Big Brother Canada 6 Day 11

March 13, 2018

9:00-10:00 AM: Erica and Hamza left the house to go to a VIP screening of the new Tomb Raider movie. They were gone until the middle of the afternoon. Out by the hot tub, Merron asked Will what he thinks is going on in the house right now. Will said he thinks Ryan put a target on his back. Will advised Merron to try to get in good with people in the red room. He advised Merron to lay low and go with the house.

10:00-11:00 AM: Maddy told Paras and Will she has a feeling that Hamza is going to win HoH. She said that would be so fun. Paras said she has no idea who Hamza would target since he is good with Ryan, Erica, Jesse, and Derek amongst others. Maddy said she would be surprised if Hamza were to take a shot at them. Paras said Hamza wouldn’t be her first choice to win. She said Kaela and Veronica wouldn’t put her up. Paras said Ali, Erica, Johnny and Olivia are a strong foursome. She said she would take a shot at them if she wins HoH. Paras told Maddy and Will that Olivia gave her the dirtiest look when she was next to Jesse the other day, so she let Jesse know that she will not be having out with him for a while. Paras said Jesse questioned why she would do that, so she said it’s because Olivia already said she would nominate Maddy for talking to Jesse. Maddy and Paras agreed that they will not risk their games to talk to Jesse. The three discussed that Merron and Veronica must have some sort of advantage, or they get a reward for making it to the certain point. Maddy said Ali had a good point about putting them both up next to each other to see if they have a power. Maddy said she would prefer that Veronica stay around as a target, but she doesn’t think Veronica would stick to their side if it came down not it. Paras reiterated that she is scared of the Ali, Erica, Johnny and Olivia foursome. Will said Derek, Kaela and Jesse are the biggest powerhouse by far. Paras said they haven’t won anything. Maddy said they are doing that on purpose. Maddy said Derek is the leader of the group. Paras said the other four are a bigger threat to her since she saw how well Erica and Johnny compete. Paras said Johnny is being underestimated. Paras said Erica and Olivia are the biggest threats. Maddy threw Johnny’s name in the mix as well. Paras said she is willing to wait on targeting Johnny since he kept them safe. Will said a big game move would be nominating Erica and Olivia. Paras said it has to be done, but the only thing is that they will be blacklisted like Andrew if they make the move. Will said they will be the week five or six plan if the four week plan plays out. Maddy and Paras agreed. Paras later told Maddy she really hopes that the three of them can make it. They agreed to take the shot at Erica and Olivia. Paras said the people in their room are getting picked off one by one. Paras said they will be next. Paras told Maddy that they have to keep Merron even though the others want to get rid of him. Elsewhere, Will said he wonders if the newbies are still the targets. Olivia said for sure. Will wondered if it would be dangerous to keep Ryan around. Olivia said they need Ryan in order to have his vote to get the newbies out. She said they can keep Hamza around a bit longer too. Olivia asked Will if he wants HoH. He said he wants it so that he can see his son, but he doesn’t know who he would put up. He quickly corrected himself, saying he would put up the newbies so it’s a good week to win it.

11:00-12:00 PM: In the have-not room, Paras told Kaela that Olivia said she would potentially put her up since she is guilty by association with Maddy. Paras said Olivia explained that Maddy is a threat to her since she is close to Jesse. Paras went on to say that Olivia was pissed at her for talking to Jesse, then she asked her if she is in to Jesse cause she wants to pursue him. Paras said Olivia claimed that Kaela said Jesse is in to her. Paras fears that Olivia will target her for being close to Jesse. Kaela said that Olivia must be insecure and a psycho girlfriend type of girl. Paras said she will give Olivia her space to try with Jesse. The girls discussed the red and white room divide. Kaela said she loves Paras, Maddy and Will who are all in the white room. Paras explained that the outsiders have included Rozina, Andrew, Hamza and Ryan, all from the white room. Kaela asked if Ali worries Paras. Paras said she doesn’t since she doesn’t know where her head is at. Paras added that Olivia is not good for their game either since she openly told her that she is BSing Kaela. Kaela said the two of them need to be broken up. Paras said it makes sense that Olivia would want Derek and Kaela out if she is working with Ali. Kaela said she would prefer to see Ali and Olivia go before Maddy. Kaela asked Paras to let Maddy know that. Paras said she did this morning. She explained that she said Jesse really likes her, and she said Derek and Kaela are just there to hang out with each other so there is no reason to go after them. Kaela said she would never go after Maddy. Paras said their four targets should be Ali, Olivia, Erica and Johnny right now. She said Maddy and Will can be numbers for them for a long time.

