to team up with him in that case, which they can use to their advantage. They talked about getting Demetres to take out Kevin if he wins, then they can take him out the following week. Both Dre and Dillon agreed that Demetres and Kevin have to be the next two to go. Next week, Dre said she would have to nominate Kevin and Demetres because she could not nominate Kevin and William.

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