BBCAN5 Day 54 - Dre's game gets exposed

May 3, 2017

10:00-11:00 AM: Ika and Kevin discussed that Ika had a bad talk with William last night. Kevin said William just needs to know that she would not go after him or Kevin. Kevin said William got sketched out when Ika would not tell him what she would do with her HoH. Ika told Kevin she let Dre know that she made a deal with him and would not go back on it to put him up if Kevin gets William to vote to keep her. Ika said the only person she is trashing Kevin to is Dillon. Kevin said she and Demetres should continue trashing him to Dillon. Kevin told Ika she has to have a good talk with William today in order to convince him that she is not coming after him. Ika said she doesn’t know how Kevin does it with William. She said she wanted to flick him off the bed last night during their conversation. Kevin said she cannot do that since she needs William’s vote. Kevin said he feels like William controls the vote right now since Dillon and Karen approached him about getting Ika out. Ika said she believes it. She figures that Dillon thinks he can reel Demetres in if she is gone. Kevin said William is the type of person that buys into people being nice to him. Ika said she doesn’t have a rose for him. Kevin said he has lots of them and he will give her one to give to William. Kevin told Ika that once they have William’s vote secure, he will work on getting William to nominate Dillon and Karen instead of Ika and Demetres. Ika and Kevin discussed that they trust each other and Demetres until the end. Ika said she talked to Demetres about their path to Final 2 and Kevin's name came up every time.

11:00-12:00 PM: Ika spoke to Dre about potential nominations for next week. Ika said nominating Kevin and William would keep one side of the house happy. Ika told Dre that Dillon, Karen, Demetres and herself would not be after her if she did that. If Dre nominates Kevin and Dillon, Ika said William will use the veto on Kevin if he wins it. Ika told Dre that William will screw her in the game in order to save Kevin. Dre said she could see that. Ika mentioned that Dillon will realize he should have trusted her if she doesn’t nominate him. Dre pointed out that William is really difficult to work with. Ika asked why they are keeping him there. Dre said she needs to make sure that William votes their way to save Ika, then they can discuss getting rid of him if necessary. In the HoH room, William told Kevin that his gut is saying to get rid of Ika. Kevin said William has to go with his gut then. Kevin told William that it is better to keep Ika from his perspective and from Dre’s perspective, though possibly not from William’s. William asked if he should tell Ika that Dillon is campaigning against her. Kevin said yeah, because it’s the truth. Kevin suggested that William speak to Ika in order to see who she is targeting. He mentioned that he will be able to tell if he can believe that Ika is going after Dillon and Karen.

12:00-1:00 PM: Ika apologized to Demetres for making things about her last night when he revealed that he is upset about how he is perceived. She said it’s not about her. She let Demetres know that she told Kevin he makes his own moves during his HoHs. Ika mentioned that she doesn’t show her emotions much outside of to Demetres, so people see how he feels about her more than they see how she feels about him. Ika thinks that contributes to people thinking that he would do what she wants since he likes her more in their eyes. Demetres said he hadn’t thought of it like that before. He said not to worry about it since it was just a rough day for both of them. They then discussed plans for next week. Demetres said Dre will likely nominate him next to Karen if Kevin is gone. Demetres thinks that Kevin is using them to get himself through next week, then he will put them up again if he has the chance. Demetres said getting Dillon out next would be best since they know that Dre would go after Kevin if she wins. Demetres thinks that getting rid of Kevin next will only lead to everyone coming after them. Demetres said his gut is telling him that Dillon or Kevin need to go. Demetres admitted that he might be underestimating William since he is not scared of him. Demetres thinks that Kevin will come after them if William is gone. Ika said there already is no trust there, plus Dre will have no choice but to stick with them if William is gone. The two agreed that one of Dillon, Kevin, or William has to go next. They said they will reevaluate after the HoH competition. Ika said the best way to get William out is to have Dre win HoH and nominate him next to Kevin, because they will then control the votes. Demetres said he guarantees that Dre will throw the competition.

1:00-2:00 PM: In the HoH room, Dre said Ika told her that Dillon and Karen said they are voting for her to stay. Dre asked if that’s correct. Dillon said yeah. Dre said she really thought about it and she thinks that Ika and Demetres would stay a bigger threat if they stay together. Dillon said he believes they can make the Final 4 together too. Dre said they know Ika and Demetres are targeting Kevin. She said it sucks that William will have to go up next to Kevin, though she knows it’s the best thing to do. Dillon asked what Dre would do if she wins HoH. Dre said it would be very hard for her to put William up, but she would do it if she is sure that Kevin is not going. Dillon said Kevin would be going. Dre said she needs Kevin to go before she leaves the house. Dillon said they have a good opportunity to get Kevin out since William is the only one who will not put him up. Dillon asked what happens when it’s time to vote William out. Dre swore that if they are saying Final 4 with Ika and Demetres, they are saying Final 4. Dre said she will cut William if she has to.