12:00-1:00 PM: Paras asked Kaela if she thinks Derek and Jesse would ditch them. Kaela said she would ditch the guys before she would ditch Paras. She said she could get never bring her showmance to the finale, cause she knows that would mean she is giving away the prize. Kaela said she would have to cut Derek if they are in the Final 3 together. Paras said they are not about to get Neda’d. Kaela thinks that people would not respect her for bringing Derek to the end. Paras added that girls don’t win sitting next to a guy either. Paras mentioned that she will be screwed if Derek and Kaela are making alliances with the other room. Kaela said she hasn’t even made another alliance. Paras said they can go to the Final 4. In the backyard, Paras told Veronica that the two of them, Maddy and Will are the next to go if they don’t start making moves. Veronica mentioned possibly nominating Ali and Olivia. She thought that people would be pissed if she did that. Paras said they wouldn’t be. She talked about just hearing that Ali is going after the showmance, so there are people wanting her to go. Veronica said Ali would be her target in that scenario. Paras said Ali would go since nobody knows where her head is at. Paras talked about how they will eventually no longer have the numbers to do anything if they keep going with the house. She said they don’t need to go with the house anymore. After, Ali asked Paras what Veronica was saying. Paras said she was asking if everyone is coming after her, so she said she doesn’t know but she is going to do what the house wants. Ali asked Maddy and Paras who they feel closest to. Paras said she really likes Will but she knows that he is close to Veronica, and she will tell everyone things. Ali said she feels close with Kaela and Derek but Ryan said that Derek dropped her name. Paras asked Ali if she is good with Erica and Olivia. Ali said she feels pretty good with Olivia since they share a bed. As for Erica, she said she is still trying to figure her out. Maddy said she feels vulnerable in the white room. Ali said she thinks of the white room as Maddy, Paras and Will. Elsewhere, Andrew told Derek it’s sad that no one is talking to him. Derek said the biggest problem is that Andrew broke a lot of trust in the first week. Andrew said he was simply trying to play the game. He wished Derek the best of luck.

1:00-2:00 PM: Veronica told Merron that she will be making money moves if she wins HoH. He asked if she is putting him on the block. Veronica said 100% she will not be doing that. She said the house is too chill right now, so she wants to break it up. Veronica said Ali is her target. She said Erica may be her pawn since Erica is liked with by the guys and the girls. Merron asked what Veronica thinks about splitting up the showmance. Veronica said she will split them up eventually since she will never align with a showmance. Merron said Derek could be a competitor, but it might have to be a backdoor play. Merron thinks that Derek would only go home if he is nominated next to Kaela. Paras brought up to Ryan, in front of Jesse and Kaela, that someone told her he was going to backdoor her. Ryan said he feels that he gets along with her better than anybody. However, he admitted he was only looking at female options cause he has seen the female alliance too many times. Kaela said it sounded to her like Ryan wanted to backdoor her since he was calling her a target to her face. Ryan clarified that she is not a target for him. He said he knows the game well enough that he would never put a showmance up. Later, Kaela told Derek that she doesn’t trust Ali. Derek said Paras is a good one. Kaela said they are keeping her. Kaela brought up Paras saying she thinks that Erica, Johnny, Ali and Olivia are an alliance. Kaela said she is voting Ali out if she is on the block. They discussed that Olivia’s jealousy issues are also not good to have around. Kaela said best case scenario would be separating Ali and Olivia. Kaela said she is going to keep being good with Maddy since she will not target Derek as long as she is good with her. Derek said they might eventually have to bring Maddy and Will over to their side. Kaela plans to talk to Maddy more since she is a floater. Derek said he will work on Will. Kaela said The Real Deal is the main priority since Paras is a good egg. Derek said everyone tells Paras everything because they don’t think that she has anything. Both agreed that Paras is more important than the seven.

