Big Brother Canada 6 Day 20 - Jesse is evicted; Erica wins HoH

March 22, 2018

10:00-11:00 AM: In the HoH room, Hamza, Merron, Veronica and Will discussed the plan for the vote. Veronica said she thinks that they should send Jesse home. She admitted that she was only really considering keeping him because evicting him might have resulted in some backlash from Derek and Kaela. Given that those two proposed working with them last night, Veronica said she is no longer worried about that. Will agreed that evicting Jesse is the best move. Hamza talked about wanting to make it a 7-4 vote by getting Maddy and Paras to throw Jesse pity votes. Will didn’t think that it was a good idea. Johnny checked in to see if anything had changed. Though Hamza had just finished saying that he is still torn, they told Johnny that the plan has not changed. Once Johnny left the room, Merron said they have got to start including Johnny, Maddy, Paras and Erica in their discussions or else they will feel excluded. Hamza said he doesn’t like that Olivia feels super safe. He suggested that they mess with her by saying that they are weighing out their options. Hamza then pulled Olivia in. He said Jesse pitched a great idea, so they are now considering keeping him in the game. Hamza said it’s 50/50 and they did not want to blindside her. Olivia said she appreciates that but she has nothing more to say since she meant what she said to them already. After Olivia left the room, Will asked what that was about. Merron also questioned what the point of it was. Hamza said he didn’t want Olivia to feel so safe. Merron said he doesn’t understand. Veronica said it’s more fun this way. Olivia let Ali and Paras know that Hamza and Veronica are changing their minds. Paras said they just told her this morning and last night that Jesse is leaving. Ali said this is why Veronica has to go. Will spoke to Olivia, letting her know that she had no idea that talk was about to happen. He said it pissed him off. Will told Olivia that she has at least seven votes to keep her, so don’t worry. Veronica let Paras know that Hamza just wanted to mess with Olivia. She said the game plan is still the same. Veronica said they did that to Olivia in part because they feel bad for Jesse. Paras said that’s why they should stop giving him false hope. Kaela checked in with Hamza to see if the plan is still to evict Jesse. Hamza said yeah. Kaela said that sounds good and it’s better for her.

11:00-12:00 PM: Hamza told Erica that Jesse said he would be a soldier, taking out the showmance, if they keep him. Erica said she thinks that it’s BS. She pointed out that people will say anything when their back is against the wall. Hamza said Will keeps saying the same thing. Erica said she will be voting to evict Jesse. Hamza said he doesn’t want Erica to be on the outs. He reiterated that she is very important to his game. They discussed that people don’t link them in that way since they don’t talk game too often.

1:00-2:00 PM: Will told Johnny he doesn’t trust Jesse, Derek and Kaela at all. Will said he told Derek what Jesse said about wanting to go after Derek and Kaela, yet Derek still wants to keep Jesse. They agreed that Jesse will go back to Derek and Kaela if he stays. Will said Derek and Kaela only approached them for an alliance because they have no one else. Johnny said numbers wise that Merron serves no purpose to him. Will said he is a floater, Maddy is a floater, and Paras is a bit of a floater. Will said he, Maddy and Paras were close from night one but he can’t do much if Ali and Olivia go after them. Will said he has to look out for his own game. Will told Johnny about the Five’s Company alliance. Johnny asked if Hamza believes in it. Will said he doesn’t think that anyone believed it.

