BBCAN5 Day 8 - Dillon wins the Power of Veto

March 18, 2017

9:00-10:00 AM: Players were picked for the veto competition. Demetres, Dillon, Emily, Dre, Karen and Neda will be competing. Dallas will be the host.

10:00-11:00 AM: Neda and Sindy spoke to Demetres in the HoH room, discussing the option of targeting Dallas over Dillon. Neda said that Dallas is the one holding that side of the house together. Demetres was open to the idea. He mentioned that Dallas is scared of being backdoored and that may be why he is trying to make it seem like Karen, not Demetres, is his target. In the pantry, Cassandra asked Jackie and William if they think that Demetres would nominate a vet. Jackie said she hopes so. Cassandra said she thinks Demetres is leaning that way and she hopes that they can get Bruno nominated. She asked Jackie and William to plant seeds with Demetres in order to get Bruno on the block. Cassandra assured William that she is close with Dallas, meaning that Dallas will not go after him. William said that he will trust Dallas if Cassandra says that he should. Afterwards, William admitted to Jackie that he is uncomfortable with the idea of trying to push for Bruno to go on the block. Back up in the HoH room, Ika pointed out that it is not smart for Demetres to get more blood on his hands by nominating Dallas if he can get Dillon out. She explained that it would suck to have Dillon stay, win HoH, and nominate Demetres. Demetres agreed and then informed Bruno that they are going to leave the nominations the same if they can avoid having the veto used. If the veto is used, Demetres said that he will then nominate Dallas. Neda asked if Demetres wants her to keep the nominations the same if she wins. Demetres said yeah. Neda asked if she should throw the veto to Dillon or Emily. Demetres told her not to throw it to Dillon because he wants Dillon gone. Downstairs, Dallas told Dillon that he hopes he wins the veto. Dillon asked if he should use it on himself. Dallas said of course. Dillon brought up that Emily wants to use the veto on him. Dallas figured that Emily would then be walking out the door. H expects Karen on himself to be the replacement nominee. Dallas suggested that Dillon offer Dre a deal to keep both her and William safe if she uses the veto on him.

11:00-12:00 PM: Cassandra told Dallas that she thinks Bruno is trying to get her backdoored. Dallas said he will talk to Bruno in order to ask if there are any backdoor plans in place. Dallas told Cassandra that she is right about them only being able to do the vet thing for so long. He said they need to start picking off the vets. Cassandra said it’s a prime opportunity to get Bruno out, though Dallas argued that it is too early. Cassandra asked if that means Dallas wants Dillon or Emily to go. Dallas said he would prefer to get Emily out. Cassandra suggested that making that move would lead to Demetres and Dillon continuing to target each other moving forward. The two agreed that they don’t like how close Ika, Neda and Sindy are. Cassandra said Sindy has to be the one to go first. Neda joined them. Cassandra asked who the replacement nominee is likely to be. Neda threw Karen’s name out there.

12:00-1:00 PM: Jackie spoke to Dillon and Emily about how someone needs to have the balls to nominate the vets. Jackie said she wants a newbie to win the game. She proposed that the three of them work alongside Dre and William. Dillon said the vets already had their chance. Emily agreed and said this will be their only chance to play. Jackie suggested that Dillon and Emily pitch a backdoor plan to Demetres, in order to get a vet out of the house. Jackie asked which of the vets they trust. Dillon and Emily both said that they trust Bruno and Dallas. Jackie said she trusts Cassandra and sees her as someone who is good at rallying votes and being able to flip the house. In the bedroom, Cassandra told Dre and William that it would be ideal to get Bruno out of the house this week. She said that Dre and William will be going on the block next week if any of the vets win HoH. Cassandra explained that Kevin thinks he can reel William in if Dre is out of the picture. Cassandra then told Ika that Kevin is trying to start a three person alliance with her and Jackie. Ika advised Cassandra to go along with it. Cassandra said she is but it is not real. Cassandra then revealed that she doesn’t think Dillon should be the one to go this week. She said it should be Bruno. Ika told Cassandra that she cannot see Demetres being on board with that. Back downstairs, Dillon and Jackie discussed working with Dre, Emily, William, Cassandra and Dallas to take down the rest of the houseguests. Jackie thought that they may even be able to get Karen on board with working with them. Dallas then had a quick conversation with Jackie, telling her that he will be targeting Karen next week. Jackie said that she will be doing the same. Dallas mentioned forming a group with Cassandra, Jackie, and another physical threat. Dallas and Jackie agreed that they are more intimidated by Kevin than Bruno, but they trust Kevin more. Jackie thinks that it would be possible to bring Kevin in if they can get Bruno out. They discussed that there is a clear alliance between Ika, Neda and Sindy. Jackie said she feels bad for Cassandra because those three girls pretend that they have a four person alliance with her.

2:00-3:00 PM: Feeds returned after being down for a little over two hours. The houseguests took part in some sort of Oreo sponsored activity in order to win an advantage in the veto competition. Dre won. Demetres let Gary know that he wants to keep the nominations the same because he wants to get Dillon out of the house. Gary said Demetres should get what he wants.