4:00-5:00 PM: William let Ika know that Dillon was saying he wants to evict Ika because he wants to get closer to Demetres. Ika swore to God that she is not going after Kevin. She suggested that Demetres, Kevin, William and herself work together since they are two duos that will be targeted. Ika said she is going after Dillon but she didn’t want to tell him yesterday. William swore he believes Ika. Ika said Dillon is telling her that he is putting Kevin and William on the block. William said Dillon lied to him by saying he would put Demetres up even though he claimed he wants to get closer to Demetres. Ika said Dillon proposed attacking Kevin and William since William said he will not vote for Ika to stay. William said he will probably tell Dillon and Karen that he is voting with them to make it a 3-2 vote. William told Ika that she will see tomorrow that he will vote to keep her. Ika let William know that she didn’t know how to tell him she made a deal with Kevin. Ika said she didn’t know if William would tell Dillon. William said he wouldn’t. Ika swore to God that she is going after Dillon. Ika said Kevin did her a favour by nominating Jackie. Ika said she likes how William cares about Kevin like she cares about Demetres, because he understands. Ika said they wont be threatened by each other’s relationships, so they should go far together. Ika mentioned that Dre knows she made a deal with Kevin that she will not put him up. Ika said she promised Kevin that it can be the two of them, Demetres and William Final 4 if he wants that. Ika told William she didn’t want to tell William in case he would tell Dre. Ika explained that she realized she needs Kevin and William in the game with her in order to make it far once nobody, including Dre, spoke to her when she was put on the block. William said he is really happy that Ika told him. Ika then told William that Dre said she will nominate Kevin if she wins HoH. William said Dre did not tell him that. Due to that, Ika said one of them or Demetres has to win HoH in order to keep the four of them safe. Ika said Dre feels like she would be left out of a group of five with the two duos. Ika mentioned that Dre will not nominate either of them but she would probably nominate Demetres and Kevin, which is not good for their games. The two reiterated that it is best for their games to stick together with Demetres and Kevin.

5:00-6:00 PM: Ika filled Demetres in on her conversation with William. Ika told Demetres that Dillon went to William and said they should get her out so that Demetres will run to him. Ika said she only told William things that Dre already knew, just in case he runs back to Dre with it all. Ika then said she slipped up and told William that Dre would nominate Kevin. Ika figures that will only motivate William even more to win HoH. Ika said she respects William more after her conversation with him. She told Demetres that he is right about wanting to target Dillon first. Demetres said he could nominate Karen next to Dillon in order to get Dillon out. Ika wants them to avoid nominating one from each side. If Dillon wins the veto, it was discussed that William would have the votes to stay over Karen. Ika said they could nominate Dre and send her home, keeping their word to Kevin and William in the process. In the bedroom, Karen spoke to William about evicting Jackie. She asked if they are all on board to do that. William said he will keep Ika if Karen will. Karen said it will be a 5-0 vote then. William asked about what Dillon wants to do. Karen said he keeps flipping back and forth. They agreed that they need to be on the same page. They also agreed that Jackie cannot know she is going to be voted out. William said he will wait to see which way Dillon wants to vote. Karen clarified that William will vote whichever way she and Dillon vote. William said for sure. In the HoH room, Ika spoke to Kevin about her conversation with William. She said William seemed to be into it since what she was saying about the pairs needing to stick together was true. Kevin said he will talk to William later tonight to secure everything with him. Ika said she will nominate Dillon next to either Dre or Karen. Kevin asked who they would want to see leave. Ika said either Dillon or Dre. Ika explained that Dre is dangerous since she has a lot of connections and she would say over anyone. Ika said Dre cannot be in the Final 5 with them, which is why she is debating who should go first between Dillon and Dre. Kevin said Dre is the better player, so her leaving might be best. Ika agreed.

