Big Brother Canada 6 Day 21 - Erica nominates Maddy and Merron

March 23, 2018

10:00-11:00 AM: Erica told Olivia she is putting Maddy and Merron up. Erica said she has no desire to get Ryan out. Erica said she will only make the huge move against Veronica if people can guarantee her that she will leave. Olivia said Erica would have the votes if she uses the veto on Maddy, since she would have Maddy, her, Derek, Kaela and Paras. Erica said Hamza told her that he would prefer to keep Merron over Veronica, so that would be another vote. Later, Erica told Merron that she is good with him but she still needs to put two people on the block. Erica said Merron is on the short list. Erica said there is someone she wants on the block and someone will be there just to fill a chair. Erica said she would love nothing more than for Merron to stay or win the veto. Merron said that even though they haven’t talked game, he sees her as someone that he can work with. Erica said she has gotten that vibe. Erica reiterated that she is not gunning for Merron even if he ends up on the block. Merron asked who he would be sitting on the block next to. Erica said Maddy. She mentioned that Maddy is rubbing a lot of people the wrong way. Erica asked Merron if he has a bond with Veronica. Merron said he feels that Veronica is a wild card but he doesn’t think that she is targeting Erica.

11:00-12:00 PM: Erica let Johnny know that she plans to nominate Maddy and Merron. Johnny asked if she is planning to backdoor Veronica. Erica said no. She told Johnny that doing that is not the goal for the week, though she is going to have to think about who goes up if someone wins the veto. Both agree that Veronica was likely the rogue vote yesterday. Erica said Veronica is a huge threat but she doesn’t think that she is a threat to them at the moment. Erica said going after her would be a huge shot to take. Johnny said it seems silly for it to be Erica’s shot. Erica said she wants to make big moves but she isn’t sure if she needs to put that target on her back. Ideally Erica would like to see the nominations stay the same so that Maddy can go. Johnny asked if she wouldn’t want Merron to go. Erica said no because she does not view him as a threat. As for Maddy, Erica said she has never spoken game with her and she doesn’t like when people run from room to room in attempt to be in on every conversation. Johnny said he doesn’t want Maddy to go. Erica asked who he would like to see go over Maddy. Johnny said Merron. Johnny said Maddy is likely a number that he can pick up when he needs her. Johnny suggested that Hamza as a standalone is more beneficial to them than Hamza with Merron is. Erica said she would worry that Hamza would align himself with someone else if Merron left. Erica talked about wanting to cut off Veronica’s resources. When Johnny said he doesn’t see Maddy as that, Erica said she doesn’t either but she is not going to take a shot at Will right now. Next up was Paras’ turn to talk to Erica. Paras admitted that she doesn’t have the faith in Maddy and Will that she once did. She talked about there being red flags with them. They then discussed the rogue vote. Erica said she didn’t think for a second that it was Paras. Both brought up that Veronica had lengthy conversations with them about it. Paras said no one was talking about it until Veronica went room to room to bring it up. Erica said she thinks that Veronica is good with the two of them for now and she doesn’t want to be the one to take that shot.

12:00-1:00 PM: Erica told Ali that everyone has voiced concerns about Veronica. Ali asked if Hamza is included in that bunch. Erica said Hamza told her that he would prefer to keep Merron over Veronica. Erica mentioned that it was important for her to see exactly how far Veronica was willing to go with a lie last night. She said about half of their 45 minute conversation was about the vote. Erica said she doesn’t feel immediately threatened by Veronica but her people are in danger. Erica worried that people would come after her if she gets Veronica out, since she would be the next big female threat. Ali said there are still big threats in Hamza, Derek, Kaela, Will, herself and Merron. Erica said she is considering two routes. In an ideal world, Erica said she would put up Will. Erica explained that she loves Will too much to take a shot at him. Erica once again mentioned cutting off Veronica’s resources in order to take her down. Ali said the good thing about taking Veronica out is that it gives them Hamza and Will. Erica said she is probably 70% considering taking the shot at Veronica if the opportunity presents itself. Veronica said her biggest fear is that there is an opportunity to take the shot, she doesn’t take it, and then Veronica wins HoH in a double. Ali said it’s good that everyone brought Veronica up. Erica said if she wins veto and decides to take the shot, she is pulling Maddy down. Erica explained that she doesn’t want there to be any debate.

