BBCAN5 Day 59

May 8, 2017

8:00-9:00 AM: Ika told Demetres and Karen that they really have to go over the HoHs, PoVs, and have-nots. Demetres said they have to study hard. Karen mentioned that Kevin made a crucial mistake by nominating Dillon instead of her. Ika said Kevin would have beat the two of them and Dillon hands down in the veto competition next week. Karen said Kevin thinks that she will not want to make the decision, then she will force a tie to throw it back to Kevin. Karen brought up telling Dillon that they cannot get rid of Demetres. Karen added that Dillon claimed he was not trying to win the competition this week and he could have won more if he had wanted to. Karen said both Dillon and Kevin made crucial mistakes and now Dillon is heading to the jury house.

12:00-1:00 PM: Feeds went down temporarily. When they returned, the houseguests were talking about a group of visitors who came through the house. The houseguests took part in some variation of the freeze task. Kevin said Demetres was called the comp beast of the season by the visitors. Kevin said they were tearing the other people apart. Ika said they called her petty and angry, and they touched her weave. Kevin said they made fun of Dillon’s weight and Karen’s age. Kevin mentioned they were calling him Kevin Martin.

1:00-2:00 PM: Ika and Demetres agreed that it will be a great season as long as either of them or Kevin win the game. Ika and Demetres said it makes them mad that the jury will not even consider voting for either of them. Ika said her anger was misplaced at Kevin. Ika pointed out that it’s not Kevin’s fault he has more friends in jury. She said she resentful that even if she played a wicked game, the jury will not give her the win just because it’s her. Ika said Kevin played hard and won the HoH and PoV against the four of them. Ika told Demetres she doesn’t think that Kevin wants to see a weak player win, referring to the move he made with the veto. Demetres doesn’t think the move was made with that thought in mind. He thinks Kevin made a mistake. Ika said there are five people in the house but it’s really the two of them against Kevin. Ika mentioned that Kevin will deserve to win the game if he beats them and ends up in the Final 2. Ika said they should vote for Kevin to win the game if that happens. The two discussed that they have to study and want it as bad as Kevin does. Ika said the Final 4 veto competition will be the most epic showdown. She said it’s rare that you have this many strong players at the end of the game. Ika thinks that Karen has played a great game as well, seeing things that others could not see. The houseguests had another visitor. She sprayed Dillon and Kevin with spray tan while in the house.

2:00-3:00 PM: Ika asked Demetres if he thinks Karen is starting to believe that Kevin is also deserving of winning. Demetres said maybe. He asked if she thinks that will change Ika’s mind. Ika said she doesn’t know. Demetres said he can’t see it changing. Demetres said Karen has kind of always gotten along with Kevin. He said they cannot be getting paranoid. Demetres said it is out of their control now. Demetres said he cannot be mad at Karen if she decides to keep Dillon over him. Demetres told Ika that Karen hasn’t shown any signs of flipping on them yet. If she does, Demetres said they can step in. In the bedroom, Kevin spoke to the live feeders. He said Karen is going to vote Dillon out. Kevin said he will try some Hail Mary plays in hope of keeping Dillon. However, Kevin said Karen’s vendetta against him is so bad that she wants to keep Demetres because he has a better chance to beat him. Kevin said if he had nominated Karen instead of Dillon, he really thinks Dillon would have flipped and then it would have been the worst case scenario. Kevin thinks that Demetres was going to stay no matter what he did. Kevin said people are so petty that they would rather decrease their own chances of winning just to decrease his. Kevin said he will still win the Final 4 veto competition and the Final 3 HoH competition. Kevin explained that he will then take Karen to the Final 2 and win the game. Kevin mentioned that Karen is very paranoid. He thought he could try to have Karen overhear him saying untrue stuff to himself in hope of flipping her vote. He specifically mentioned that he could say he will take Karen to Final 2 over Dillon. Kevin said he used to respect Ika’s game but she was willing to go home and give up her life in this game for Demetres. For that reason, Kevin said he would want Demetres to win over Ika if he cannot win the game himself. Kevin expects Demetres to win the Final 4 HoH competition. Kevin said he will be proud of his performance even if he finishes in 4th place. Kevin considered telling Dillon that he was lying to him and he didn’t ever plan on taking him to the end, in hope of it getting back to Karen. Kevin said he doesn’t mind it being 4 against 1 but it’s tricky when people in the 4 are willing to hurt their own games just to take him out.

