Big Brother Canada 6 Day 12

March 14, 2018

10:00-11:00 AM: Merron asked Andrew if he has tried to campaign. Andrew said he campaigned but people already have their plans set for next week. Andrew said people would rather have Hamza since he is an ally for them to help flip the house. Merron said Hamza is not going to do it. Andrew thinks that Hamza will be in a good spot after this. Andrew said he had a great time there, and it’s peaceful when you know that you are going up. Andrew talked about feeling calmer ever since he lost the veto competition. Andrew said he is hoping for a last second miracle right now.

11:00-12:00 PM: Outside, Paras and will discussed their fellow houseguests. Will said Derek is going to be one of the most competitive people for a physical point of view. Paras said she hasn’t seen him play yet, so she can’t judge him until she does. Paras brought up that Erica beat five guys in the veto competition, and she has an amazing social game. Paras said Erica and Olivia are the biggest threats to the two of them and Maddy. Paras explained that those two are shooting straight for them, whereas Derek and Jesse don’t see them as threats at the moment since they want to float for a bit. Paras said Ali, Erica and Olivia have to go. She added that Johnny can stay for now since he is too scared to make any moves. Paras warned Will that he shouldn’t tell Ali anything. Paras thinks that Ali is sneaky and untrustworthy. Hamza spoke to Will about his plan. Hamza said he will nominate Kaela and Olivia. Will said he wants Olivia to go. Hamza initially questioned that but said either one can go. Hamza said those people are way too comfortable. They said they may be able to get Ali, Erica and Johnny on their side. Will said Erica is one of the most dangerous players. Hamza said she is liked by everyone but they will take the shot at her when the time comes. Will said he doesn’t want Ryan, Merron, or Veronica to go on the block. Hamza agreed. He said somebody in the white room has to win.

12:00-1:00 PM: Out in the yard, Olivia let Ali know about her talk with Paras. Olivia said she talked to Paras to give her a false sense. Olivia said Paras told her she doesn’t care about Maddy and Will even though they are good friends. Ali said that’s surprising. She said it makes her not trust Paras. Ali said she knows Will would be loyal to them. Ali suggested that they could use Will later on. Olivia agreed. She said they can use Paras for now too, so Maddy should be the first to go because she is too much of a floater. The girls agreed that they can get Ryan to do their dirty work. They said they would like to get Veronica out over Merron. Ali said Merron is so dumb and has such bad gameplay, as opposed to Veronica who is talking to everyone. Ali said she thinks that they are the only ones that would target Veronica. Olivia mentioned a backdoor plan. Ali said there is no guarantee that the veto will be used since their group is dead set on Merron leaving. Olivia said they can try to get Veronica out, otherwise they will have to gun for her the week after. Olivia wants Hamza and Veronica to be the final nominees. Ali didn’t think that Veronica would leave if that were the case. Olivia questioned if people are really that stupid. Ali said yeah, because they are looking at her as an ally, a shield, a competitor, and more. Ali thinks the people saying that Merron is a bigger threat are the ones that see a use for Veronica. Ali said that is a threat to her. Meanwhile, Erica told Jesse she feels decent no matter who wins HoH. Jesse said the two of them aren’t threats but look like they could be. He said their time will come. Erica said if someone puts either of them up, and they win the veto, good luck to the HoH who nominated them. Erica asked Jesse how he feels in the seven. Jesse asked if it’s even a thing. Erica said it’s not an alliance but more so an agreement not to target each other right now. Erica said she isn’t sure who the twos and threes are within the seven. Jesse said Ali and Olivia are talking everything night. Erica said Ali is a wild card for her. Erica thinks she is the boldest of the people in the red room. Jesse said Ryan told him that Ali approached him for a secret alliance. Jesse pointed out that Ali said Ryan isn’t a threat, and she defended him. Erica said she would have been fine with sending Ali home week one.