2:00-3:00 PM: Out in the yard, Derek told Jesse that Paras said Olivia said she has been BSing Kaela. They discussed that Paras is key to everything. Derek said he just had a talk with Kaela about sticking with The Real Deal. Jesse said he would take Paras over Olivia. Derek mentioned that Olivia is super jealous of any girls that hang out with Jesse. Jesse said that could be bad for them.

3:00-4:00 PM: Up in the HoH room, Veronica told Will that she wants to make people start playing. She talked about nominating two people from the red room. Specifically, Veronica said she would put Ali up as the target. Next to her, she said she may use Erica as a pawn. Will said all they need is for someone to make the first move. Veronica said she wants to leave the house knowing that she did something, even if she gets evicted the week after making a big move. Veronica said she has to be aggressive since she was the last in. While Veronica previously wanted to nominate Merron, she said they have a little bond and he is only close with Hamza and Ryan. Will said he will go hard for HoH, and he will do what is best for his game as opposed to what the house wants. In the pantry, Jesse and Paras discussed Olivia. Jesse said Olivia is going to be on the short list of targets along with Ali. Paras said she cannot even be in the same room with Jesse cause Olivia was rolling her eyes at her the last time. Jesse said he doesn’t care. Paras said that’s cause she will come after her, not him. Jesse said there is no way that Olivia could turn the house on her.

4:00-5:00 PM: Ali asked Olivia if Andrew talked to her. Olivia said he did, and she told him that she is probably voting him out. Ali asked if Olivia still thinks that voting Andrew out is the best move. Olivia said 100% since she knows that Andrew will take the shot at her if he gets the chance to. Ali asked what’s up with Paras. Olivia said she has been annoying her. Ali asked what Olivia would do if she wins HoH, cause Derek will push for Merron and Ryan to go up. Olivia said she would likely nominate Hamza and Merron. Olivia said they need to test the water to see if Merron and Veronica have a secret power. Olivia mentioned that she might need to go talk some fake game with Paras in order to make her feel better. Olivia thinks that Paras is so paranoid. In the living room, Veronica told Paras she believes that she will be in a vulnerable position for the entirety of the game since she entered the house last. Because of that, Veronica said she is going to have to play aggressively. Veronica said Erica and Paras are her two favourite girls in the house, but she is starting to feel that way with Maddy even more so than with Erica. Veronica explained that she will have the back of those who help her early on. If she goes on the block and wins the veto, Veronica said she will hunt that person down until they leave the house. Veronica mentioned feeling that she can only trust the people in the white room. Hamza joined them. He said he expects it to be the white room vs the red room, and he thinks that their white room has the better competitors. Hamza told Maddy, Paras and Veronica that they have got to stick together. He said that it will be war, and they will get fired at if they don’t fire first.

5:00-6:00 PM: Hamza told Maddy and Will that Kaela will for sure be one of his nominations. He said he doesn’t think that it would be smart to nominate Derek next to her. Hamza said Derek’s odds of being selected to play in the veto competition are slim, plus he can change the nominations to put Derek up if he wins the veto. Olivia is another person that Hamza said he is scared of. Hamza said he wouldn’t want to put Ali up since he thinks that she would join them. Shortly thereafter, Ali spoke to Maddy about it not being best for them to target Hamza or Ryan. Maddy agreed. She said she is surprised to hear that since she really thought Ali was in solid with those in the red room. Ali said it’s not really a set alliance. In the pantry, Erica told Kaela that Maddy, Paras, and Will would be smart to reel in Hamza, Merron, Ryan and Veronica. She said that pack of lone wolves would then have the numbers.

6:00-7:00 PM: Paras and Veronica talked about nominating Ali and Olivia. Veronica worried that people would not back the move, but Paras assured her that they would. Paras let Veronica know that Ryan told Derek and Kaela that Ali is after them, so they are on board with getting Ali out. Maddy joined them. Veronica told her that they are including her in the plan because they are trying to build a solid foundation. Paras aid they will have the numbers to turn things around if they make the move now. She listed off herself, Maddy, Veronica, Hamza, Merron, Ryan and Will as the people that they could rally together. Veronica said that those in the white room should be able to make a pact right now that they will all be safe if one of them wins HoH next week.