3:00-4:00 PM: Sarah Hanlon stopped by the house as part of the task. She gave the houseguests pies to the face. Afterwards Kevin was in the HoH room talking about how what she said is exactly what he needed to hear. He said the words of encouragement gave him what he needs to fight through to the end of the game. Kevin said Sarah talked to Dillon about how he wants to kiss everyone, to Karen about how she is swearing, to Demetres about how he has a yogurt commercial, to Ika about how she has a pet, and to him about how she is impressed. Kevin said he may be reading too much into it but it was really encouraging.

4:00-5:00 PM: Feeds went down for another visitor. This time it was Dillon’s mother who entered the house. The houseguests were “frozen” at the time. Dillon said his mom told him not to unfreeze.

6:00-7:00 PM: Big Brother threw the houseguests a dinner party as a result of them passing the task. The houseguests were given Chinese food and beer. The houseguests sat around the dinner table reminiscing about their games. At one point, Demetres brought up Ika fake crying to Neda. He mentioned that she said she is going to fake cry but that will lead to her actually crying. Ika gave him a look as if she was not impressed that he had said that in front of everyone.

7:00-8:00 PM: While Dillon was not in the room, Ika brought up that one of her goals was to make it to the BBCAN awards night. Kevin said that they have now made it there. Karen later pointed out to Ika and Demetres that Kevin said they are going to be there. Due to that, Karen believes that Kevin knows Dillon is leaving. Ika asked if Karen thinks that Kevin would keep Demetres. Karen said they will control the votes themselves, making it a 2-0 vote, because they cannot rely on Kevin’s vote. Karen commented on Dillon acting different. She believes that Dillon’s mom whispered to him that he is leaving. Karen said his mom would know what the plan is from watching the live feeds. Ika thought Dillon saw his mom and then realized that he should have been fighting harder. Ika told Kevin that she respects him so much. Kevin said he respects Ika and Demetres so much as well. Both said they will be voting each other should they leave the game. Both also agreed that either one of them or Demetres has to win the game.

9:00-10:00 PM: Karen told Ika that after hearing everything Kevin has had to say today, she believes that he will take Ika to the Final 2. Ika said there is no way that Kevin would do that. Karen thinks Kevin’s ego is guiding his decisions and he wants to show that he is playing the best game ever and he can beat the best at the end. Karen listed off the votes for Ika to win the game over Kevin as Dillon, Demetres, Dre, William and herself. Ika thinks that Bruno, Neda, Sindy, Jackie and William would all vote for Kevin to win. Karen said William will not vote for Kevin after she tells him everything that Kevin did to him. Demetres joined Ika and Karen. Ika let Demetres know that he cannot be telling Kevin about their games. She was referring to him revealing that she fake cried to Neda. Ika and Karen explained to Demetres that Kevin will use anything he can in order to help build his case as to why he deserves to win the game. Karen then told Demetres about her theory that Kevin will take either he or Ika to the Final 2. Demetres and Karen discussed that Karen can cast the vote to evict Kevin next week as long as he doesn’t win the veto. Karen said she has waited all season to say “I vote to evict Kevin Martin”. In the HoH room, Kevin told Dillon that if Karen sees he is more motivated that Demetres is to take him down, she will keep him. Kevin admitted that he is shocked how quickly Karen’s energy towards Dillon changed once he was placed on the block. Dillon said he is kind of hurt by it. He talked about being a part of the four, yet now they don’t even talk to him. Kevin said he thought that Dillon and Karen’s bond was unbreakable, though it seem it wasn’t on Karen’s end. Kevin suggested that Dillon could still sway Karen since the connection that they had was real. Dillon said he is going home because of Karen’s vendetta against Kevin. Kevin said he had the wrong read on the situation. The two discussed that Karen is not even worried about her own game. Dillon said the only thing Karen wants is to get Kevin out of the house.

