Big Brother Canada 6 Day 19

March 21, 2018

9:00-10:00 AM: Derek told Jesse that today is an important day for him to hammer home why he deserves to stay over Olivia. Derek said he still has a bit of ammo in his back pocket, as Will came up to him a week and a half ago to say he has his back. Derek said that’s when he brought him in with the two of them. Derek told Jesse that Will reiterated that at a later date, so he will let Will know that the vote will show whether or not he has his back. Derek told Jesse that Kaela is voting with him either way, so they have three guaranteed votes in Kaela, Paras and himself. Derek stressed that Veronica and Will are important votes. Jesse said that in a sick way, he would like to have Erica caught on the other side since he knows that she doesn’t want to keep him.

10:00-11:00 AM: Olivia spoke to Kaela about this week’s vote. She said that six people have said they will keep her. Kaela asked if Hamza is still on board. Olivia said that she hasn’t really talked to him. Kaela mentioned that she overheard Derek and Jesse discussing that they had good talks with Hamza, who said he would get Merron on board to evict Olivia if they had five other solid votes. Olivia listed off Kaela, Erica, Johnny, Ali, Paras and Will as her votes. Kaela added Veronica’s name to that group as well. Kaela said Derek thinks that Veronica and Will are voting for Jesse, so she just said she doesn’t know because she didn’t want to tell him that they are voting to evict Jesse. In the bathroom, Maddy asked Paras if she would want to win HoH right now. Paras said she doesn’t know. Maddy agreed. They said they have certain people that they don’t want to win, so they will stick around until they are gone. Paras then said that whatever alliance they think they have, they are not looking out for their backs. They agreed that the move being made is to benefit Will, not Veronica. Paras said she was looking out for Maddy and Veronica by wanting Olivia to go, yet Veronica doesn’t even care if they vote the same way. Maddy said Veronica and Will chose Hamza over them. Paras said she will never get over the fact that Hamza swore on his fiancee only to go back on it. The girls discussed that they have no choice but to vote to evict one of their own in order to give other people what they want this week.

11:00-12:00 PM: In the storage room, Paras spoke to the cameras. She said she gets that she is being super catty right now, but she is so upset at the people that she has aligned herself with. Paras said to mark her words that she is not playing for anyone else except for herself now. Paras added that being part of an alliance apparently doesn’t mean that you need to make decisions as an alliance or have each other’s backs. Paras said the move tha they are making is so stupid, and it’s being done because Veronica and Will want to be best friends with Hamza. Elsewhere, Olivia told Maddy that she would love her vote but she understands that there are special circumstances since they are not super close but Jesse and Maddy are. Olivia said Maddy probably already knows what she wants to do, which is totally cool with her. Maddy said if she does vote to keep Olivia, it would be her action showing that she wants to establish trust. Maddy said she really doesn’t know what she is going to do yet. Maddy explained that even if she knows she is not going to be in the majority, she will vote according to the message that she is wanting to send. Maddy hoped that voting to keep Olivia would eliminate any weird heat in between them. Olivia said she is willing to address that since she thinks that it was created in part by other people who would have twisted her words. Maddy said she doesn’t plan to make up her mind until bedtime, cause there are more conversations to be had. Maddy let Olivia know that having individual conversations with other houseguests would be meaningful to them. Maddy then spoke to Veronica and Will about her conversation with Olivia. She said she made it clear that if she votes to keep her, it’s because she wants her there since she doesn’t mind making a statement by voting against the house. Veronica said she plans to vote Jesse out, then go after Derek and Kaela next. Will said he isn’t sure if it’s smart to go after Derek and Kaela. Will said they might not be left with anyone to trust. Maddy agreed. Once Maddy left, Veronica asked Will who he is thinking of nominating. Will said probably Olivia and Ryan. They agreed that Ryan would be the target in that scenario. Veronica and Will discussed that Merron is going to go far in the game. Both are uneasy about bringing him into their alliance at this point, but Will said he thinks that Hamza already brought him in. Will said he is pissed off that Hamza would do that. Both agreed that their alliance is getting too big if they add Erica and Merron even though they trust them.

