Big Brother Canada 6 Day 17 - Hamza decides not to use the PoV

March 19, 2018

9:00-10:00 AM: Hamza spoke to Jesse up in the HoH room. He let Jesse know that everyone was starting to turn but Jesse did a good job last night with his apologies. Hamza laid out the two options for Jesse. He said he can either use the veto on him, or he can leave him up and try to get him the votes to stay. Hamza said he doesn’t want them to end up in a position where it’s the two of them, Derek and Kaela against the rest of the house. Jesse said if they are even a tad worried about the numbers, it would make sense to use the veto in order to nominate someone who would definitely not be voted out. Hamza asked who would keep Olivia other than Ali and maybe Johnny. The only name that Jesse gave was Ryan. Jesse said he hears what Hamza is saying about not wanting to get more blood on his hands. Jesse told Hamza he is good as long as he doesn’t go home. Hamza said he is telling Jesse this out of respect. He then let Jesse know that Derek and Kaela had no part in this. Jesse told Hamza it comes down to doing what is best for his game.

10:00-11:00 AM: Hamza told Veronica that he wants to throw a jab in Derek’s face to let him know that he knows what’s going on. Veronica had told Hamza that Derek said he will pretend to be his friend but he will hunt him down if Jesse leaves. Merron spoke to Hamza to ask if he is for sure not using the veto. Hamza said he wants to use it so bad so that he can put Derek up and say “the hunter has become the hunted”. Merron asked if the house would vote Derek out. Hamza said yeah but it is not his time. Hamza mentioned that the only reason he is not putting Derek up is because they made his swear on his fiancee’s life that he wouldn’t. Merron encouraged Hamza to make the move anyway. Ryan then broke up the conversation. Elsewhere, Jesse gave Derek and Erica a heads up that he is going to say something at the veto ceremony. He said Hamza would be using the veto no problem if he actually wants him to stay in the game.

11:00-12:00 PM: Kaela spoke to Johnny to let him know that she feels really good with him. Kaela said it hurts her game if Johnny doesn’t feel good with Jesse. She said Jesse is Derek’s person but Johnny is more so her person. Kaela added that the last thing she would want to do is screw Johnny over to make Derek happy. Johnny said he seems surprised that Derek seems so affected by this. Kaela said it is solidifying that Jesse is his number one. Kaela reiterated that she is more so on Johnny’s side than on Jesse’s side. Paras let Jesse know that Will is saying Derek and Jesse have each other while he has no one. Paras explained that Will thinks he can get Hamza on his side if he makes the move against Jesse. Paras blamed Ryan for getting in their heads to say that Olivia is only there doing her hair and nails, so why not take out a big threat like Jesse. Jesse said that makes sense. Paras said it’s amazing how easily you can get into these people’s heads.

1:00-2:00 PM: The veto ceremony took place. Hamza decided not to use the Power of Veto. Jesse and Olivia remain nominated. Afterwards, Hamza was pacing around the HoH room. He was telling himself to calm down and not let people get inside of his head. Ryan thanked Jesse for the speech he made. He said it’s not something that you often see. Maddy said she isn’t sure whether or not Jesse put a target on himself by doing that. She pointed out that he wasn’t exaggerating. In the bedroom, Paras told Veronica she is so thankful that Hamza has kept his word to her, but he gave his word to Jesse and went back on it because he thinks that Jesse is a threat. Paras said Hamza could do the exact same thing to them. Paras questioned why they would keep someone who is coming for them as opposed to a floater who is 0 for 5 in competitions. Paras argued that Jesse doesn’t have anyone in the game since Derek and Kaela will always come before him. Meanwhile, Maddy told Jesse he knows what her preference is but she doesn’t know if she has enough sway to make it happen. In the HoH room, Will told Hamza that Jesse is a shady bastard. Hamza said he is fine with Jesse taking a shot at his game but he should not be bringing his fiancee into it. Will said he is fuming. Hamza headed to the white room. Veronica asked him if they can go talk. They headed to the HoH room. Hamza said he is going to call Jesse out for being disrespectful. Hamza worried that he will have to fix his relationship once he gets home, as his fiancee will think he is swearing on her life and not caring. Hamza clarified that he swore he would keep Derek and Kaela safe. Back in the white room, Maddy told Paras that they are sitting pretty right now. She suggested that they stay out of things this week, letting it all play out. Paras said she needs to stop playing for the team, because she is making herself a target by trying to hammer into their heads that they are making the wrong move by keeping Olivia. Paras said the people in their alliance are playing for themselves. Maddy said they are a long way from Thursday. Paras said she will not be campaigning anymore.