10:00-11:00 PM: Kevin asked Dillon why Karen would choose Ika and Demetres over him. Dillon said it’s solely because she wants Kevin out of the house so badly. On top of that, he said Ika is super convincing. Kevin asked if Karen knows that she cannot win the game. Dillon said she knows and now she doesn’t care who wins as long as it’s not Kevin. Dillon told Kevin that he put him in a tough spot. Kevin said he knew that they were going to vote Ika out. Dillon said he wouldn’t have done it even though Karen was pushing for it to happen. Kevin let Dillon know that Karen is the one he was going to take to the Final 2. He added that he was only saying he would take Dillon in case he won the veto. Kevin explained he thought there was a chance that Dillon would use the veto on Demetres. Kevin said it has been his plan to bring Karen to the Final 2 for a long time now. Dillon said he doesn’t know how to play the game the way that Kevin is playing it. Dillon asked if Kevin thinks that Demetres would cut Ika, pulling a Jon, in order to take Karen to the Final 2. Kevin said of course he would do it. Dillon said he hopes so. After Dillon left the room, Kevin said he hopes Dillon will leak it back to Karen that she is who he wants to take to the Final 2. Kevin figures that it will give Karen more incentive to keep Dillon. Dillon headed downstairs to talk to Karen. He asked where her head is at. Karen revealed she has been aligned with Ika since the very first day. She added that Demetres has always protected her. Karen said Kevin’s ego is making him want to be in the Final 2 with Ika or Demetres. Karen told Dillon that she will be leaving right after him. Dillon asked why Karen wouldn’t keep him in the house then. Karen said she is a loyal person and she stands by her word. Karen explained that she would feel bad doing that to Ika and Demetres after she has been with them the whole game. Karen said Kevin wouldn’t keep Dillon even if it came down to a tiebreaker. Karen said she is not going to give Kevin the satisfaction of breaking the tie. She told Dillon that Kevin would have nominated her if he wanted Demetres to go. Karen apologized but said Dillon is probably going to jury. Dillon said he thinks that Ika, Demetres and Kevin are working together. Karen insisted that they are not. Karen spilled about her Bragade alliance and told Dillon that the only two loyal ones were Ika and herself. Dillon asked if Karen is going to vote him out. Karen said it will probably be a 2-0 vote. Dillon said he is not mad at Karen. He placed the blame on Kevin. Dillon let Karen know that Kevin said he left his morals at the door when he entered the house. Karen pointed out that she told Dillon they would live to regret not getting Kevin out during Dillon’s HoH week. Before the talk wrapped up, Karen told Dillon she doesn’t want Kevin knowing that she has been with Ika all along or that they are voting to keep Demetres. Dillon said he wont tell.

11:00-12:00 AM: Karen told Ika that she told Dillon the truth, saying that he has to go. Ika didn’t believe it. Karen swore that she did. Karen said she crushed the guy’s dreams. Karen sat Ika and Demetres down for a retell of her conversation with Dillon. She told them that Dillon said Kevin claimed to have left his morals at the door. Ika couldn’t believe that Kevin admitted to that. Ika, Karen and Demetres then spent nearly an hour discussing Kevin’s game. Karen outlined her thoughts on Kevin’s moves from the perspective of an outsider. She said the fans are not going to know what is happening. Demetres figured that Kevin simply screwed up and did not see that Karen would keep him.

12:00-1:00 AM: After Karen, Ika and Demetres finished discussing Kevin’s moves, Ika told Demetres that this is exactly why he cannot be mentioning her fake crying. Ika thinks Karen is having doubts and is wondering if they are playing her. She believes that since Karen kept trying to figure out what she would be thinking if she were watching at home. Ika told Demetres that he cannot do these thing when he is on the block.

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