BBCAN5 Day 7 - Demetres discusses the plan for nominations

March 17, 2017

8:00-9:00 AM: Bruno told Demetres that he plans to go hard for the veto so that Demetres can do whatever he wants this week. Demetres told Bruno that he really wants to work with him but he wants honesty from him. Bruno said he was approached and told that the votes had flipped, so he couldn’t end up on the wrong side of the numbers by voting Mark out. Bruno said his actions will prove that he is with Demetres. Demetres let Bruno know that Dillon is his target and that he will likely nominate either Emily or Jackie next to him. Bruno suggested nominating Emily next to Dillon since the two of them are close and Emily is less likely to win a competition than Jackie is. Demetres pointed out that the good thing is that he will have a replacement nominee available if the veto is used, implying that it would be whichever of the two he doesn’t nominate initially. Bruno said Demetres reminds him of Bobby and he will be his Bobby this season.

9:00-10:00 AM: Demetres and Ika spoke in the HoH room. They agreed that Bruno can be trusted. Ika said the two of them, Bruno and Neda could work well together. Both Demetres and Ika clarified that they trust each other more than the others in the house. They discussed the plan to nominate Dillon and Emily. Ika suggested that Demetres go with that as long as his gut is not telling him to do something else. Ika said Dallas, Dillon and Emily are for sure working together, while Cassandra and Dallas likely have a secret alliance together. Dallas headed to the HoH room to speak to Demetres. He admitted to switching his vote yesterday. Dallas said he assumes that some combination of Dillon, Emily, Karen and himself will be nominated. Demetres threw Dillon’s name out there. Dallas told Demetres that Karen is referring to him as “dumb dumb”. He also said that retaliation isn’t always a bad thing, referring to the fact that Karen nominated Demetres and now he could do the same to her. Dallas said he is willing to sell Dillon down the river if Demetres is wanting to make him the target. Demetres said there is likely no patching things up between the two of them. Dallas talked about Dillon and Emily as a showmance waiting to happen. He said those two could go on the block initially and then Karen could go up if one of them happens to win the veto. Dallas also offered his vote to Demetres if he keeps him safe this week. Emily then spoke to Demetres, asking if she is going to be put on the block. Demetres said that he has not yet decided, but she will only be a pawn if she does end up going on the block. Emily asked if Demetres has ever considered flipping things by working with Dillon since no one would ever suspect it. Demetres said that he has not since their relationship is pretty unrepairable.

10:00-11:00 AM: Kevin asked Demetres where his head is at. Demetres said he doesn’t think that he can go back on his word, so Dillon definitely has to go on the block. As for the other nominee, Demetres said he has not yet decided that. Kevin said he understands if their relationship is not on the best of terms after what happened last week. Kevin hoped that his honesty showed. Demetres said it did and he respected that Kevin was the one who came up to him and was honest about things. Demetres asked that Kevin have his back next week if he doesn’t put him up. Kevin said he is willing to work together with Demetres. They agreed that they are both physical threats and could be targeted. Kevin assured Demetres that he will look after him if he keeps him safe. Demetres agreed.

11:00-12:00 PM: The have-not room was revealed. This week’s have-nots are Cassandra, Emily, Ika and Sindy.

12:00-1:00 PM: Jackie spoke to Demetres, saying that Karen is an idiot for trying to get physical threats out when she could have worked with them. Jackie let Demetres know that she would like to work with him. She asked if Demetres knows what he is going to do yet. Demetres said that he has not. He explained that Dillon is his target and Jackie will only be a pawn if she does end up on the block. Elsewhere, Dallas told Cassandra, Ika and Kevin that Karen is his target. Kevin said he thinks that he could be Karen’s number one target since she kept talking about how he is sketching her out. Ika said Karen was going around telling people that Ika was saying Jackie was trying to rally votes to get Mark to stay. The group discussed that the vets need to get back on the same page. It was mentioned that they may have went off in their own direction for yesterday’s vote based on who they connected better with, even though they are still together.

2:00-3:00 PM: Jackie told Karen that she thinks Emily is probably telling Demetres to put her on the block. Karen said nobody wants to be put up but there is no reason for Jackie to go up over the boys who stabbed Demetres directly in the face. Karen said Dallas is trying to convince Demetres to get her put on the block, so she too is an option to go up over Jackie. Karen said nobody has told her what happened yesterday when the vote flipping discussions took place. Jackie said Mark was saying his goodbyes and then mentioned he thinks that either Gary or Ika got into Karen’s head in order to get her to put him on the block. Jackie said there was discussion that Cassandra was behind everything and got Demetres to make a speech to Dillon, leading to Gary and Ika confronting Cassandra. Jackie told Karen that everyone then wanted the house to flip. Karen brought up that she told Jackie a few days ago that word was going around that Jackie was attempting to save Mark because she likes him a lot. Karen said she couldn’t remember who she had heard that from. Karen told Jackie that it doesn’t look so good when she is telling some people that she is voting Mark out and others that she is voting to keep Mark. Karen told Jackie that she said to Ika “Red is trying to flip the house”. Jackie questioned why she would think that. Karen simply said that someone told her that, though she cannot remember who it is. Jackie said she is starting to think that Karen started this. Karen denied it. Karen accused Jackie of saying she was going to vote Mark out. Jackie became frustrated and denied it. Jackie said Karen is not telling the truth. Jackie then stormed off, telling Karen that she doesn’t want to talk to her.

