Big Brother Canada 6 Day 10 - Erica wins the PoV, decides not to use it

March 12, 2018

12:00-1:00 PM: Feeds returned after being down for 36 hours. We found out that Erica won the Power of Veto. The veto ceremony had just ended when feeds returned. Erica decided not to use the Power of Veto. Andrew and Hamza remain nominated. Ali told Olivia she thinks that Hamza would target the guys since he said that he is not going to do what the house wants him to do. Ali brought up the seven person voting block consisting of Ali, Olivia, Derek, Kaela, Jesse, Erica and Johnny. Ali said they are going to need some outside help, implying that they need people outside of that group to target some members of the group for them. Ali then went to the HoH room. She encouraged Ryan to lay low and not isolate himself. She said the target is shifting off of the newbies but she will do what she can to shift it back on to them. Ali assured Ryan that she will not target him if she wins HoH next week. Ryan said people disperse whenever he walks in the room, so he is just spending some time on his own for now. Ali brought up that Veronica is looking to stir things up. She hinted that Veronica may attempt to call Ryan out. Meanwhile, Veronica was indeed talking about calling a house meeting to call Ryan out. She said she wants to use the same lines on him that he used on her. Veronica wanted to call Ryan out for lying when he said he can’t tell a lie, and for attempting to do what Andrew did last week by looking to flip the house against Hamza. Veronica said she will look like a savage on television, and the viewers will love it.

1:00-2:00 PM: Veronica spoke to Maddy. She told her that she will not be going on the block next week no matter who wins HoH. Veronica said everyone will be nominating Ryan, and likely Merron as well. Veronica said that is the move that she will make if she wins HoH. Both girls agreed that they want Hamza to stay this week. A while after, Veronica rounded up everyone for her house meeting. Veronica pointed out that the house consensus was to nominate Andrew and Hamza, and to target Andrew. She said that Ryan himself was on board with that but now he is trying to get Hamza out. Veronica then questioned who is coming to Ryan to say that they are threatened by others at this point. Veronica wanted to know if Ryan was simply planting seeds in order to make them doubt each other. Ryan said he asked everyone the same question about who they would nominate down the line. As for this week’s target, Ryan said there has been a two week plan and it would be logical to take out the stronger of the two this week so he has been posing the question to people. Both Jesse and Veronica pointed out that Ryan said he would not be pitching for anyone to go yesterday. Ryan talked about being alone, without any allies in the game. He said he would not have nominated Andrew if not for feeling that it was 10 against 1 if he didn’t make the move. Erica suggested that Ryan might being feeling isolated since he has watched the show so much and he is expecting them to play in a certain way that they are not currently. It was discussed that perhaps there aren’t as many alliances as Ryan thinks there are. Ryan said it’s clear that there are alliances of two and three throughout the house. Veronica once again questioned Ryan about planting seeds. Ryan insisted that he has not told a lie in this game. He also said he kept the information that he gathered to himself with regards to who people would nominate.

2:00-3:00 PM: Ali told Ryan that he panicked a bit when the seed that he planted didn’t immediately grow. She said that is what led to people questioning him. After a little more back and forth, the meeting eventually wrapped up. Veronica apologized to Ryan for making him feel isolated. Ryan told Veronica he appreciates that she had the stones to call him out even though they have not talked much. Veronica told Hamza and Maddy that she would like to keep Hamza around since she would prefer to have a stronger competitor fighting for her in the event that she needs someone to play in the veto competition for her. Hamza said it’s rude to suggest that the better competitor has to go. Veronica agreed. Hamza asked that they let him know if they play to evict him. Veronica said it was already decided that Andrew will be leaving. She said people at the hot tub agreed yesterday that they want to keep Hamza since they would rather have him in their alliance. Veronica told Hamza that she will not be putting him on the block if she wins HoH. Elsewhere, Derek told Jesse, Kaela, and Olivia that he didn’t like Hamza at the start but things change and he would rather have Hamza here over Ryan. Derek said Ryan is playing the poor me angle. Outside, Erica and Johnny discussed that Veronica did not do what she said at the house meeting. They agreed that Ryan was able to work it in his favour. Erica mentioned wanting Maddy and Will to leave. Johnny questioned why she wants Will out. Erica explained that she doesn’t know where his head is at, and he is someone who can be easily persuaded. Johnny asked Erica for her thoughts on their seven person voting block. While Erica thinks that it is great for now, she said she would like for it to be broken up before the other side is wiped out. In the bedroom, Paras voiced her concern about Veronica and Will to Maddy. Paras worried that Will is sharing too much information with Veronica, and also that he is studying with her. Paras said she has since seen Veronica bring that information to the other side. Paras clarified that she doesn’t want it to come off as jealousy. Maddy and Paras discussed that they will never cast a vote against each other, or nominate each other. On top of that, they said the same goes for Will. Paras said she will use the veto on either of them if they are on the block as well.