3:00-4:00 PM: In the have-not room, Ika and Neda discussed what happened leading up to the vote on Thursday. Ika said she feels as though people tried to discredit Cassandra in order to keep Mark around. Specifically, Ika said her gut is telling her that she got played by Bruno. Ika clarified that she doesn’t think Bruno meant it in a bad way, but rather that he was trying to do what he thought was best for the alliance. The two agreed that Bruno didn’t have to do all of that when they already knew that Cassandra could not be trusted. Neda said they, not Bruno and Kevin, have to be the ones making the decisions. Ika let Neda know that Cassandra said Kevin asked her and Jackie for an alliance. Sindy then joined the girls. Ika reiterated that Demetres should be able to get what he wants this week. She said she is not on board with the guys tricking Demetres in order to get their way by having Dallas leave. Elsewhere, Jackie told Demetres that she thinks either Bruno or Neda were behind what took place prior to the vote. Jackie also noted that the veterans are picking off the newbies. Demetres argued that the vets are not actually working together. Demetres made it clear that Dillon is still his target. Demetres then reported back to Cassandra, Ika, Neda and Sindy that Jackie said the vets are picking off the newbies one by one. Ika suggested throwing Dallas on the block and sending him out if Dillon wins the PoV, making it so the newbies cannot say they are being picked off. Demetres admitted that he is considering Jackie as a replacement nominee. Cassandra and Ika spoke alone. Ika said Sindy wants Dallas out and that’s why she brought his name up earlier. Cassandra told Ika that Sindy is working with Bruno and Kevin. She claimed that Kevin had told her the BBCAN3 houseguests have a Final 3 deal. Cassandra said they need to get Bruno or Kevin out, not Dallas, because Dallas would not come after the two of them. Neda joined Cassandra and Ika, at which point Cassandra attempted to clear the air. Neda questioned why Cassandra’s mind immediately went to her trying to plot against her. Cassandra explained that Gary led her to believe that Neda was throwing her name under the bus. Neda explained that she was frustrated with Cassandra because she singled her out even though nobody was trusting Cassandra in the moment. However, she later said it makes sense now due to what Cassandra told her about Gary. Cassandra said she sees the divide between the two of them and she would like for them to work together. Neda said she would like to work with Cassandra as well. The girls agreed to approach each other if they have any doubts in the future.

4:00-5:00 PM: Gary and Kevin spoke to each other about wanting to make it to the end together. Gary said he feels like he can work with Cassandra as well. Kevin told Gary that the two of them don’t really trust each other, but he would like to develop his relationship with Cassandra. Gary and Kevin then reassured each other that they want to take each other to the Final 2. Cassandra, Ika and Neda continued to discuss working together. After Neda left the room, Cassandra thanked Ika for helping her with Neda. Cassandra admitted that she is worried about Bruno and Kevin. Ika then revealed that Bruno is the one who told her that Mark said Cassandra was throwing Gary and Ika under the bus. Cassandra said her gut was telling her that it was Bruno all along. Ika explained that she didn’t want to tell Cassandra because Gary had been telling her that Cassandra doesn’t trust her. Cassandra said she has always told Gary that he and Ika are her people. She asked if Gary trusts her. Ika said Gary told her that Cassandra proved herself during the blowup by not spilling all of his tea, so he told Ika to trust her as well. Both girls agreed that they can trust Neda and each other. Cassandra said the boys are the ones that are causing trouble. Ika told her the good thing is that the boys don’t know that they know what they are doing.

8:00-9:00 PM: Feeds returned following the veto competition. Dillon won the Power of Veto and $5,000. Neda and Ika were in the have-not room. Neda made it clear that she does not trust Cassandra. As for the replacement nominee, Ika said Dillon and Emily would be willing to nominate them but Dallas would be too scared to make that move himself. Demetres entered the room and said he thinks that he has to nominate Dallas. Ika asked who he wants to go home. Demetres again said Dallas. Neda told Demetres that she wasn’t sure that nominating Dallas was the best idea, but now she thinks it makes so much sense.