1:00-2:00 PM: Jesse told Erica that they have to be cognizant of the strong pairs. They two discussed that they don’t trust Ali at this point. Erica worried that she would go tell Ryan everything that they say. Erica mentioned not wanting to poke at the seven, and be the one to send everyone home, due to jury management purposes. Jesse said it’s almost inevitable unless you get everyone out before jury who is going to be salty. Erica said she wouldn’t mind having Ryan in the jury since he will vote for the player, plus he will explain how someone played a strong game. Erica said she wouldn’t mind sending Merron out before Veronica since Veronica might be a number on their side. While Erica acknowledged that Veronica might be able to make alliance, she thinks that she would remain a target no matter what. Paras then spoke to Jesse. She said she is moving in to the red room but she has to find a spot for Maddy cause she can’t ditch her. Jesse told Paras to have Merron bunk with Maddy, then she can bunk with him. Paras said that’s a terrible idea. Paras said she likes Jesse but doesn’t want to share a bed with him. He asked if she thinks that would help that or hurt that. Paras said it would help it but she can’t. Paras said she doesn’t have self control. Paras also brought up that Olivia is going to put her up. Jesse said she wont, and she wont win anyway. Paras said he is underestimating Olivia. Jesse said Derek and Kaela will always remain the target over them. Paras said that’s why they can’t hang out too much, because then they will become the second targets.

5:00-6:00 PM: Andrew told Paras that Kaela and pretty boy are walking around like they are the sh*t. Andrew said he would nominate them next to each other if he had the chance. Andrew mentioned that Jesse is playing both sides, but he is tight with Derek so he is tight with Kaela as well. Andrew let Paras know that he will be rooting for them. She said she his sorry it went down like this, as they should not have lost one of their own when they won HoH. Andrew thinks that Erica did him dirty by eliminating him in the HoH competition. Paras said she is very strong. Andrew said Erica talks a good game too. Paras said she destroyed the puzzle, destroyed the physical component, and she is an amazing social player. After Andrew left, Paras then spoke to the cameras. She said Andrew doesn’t deserve to go home but he did play really hard. She added that Andrew is right that they are screwed if they don’t flip the house now. Paras said she might be sitting pretty anyway, but she cannot let her allies go home. Paras said Maddy and Will cannot go on the block, nor can Derek, Kaela and Jesse. Elsewhere, Ali told Johnny that Will is targeting Olivia because he thinks that she is after him. Ali said that’s not true. She then brought up that Paras said something fishy to Olivia. Ali said Paras told Olivia that she doesn’t really care about Maddy and Will. Ali thinks that Paras might have been the one who told Will that Olivia is after him even though Olivia is really after the newbies.

6:00-7:00 PM: Up in the HoH room, Veronica told Merron she feels safe if either of them, Hamza, Maddy, Will, or maybe Paras win HoH. They agreed they feel a lot better now than when they first moved in. Both agreed that they don’t trust Ali or Olivia at all. Veronica said she doesn’t think that Derek and Jesse are targets yet. When Veronica said Ali is a bigger target for her, Merron said she needs to take a step back. Veronica then said she agrees with Hamza’s plan to nominate Kaela next to someone, then put Derek up if they win the veto. The two discussed that the other houseguests are soft. Veronica said she is ready to make moves. She said they were put into a vulnerable position, so every move she makes has to be aggressive. Veronica said she will be such a snake, telling Olivia and Kaela that it was a house consensus if and when she puts them on the block. Afterwards, Kaela let Veronica know that Andrew said she is someone who mentioned coming after the showmance. Kaela said she didn’t believe it, and Veronica is actually someone she would want to work with. Kaela said she would rather work with a player liker Veronica, utilizing her since everyone is after her just like they are after the showmance. Veronica said she thinks that they can do really well if they work together in this game. Kaela agreed. Kaela said Veronica might be a target but she is not a target for her. Veronica said she hates how soft everyone is being, and she doesn’t see why they would go with the house for four weeks in a row. In the other bedroom, Paras said it’s already game on. She said she thinks that she has to win the next HoH even though she doesn’t want to. Paras said she thinks that she has to take the shot herself since she knows that Olivia has been avoiding her and has twice noticed that she has been hanging out with Jesse. Paras said that’s her own fault. Ryan then entered the room. He let Paras know that Merron thinks she is less with the white room than the rest of them are. Ryan said he told Merron that he doesn’t believe that to be the case. Paras said she wouldn’t be this nervous if she was with the red room.