12:00-1:00 PM: Kaela joined Veronica and Will. Will let Kaela know that they have her back 100% no matter what happens with regards to tomorrow’s vote. Kaela said what’s best for Derek’s game is not necessarily best for hers. Kaela added that she hasn’t told Derek how she is voting yet, but she thinks that he will be mad at her. Kaela said she will not be mad if they vote Jesse out. Will talked about not wanting to mess up his relationship with Derek, though he doesn’t want to go against his word to Hamza. Will said people are likely lying if they are saying that they aren’t voting Jesse out. Kaela talked about Derek being set on Jesse staying even though she is trying to open his mind to the possibility of Jesse leaving. Kaela said she loves Jesse but it’s not even best for her game to have him there. Veronica said he may have a secret showmance with Paras, which is another thing that is working against him. The three discussed that they don’t want to lose each other’s trust over this vote. Kaela spoke to Veronica on her own. She said there will probably be a point when Veronica and Will are on the block next to each other. Kaela said she would choose Veronica over Will since they have established more trust. Veronica said she would choose Kaela over Derek as well. Olivia then spoke to Veronica about her vote. Veronica said she is putting her faith in Olivia, because all you can do is put your faith in someone until they show that you can’t. Veronica said she doesn’t care who Olivia puts up as long as it’s not her. Olivia said she will be open to suggestions on who to put up if she wins HoH. Veronica let Olivia know that there is no way Jesse is staying in the house this week.

2:00-3:00 PM: Feeds returned after being down for a couple of hours. The houseguests were shown things to study for the upcoming HoH competition. Up in the HoH room, Jesse campaigned to Merron. He said that there are duos and trios all around the house. Jesse mentioned Ali, Olivia and Ryan are a three just like the three that people are stating that he is a part of. Jesse said all of the big players will be out before jury if they start down this path of evicting people just because they are the bigger threat. Jesse said Hamza could then find himself on the block, and he would go by that logic. Jesse suggested that they call a truce. Jesse told Merron that he would vote Olivia out over Merron if they were on the block next to each other. He said it’s about who you can trust, not who the bigger threat is.

3:00-4:00 PM: Johnny asked Erica and Kaela what their plan for the vote is. Kaela said she is voting Jesse out. Erica said she is doing the same. Kaela said that will be the proof that she is not there for Derek’s game. In the pantry Johnny told Veronica that the white room people are making it so clear that they are one big group by going to study together. Veronica disagreed. She said it would be like if Johnny ran to the red room to study. Veronica explained that there are certain people that are just layers. In the HoH room, Olivia told Hamza she feels confident that she has a good amount of people that are going to vote for her to stay. Hamza said Jesse is claiming that he has five solid votes, though he isn’t buying it. Hamza said the plan was to make Jesse feel comfortable. In the red room, Paras told Erica and Kaela she hopes that Jesse isn’t evicted unanimously. She said she would have thrown Andrew a vote last week had she known that it would be unanimous. Kaela said Derek will for sure vote to evict Olivia. Erica said she is surprised that Paras wants Jesse gone. Paras explained that they don’t have what people think they have, and she would rather get the target off of her back. Paras said she was friends with Olivia first. In the living room, Merron told Olivia that Jesse spoke to him. Merron said his head is still on straight and he is sticking to keeping Olivia. Olivia said telling Merron that he is safe is her giving him her word. Olivia told Merron she has only told four people that they are safe with her, because she has specific people in mind to go after. In the HoH room, Maddy asked Hamza how he feels about Ryan. Hamza said he is an easy target, and eventually he will get him out, but he knows that other people will go after Ryan. Hamza said his goal this week was to make the red room crumble. Hamza thinks that he accomplished his goal. Maddy asked how Hamza feels about Johnny. Both said that they like him. Maddy said she doesn’t think that Johnny is with the red room as much as people think that he is. Hamza agreed but noted that Johnny cannot be taken lightly since he is strong in competitions. They agreed that Johnny is good for now. Will joined them. Hamza said they shouldn’t take a shot at Ryan when everyone else is already after him. Maddy and Will agreed that Ryan is more so with the girls in the red room than he is with them, so he could end up taking a shot at their side instead.

4:00-5:00 PM: Hamza told Maddy and Will that Jesse really thinks he has five votes, but he doesn’t think that it’s true. Maddy agreed. She said she really likes Jesse but it doesn’t make sense for her to keep him. Once Will left, Maddy said she thinks that Ryan is sketchy. Hamza said Ryan is good at social things and at pitting people against each other. Maddy told Hamza she is scared that Ryan could build a little army, cause she thinks that he is working with Ali, Olivia and Erica. Hamza doesn’t think that Erica is working with Ryan. Maddy asked how Hamza feels about Paras. Hamza said she might vote for Jesse to stay, though Maddy figures that she wont since they don’t have the numbers to do that. In the red room, Olivia told Ali she never explicitly said anything to Maddy or Ryan about safety, so she can put them up but it would still look bad. Olivia said she doesn’t want to. Ali said unless she has to, which Olivia agreed with. In the white room, Jesse campaigned to Veronica. Veronica said she is voting Olivia out. Veronica assured Jesse that she is 100% solid regardless of how other people are voting. Jesse said that’s awesome since he has her, Derek, Kaela and Paras for sure. Jesse told Veronica that if Ali, Olivia and Ryan put Derek and Kaela up, Veronica would be the next biggest threat if one of them were to win veto. Jesse said he would go up instead if he happens to be in the house. Jesse said he is not gunning for Veronica. Jesse told Veronica that he is not going after Hamza if he stays. Veronica said she knows that Jesse is a number for them, and it comes down to which way her closest people are leaning. Jesse said they can be on the side with the numbers considering they were all in a room in had a plan. Veronica said the difference between Jesse and Olivia is that he is not gunning for them but Olivia has been and probably will continue to. Veronica asked Jesse to trust her that she is 90% sure that she wants him to stay.