9:00-10:00 PM: Dallas told Cassandra that he wants to talk to Dillon about nominating Karen. Cassandra said Dallas will end up on the block himself if he keeps pushing that. Cassandra asked Dallas to let her take care of it. Dallas questioned what she will be pushing for. Cassandra simply said that it is none of his concern. Cassandra headed to the HoH room to talk to Demetres. She began planting seeds as to why Bruno needs to go. Cassandra said Bruno is the one that put it in Mark’s head that he should say Cassandra told him Gary and Ika want him out. Cassandra insisted that the male veterans are after Demetres. Cassandra suggested that Demetres target another strong male now that he cannot get Dillon out. Cassandra said she has a hold on Dallas and he wants to work with Demetres. Cassandra then said Bruno has an alliance with Dillon and Emily. After Cassandra left, Demetres told Sindy that Cassandra is pushing for Bruno to go. Demetres said it is pretty obvious that he needs to go after Dallas. He figured that it would be best not to tell Dallas ahead of time. Cassandra talked to Dre about Bruno wanting to target Dallas. She said they cannot have that happen, as they need to get Bruno out instead. Cassandra explained to Dre that Bruno is behind everything and he is the one who made up the lie about her to Mark. Cassandra said she would like to nominate Bruno and Sindy next week if Bruno is still there. Dre talked about Jackie wanting to work with Cassandra. She worried that Kevin is close to Jackie and he will put ideas in her head. Cassandra said Jackie is getting closer with Bruno and Kevin than with her, likely because she wants to work with a male. Back in the HoH room, Ika told Demetres that Cassandra fought hard for him to stay last week. Ika said she thinks Mark lied and someone threw Cassandra’s name under the bus in order to get him to do that. Ika told Demetres that Cassandra loves him and she is not coming after either of them, even though the people they are working with hate her.

10:00-11:00 PM: Cassandra joined Demetres and Ika. She said she has been doing some spying and has noticed that Dillon, Emily and Bruno meet up in the kitchen every night to talk. Dillon walked in and asked to speak to Demetres. Once he did get him alone, Dillon told Demetres that he plans to use the veto on himself. Dillon offered to protect Demetres if he nominates Karen. Dillon said the offer will last until whenever he wins an HoH. Should Emily go home, Dillon said he will be coming after Demetres. Demetres assured Dillon that he does not want Emily to go. Demetres did not want to make any more promises beyond that. Cassandra pointed out to Ika that Dallas will not come after them. Cassandra asked Ika if she thinks they can get Bruno on the block. Ika said she doesn’t think so. Cassandra argued that it is best for their game and for Demetres’ game to have Dallas there over Bruno. Ika said she feels safe with Dallas winning HoH but not with Dillon or Emily winning HoH. Cassandra went to Dallas and told him that she thinks he shot himself in the foot by hanging out with Dillon too much. Dallas said he will offer Demetres a one week truce if he nominates Karen. Cassandra revealed that Bruno is trying to get Dallas out, so he is the one that they have to get on the block. Cassandra suggested that Dallas apologize for voting against Demetres, point out that Bruno and Kevin did the same, then push for Bruno to go. Dallas then spoke to Demetres. Dallas gave his word that he will keep Demetres safe next week if he keeps him safe this week. Dallas named Karen as his target. Dallas mentioned that Bruno has been giving him some weird vibes lately. Dallas accused Bruno of being the one to tell him that they are keeping Mark over Demetres. Demetres admitted that he is worried Dallas will be with Dillon. Dallas suggested that all three of them could create a truce and find a mutual target.

11:00-12:00 AM: Demetres asked Dallas who he should put up. Dallas said there are six people who voted him out. Dallas said Bruno may be the best bet. Demetres said he will do what is best for his game and he will likely not tell anyone his plan. Cassandra told Ika that she thinks Demetres will nominate Bruno if Ika puts it in his head. Cassandra said they will be losing a number if Dallas leaves, while Dillon and Emily will get closer to Dallas if Bruno leaves. Cassandra explained that the latter option is more beneficial to them since they have influence over Dallas. Cassandra then pitched to Demetres that he should throw Bruno on the block in order to make him sweat since he thinks that he is running the house. Cassandra pointed out that Bruno fought hard for the veto last week, just to keep Demetres on the block.

12:00-1:00 AM: Demetres let Ika know that everyone is throwing Bruno’s name out there. Demetres doesn’t think that Bruno is screwing them over. Ika said she doesn’t think that Bruno wants Demetres out anymore. Ika was torn over what to do since she feels as though they are screwing over Cassandra after she helped keep Demetres there. Demetres said he likes Cassandra and he will not be putting her up any time soon. Ika said their alliance hates Cassandra and they are not allowed to like her in front of them. Ika asked Demetres who he would like to see go home this week. Demetres said Dallas needs to go because he needs either Dillon or Dallas out of the house. Ika questioned if they are working with the right group. She admitted that her heart is getting to her because of Cassandra. Ika said she likes that Cassandra is willing to fight hard for the people she likes to stay. She hoped that her allies would do the same for her. Dre made her way to the HoH room. She said she would like to see one Bruno, Dallas and Kevin on the block. Demetres asked if she would vote them out over Emily. Dre confirmed that she would.

1:00-2:00 AM: Cassandra, Gary and Ika sat Dallas down to make it clear to him that he messed up by voting against Demetres. Dallas figured that he would still be okay as long as he has the vets in his corner. All three let it be known that Dallas will be evicted if he ends up on the block. Cassandra said she is fighting so hard to keep him off of the block for that reason. Ika pointed out that Dallas spent all of his time with Dillon and Emily, not with the vets. Ika said that the newbies will vote a vet out, while the other vets will vote Dallas out because they do not trust him. Dallas threw the idea out there that he could arrange a meeting with the vets. Ika told him that the rest of the vets will not be as honest with him as Cassandra, Gary and herself are being.

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