6:00-7:00 PM: William told Kevin he doesn’t want to do the Final 4 with Ika and Demetres since he would have no shot. He said he has no shot to beat Kevin but he would prefer to go with him and win $20,000 anyway. Kevin said the Final 4 is too far ahead to think of, but he trusts Ika. William agreed that Ika can be trusted for next week at least. Kevin said Ika will nominate Dillon or Karen. William worried about being the replacement nominee. Kevin said Ika will not put either of them up since he made a deal for the both of them. William told Kevin that he will tell Dillon and Karen what they want to hear at this point, saying he will vote with them no matter what even though he will be voting to keep Ika. William discussed nominating Dillon and Karen if he wins HoH. He figures that Ika was trying to get him to use Dre as the replacement nominee by telling him things about her. William said he will not do that. They agreed Ika will stay if she is the replacement nominee. William said he is for sure going to keep Ika. The two agreed that it’s impressive how Ika and Demetres were able to survive the week even though they were both nominated. In the have-not room, Dre told Ika that William asked her if she would nominate Kevin. She said no. Ika asked if he believed it. Dre thinks that he did. Dre said she will nominate Kevin and she feels super bad about having to nominate William next to him. Ika told Dre that William said they shouldn’t go after each other since he and Kevin are a pair just like she and Demetres are. She clarified that William did not mention “me and Dre” as a pair. The two discussed that they want William to tell Dillon and Karen that he is voting Ika out. Ika said that will allow them to see which side Dillon is really on and if he really believes in the four. Dre said they are not doing the four even if Dillon votes to evict Jackie. They agreed that it’s just the three of them.

7:00-8:00 PM: Dre told Ika that it makes sense to nominate William next to Kevin, but she doesn’t know if she can do it. Ika told her not to do it then. Dre said she will nominate Kevin and Karen. If William wins the veto, Dre said she will tell William he has to choose between her and Kevin because they are done if he uses the veto on Kevin. Ika asked what Dre thinks William would do. Dre said he would cry and choose not to use the veto. Dre thinks their best route to the end is to get Kevin out next. She explained that William is going to be close to no one but her if Kevin is gone. Dre said William would then be another addition to their team since he will not go against them. Ika argued that William cannot be reasoned with. Dre said he can be as long as Kevin is not involved.

9:00-10:00 PM: Dre told William that Ika said she doesn’t think that William tells Dre everything. William didn’t get why she would say that. He then revealed that Ika said Dre would nominate Kevin if she wins HoH. Dre said no. William said Ika told him not to tell Dre. Dre then said that maybe they should vote Ika out. Dre talked about Ika having made deals with everyone. Dre questioned why Ika would go to William and say that. William explained that it’s because Ika made a Final 4 deal with Kevin, Demetres and himself. Dre asked when that happened. William said today. Dre said she is pissed that William considered not telling her about this. William said Ika knows that Dre would go after Demetres and Kevin in order to get closer to them. William said Ika mentioned she would put Dre up but she didn’t say it in a mean way. William made it clear that Ika does not want Dre out. Dre said Ika is leaving now. She told William to vote how he wants but she will be voting to evict Ika. Dre said that keeping Ika only benefits Demetres and herself. While Dre believes that Ika would not be able to nominate her, she said Ika would let someone else win and do it for her. William said Ika looked honest about not putting them up. Dre said Ika probably wont put Kevin up. William assured Dre that neither he nor Kevin want the Final 4 deal with Ika and Demetres. Dre said it’s true that Ika and Demetres would be a shield in front of everyone, but only if no one takes a Final 4 deal with them. Dre then went to the HoH room with Dillon. She asked if Dillon made a Final 4 deal with Ika and Demetres without her. Dillon promised that he did not. Dre then revealed that she received new information and she will be voting to evict Ika. Dre said she will not ask Dillon to vote with her. Dillon asked if they are being played. Dre told Dillon she doesn’t think he is being played but she does believe that she is being played. Dre informed Dillon that Ika told William she would nominate Kevin. Dillon wondered if Kevin got in William’s head to have him say that. Dre said she will ask William again, making him swear on his family that Ika said she would nominate Kevin but Ika would not. If William swears on it, Dre said she will vote to evict Ika. Dillon said that Ika leaving is best for his game. He told Dre that the two of them and Karen can send Ika out. Dre asked why Dillon was ever going to keep Ika. Dillon explained that he was doing it for Dre and also because he believes he can beat Ika and Demetres. He pointed out that Jackie knows her days very well, so she is going to start winning competitions. The two agreed to talk to William later to get to the bottom of things.