3:00-4:00 PM: Cassandra told Dallas that she believes she is on the outs when it comes to the girls. She said that Ika, Neda and Sindy are always together and stop talking when she walks in to the room. Cassandra also mentioned that Jackie caught Neda and Sindy talking about Cassandra. Cassandra feels as though they need to backdoor Sindy this week, because they are on the bottom of the alliance. Dallas is focused on getting Karen out. Cassandra said Karen is annoying but she will continue to dig her own grave. She was more concerned that Neda and Sindy will put her on the block if they win HoH. Kevin joined in on the conversation. He said that Karen will be his target if he wins HoH. The three agreed that the vets have got to stick together. While Cassandra wanted to discuss their targets, Kevin explained that they all have different side deals and therefore they do not have mutual targets. Dallas said the majority of them can say that they are sketched out by “The French Connection” (Dre and William). Dallas admitted that he is a little suspect of Sindy, so she is the first that he would want to go if the vets get to the Final 8 together. Cassandra again brought up that she does not feel good about her relationship with Neda, Ika and Sindy.

4:00-5:00 PM: Bruno spoke to Kevin about the plan for nominations. He said that Dillon and Emily will definitely be nominated even though Dallas is trying to rally people against Karen. Bruno said Dallas may end up being the backdoor option. Kevin advised Bruno to speak to Cassandra because there is a battle brewing between the two of them. Kevin said he has been trying to get closer to Cassandra and he will continue to nurture that relationship. Bruno said he definitely needs to talk to Cassandra in order to break the wall down between them. Elsewhere, Ika let Sindy know about the plan to nominate Dillon and Emily. She said that Dallas may also be in the mix if Demetres knows that they are okay with that happening. Downstairs, Jackie spoke to Bruno and Kevin about what happened prior to yesterday’s vote. She said Mark told her that he came up with the idea that Gary and Ika were targeting, and he did not hear that from someone else. Cassandra has been accused of telling Mark that Gary and Ika were wanting him to go.

6:00-7:00 PM: Cassandra told Gary that she has been talking to the newbies and she thinks that they are good with Dre, William, Jackie and Karen. Cassandra mentioned that a number of the newbies are on board with targeting Bruno. It was discussed that they could try to make that move this week. Gary said the veterans thing is done now since they did not all vote Mark out. Gary saw that as a disrespectful move. Gary said he was willing to be loyal to the vets, but they can’t even stick together. The two agreed that Bruno is working with everybody. Gary said Kevin is someone they can work with. Gary mentioned that Neda does not like Cassandra. He added that Neda probably doesn’t like her even more after he told her that Cassandra wanted to backdoor her. Both felt as though Neda was behind yesterday’s vote flip discussions. Cassandra and Gary talked about targeting Neda as soon as they get to jury. Gary said he is willing to be the one to make that move. As for Ika, they agreed that she is trying to play all sides and be friends with everyone.

7:00-8:00 PM: Cassandra, Ika and Neda discussed scenarios in the HoH room. Ika wondered what would happen if Dallas wins the veto and takes Dillon off of the block. Ika and Neda had previously discussed trying to get Dallas on the block next to Dillon. Cassandra said she doesn’t think that Dallas would use the veto on Dillon. Ika disagreed. Cassandra said she doesn’t want to see Karen go up because that would be such a waste. She expects the guys to vote her out over Emily if that happens. Cassandra said she doesn’t care what happens this week as long as none of the vets go on the block. Neda agreed and added that she wants this week to be a repair week. Neda asked if they can trust Demetres. Cassandra said they can but the guys cannot. In the bedroom, Jackie asked William how he feels about Cassandra. William said he thinks that he can trust her. Jackie said she is trusting Cassandra right now too. William said he thinks that having Cassandra on their side is a good thing since she can do a lot of things. Jackie then called her a mastermind. However, William said he has not really had a chance to connect with Cassandra even though she has been really nice to him. Jackie said Cassandra is the vet that she would like to work with the most. She pointed out that the vets have their own groups such as Bruno and Kevin, and Ika, Neda and Sindy. Back in the HoH room, Cassandra mentioned to Demetres that Bruno and Kevin were the ones trying to flip the house yesterday. Demetres said that doesn’t surprise him since they had a connection with Mark. Cassandra then discussed how Kevin started talking to her yesterday only because he thinks that she is close with Demetres and could therefore put in a good word for him. Cassandra listed off Bruno, Dillon, Emily and Kevin as the four people that they need to get out of the house.