2:00-3:00 PM: Kaela and Olivia discussed making a deal, along with Ali and Derek, to work together moving forward. Kaela said she doesn’t want to keep Olivia only to have her come after her next week. Kaela let Olivia know she doesn’t care if people get Derek’s closest people out. Kaela said it may be better for her game to move forward with Olivia and Ali even though Derek is attached to Jesse. Kaela asked that they make a deal not to get her or Derek out next. Olivia said they can make a deal not to target each other until jury. Kaela agreed. Olivia said they can get Derek on board once this week is over with. Kaela said she will then be Derek’s number one. She said she feels like Jesse is right now. Olivia mentioned she isn’t sure if Erica is voting to keep her. Kaela said she should be on board once she hears that they are. Kaela told Olivia she will have her as long as they make the deal. Kaela then spoke to Derek, telling him not to ruin his game if people are going to vote Jesse out. Derek said people are not voting Jesse out though. Kaela said there is a chance. Derek then said he forgot to thank Kaela for making him best friends with Ali and Olivia again. Kaela said she didn’t say they are best friends, and she just tried to squash things. Derek said it’s funny cause they talked about drawing a line in the sand. Kaela added that they are screwed if Ali or Olivia get power, so she is going to do what she can to possibly prevent that.

5:00-6:00 PM: Veronica let Derek know that her vote is staying the same no matter what. She said they don’t have to have any discussions about it, cause she is voting Olivia out. Derek asked if he can tell people that they have her vote. Veronica said of course. Derek brought up that Hamza is saying Jesse disrespected him, while Hamza is the one who brought his wife into the game in the first place. Derek said Hamza keeps saying he isn’t afraid to lose. He suggested that Hamza will have to go. Derek thinks next week will be their best chance to win, and to possibly nominate or backdoor Hamza, since he cannot compete for HoH. Derek said their chances of winning HoH will go up if they get Hamza out. Veronica said she knows that. Jesse joined them. Veronica told him that he doesn’t have to waste his time on her. Veronica said there is no reason for her to send him home right now. Jesse said he hopes that speech shed some light on the fact that Hamza cannot be trusted. Derek brought up nominating or backdooring Hamza. Jesse said he wouldn’t mind backdooring him. Derek asked Veronica to keep Will levelheaded. He said Will already told him that he is voting with him, which he believes. Jesse said he is a little bit worried about Will but not about Veronica. After Veronica left, Derek told Jesse he thinks that they have an easy six votes, and possibly even seven or eight. In the white room, Maddy asked if Jesse and Derek are campaigning. Veronica said they are. Veronica said Jesse thinks that he is safe. She let Will know that they are worried about him. Will told Veronica not to say she is going to be voting for them. Veronica claimed to have said that her game plan is the same as it has always been, so they can assume what they want from that. Will said he will tell them that he doesn’t know which way he is voting now that Jesse said what he did to Hamza.

