Big Brother Canada 6 Day 14

March 16, 2018

2:00-3:00 PM: Feeds returned after being down for over four hours. The have-nots are Derek, Erica, Kaela and Merron. A number of pairs are handcuffed together, including Erica and Merron, Veronica and Will, and Jesse and Paras. In the living room, Paras spoke to Jesse about Olivia coming after her. Jesse said she is done. Paras said it’s as if she is dating a drug dealer, and her mom is staring her down. Paras said she would get it if Jesse and Olivia had a thing, but she really doesn’t get it. Paras told Jesse that the level of obsession is too much. Jesse said she would be shocked if Olivia actually likes him. Paras said Olivia admitted that they don’t have any chemistry but she likes how he looks.

3:00-4:00 PM: Up in the HoH room, Veronica told Hamza she thinks that everyone is still down to get Olivia out if that’s what he wants. Veronica asked Hamza what he thinks about putting Ali up on the block next to her. She said Ali would be a vote for Olivia if not, and they could play it off to Ali as though they saved her. Hamza asked why Veronica dislikes Ali so much. Veronica accused Ali of playing both sides, being two faced, and sketchy. Will said they could always pull a backdoor. Hamza said his whole plan revolved around him winning the veto and pulling a backdoor. However, he said he doesn’t know if he can execute that anymore. Hamza seemed to be having doubts about whether or not he should nominate people who are on slop. Veronica said she she would be down for a backdoor move as well. Will reminded Hamza that all of those people were gunning for him. Veronica told Hamza to remember the four week plan. Veronica said they should have won the competition if they are on slop. Hamza said his target will not be on the block until after someone comes off of the block. Hamza talked about stacking the veto against Olivia. Hamza threw Jesse’s name out there as a potential nominee who could help him to win the veto. Hamza also mentioned Johnny’s name. When Veronica pointed out that Johnny is likely to be emotional, Hamza agreed that he isn’t a good option. Will let Hamza know that Derek and Jesse came to him to ask if they should bring Hamza in with them. Will told Hamza not to buy what they are saying. Hamza said they already tried him yesterday. Veronica then brought up that she has had multiple conversations with Kaela, and Kaela has said that she would be willing to send Derek home. Will mentioned that Kaela could go on the block next to Olivia, which is what Hamza said he was thinking of doing. They discussed that Ali will owe them if they protect her this week. Hamza added that Ali and Olivia are the obvious targets, so he wants to shake it up by nominating someone else next to Olivia. Veronica said she is willing to talk to Kaela about going on the block in order to stack the veto competition against Olivia. Veronica said they can promise her safety, then backdoor Derek if the veto is used.

5:00-6:00 PM: Feeds returned after being down for nearly two hours. Hamza got his meal from Wendy’s. He chose Derek to get a meal with him. Derek told Kaela that Hamza wants Olivia out. He said Hamza mentioned that some people want Ali on the block as well. Derek said Hamza wants to put someone strong on the block next to Olivia so that they can win the veto. Kaela figures that nobody strong is going to be willing to go on the block. She also said that making that move will create enemies. When Kaela mentioned herself as someone who Hamza might be putting up as the strong player, Derek said that it wont be her. As for Jesse, both agreed that people would take the shot at Jesse if he is nominated. Kaela said Will is someone who would not be voted out. Derek agreed.

6:00-7:00 PM: Hamza told Derek to tell Kaela that she is safe. Derek thanked him for that. After another feed outage, Hamza and Maddy spoke in the HoH room. Hamza explained that he has connected a lot with Derek over the past week. Hamza said he had a plan but he is going to use his human side this time, as he cannot do that to Derek and Kaela. Maddy asked if his primary target is Olivia. Hamza said she is one of his two primary targets. As for the other, Hamza said it is not anyone from the white room. Hamza said all that Maddy needs to know is she is safe this week.