5:00-6:00 PM: Will told Johnny and Veronica that Maddy is trying to convince her to vote Olivia out. Veronica asked if they are sure that they should be voting Jesse out. Will said yeah. Johnny asked where this is coming from. Veronica said from speaking to Jesse. She clarified that 25% of her is saying this, whereas 75% of her is saying that Jesse has to go. Johnny said leaving the three of them in together as strong competitors is not good for their games. Will said Jesse will go after Hamza if he stays. Veronica said not if they save him. Will still disagreed. Johnny said it would be ridiculously dumb not to vote Jesse out. After Will went inside, Johnny asked if Veronica is for sure not going to waver with her vote again. Veronica said she just wants to constantly be checking in with each other, weighing the pros and cons of everything. Veronica asked how long they are going to keep Kaela and Derek in the house after this. Johnny said he doesn’t want to keep them. Veronica said he doesn’t want to wait a few weeks to go after them if they get Jesse out. Johnny said he doesn’t want to wait. Veronica mentioned that Will said he isn’t sure that going after Derek and Kaela right away is best for them. Veronica said she wants to be the first girl to win HoH. Veronica asked Johnny what he would do if he wins. Johnny said he would put Derek and Kaela on the block. Johnny asked if they would have the votes to get Kaela out. Veronica thinks so.

6:00-7:00 PM: Jesse spoke to Maddy about her vote. While she said it’s clearly best for her game to have him there, it will come down to how other people are voting. Jesse said he has four votes right now, he is working on a fifth, and Maddy would be his sixth. Jesse said he believes Hamza when he said that he would help him get Merron as his sixth vote if he comes to him with five solid. In the red room, Veronica spoke to Ali and Olivia about the plan moving forward. Veronica said taking Jesse out is a big move, and they would like to build on the momentum that comes along with that big move. However, Veronica said they are also considering that keeping targets can provide a shield. Veronica said that she personally would want to make the big move anyway. Ali said certain people have broken her trust. She said those people would be considered bigger targets. Ali said there are also people floating about, gathering information, and then trying to use it as an olive branch when approaching others. Veronica argued that the floaters only have their mouth going for them. Ali said the people planting seeds are a big threat to her game, implying that she would be after those people if she wins HoH. Veronica asked what Ali thinks about the showmance. Ali said it’s a tough one since they can be used as a shield. Veronica revealed that she would nominate both Derek and Kaela if she targets the showmance. Ali said the floaters can be just as dangerous since they are the ones that will align with the showmance.

7:00-8:00 PM: Outside, Derek spoke to Will about the vote. He said that he and Kaela are voting Olivia out, which Paras is likely to do as well. Will said the problem is that people are flip flopping. Will said he will be straight up. He told Derek that he doesn’t think the votes to save Jesse are there. Will said the biggest thing he is considering when it comes to his vote is that he does not want to go against Hamza. Elsewhere, Jesse told Ryan it doesn’t make sense for a group of people to vote him out. He said a couple of people don’t see it. Jesse thinks that people are voting emotionally. Ryan said Jesse has to acknowledge that he is the bigger threat of the two. Jesse argued that for a group of people he is not the bigger threat. Ryan said he might be able to argue that if not for his social game being so strong. Jesse said Olivia has the ability to rally the girls. Ryan agreed. Back outside, Paras told Ali she is frustrated that people are so willing to lie and go back on things that they swear to God on. Paras said she isn’t even guaranteeing Jesse that he has her vote. Ali told Paras she just had a conversation with Veronica to reassure her that she is not going after her next week, then Veronica starts asking questions about who she would target. Ali said right after she went downstairs, Kaela told her that Veronica was saying things about her. Ali said Veronica talked about wanting to get all of the big threats out. Paras said Veronica has made it very clear that she is just dragging her along for a vote until she evicts her. Ali said everyone is disposable to her, and she is the most dangerous type of player. Paras said she would not have an issue voting Veronica out if she goes up. Ali thinks it would have to be a backdoor. Paras told Ali that Maddy can be taken out later on. Paras said Maddy tells her every single day that her vote is independent, and she wakes up every day thinking what she can do to stay off of the block. Ali said that if you play alone, you die alone. Paras doesn’t like Maddy’s approach. Ali said Maddy’s ship is sinking fast. Paras mentioned Olivia saying that she should distance herself from Maddy. Paras said she sees what Olivia sees in Maddy. Ali told Paras that she and Olivia are both good with her, but don’t take it personally that Olivia doesn’t talk much. Ali said she feels that they could be really good with Kaela if Derek is gone. Paras said Kaela is nice to her but they hadn’t talked in five days until today. Paras said she isn’t sure if Kaela is just friends with everyone. Ali said they should focus on Maddy, Veronica, Derek, Ryan, and eventually Kaela. Paras said people are convinced that Ali is working with Ryan. Ali said that’s why she wouldn’t mind him leaving this week. Paras said Ryan loves to start things, then sit back and watch them go at each other. Ali asked if the better move next week is a Maddy or a Ryan, or a Veronica. Paras suggested getting the biggest target, Veronica, out if they have the votes to make the move.

