BBCAN5 Day 53

May 2, 2017

11:00-12:00 PM: The Business Partners met up in the kitchen. Ika said there are a few things on the agenda today. Ika said she needs to make sure that Dre will not nominate Kevin. Kevin said he needs to make sure that William will not go after Ika and Demetres. Ika had a plan to get William’s vote, explaining that she will agree not to put Kevin on the block in exchange for it. Ika said she has already started sabotaging Dillon to Dre. Ika thinks Dre is buying into it. Kevin said his goal is to get William to vote to keep Ika and then target Dillon and Karen. Ika let Kevin know that William is unintentionally making him look bad to Canada and to the houseguests. She explained that William felt it was degrading when Kevin said he is not Pili. Kevin said Karen commented that “Kevin, William is your Pili” and he said no. Ika said she had a conversation with Dre about how it is not fair for Kevin to be perceived poorly since William has stronger feelings for Kevin than Kevin has for him. Ika told Kevin that Dre thinks Kevin is pushing himself on to William. Kevin said he is trying to pull away. Ika and Kevin agreed that Kevin needs to have a conversation with Dre and then have a serious conversation with William. Afterwards, Ika told Dre she asked Demetres if he would nominate Dre. Ika said Demetres told her he would not do that even though he is hurt. Ika added that Demetres knows Dre cares about Ika more but it’s still the three of them in his mind. Dre and Ika agreed that Demetres wants to make sure that the two of them are okay.

1:00-2:00 PM: Ika told Karen that she will not pressure her or push her for her vote, but she wants her to be honest about which way she his voting. Karen said she thinks that Ika is staying. Ika assured Karen that she will not put her on the block. Karen asked who Ika has to put up. Karen suggested that Dillon, Kevin and herself are the only options. Ika said she doesn’t care about putting William on the block. Ika suggested that William would nominate her next to Demetres if she stays. Karen disagreed and said William will not even vote her out because he is too scared to. Karen said she doesn’t like Jackie’s game and doesn’t like how they keep dragging her along. Karen mentioned that the trio between Ika, Demetres and Dre is strong. Ika pointed out that not even Dre spoke to her once she went on the block. Karen said the facts are that she is on the bottom along with Dillon and Kevin, though she does not want Jackie to get any further in this game. Ika said Dre is in a better position than anyone else. Ika reiterated that she wants Karen’s honesty about her vote, just like she was honest to Cassandra and Gary. Karen said Kevin is telling them that he doesn’t care who leaves. Ika and Karen agreed that Kevin doesn’t want any blood on his hands. Ika gave Karen her word that she will not put her on the block, but Ika did not want to show all of her cards and say who she would put on the block. In the backyard, Dillon asked William if he has thought about how he is voting. William said he doesn’t know. Dillon said if Ika stays and she or Demetres win HoH, it will either be Kevin and William or Karen and himself on the block. Dillon said he doesn’t know what to do since he doesn’t want to keep Jackie either. William said Jackie would go after Demetres and Kevin over Dillon. Dillon asked William what is best for his game. William said it’s best for Jackie to stay since she would not nominate him next to Kevin. However, William said he is still waiting for Ika to come talk to him. William told Dillon that it may be easier to get Demetres out if Ika is gone. Dillon said Demetres may be better for his game once Ika is gone, just like Dre will be even better for William’s game if Ika leaves. Dillon asked William if he would stick with voting to evict Ika if Karen, William and himself agreed to do that. William said he would tell Dillon if he planned to change his vote. Dillon said it would be silly of them not to break up the duo. William said Neda, Sindy and Bruno all left because of Ika. He thinks the viewers would think they are dumb to keep Ika. Dillon said that even though Ika is not the strongest player, that duo is strong. He fears that Ika and Demetres will make it to the Final 2 together if they do not split them up now. Dillon said he is conflicted. William said they still have another full day to decide. William told Dillon he understands why Karen might not want to keep Jackie but he cannot see why Dillon wouldn’t want to. William asked Dillon who he would nominate. Dillon said probably Demetres and Jackie if Jackie stays. Dillon told William that they have to vote Ika out since it would be a power move. William said the jurors will laugh at them if Jackie walks through the doors. Dillon said they will regret it if they don’t make this move. Outside, Kevin told Dillon that people think he is threatening even though he is at the bottom of the list. Dillon said Kevin, Karen and himself are at the bottom. Kevin agreed. Kevin said Ika and Demetres have no interest in him but they are probably making deals with everyone else. Kevin asked what Jackie’s pitch is. Dillon said Jackie has not yet talked to him. Dillon added that Jackie seems to be defeated. Dillon said he thought that he was in a good position about 48 hours ago yet now he doesn’t feel so good about things. He admitted that he might just be paranoid. Dillon told Kevin that if he knows 100% that William will vote Ika out, he and Karen will vote Ika out as well. Dillon does not want to end up on the wrong side of a 3-2 vote. Dillon said it’s hard to believe William when he says that he will vote Ika out. Dillon told Kevin that he was leaning towards voting Jackie out yesterday but now he isn’t sure since Ika has better connections. Kevin said he cannot see William going against Dre if she wants to keep Ika.