7:00-8:00 PM: Veronica told Kaela she heard that Ali mentioned her name and Derek’s name. Kaela said she heard that Ali wants them out five and six. Veronica said she heard it from Paras. Ali then walked in, breaking up the talk. Veronica then spoke to Ali. Veronica said everyone likes everyone in the red room, and she doesn’t have anyone like that in the house right now. Veronica explained that she will vote based on who had her back in the moments that she was most vulnerable. Veronica said she has talked to Ali the least. She said she knows her name has been thrown out there, but keep in mind that she is looking for people that will save her right now. Veronica asked who she would like to be fighting for her in a comp. Ali said she gets it. Ali told Veronica she recognizes that she is the one she has spoken the least with, which raises a red flag. Ali said she sees what Veronica is capable of in terms of how she has integrated herself socially. Ali thinks Veronica would be a comp beast. Veronica said it’s smarter to work with her than against her even though the house is against her. Veronica said the people who have her back are the ones that she will take to the top. Veronica said people have to stop being so soft. Ali said this is the week that things are going to change, and the house will be split in the next two weeks since you can’t ride the middle forever. Ali said trust is built over time, so she would be lying if she said she trusts her 100% right now. Veronica agreed. Veronica said trust has to be built through actions. If Ali wins HoH and doesn’t put Veronica on the block, she said she will remember it in the weeks to come. Andrew campaigned to Olivia, saying he is not coming for Olivia or those close to her. Olivia asked who he would be going for. Andrew said he will go after whoever they want. He said he will be more of an ally than a threat, and he is willing to sit back on the block next week, be a have-not, or do whatever they want. Olivia said the door isn’t totally closed. Andrew said it’s something to consider since they will not be able to control Hamza. Olivia agreed but said it’s hard to believe everything Andrew is now saying. Minutes later, Olivia told Erica about Andrew’s pitch. They agreed that Andrew would target Olivia if he stayed. Outside, Maddy said she is thinking of backdooring Olivia. She said she would nominate Erica and Jesse since the two of them would save each other. Will asked how she will get Olivia on the block if they don’t win the veto. Maddy said that at least Erica or Jesse would go if that happens.

8:00-9:00 PM: Kaela told Veronica that Ali and Olivia said Veronica is their number one target. Kaela said she doesn’t feel good with Ali since she is targeting both of them. Veronica said Ali didn’t even speak to her for the first four days, yet she is trying so hard now. Kaela warned Veronica to be careful of Ali.

9:00-10:00 PM: Veronica told Paras it’s hilarious that Ali has been following her into every room. Veronica said Ali had a long talk with her because she is feeling it that she could be in danger. Paras agreed. She said Ali, Olivia and Johnny are scheming. Veronica said Ali and Olivia want her out. Paras said they want her, Maddy and Will out as well, so those two need to go. Veronica mentioned hearing that the whole house is after her, Merron, Hamza and Ryan. Paras said the others don’t have the numbers. Veronica told Paras that she will take her to the end if she sticks with her. Paras said she’s game. Veronica then asked Erica if she sees herself with her or against her. Erica said she would rather be on her side. She talked about Merron being the target for the upcoming week. Erica said she has no desire to put Veronica on the block. Veronica said that anyone who saves her at this point will have her for the rest of the game, because she knows that people are gunning for her. Up in the HoH room, Hamza told Merron and Will that he likes to put his fate in his own hands. He said he wants to compete in as many competitions as possible. Hamza said he will put himself on the block again if the other side wins HoH.