8:00-9:00 PM: In the bedroom, Paras told Jesse that she has still got to stay away from him. When Jesse commented that it might be his last night, Paras said she knows. Feeds were cut throughout most of the conversation. Paras told Jesse that it wont be a unanimous vote since he will get Derek’s vote at minimum. After Jesse left, Paras talked the cameras about Veronica being capable of so easily lying through her teeth to Jesse. Paras said she doesn’t believe anything that Veronica says to her. While Derek and Kaela played pool, Jesse caught them up on his campaign efforts throughout the day. He said Veronica is on board, plus Maddy will be as long as he has five votes. Jesse talked about wanting to bring his five voters to Hamza just in case Hamza is being serious about wanting to keep him and help him get Merron’s vote if he has five. While Jesse acknowledged that Hamza may just want to blindside him, he said it’s his only shot. Kaela told Jesse that Veronica doesn’t seem solid since she has been telling other people that she is voting him out.

9:00-10:00 PM: Jesse went to Hamza to ask if he wants him to put Derek and Kaela on the block if he wins HoH. Hamza told Jesse not to screw around. Jesse said those two have each other, Hamza has Will, and he has no one. Jesse told Hamza that he can be a soldier to work alongside of him. Jesse listed off his votes as Derek, Kaela, Maddy, Paras and Veronica. Hamza said they are lying to him. Jesse said Veronica might be. Hamza let Jesse know that Maddy had just been in his room two hours ago to talk. Jesse said he is so confident in Derek, Kaela, Paras and Maddy. Hamza asked if Jesse would actually make the huge move. Jesse said he is open to anything, as he doesn’t want to stay in the game just to be associated with two people that are huge targets. Hamza called Veronica in to the room. Jesse reiterated that he is ready to be a soldier, a shield, and take a shot at the showmance if that’s what it takes to stay. After Jesse completed his pitch, Veronica said it was the smartest thing that he has said. Hamza said it’s gold that Jesse is now starting to look out for his own game over those of his closest people. Jesse said there is no point in being the third wheel to a targeted showmance.

10:00-11:00 PM: Hamza told Jesse that his pitch gave him adrenaline. Jesse said the whole season has flipped on it’s head right now, and it’s all because Hamza put him on the block. Jesse called it game changing and what the people want to see. When Jesse left the room, Hamza told Veronica that they need to get Will in there to mull things over. Hamza was then called to the diary room. While he was in there, Derek and Kaela approached Veronica and Will to work together moving forward along with Hamza. Kaela said they are essentially substituting Jesse for Hamza. Derek said the perfect thing about it is that they will have two in the white room and two in the red room to listen in on conversations from both ends. Hamza then joined them. They discussed working together as a five. Kaela said nobody would suspect it. Veronica said they really wouldn’t if Jesse goes home. The group decided to name themselves “Five’s Company”. They then dispersed. In the pantry, Jesse told Derek that he was feeding it to Hamza, kissing more ass than he ever has in his life. Jesse said Hamza and Veronica told him that he said some of the smartest things that they have heard from him, so they are out to lunch. Back in the HoH room, Hamza told Will about the pitch that Jesse made. Will immediately said that they should tell Derek. Hamza wanted to talk to Veronica about it first. Hamza said their alliance with Derek, Kaela and Veronica is the best since the showmance will always be the target ahead of them. Hamza gave himself props for destroying the red room. Hamza asked Will what they should do. Will said they can’t keep Jesse. Will continued to say that they should tell Derek and Kaela what Jesse said, just to stir up the pot and give Canada some good TV. In the white room, Paras asked Hamza and Will why Jesse is saying that good things are happening. Paras asked what they are feeding Jesse. Hamza insisted that he isn’t doing anything. Paras laughed and said to look at that evil smile he has on his face. Hamza and Paras then headed to the HoH room. Paras asked why Jesse is saying that he is good with Hamza. Hamza said that they are good. Paras disagreed. Hamza explained that Jesse is trying really hard and some of it is making him feel guilty. Paras questioned if Hamza is trying to make her end up on the wrong side of the vote. Hamza told her to chill. He said he will have his final answer in the morning. Hamza talked about Jesse having made a really good pitch. Paras said Jesse can be a target and a shield for them. Hamza suggested that they could even get Jesse to take a shot at Derek and Kaela for them. Paras said they would own Jesse. Will joined them to say that sending Jesse home is the better game move. Paras said she will do what they want since it is Hamza’s HoH. Paras asked that they not feed Jesse BS, sending him to bed happy, if they have already made up their minds. Hamza said he has to consider what Jesse pitched to him.