3:00-4:00 PM: A number of houseguests discussed that Ryan needs to be the next to go. Derek pointed out that Ryan can’t play in the next HoH competition. He said Merron is the name going around as the potential second nominee. Jesse said it’s obvious that those two are working together. Derek said he saw Merron look at Ryan after Erica decided not to use the Power of Veto. He talked about Ryan trying to get Erica to use it even up until the last minute. Jesse said the fact that Merron looked at Ryan is proof that he was in on it. Derek said he doesn’t care how many hours of Big Brother Ryan has watched, which is something that Ryan referenced during the house meeting. Derek noted it doesn’t mean that you will be a good player. Maddy added that Ryan hasn’t watched this season. Jesse said it obviously isn’t working for Ryan. Paras said Ryan should have taken a shot if he wanted to take a shot, rather than make it seem as though he was forced to nominate people he is aligned with. Out by the hot tub, Erica told Kaela it’s crazy that people make blind alliances this early on. Kaela said she is confident in the seven for now. Erica said she feels awesome about it as well. She added that she will trust until proven otherwise, as you can only have a little faith in this game. Erica mentioned that the seven is great but some of them will need to leave before the rest of the houseguests are wiped out. She explained that Derek and Kaela, and possibly herself, will become targets as soon as they are down to seven. Erica said Derek and Kaela are automatically seen as a duo. Kaela said she would never take Derek to the finals, and she would never vote for someone to win if they brought their showmance to the Final 2. Kaela also clarified that she is in the game for herself and will not be voting the same was as Derek in every scenario. She said she would vote to keep Erica over Jesse if they end up nominated next to each other, even though Derek and Jesse are close. The girls reiterated that they have each other’s backs 100%. Erica asked Kaela how she would feel about Veronica winning HoH. Kaela said she would feel fine with it. Erica agreed. Both girls said they like Veronica and would be fine with her staying for a while despite the four week plan. Both said they would prefer to see Merron leave before Veronica. Kaela said Ali and Olivia really want Veronica out. Kaela brought up Ryan saying that Ali told him she and Derek have to go in week five and six. Kaela said Ali denied it when she confronted her, and she is confident that she has got Ali back 100% at this point. Kaela said it’s not smart to be going after someone in your alliance, because you will become next due to being untrustworthy. in the backyard, Andrew confronted Johnny. Ryan told Andrew that Johnny said something about one of his puzzle pieces possibly being under Andrew while he was down in the veto competition. Johnny said he had all of his pieces. Ryan said Johnny specifically said “my” piece. Andrew got in Johnny’s face. He said that’s disappointing. Andrew asked where the compassion is. Johnny said he didn’t know what Andrew’s state was at the time, and he didn’t think that the medics were going to be coming in. It was later mentioned that Andrew has been back for a day now, possibly implying that Andrew had to leave for medical attention. Things calmed down a few minutes later. Andrew apologized if he raised his voice or intruded Johnny’s personal space.

4:00-5:00 PM: Ali told Jesse and Maddy that Veronica is a bigger threat than Ryan is. She said Veronica will be a beast in competitions, she knows more about the game than she lets on, and she may have a hidden power. Jesse asked what the nominations should be. Ali said she isn’t sure since Veronica seems to be gaining popularity. Maddy said Veronica is understanding everyone’s relationships a lot faster than she expected. Maddy thinks that Veronica is making Will more of a target by association. Ali said she doesn’t know about that. Jesse said nobody believes it just yet. Jesse said he wouldn’t mind seeing the newbies on the block next to each other, then Ryan can go up if one of them comes down. Jesse said he was on board for getting Ryan out but now he is thinking that one of the newbies need to go. Ali said Ryan is not a threat on his own. Ali then spoke to Erica. Ali said they should go as far as they can as a team, though they cannot be naive to the fact that Derek and Kaela are threats. Ali then talked about Veronica being a bigger threat than Ryan is. While Erica agreed, she said Merron is a bigger threat than Veronica is. While playing pool, Hamza told Merron people want him around cause they all think he will use the veto on them if he wins it. Hamza said it depends who it is. Merron said he wants to win HoH so badly. Hamza said he is gunning for it hard. Hamza told Merron he will have nothing to worry about if he wins, and he is not going to listen to the house. Merron said Hamza would have nothing to worry about if he wins either.

5:00-6:00 PM: In the bathroom, Andrew told Ali that he will be going after the flip floppers if he stays. He said Johnny admitted to playing both sides. Andrew assured Ali that he will not be going after her. In addition to that, he said he will nominate and target whoever Ali wants. Andrew also pointed out that Hamza is a much stronger competitor than he as.