6:00-7:00 PM: Veronica told Hamza and Merron that Will said she should stop telling Jesse that he is safe, otherwise Derek and Kaela may target her because of it. From now on, Veronica said she will say she doesn’t know where her head is at with regards to the vote. Veronica informed Hamza that Derek said everything Jesse said in his speech was valid and true. Hamza said he wants to call Derek out, letting him know that he is next. Hamza regretted not putting Derek on the block next to Jesse today. Hamza told Veronica he wants to let Derek know that his buddy is going home. Olivia headed up to the HoH room. She asked if there is anything that she should be doing. Veronica and Hamza explained that Jesse sealed his fate today. Hamza said she is going to hear from the other side that they have the numbers, but it’s an act since they want the element of surprise on eviction night. Kaela then spoke to Hamza. She said she is not there to campaign for Jesse. Hamza said he is a dead fish in the water. Kaela told Hamza she thinks that Derek is very emotionally invest in this, which is blinding his judgment. Hamza said he is very disappointed that Derek condones what Jesse said today. Kaela admitted it has crossed her mind that Jesse leaving is not the worst thing for her since she can bring Derek closer.

7:00-8:00 PM: Hamza said Jesse’s chances of staying are less than 1%. Kaela told Hamza she knows that, and she is trying to calm Derek down. Hamza asked Kaela to let Derek know that everything he is saying about him is getting back to him. Derek joined them. He said he figured Jesse was going to say something but he didn’t expect him to do what he did. Derek said that Jesse may have taken it a bit too far. Hamza agreed. Hamza told Derek that that sealed Jesse’s fate. Hamza said Derek can be mad at him if he wants to be. Derek said he has no reason to be. Kaela told Derek she doesn’t want him to dig his grave because of Jesse. Hamza advised Derek to watch what he says since it’s getting back to him. Hamza said he can repeat exact conversations that Derek has been having with people. He also let Derek know that people were telling him to take Olivia down in order to put Derek up next to Jesse. Hamza explained that he can no longer vouch for Jesse since he lost respect for him today. Derek said that’s fair. Kaela suggested that Derek drop any tension he has with Hamza. She said he has to forget about Jesse, and move forward if he leaves. Kaela told Derek to be selfish in this situation. After Kaela left, Hamza told Derek that he knows he called I’m a liar and said that he will be after him if Jesse leaves. Hamza said that is not a good move. Derek said he is in a tough spot now. Hamza told Derek that they can move forward together, or they can go after each other, but Veronica, Will and himself are genuine about wanting to work with Derek and Kaela. While Hamza admitted that people are talking about targeting Derek and Kaela, he said that they can change that since there are still people wanting to work with them.

8:00-9:00 PM: Paras spoke to Johnny about wanting to find herself someone that she can spill everything to, and bounce ideas off of, without having them run back to people. Paras discussed being close with Maddy and Will but not being able to discuss the pros and cons of who to keep with them. Paras said Maddy is someone that just wants to go with the house, meaning that she would never be willing to take her off of the block. Paras said she is putting her eggs in Johnny’s basket to see if this is the one. She explained that she doesn’t see herself working with Maddy and Will long term, though she would not vote them out or put them up since they were nice to her from the start. Paras talked about feeling like she is not doing anything in there. She brought up people thinking that she is dumb and easy to manipulate. Johnny told Paras not to sell herself short. Paras reiterated that she is looking for someone to have conversations with without fearing that the information will be spilled. Johnny said that will not happen with him. He said he was hoping that this would happen between them. Paras mentioned that she cannot get more than five minutes alone with Will now that Veronica is there, and she isn’t sure if she has been replaced by her or not, but she has lost that connection. Paras said it’s a two way thing, and it’s her too. Paras talked about never being included in the study sessions that Maddy and Will have. Johnny said the two of them can study. They later discussed that they aren’t sure what to make of Erica. Paras thought it was odd that she could so easily vote Jesse out after being close with him. Johnny pointed out that Kaela is doing the same. Paras said Veronica told her that but she didn’t know if it was true. Paras said people have no loyalty. She called Kaela ruthless. Both agreed that they would still likely keep Kaela over Derek if it came down to it.

At 10:00 PM, Big Brother announced that the feeds would remain down until 6:00 AM tomorrow.

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