8:00-9:00 PM: Cassandra and Dre discussed that Bruno and Kevin are shady. Earlier in the day, Ika advised Dre and William to talk bad about Bruno to Cassandra since it is clear that she does not like him. While Dre suggested that Kevin is the worse of the two, Cassandra said that it is Bruno who they have to worry about. Cassandra argued that Kevin can be reeled in once Kevin is out of the picture. Dre said Kevin is dangerous since he has a way of putting ideas into your head. They talked about how it would be smart to get Bruno or Kevin out this week over Dillon and Emily. After Karen had a talk with Demetres, she then spoke to Cassandra. Karen feels that Emily will be too easy of a target for the guys if she is on the block next to Dillon. Karen prefers having a second guy on the block next to Dillon. Cassandra said that they will worry about that after the veto competition. Karen listed off her five targets as Bruno, Dallas, Dillon, Jackie and Kevin. Cassandra said that she will not nominate Dallas.

10:00-11:00 PM: Feeds returned following the nomination ceremony. Demetres nominated Dillon and Emily for eviction. Karen was crying afterwards. Dallas explained to Jackie that Karen said “your plan didn’t work” and then he replied with “it’s still a long week”. Karen spoke to Cassandra, Ika and Sindy about what had happened. She said it’s hurtful that the guys are constantly campaigning against her and targeting her. The girls comforted Karen. She said that she would love to see Dallas get backdoored. Once Karen left, Cassandra said that Dallas will regret saying that to Karen. She said it’s so rude to say that to her when she is 53 years old and it is her dream to be there with them. There were also discussions about Karen having made a deal with Dallas and Mark during the HoH competition. Dallas believes that they made a deal and that Karen went back on it. Numerous others, Karen included, believe that no deal was solidified.

11:00-12:00 AM: Dallas got Gary caught up on what happened between him and Karen. Gary disagreed with Dallas with regards to a deal having been made during the competition. Dallas insisted that Karen made a deal with both him and Mark. Dallas felt as though Karen initiated something with him tonight, only to go cry and make him look like the bad guy once he said something back to her. Dallas pointed out that it worked. Dallas explained to Gary that everything he said to Karen hit her hard because it was all true. In the have-not room, Ika spoke to Kevin about how she trusts him because of the trust that Neda and Sindy have in him. She also mentioned that Naeha told her that if she goes back and Kevin is in the house, she should work with him. Kevin said he hopes that they can get to a point where Ika trusts him because of him. The two agreed that Dallas going on the block would be ideal if the veto is used. Ika told Kevin that Cassandra would be a great ally if not for her being sketched out about Bruno and Kevin. Ika said Cassandra’s gut is right when it tells her that she cannot trust Bruno or Kevin. Kevin agreed. The two also agreed that their Final 4 of Bruno, Ika, Kevin and Neda has the potential to get to the end together. Bruno, Demetres, Neda and Sindy then joined in on the conversation. The six of them proceeded to make an alliance. They talked about nominating Dallas in the event that the veto is used. Ika, Kevin, Neda and Sindy then discussed that another newbie nominated two more newbies. Neda said she will not be going against the vets when she goes against Cassandra and Dallas, because those two turned their backs first. Neda said they need to stack the jury with vets since the newbies will not vote for a vet to win the game. Ika clarified that Cassandra and Dallas need to go pre-jury.

12:00-1:00 AM: In the bedroom, Bruno and Neda reiterated that the best move for them would be to get Dallas out this week. As for next week, Neda said she would love to get rid of Cassandra. Bruno agreed and said that Cassandra is so jealous of Neda. Neda said she doesn’t get it. Bruno asked if Cassandra was this way on her season as well. Neda told him that Cassandra complained a lot but it was about the people that Canada hated, so Canada enjoyed it. Elsewhere, Jackie and Kevin had a chat. Jackie mentioned wanting to work with Cassandra. Afterwards, Jackie told Cassandra that Kevin really wants to work with her. Cassandra mentioned a group of four consisting of Jackie, Dre, William and herself. Jackie was on board with that. Cassandra added that she would like to take Dre and William far in the game, while she would like to get to the end with Jackie.

1:00-2:00 AM: Cassandra and Gary discussed their options for this week. There were talks that it may be best to keep Dillon over Emily if they can reel Dillon in. Gary thought that Emily would try to latch on to anyone. Cassandra feared that she would go straight to Neda. Gary explained that he would like to stick it to the vets, though staying with them could be beneficial for another couple of weeks. Cassandra asked if Gary is really planning on having all of the vets in the Final 8, to which Gary replied “no”. Both agreed that they would like to keep Karen around for a while. Cassandra doesn’t think that Karen would ever turn on them. Gary then spoke to Demetres, who told him that he wants him to vote Dillon out. Gary said he will use each vote to build trust with Demetres. However, Gary explained that things could change as the week goes on, leading to a potential change of targets. Gary then brought up how someone must have told Mark to tell Ika and himself that he heard they want him out. Gary figured that this was the plan of a mastermind, Kevin or Neda, that was looking to create chaos in order to flip the vote on Thursday.

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