10:00-11:00 PM: Dillon told Karen about his conversation with Dre. Karen thinks Dre wants them to get rid of Ika for her since she wants Ika out but doesn’t want to be the one to do it. Karen said they should get rid of Jackie. Karen said Dre is manipulating Dillon in order to get him to evict Ika. Karen said they are not playing Dre’s game, and that’s why Jackie is going home. Karen said Jackie is going home and they are not debating this. Dillon said okay. Meanwhile, William told Kevin that he was on board with keeping Ika two hours ago but now he is not so sure. Kevin said he has a good read on Ika and he doesn’t think that she is lying to him. Kevin said he doesn’t think Ika will go after them next week, while Jackie will definitely go after him. William told Kevin that Dre is might not be keeping Ika. He asked that Kevin not tell Ika that. Kevin said he wont. Kevin told William that it’s only good for Dillon and Karen’s games to have Jackie stay. Dillon and William headed to the blue room to chat. William said Dillon seems like he wants to keep Ika. Dillon said he thinks so and asked William if he thinks that’s right. William said maybe. Dillon asked if Dre is going to vote Ika out. William said he doesn’t know if Dre will be able to do that. Dillon agreed. Dre then came in and started speaking in French with William. Dillon told them to give him some English. William asked if they can have five minutes. Dillon left the the room. Dre asked if Ika really said she (Dre) is going to nominate Kevin. Dre asked William to swear on something. William said he is really pissed that Dre wont believe him. He then swore on his mom. Dre let William know that she will be voting to evict Ika. Dre sword that she will do that even if nobody else is. Dillon told Ika and Demetres that Dre came flying in speaking in French, then they asked him for five minutes. Ika asked if she should be worried. Dillon said no since Karen, Demetres and himself will be voting to keep her. Dillon said William asked if he is sure that voting Jackie out is the best move. Dillon informed Ika that Dre is upset since William told her that Ika said she is going after Kevin. Ika admitted to having said that. Dillon said Dre is acting weird. Ika agreed. The two discussed that Dre and William are probably trying to set Dillon and Karen up. Dillon swore on everything he loves that he is voting to keep Ika. Dillon advised Ika to keep her eyes open tomorrow even if it’s a 5-0 vote. He said he has never seen Dre act like this before. Ika said Karen is probably more loyal to Dillon than Dre is. Dillon said 100%. Both agreed that they don’t want to vote Karen out now. Ika said Dre is wanting to be everyone’s #1, which is probably why she is a bit threatened by Karen.

11:00-12:00 AM: Dillon and Karen assured Ika that they will be voting to keep her. Ika asked if Dre told Dillon to evict her. Dillon said she told him to do that and to get Karen to do it as well. Ika said Dre and William have been making it seem like Dillon and Karen aren’t keeping her. Karen said that is such a lie. Dillon and Ika pointed out that Karen has been telling them for week that they cannot trust Dre. Ika wondered if they should have been listening to Karen the entire time. Karen said this should have been an easy 5-0 vote to evict Jackie. They compared notes on Dre. Ika said Dre has been telling her the whole time that Karen is turning Dillon against her. Dillon said it has been the exact opposite. Ika said she thought Karen was paranoid. Karen said she hears that a lot. Ika told Karen she thought she could trust Dre. While Ika said Dre has been telling her that Karen puts things in Dillon’s head, Dillon said Dre is the one putting things in his head. Ika asked if Dre doesn’t like her. Demetres said he doesn’t know but Dre will not be there for a whole lot longer. Ika said she feels sick since she really trusted Dre. Dillon said Dre needs to go. Demetres commented on how it seems as though they have a new Final 4 in reference to Dillon, Karen, Ika and himself. When Karen went to do a battery change, William asked her about the vote. Karen said they are all voting to evict Jackie. Demetres, Dillon and Ika all said that they would love to do the honours and nominate Dre. Dillon said he is done trusting Dre. Ika said they cannot forget this moment no matter what Dre says to them.

12:00-1:00 AM: Dillon told Ika, Demetres and Karen that they have to win HoH and put Dre on the block. He said either William or Kevin have to go up next to her. Karen said to nominate Kevin and Dre. Ika said they know that they have to win HoH even if it ends up being a 5-0 vote. The group continued to compare notes on Dre. Ika told Dillon that Dre said they will know that they cannot trust Dillon if he flips this week. Dillon figured Dre had some scheme put together all along. Ika apologized to Karen and said they will never call her paranoid again. Karen said she is still going to be mad at Ika and Demetres since they turned on her when she didn’t ever do anything against them. Ika and Demetres clarified that they were never going to vote her out, but Dre made them think that she is paranoid and didn’t know what she was talking about. The discussions about Dre continue, with Dillon telling Ika that Dre has flipped back and forth between keeping her and evicting her every day since the veto ceremony took place. Ika said she believes it.

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