2:00-3:00 PM: William told Kevin he felt that Kevin was disgusted when Karen called him Kevin’s Pili. Kevin explained that in his mind it is totally different. William said he felt as though Kevin was saying to not even put him on the same level as Pili. Kevin said his relationship with William is very different than his relationship with Pili. Kevin told William that he fell in love with Pili and that is not the case with William. William said he understands that. Kevin told William he is his best friend in the house. Kevin said William is attractive and they flirt, but their relationship is not much more than that. William continued to say that he understands but the way that Kevin reacted last night was weird. William said he knows that there will be nothing between them after the show. Kevin said he wants to talk about this more and get their honest feelings out. Kevin apologized for hurting William. William said it’s fine. Kevin then headed inside to talk to Ika and Dre. Ika apologized to Kevin for her part in believing in something about him that wasn’t true. Ika said William is unintentionally making Kevin look bad. Ika apologized for perpetuating it and causing any damage for Kevin outside of the house. Dre admitted that she thought for the longest time that Kevin was using William. Dre said she feels bad because she knows that Kevin cares about William, but things she has said have added to how people feel about Kevin. Ika said she thought Kevin’s actions were disgusting but she knows it is William who is making Kevin look this way. Ika told Kevin she originally thought he was only being nice to Canada cause he wanted to look good to Canada. Dre explained that William gets upset when Kevin talks about his ex-girlfriend or Pili since Kevin and William don’t talk about their relationship. Dre said Kevin is perceived as the villain in the relationship. Ika told Kevin that William is in love with him and she feels bad for Kevin since he has that responsibility. Kevin said it’s his responsibility to explain how he feels, seeing as William is his best friend in the house and he enjoys flirting with him but it’s nothing more than that. Kevin said he could have put a stop to this a few weeks ago if he was honest with William. Kevin thinks it got more serious over the past couple of weeks and now William really is falling for him. Ika agreed. Dre told Kevin that he and William may be perceived as being in a showmance. Kevin said it has not been brought up in the diary room on his end. Dre said she isn’t sure how it is being portrayed on the show but she knows that it looks like a showmance to those inside of the house. Dre told Kevin that she can tell William has feelings for him but those feelings are not reciprocated. Kevin said he needs to go have a real conversation with William, even though he will be telling William something that he doesn’t want to hear. Towards the end of the talk, Demetres returned from his test drive of the Toyota 86. Demetres later told Dre and Ika that it was weird to be outside of the house but it was so fun to drive. Ika told Dre she thinks that Dillon, along with Karen and William, are trying to get her out. She said she saw Dillon look at her weird when she was talking to Kevin, then he went outside to talk to William. Ika told Dre she thinks that their next move has to be to get Dillon out. Ika said Dillon is too flip floppy. Demetres compared Dillon to Jackie in terms of that. Ika suggested that they should talk to Kevin in order to secure William’s vote. Ika said they will back Dre if she goes after Kevin next week, but she will have to honour her deal with Kevin if she ends up making one in order to secure William’s vote. Ika said she would nominate Dillon next to Karen if that happens. Ika said if they cannot get William’s vote, she may be going home since Dillon is too paranoid and untrustworthy.