10:00-11:00 PM: Ali told Olivia she thinks it’s in their best interest to keep Ryan around. Olivia said he could do their dirty work for them. In addition to Ryan, Ali thinks that they may need Hamza, Maddy and Will as numbers to make a big move. Ali pointed out that they have no shot if they get down to seven with the seven. She said that they are lessening their chances of winning the game by going with numerous beasts. A few minutes later, Ali spoke to Johnny. They agreed that they are in a pretty good spot. Ali said she believes what Ryan told her with regards to Derek mentioning her name. She said she will not dismiss that thought, as she it showed that she is disposable to Derek and Kaela. Ali voiced her concern about the Jesse, Derek and Kaela trio. Johnny said he feels as though those three treat him the same way that they treat everyone, meaning that he is not anything special to them. Ali believes that Erica will be more on board with the two of them once someone from that trio leaves the house, particularly if it’s Jesse. The two agreed that they should ride the wave for a little bit longer. Both expressed a desire to keep Will around. Ali said she spent the day building a connection with Maddy, and tomorrow she plans to do the same with Hamza. Johnny told Ali not to tell anyone that she has him. Ali said she wont. She said nobody has paired the two of them together thus far. Out in the yard, Hamza told Merron that he has been able to weasel his way in so good, and everyone loves him now. Hamza said it’s hilarious. Veronica joined them to discuss the plan for next week. Hamza told her that she can go with her plan to target Ali if she wants, but he is going to be nominating Kaela. Veronica doesn’t think that anyone would vote Kaela out. Hamza said he will nominate her next to Olivia, then if he or one of his allies win the veto, they can use it on Olivia in order to put Derek up next to her. Hamza believes that Kaela would then be evicted.

11:00-12:00 AM: Olivia told Erica that Paras said she is down to get Maddy and Will out eventually. Erica said that is so good. She said anyone should be able to get anyone out eventually. Erica mentioned that she loves Derek and Kaela but they are a showmance that needs to be dealt with eventually. At the same time, she said she doesn’t mind having them around because they will be a bigger target than she is. Olivia brought up that she is still tight with Erica and Johnny. Erica said she doesn’t talk as much game with Johnny anymore because he is acting weird and paranoid. Olivia said Johnny is scared to talk.

12:00-1:00 AM: Merron spoke to Ryan. He said they have got to work together even though Veronica is tough to work with. Ryan said he is capable of working with her but he isn’t sure that he can hang out with her. Merron said they aren’t as outnumbered as they originally thought. Ryan said it will be a 7 on 7 split between the two rooms once Andrew leaves. Merron isn’t sold on Paras being on their side. Ryan said there is no way that she will go against them. Merron said she is playing both sides. Ryan said he had a conversation with her today, and he thinks that he could convince her to stick with them. Ryan said she is playing the red room, not both sides. Merron doesn’t think she is smart enough to be doing that. Merron said he would want to get Kaela out if he wins HoH. He said he would nominate Kaela next to Olivia, then put Derek up in Olivia’s place if they win the veto. Ryan said he would rather send Derek home than Kaela, but he doesn’t want to be in a position where the guys are outnumbered. He suggested nominating two girls, and putting another one up as the replacement if needed. Merron said he is fine with Derek or Kaela going. In the white room, Maddy said Paras trusts Kaela. Both Maddy and Will agreed that they do not trust Kaela. Maddy called her a mean girl in a good girl outfit, which is something she would like on the outside but not in the game. Maddy thinks that Johnny, Derek and Kaela are in the best position in the game. Will argued that they might not be anymore since if any of them, Hamza or Veronica win HoH, one of them is going up. Maddy said she will not trust Veronica until she makes that move. Will said he will convince Veronica not to nominate Ali. Maddy said they should let her put Ali up, then save Ali so that Ali has no choice but to join them. Maddy warned Will to be careful about hurting Paras’ feelings. She said she is an emotional girl. While Maddy said she trusts Paras, she is freaked out by her emotions. She pointed out that Paras being jealous of Veronica is not good for their games. As for Olivia, Maddy said she is still being eyed up by her even though her original excuse was that she was flirting with Jesse. Maddy didn’t think that she was doing that. She believes that Olivia is targeting her for other reasons. Maddy called Olivia the Regina George of the group.

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