2:00-3:00 PM: Will told Jesse he is going to be straight up with him. He said he would prefer to compete against Olivia moving forward. Jesse said there are no hard feelings. Will said he will let Jesse know if his mind changes. Jesse then asked Merron if he feels the same way. He said yeah. Maddy then asked Jesse to speak. He said Veronica told him that she let the diary room know that she is voting to evict Olivia. Maddy said she doesn’t believe it since Veronica told her something else. Jesse said he gets it. Maddy apologized, saying she didn’t want to lie to him. Jesse said he gave it his best shot. Jesse then went to Johnny. He mentioned that he had a deal with Derek and Will at the start, then Will ditched him because he thought that he was a threat. Jesse stressed that Hamza, Merron, Veronica and Will are tight, plus they have Ryan in with them as well. Jesse said Derek, Kaela and Johnny will be in trouble if he leaves. Jesse brought up that Derek said he and Kaela has a thing with Johnny. Jesse said Derek told him that it was the one thing he had kept from him in this game. Johnny asked when Derek told him about that. Jesse said today. Jesse argued that they will need someone to go after Hamza, and it’s not going to be Olivia. Jesse said his only shot is to get Johnny, Derek, Kaela, Erica, Maddy and Paras. Jesse said he wants to talk to them all in one room. Jesse proceeded to gather them all in the red room. Jesse explained that everyone has told him they are voting him out. Jesse pointed out that Hamza, Merron, Veronica and Will are a tight four. He added that Ryan will vote with that foursome as well. Jesse said they can probably bring Ali on board if Olivia leaves, giving them an 8-5 numbers advantage. Jesse said he is willing to be a shield and lead the charge. Jesse made it clear that Hamza is his target. Jesse declared that it would be the biggest power move in Big Brother Canada history. He said Veronica lied to his face when she said that she already told the diary room that she is voting to evict Olivia. Jesse continually mentioned that he is now woke. The feeds went down without any further indication how the houseguests felt about Jesse’s final plea.

8:00-9:00 PM: During the eviction episode, Jesse was evicted by a vote of 9-2. Derek and Veronica voted to evict Olivia. The HoH competition got underway but did not finish on air. At the conclusion of the episode, Arisa announced that next Thursday will be a double eviction episode.

10:00-11:00 PM: Feeds returned. Erica is the new HoH. In the white room, Merron and Veronica discussed the second vote to evict Olivia. Veronica said she thinks that whoever did it was just trying to stir things up. Merron said he thinks that it was Paras. Veronica said Hamza thinks that it was Paras too, while Will thinks that it was Maddy. Veronica said it could have been Ryan as well. Merron disagreed. Merron and Veronica discussed that they feel pretty good about Erica winning since she is close with Hamza, and they are close with Hamza. In the pantry, Will questioned Paras about the second vote. Paras said she was convinced that it was Ryan. Will said he wouldn’t swear on his kid’s life and lie about it. When Will explained that he narrowed it down to Maddy, Paras and Veronica, Paras asked when Will is going to stop doubting her loyalty. Will said he is not doubting her. Paras said she is not stupid, so she would not throw the rest of her game away to evict Olivia. Will became frustrated when he felt that Paras was raising her voice for no reason. She said he cannot get upset every time they talk. Will said it’s like talking to a two year old since she is always getting so loud. Will told Paras to calm down and not get so worked up. Will pointed out that Paras seems more distant. Paras said she feels excluded since she put all of her eggs in one basket but now feels as though she is not part of the team. Will said he is trying to work a good social game. Paras again asked why she would throw her game away in attempt to save one person. Will said someone did it. Paras said she wants Will to understand the loyalty that she has to him and to Maddy. Will asked if it was Maddy. Paras said it might be. She told Will that people have been saying that. Paras headed upstairs to talk to Veronica. She said Will is so snappy, questioning her about her vote. Paras said she is done with Will. Paras said she has never had a guy get mad at her so much. Veronica asked why Will is the only one who seems to be worried about the vote. Paras said will is not her boyfriend, her husband, her father, or anyone in her life that she cares enough about to allow to talk to her like he was talking to her.