3:00-4:00 PM: Kevin asked William if he has genuine feelings for him. William said he would not say that he is in love. He explained that he has been telling himself not to go there, otherwise he might have. William admitted that he may like Kevin more than Kevin likes him. Kevin said he had fun but there wasn’t anything more than that on his end. Kevin told William he was very scared that William thought there was something more. William said he didn’t let himself think that. Kevin explained that he is not leading William on. He added that he genuinely enjoys the time that they spend together. Kevin said he was not trying to put Pili above him, but rather he was saying that they are different. They agreed that people view them as a showmance. Kevin said that based on the comments people have been making, they think there is more going on between them than there is. Kevin clarified that nothing changes when it comes to the game. He told William that he cares about him more than anyone else in the game. Kevin said he would like to change the perception that they are a showmance, making it something that is more fun. Out by the hot tub, Dillon told Demetres he needs to know that they are good. Demetres said they have no other option. Demetres told Dillon that he and Dre are his only hope of staying off of the block next week. He said having a group of four in a seven person game is as good as it’s going to get. Dillon said he has a weird feeling that Kevin is in Ika and Demetres’ ear. Demetres said Kevin just put him up. He told Dillon that he attempted to make a deal with Kevin before nominations but it fell through. Dillon said Jackie is saying that Ika and Demetres are a big threat together. Demetres said Dillon has Dre and Karen in his corner. Dillon assured Demetres that Jackie is not swaying him. Dillon said he feels as though the four of them have a good thing going. Demetres agreed. Dillon headed inside to talk to Ika. Dillon told Ika that he is getting sketched out. Ika asked if it is because she was talking to Kevin. Dillon said a little bit but he doesn’t know what to do. Ika swore that she was talking to Kevin about William since he needs to tell William that he is not interested in him. Dillon said it’s too late for that. Ika said Kevin told William this afternoon. Ika told Dillon that she would nominate Kevin and William. Dillon said Dre wouldn’t be able to do that. Dillon and Ika discussed that Dre said she would nominate Kevin and William last week yet now she is saying she would nominate Karen and Kevin instead. Dillon said she wants them to get to the Final 4 together. Ika said Dre is pushing for the same thing too, but she seems to want William there with them as well. Dillon and Ika agreed that William has to go. They agreed that Karen being around at five is better for the both of them. Ika said Dre wont care if they put William on the block. Dillon said Dre told him the same thing. Ika told Dillon that either William or Kevin have to leave next week. Dillon worried that Ika would take Demetres and Dre to the Final 3 over him. Ika said that’s not true. She mentioned that Dre didn’t even talk to her once she went on the block. Ika said Dre only came back around once Demetres won the veto.

4:00-5:00 PM: Dillon said he had to make sure that they are still on the same page. Ika said they are. She reassured Dillon that her talk with Kevin was not about game at all. Ika said William’s whole entire game is about Kevin. She mentioned William doesn’t know who to keep because he is trying to figure out who wont go after Kevin. They discussed that Dre always wants to feel protected and that’s why she is flipping back to wanting William to stay, even though she would feel protected if she trusts in their four. Dillon said one of them has to win HoH and put Kevin and William on the block. Dillon thanked Ika for the good talk.