11:00-12:00 AM: Paras told Hamza and Will that her loyalty lies with them, so she will not pitch anything if they don’t feel safe with Jesse. Will pointed out that Paras is closer to Jesse than they are. Hamza said that he and Paras can leave the room, then Jesse can make his pitch to Will. After Paras left, Will asked if they are going to tell Derek and Kaela about what Jesse said. Hamza asked if they should keep Jesse if they start fighting. Will said no. He told Hamza that Derek and Kaela would then want to bring Jesse in, meaning that they would have another big target to get out later. Jesse then made his pitch to Will. He went over the same points as he did with Hamza earlier in the night.

12:00-1:00 AM: Ali asked Will how upset he would be if Veronica was targeted, or if he needed to vote her out. Will said he is there for himself. He said they don’t talk any game. Ali revealed that Veronica told her she wanted to work together, then she told other people that the only reason she is keeping her and Olivia is because Jesse is a bigger threat. Ali said Veronica will want them out ASAP if she wins HoH. Will said he can persuade Veronica. Will told Ali that he is the reason that Olivia is safe this week. Ali talked about not trusting Maddy. They agreed that she flip flops too much. While Ali said she is not immediately targeting Maddy, she said that she does not trust her at all. Ali suggested that Will, Johnny, Olivia, Hamza and herself solidify something once they get to jury Will agreed. He also mentioned Erica as someone to possibly include. Kaela told Ali and Olivia that Derek said she should be on Jesse’s side with the vote, but she told him that she could try to get them a week a safety by voting to save Olivia. She said Derek told her that it’s such a good idea. Kaela said she will let Derek know tomorrow that is voting for Olivia. The girls discussed that they have a good thing going since no one has any idea. Kaela said she would be good with throwing Maddy and Ryan on the block. Ali said she is good with that too. Kaela said Maddy is unworkable since she jumps ship as soon as someone is against you. Ali mentioned backdooring Veronica if one of them wins the veto. Ali said Veronica is playing it off as if she is going after the showmance to them and then going after them to the showmance. The girls pinky swore that they will keep their agreement a secret.

1:00-2:00 AM: Hamza and Merron discussed that Jesse has them thinking. Merron said other people are feeling the same way. Both agreed that they can evict either nominee at this point. Hamza said it will come down to tomorrow morning. They discussed that Jesse is in a desperate position. Merron brought up that Paras is trying to get Jesse to stay. Hamza said she did the same in the HoH room. Hamza said it is only making Paras a target for flip flopping. Hamza said he thinks Jesse will still go home but it is something to consider. Merron cautioned Hamza not to dive in head first to the idea. He brought up that Hamza would have done all of this hard work to take out Olivia. Merron pointed out that Jesse might want to go back on his word to Hamza since he thinks that Hamza did the same to him. Hamza said he doesn’t trust Jesse but he also doesn’t trust Olivia. In the pantry, Will told Derek that Jesse is pitching that he will target the showmance. They agreed that it might have been a last ditch effort on Jesse’s part. Derek said he will still vote for Jesse to stay but he knows that no one else is going to vote that way. Derek thanked Will for letting him know what Jesse said. He asked if their five is solid. Will said 100%. Afterwards, Will and Merron told Hamza that Jesse will go back to the showmance if he stays. Will said he thinks that they will take a shot at Hamza if they can. Will said Paras and Maddy will go to the other side if Jesse stays.

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