6:00-7:00 PM: While outside by herself, enjoying the snow, Maddy spoke to the cameras. She said she wants to trust Paras so bad since she is more logical than Will. However, she said she wants to trust more about will than she does about Paras. Maddy said both are wonderful and she cannot imagine voting either of them out. Maddy said she really hopes that Hamza wins HoH because it would shake things up. Maddy talked about being a huge fan of Big Brother. She said it is a dream to be there, but she is not content with the experience. Maddy made it clear that she wants to win. Maddy hopes that she will be able to avoid the attention for a few weeks. She said it’s hard not to show everyone how much of a fan she is. Maddy said she lives and breathes everything to do with the game, outside of the house, and she has never wanted something as much as she wants this.

7:00-8:00 PM: Ali made an announcement for Big Brother. She said that Erica, the veto winner, has won a private VIP screening of Tomb Raider at a secret location outside of the house. It was also revealed that she had won $5,000 by winning the veto competition. Erica had to choose someone to bring with her. She told the have-nots to pick a number between 1 and 100. Hamza picked 77 which was Erica’s numbers, so she is taking Hamza with her.

8:00-9:00 PM: Olivia told Erica that Paras is super paranoid. Olivia worried that Paras would suspect something since she has been saying she feels that she is the only one not in an alliance. Erica said she wants Maddy to go. Olivia agreed. Olivia suggested getting Maddy out once the newbies are gone. Olivia said they could even keep Hamza until after the newbies go. Erica said she doesn’t want to get rid of everyone who leave over her if they are on the block together. She thinks that Hamza would go over her. Olivia said they can get Andrew out this week, then Merron and Veronica, and then maybe go after Maddy. Erica said she would like to target Merron before Veronica since Veronica is willing to vote with them for now. In the yard, Ali told Johnny that Ryan said Derek mentioned her name. She said it shows where she is at. They agreed that the seven person alliance cannot be thrown away anyway. Ali said she isn’t surprised that Derek would say her name since he has to know that they are targets too. Johnny said he fears that he is in too good with too many people. Ali advised him to keep playing the middle for as long as he can. Johnny said he isn’t feeling Merron. Ali asked for his thoughts on Veronica. While Johnny doesn’t see her as a big threat, Ali does. She said she expects Veronica to be a competition beast. Ali talked about Jesse, Derek and Kaela seemingly being a unit. Johnny said they will probably be the first to be targeted if someone decides to make a move.

9:00-10:00 PM: Big Brother gave the houseguests pizza and beer. The have-nots were able to eat. Feeds went down for a while as the houseguests got to listen to music as well.

10:00-11:00 PM: Olivia asked Paras if she is interested in Jesse. Paras said no. Olivia said she is going to pursue it a little more then. Olivia asked if she is sure. Paras said to go for it. Olivia said she will try a little harder to see what happens, and she will leave it if she doesn’t get anything back. Paras encouraged her to do it. Meanwhile, Andrew spoke to the cameras. He said he doesn’t know when he became a threat. Andrew said nobody wants to play with him. While he doesn’t want to leave, Andrew said the writing is on the wall.

11:00-12:00 AM: Out by the hot tub, Paras said she doesn’t want to take Ryan out. Will asked who she would nominate. Paras said she feels as though she cannot share with him because he will tell Veronica, and Veronica will tell the other side. Will assured Paras that he doesn’t talk game with Veronica. Paras said she would probably want Erica, Ali and Olivia out. While she said that she loves Erica, Paras thinks that Erica would nominate her. Will agreed. Will asked if Paras would nominate her. Paras said she would only do it after the veto if she knew that she had the numbers. Paras mentioned Olivia asking her if she likes Jesse. She said she encouraged Olivia to pursue Jesse. Both agreed that Jesse isn’t going to be into Olivia anyway. Paras thinks it was shady of Kaela to tell Olivia to pursue him when she hasn’t given her any indication that Jesse likes her. Paras said she will need Olivia to go so that she can have control over Jesse. Will is concerned that Maddy will get picked off in the next couple of weeks since she will be viewed as an easy target. Paras eventually headed inside to let Jesse know that she will be staying away from him for the next three days. She explained that Kaela told Olivia to pursue him because he is into her. Paras said she doesn’t want to become a target for Olivia by being close to Jesse, so don’t think that she is being standoffish. Jesse said that’s fair. Elsewhere, Andrew spoke to Hamza about nominating Derek and Kaela next to each other if he wins HoH. Andrew said Hamza has Paras, Maddy, Will, Ryan, Merron and Veronica.

12:00-1:00 AM: Hamza spoke to Merron about possibly throwing HoH to him. Hamza then had second thoughts about it, saying that Merron might crumble and nominate him. Merron said he is 100% in. He told Hamza that he is his ride or die. They discussed that it will end up being the white room vs the red room. Merron isn’t sure that Paras or Maddy are with them. Hamza is confident that Maddy is on board. As for Paras, he said they don’t need her. They talked about Veronica being a wild card at this point.

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