6:00-7:00 PM: After returning from his test drive with Sindy, Demetres continued to bring up that he is concerned he is looking stupid. Demetres said it bothers him that people think he doesn’t think for himself. Demetres told Ika that people can think whatever they want when one of them leaves with $100,000, a car, and some Brick money and the other one leaves with $20,000. Demetres said he understands where they are coming from since he doesn’t talk a lot of game. Ika said they have always talked through their decisions together. She said Demetres is strong in competitions while she is strong socially. Ika said they have been on the same page. They agreed that people think it’s Ika’s page. Demetres told Ika that people think she is the smarter one and she is driving them. Ika said it seems to be bothering Demetres a lot. Demetres said he is more worried about looking dumb on TV than being perceived as dumb by their fellow houseguests. Demetres said it’s getting to the point where he needs to start doing a bit more thinking. Ika said she will stay away from his HoH room if he wins, only asking him which way she should vote. Demetres said he wants Ika’s input. Ika said she might not want to give it anymore. Ika told Demetres to make his own decisions if he wants to be able to prove his case at the end. Demetres assured Ika that he is playing the game with her and that what good for her is good for him. In the event that what’s good for Ika and himself is no longer the same thing, Demetres said he would then do what is best for him just like he would expect Ika to do what is best for her. Demetres told Ika that they are a team and are in this together. Ika said it seems as though Demetres is trying to convince himself of that. Demetres denied it. Ika said people got in Dre’s head and now they got in his head too. Ika said she is always the bad one. She then walked out of the room. Ika said to herself that Demetres can play his own game. She said she has been thinking of him the whole game, yet he went off and listened to “Stupid with an S”.

7:00-8:00 PM: Dre told Demetres she trusts that William would not lie to her but she doesn’t think that they are on the same page. Dre said William doesn’t know that she wants Kevin out. Dre expects a fight to happen if she puts Kevin up and William wins the veto, since he will want to save him. Dre said Karen is another person that she really wants out, though nobody is going to vote her out. Demetres pointed out that Karen is someone you can beat. Dre said she doesn’t have that mentality of going to the Final 2 with someone she can beat. Demetres clarified that he meant they should take Karen to the Final 4 or 5. Demetres said he is dead serious about getting to the Final 3 with Dre and Ika. Dre said she is at a point where she needs to make a decision and cut William. Dre said that is going to suck.

8:00-9:00 PM: Dre told William she doesn’t think that Ika and Demetres would go after either of them. Dre said she feels as though she cannot trust Dillon. She said there is something about him that is not trustworthy. Dre went on to say that Dillon gets too excited and wants to play too hard. Dre told William that they should be in a pretty good spot regardless of who stays, given that Jackie said she will not go after them. Dre also thinks that Jackie makes for a good replacement nominee. That being said, Dre does not want Jackie to keep sticking around until the end. Dre told William that Ika’s chances of winning a competition are very slim but they cannot underestimate her. Dre asked if keeping Ika is the smartest move. William said he doesn’t think so since Ika would likely nominate him next to Kevin. Dre told William that Ika will not nominate Kevin since she promised not to. William said Ika hasn’t even talked to him yet. Dre explained that Ika will not go back on what she said if she feels like his vote was the one that kept her safe. William told Dre that Dillon asked him about his vote twice today, as he and Karen want to know which way to vote. William told Dre he wont know if he can trust what Ika says even if she swears on her kids.

9:00-10:00 PM: William told Ika he wants to know what she would do if she wins HoH. Ika said she wouldn’t nominate William. He asked what she would do then, to which Ika responded by asking if she has to tell William her whole game. Ika asked if William would keep her if she gives her word that she will not nominate Kevin. William ignored the question and said it seems as though Ika is scared. He said he didn’t say he wasn’t going to keep her. Ika said she just wants William to be honest. William asked if she will nominate him next to Kevin. Ika said she will not put William up. Ika warned William that Jackie will tell him what he wants to hear. William argued that Jackie has not lied to him or played him like others have. Ika said she doesn’t think that Jackie can be trusted. On the other hand, Ika said her actions have not given William a reason to doubt her. Ika reiterated that she would not nominate William. She also said she probably would not nominate Kevin either. Ika explained that Kevin leaving is bad for her game since she will continue to go on the block with Demetres if that happens. William told Ika that he never wanted her out. Ika said she hadn’t talked to him yet because she felt confident in his vote until people started telling her things. William said he was voting to keep Ika. Ika asked William to let her know how he feels about the vote tomorrow.