12:00-1:00 AM: Kaela told Ali she wants to know who the other vote to evict Olivia was. Ali asked what her gut is telling her. Kaela said Veronica. Ali agreed. Kaela then headed to the bedroom. Olivia spoke to her about wanting to backdoor Veronica this week. She said she isn’t sure whether or not Erica would do it. Kaela said she thinks that Erica will nominate Maddy and Ryan in hope of getting Maddy out. The girls said they would be fine with voting Maddy out if that’s what Erica wants. Olivia said she would like to get Veronica out before a double or triple eviction happens. Olivia thinks Veronica would be capable of winning it. Kaela said she would then be ruthless in who she nominates. Olivia said Veronica needs to go this week. Kaela said she would have to be nominated next to Will in order for her to leave. Kaela explained her idea to Olivia. She said she would nominate Ryan next to Will, telling Will that he is the only one who everyone loves so much that they would not vote him out. Kaela would then use the veto on Ryan in order to put Veronica up. Both agreed that Erica wouldn’t be down for that plan.

1:00-2:00 AM: Erica told Ali, Kaela and Olivia that she knew who she was going to put up before she even won HoH. Erica revealed that she plans to nominate Maddy and Merron. Erica said she is targeting Maddy. When asked if she is not going to nominate Ryan, Erica said Merron has a better chance of staying over Maddy. They then discussed Veronica’s actions today. Erica said today really changed her opinion of Veronica. Kaela said it scared her. Erica mentioned Paras saying that Veronica would go tell Jesse she has him 150%, only to laugh that he will be surprised when he leaves. Erica asked if everybody understands that Veronica is lying and manipulative. Olivia said no. She said Johnny doesn’t think that. Derek said Will is up her ass. Erica and Olivia disagreed with that. Kaela told Erica that the only way Veronica would go home is if she is nominated next to Will because Hamza and Merron would then keep Will. Kaela said Erica could always offer Maddy a deal that she will use the veto on her if she doesn’t come after her next week, then she can put Veronica up. The talk was then broken up. Outside, Johnny and Will discussed that they think Veronica voted to evict Olivia. Will didn’t understand why she would do that. Johnny said she might just like doing it for the cameras. Will asked Johnny if he thinks that he could convince Erica to nominate Derek and Kaela. Johnny said it’s not happening so he is not even going to touch that. Johnny and Will agreed that they do not want to lose Veronica this week. Johnny said she is important since she is a person in front of them and she is strong. In the HoH room, Maddy spoke to Erica. Maddy said she feels better with Erica after the conversations that they have had over the past week. Erica asked if Maddy told Jesse that she was voting his way. Maddy said she told him that she wasn’t voting for him earlier today. Maddy explained that being forthcoming when it came to flip flopping this week was a good thing. She said she didn’t want to lie to someone by saying that she was on board. Erica assured Maddy that she doesn’t see taking the time to make a decision as an issue. As for the plan for the week, Erica said she his hesitant to give anyone her word since things can change so fast. Ryan then spoke to Erica. He said that he will vote whichever way she wants as long as he is not on the block. Erica said she is confident in the vibe that they have going. Erica asked Ryan how valid he thinks the Veronica, Will, Merron and Hamza alliance rumour is. Ryan said that people aren’t necessarily working together or talking game just because they talk. He said Hamza is linked with Merron because he was one of the only people to speak to Merron while he was being ostracized.

2:00-3:00 AM: Veronica had a lengthy discussion with Erica. When the rogue vote was brought up, Veronica asked if Erica is actually considering her as someone who may have done it. Erica said she is very on the fence since Veronica unfortunately has not been in a position to display actions instead of words. Veronica said she whispered to Paras just prior to the vote that she cannot throw Jesse a pity vote. Veronica said she would want other people to do the same if she was going to vote to keep Jesse. Veronica asked if lots of people think that it was her. Erica said there are a lot of theories, and she is one of them. Veronica then asked why it would have been here. Erica brought up that Jesse kept saying she had promised him her vote. Erica talked about what concerns her moving forward. She said people who can straight up lie to your face rub her the wrong way. She also has concerns about people in small groups. When Veronica was asked for her opinion, she said that targets can be used as shields this early in the game. Veronica pitched that keeping her is good for Erica’s game since she has always been straight up with her and she will have her back. Veronica said she will bring Erica to the end if they stick together. Erica said she doesn’t think that either of them want to be at odds with each other since it would be a war. Veronica agreed. Erica added that she is fine with people not realizing they are as good as they are.

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