7:00-8:00 PM: Hamza spoke to Ali. He let her know that she is not going on the block. He assured her that she is not going home this week. Hamza asked Ali to act worried if people talk to her. Ali told Hamza that she has never been after him, and he can trust her beyond this week. Hamza revealed that Ali’s name has been mentioned by everybody. Hamza told her not to worry since his name was being mentioned by everyone a week ago. Hamza suggested that Ali’s connection to Olivia might be why people are mentioning her name. Ali then asked if she should be worried about certain people she said that she trusts. She asked about Will, Johnny, and Erica. Hamza told her not to worry about Will, and to trust Erica. As for Johnny, Hamza said he doesn’t know where his head is at. Ali guessed that Derek, Kaela, Veronica and Jesse are dropping her name. While Hamza confirmed that the first three have done that, he said he has not yet talked to Jesse. Ali said she is trying to figure out which side is better for her. Hamza advised Ali to stay on Will’s side. Ali said she needs Hamza’s help since she is putting a lot of trust into Johnny. She wanted to know if she shouldn’t be. Hamza said he will let her know after he talks to Johnny. Ali asked Hamza if he knows who he is nominating. Hamza said he has an idea. Ali asked if the nominees are from the red room. Hamza said yeah. Hamza mentioned that the red room has been feeling pretty safe until now. Ali said Olivia trusts her, so she can be an extra number if Hamza wants one. Ali revealed that they have had conversations about the red room even though they are in the red room. Ali clarified that she only agreed with Ryan when he said that Derek and Kaela are targets, but she didn’t give names and didn’t say they need to go in week five or six. Afterwards, Ali told Olivia that her name has apparently been dropped a lot. Ali said Hamza knows that the two of them are close, and he suspects stuff about the red room, so don’t tie into the red room too much. Before Olivia entered the HoH room, Hamza told Veronica and Will not to make any noise. They were having a bath in the HoH room. He wanted them to hear what Olivia had to say. Olivia asked to be told if she is going on the block. Hamza said he will let her know if she is going up. Olivia said the consensus is that they were trying to get one of the newbies out. When Hamza asked who specifically threatens Olivia, she said Maddy since she will slip through the cracks. After Olivia left, Hamza told Veronica and Will she knew that Olivia would drop Maddy’s name. Hamza spoke about a plan to put Jesse on the block next to Olivia. He said he can play it off as though he is trying to stack the veto against Olivia. Hamza admitted that he doesn’t know which of the two he would want out more. Elsewhere, Ali told Olivia that she will use the veto on her if she goes on the block. Ali thinks that Hamza may put one of them up with the intent of taking them down so that he can make a backdoor move. Olivia said it would be a blessing in disguise if Derek or Kaela were to go this week. Ali said she would like to see Derek go first since it breaks up a bromance and a showmance. Veronica and Will let Maddy know that Olivia threw her name out as her #1 target. Veronica said Olivia is going to go this week. Meanwhile, Hamza and Ryan discussed the plan to nominate Jesse and Olivia. Hamza said that getting Jesse out would be a big move. He also said Olivia is dangerous. Hamza expects the house to be split if they decide to target Jesse. Hamza talked about flipping the vote last minute, leaving half of the house in the dark. Ryan said it may be best to keep everyone on the same page so that they can hide their alliance for one more week.

8:00-9:00 PM: Johnny was the next one to speak to Hamza. He said he isn’t in any kind of alliance but he feels good with people. Johnny said he fears that he will be cast off to the side unless the two sides go at each other. Hamza said Johnny is in a good position with both sides of the house. He let Johnny know that no one has dropped his name. Hamza added that people fear Johnny in competitions, meaning that they wont want to take a shot at him. When Hamza asked Johnny who he would put up in his position, Johnny told Hamza to go with his gut. Hamza said he wants people to be surprised. Hamza asked Johnny if he would use the veto if he wanted him to. Johnny said he thinks that he would. In the white room, the group of Derek, Kaela, Jesse, Paras, Veronica, Will and Maddy discussed that Ali and Olivia need to be on the block together. Derek said everyone that talks to Hamza needs to say to put those two up. Paras said Ryan is trying to convince Hamza to put just one of them up so that neither of them go, and they can come after them. Veronica said Hamza’s target is Olivia no matter who is up next to her. Paras said the issue is that Hamza doesn’t want to do what the house wants. Veronica said she and Hamza are making the decision together, so she gets 50% of the vote in terms of who goes on the block. Veronica reiterated that they should push for Ali and Olivia to go up.

9:00-10:00 PM: Paras spoke to Hamza. She told him that she is down for to take a shot at the red room. Paras noted that everyone is saying Ali and Olivia. She told Hamza to do what he wants to do. Hamza said he is not putting Ali and Olivia up. Paras said good. She encouraged Hamza to take his shot and not be afraid. Paras told Hamza she likes Derek, Jesse and Kaela but she will understand if he wants to take the shot. Paras then asked if Hamza actually wants Olivia out. Hamza said she is going up for sure but the other nominee is going to be a surprise.

10:00-11:00 PM: Jesse told Hamza the vibe that he is feeling is Ali, Olivia and Ryan’s names are being tossed around. Jesse said if he was in Hamza’s position, he would think that targeting anyone else would be a mistake. Jesse brought up that Ali and Ryan for sure have a thing since they defend each other a lot. Jesse said he doesn’t mind the newbies anymore, especially since Veronica could be an asset for them. Jesse mentioned that they are all in a good place to move forward for four to five weeks. Jesse finished up by saying that the two of them, Derek and Will are good. Hamza said the four of them would be unstoppable.

12:00-1:00 AM: Erica told Ali she feels as though Hamza is going to come after the red room. Ali agreed. Erica said they will have the numbers as long as there aren’t two people from the red room nominated at the end of the week. Ali thinks that is going to happen. She said she is scared. Ali attempted to get some info out of Hamza. She mentioned that he is probably thinking of nominating Olivia. Hamza said she doesn’t know his plan. When Ali said she is trying to figure it out, Hamza said he can’t tell her since it’s going to be a surprise. Hamza explained that whoever gets nominated is a cover up for his plan. Hamza once again assured Ali that she will be safe. Ali said she is going to wake up tomorrow and change the way that she plays the game. She talked about feeling guilty for not trying to vibe with Merron just because of what others said about him. She said that’s probably why she didn’t get off to a good start with Veronica either.

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