10:00-11:00 PM: Ika told Demetres that William rubbed her the wrong way during their conversation. Ika did not like that William asked her who she would nominate. She said it made her want to put William on the block. Demetres apologized to Ika for letting “them” get into his head. Demetres said he wouldn’t abandon Ika and nothing has changed in that respect. However, Demetres said he is upset that everyone in the house thinks he is dumb. Ika said this is the second time that someone in the game has done this to her. She told Demetres that she is done proving herself to people. Demetres said he thinks Ika is confused about what they got in his head about. He assured Ika that at no point was he not trusting her. Demetres explained that he feels he is letting Ika down in one aspect of the game, like she felt she let him down by not winning the HoH competition. Demetres said he got himself off of the block but he is so bad that he cannot fight to keep her. Ika said she will get herself off of the block. Ika told Demetres to play his own game. Big Brother asked Ika to go to the diary room. Ika said thank you and told Big Brother that she would love to go. As Ika left the room, she said she hates this house. After she left, Demetres said to get out of here then. After she got out of the diary room, Ika spoke to Karen. She commented on how Demetres has been a little off today. Karen asked if Ika thinks that Sindy said something. Ika said yeah. Karen said she can tell. Ika let Karen know that Demetres keeps saying “I think people think you tell me what to do”. Ika thinks that is in reference to Sindy. Since Demetres is not allowed to talk about what happened while he was gone, he has not clarified that. Karen said the jurors want to mess up Ika and Demetres’ games. Karen advised Ika not to let people put a wedge between her and Demetres when they have been together for so long. While the two were talking, Karen told Ika that she will be voting to keep her.

11:00-12:00 AM: William told Kevin that Ika was surprised he would ask what she plans to do next week if she wins HoH. William said Ika claimed she would not put either of them up. He doesn’t know if Ika can be trusted. Kevin said Jackie is for sure putting him up if she wins HoH. Kevin said Ika staying is better for his game since she and Demetres would be a target ahead of him. He told William that Jackie may be better for William. Kevin said if Ika is telling them that she will protect them, that only leaves Dillon and Karen for her to go after. William said he is confused and he doesn’t know what is best for his game. Kevin mentioned that he can talk to Ika. Kevin threw out the idea of making it a 3-2 vote to evict Jackie, leaving Dillon and Karen on the wrong side of things. William said he told Dillon that he would let them know which way he is voting, so they would be pissed if he didn’t. Kevin said it would be amazing if he told them one thing and did the other. William said he could explain afterwards that people told him Dillon was playing him. They ultimately decide that they should speak to Ika again tomorrow and go from there.

12:00-1:00 AM: Dre apologized to Ika and Demetres for creating confusion over the past couple of days. She said she trusts them with everything and wants the three of them to be able to move forward together. Dre let Ika and Demetres know that she plans to fight for them. She said she will not listen to the things that she is hearing. Demetres then spoke up and said he is not playing this game alone. He said it doesn’t matter what people think of his individual game since he is playing with their team of three as opposed to on his own. Demetres said he trusts their group. Ika thanked Demetres for realizing that he can trust her. Demetres said he knows why Ika is upset with him, since he put his own game ahead of their game for a moment. Demetres apologized. Ika said Demetres still did it. The two continued to go back and forth before Demetres left. Ika asked Dre why it always comes back on her. Dre asked what Ika wants Demetres to say or what she wants her to say. Ika suggested that she might need Demetres to leave her alone for a bit. Dre said he had a moment and doubt himself, not the team, which is better than what she did when she doubted the team. Dre said Demetres is hurt because he really cares about Ika. Meanwhile, Karen told Dillon that Demetres is concerned people think he is playing Ika’s game. For that reason, she doesn’t think that he will do what Ika says anymore. Dillon felt comfortable with that. They agreed to make it a 5-0 vote to evict Jackie. Dillon said Kevin and William have to go next. Ika spoke to Demetres to tell him that she tried looking at things from his perspective. She said she gets it. Demetres said he is over it now. Demetres insisted that he doesn’t want anything to change. He told Ika that he values her opinion. As for the vote, Demetres said he is confident in Dillon. He informed Ika that Kevin said William felt weird about their conversation and therefore he will be talking to her again tomorrow.

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