10:00-11:00 PM: Paras continued to be frustrated that Olivia may be targeting her due to her being close with Jesse. Jesse said he had a talk with Derek, Kaela, Johnny and Erica tonight, and they were thinking of going after Ali. He said it could be either Ali or Olivia. Paras said she doesn’t care what they think, cause she is sending Olivia home. Paras said Jesse is thinking about this own game since Olivia is not a threat to him. Jesse said he is down to boot her. He stressed that The Real Deal is indeed the real deal. Jesse said they are powerful and can talk people out of going after Paras. Jesse mentioned he hasn’t even talked to Olivia. He said she can’t be mad about anything. Paras said they can talk but she doesn’t want Olivia coming after her because of him. She said she didn’t come there to throw her game away over a dude. Jesse said she isn’t. Paras headed up to the bedroom alone. She said this is so dumb. Paras admitted that she is paranoid but she said she is not going to go home because of Olivia. Paras said Olivia can take Jesse. In the pantry, Kaela told Johnny she has a couple of people that she has no worry with. She said Derek, Johnny and Erica are included on that list. Kaela said she really likes Veronica. Johnny said he does too. Kaela said she wants Veronica to stay. Johnny said he thought he was the only one feeling that way. Kaela said it sucks that she has heard from multiple people that Ali is coming after her. Derek, Jesse and Will joined them. Will discussed that Olivia wants Paras out. Johnny said he just asked her who she was going after this week, and it wasn’t Paras. Will then said Olivia thinks that Derek and Kaela are dangerous. Jesse said Ali and Olivia will attempt to reel in Maddy and Veronica in order to stir things up. They discussed that Ali and Olivia have to go. Ali then walked in to break the conversation up. Ali asked Kaela if she interrupted something when she walked in. Kaela played it off as though they were talking about Andrew trying to pitch to them. She said Andrew pitched to Jesse and Will. Kaela then filled Jesse in on the cover up story.

11:00-12:00 AM: Derek, Kaela and Paras discussed that Ali and Olivia have to go on the block together. Derek said Jesse will back that move as well. Paras said Maddy and Will are also on board with it. Paras said Maddy and Will are straight up people and will not lie to them. She said they need their votes for as long as possible. Kaela and Derek agreed. Veronica spoke to Kaela to ask if she would vote Ali out if she puts her up. Kaela said she would since Ali is her #1 target. She mentioned putting Ali and Olivia up next to each other. Veronica said that’s what she is thinking. Kaela said Derek, Jesse, Paras and Will will all be on board with that plan. Meanwhile, Johnny told Ali to chill. She assured him that she is still focused on the newbies. It seemed as though Johnny had let Ali know that Derek and Kaela are still talking about her being after them. Ali then went to the HoH room to express her frustration about Derek and Kaela thinking that she is after them. Ryan asked if she suggested that to anyone. Ali said she has kept it under wraps. Ryan said he blew the house up this week but he didn’t specifically tell Derek and Kaela that she was targeting them. Ali then asked Will if he heard Derek and Kaela saying anything about her going after them. Will swore to God that he didn’t hear that. Ali said those two told her that someone said she is after them. Ali clarified that she insinuated that they are a threat but she didn’t say she was going after them in week five or six. Ali said they were talking about it again so they obviously don’t trust her. Will said this is the first she has heard of it. Ali asked Will to let them know she has not talked about targeting them if they bring it up again. Ali told Olivia she walked out of the HoH room to see Derek, Kaela, Jesse and Veronica talking, and they all got quiet once they saw her. Olivia said Ali is probably being paranoid. Ali disagreed. She said they wouldn’t still be talking about her coming after them if it was over. Ali insisted that she didn’t even say that. Ali mentioned that she will check in with them tomorrow, cause the last thing that she needs is for them to not be trusting her heading into the HoH competition. Ali let Olivia know that she doesn’t really trust the seven.

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