4:00-5:00 PM: Erica asked Kaela how she feels about Maddy and Merron being the nominees. Kaela said she can’t trust Maddy at all so she is fine with it if Erica wants her gone this week. Erica said she still believes that Veronica voted to evict Olivia. Kaela said whoever did it made it seem like it was her. Erica told Kaela that Veronica keeps saying it was Kaela who voted to evict Olivia. Erica said that if Will wasn’t such an incredible person, she would want him to go home from a game perspective. Kaela commented that Will is working with everyone. Erica agreed but said she could never take a shot at Will. Erica mentioned Will saying that he didn’t want to win HoH since he wouldn’t know who to put up. Kaela said Will is good with Ali, Olivia, Derek, Maddy, Paras, Hamza and Veronica. Erica said he is good with Merron as well. Erica revealed that she is sketched out by Veronica. Erica said she doesn’t want someone in the game who has tossed out Kaela’s name, Derek’s name, Ali’s name and Olivia’s name. The girls agreed that they would feel nervous if Veronica were to win HoH. Erica said she wants Veronica out. Kaela said she does too. Erica admitted that she isn’t sure that she wants to take the shot. Kaela told her not to worry about it until after the veto.

5:00-6:00 PM: Derek told Kaela he is dreaming of winning the veto and backdooring Veronica. Kaela said she thinks that Erica would do it if people are on board. Kaela let Derek know that the plan is to nominate Maddy and Merron with Maddy being the target. Kaela said she is fine with that since she feels that Merron is more on her side than Maddy is. Derek asked which of the two would be better to have on the block next to Veronica. Kaela thinks that Veronica would leave over either one of them. She counted off the sure votes as Ali, Olivia, Paras and the two of them. She also said Ryan would take the shot, plus Johnny wouldn’t go against them if they are all doing it. Derek and Kaela agreed that they would have to tell Veronica that she is safe the whole time, then blindside her. Derek said he would probably nominate Veronica and Will. Kaela suggested trying to convince Hamza that the veto needs to be won so they need to put him up. Kaela explained that Hamza and Will could be nominated, one of them would win the veto, then Veronica can go on the block.

6:00-7:00 PM: Hamza asked Erica how she is feeling. Erica said that she is happy with her decision. Erica informed Hamza that he is not going on the block even though he wants to. Hamza said he wants to go up so that he can play in the veto competition. Erica said it’s not worth it. She also told Hamza that it will look like she was trying to backdoor someone if she puts him up in order to win the veto. Hamza agreed. Hamza asked Erica to pick him if she gets houseguest’s choice. Erica promised that she would do that. When Hamza asked if she has thought about what she would do for a replacement nominee, Erica said it would depend if she wants to do something safe or do something big. Hamza said he is glad that she is thinking both ways. Hamza said Veronica is still kind of scared. Erica said she should be. Erica told Hamza she assumes that his loyalties lie with her over Veronica. Hamza said Erica is the last person that she would want out of the game. Erica said she feels like everybody can see that Maddy is playing both sides, and she would like to take flip floppers out. Hamza said he is 100% down with her. Erica then talked a little bit of game with Olivia. Olivia said people would be hyped if Erica backdoored Veronica. Erica said she thinks that Olivia is right about that. Olivia said Erica would have more support than she thinks.

7:00-8:00 PM: Ali and Erica talked about Veronica. Erica said she still isn’t sure if backdooring Veronica is something that she will pursue. Ali said it would be a big move but she understands that the heat would be on Erica if it backfires, so she would not pressure her into doing it. Ali encouraged Erica to do what feels right. Veronica then checked in with Erica to ask if she has any idea what she is doing for nominations. Erica assured Veronica that she is not going on the block. Veronica said that will open the door to so many more conversations between the two of them. Erica talked about being nervous when she saw Veronica giving Jesse hope well past the point that they had decided to keep Olivia. She revealed that some people are now questioning the truthfulness of the things that Veronica says. Veronica said the only thing that she can do is be so honest and truthful from this point on that people forget. Veronica explained that she said she has Jesse’s back, then the people that she trusts had good points but Jesse would then convince her that she was doing the wrong thing. Veronica said she will never tell someone they are safe until the day before the eviction from now on. She also said she is never going to agree to things so quickly. Veronica told Erica that not putting her on the block will allow her to have a fresh start. Erica said she is giving Veronica the benefit of the doubt since she doesn’t think that she has lied to her except for potentially about the vote. Erica said she still thinks that it was Veronica. Veronica said she is glad that she is being given a chance regardless of the vote. Erica then spoke to Merron to let him know that he is going on the block. She said it’s not personal, and she will be rooting for him to win the veto. Erica reiterated that he is not the target. Merron asked if Maddy is going up next to him. Erica said yeah.

8:00-9:00 PM: Erica let Maddy know that she is planning to nominate her. Maddy asked who she will be going on the block next to. Erica said Merron, which led Maddy to believe that she is the target. Erica explained that she is making her decision based on who she has spoken the most and least game to. Erica said it kind of rubs her the wrong way when people don’t really have a side. Maddy said there are definitely other people who Erica has not talked game with, though she likely doesn’t seem them as potential players. Erica agreed that there is a difference between those who she thinks can bring it and those who she thinks cannot. Maddy said that’s a strategic admission that Erica is making by putting her on the block. Maddy told Erica that she doesn’t have to pit them against each other, yet that’s how it may have to be if she makes this move. Maddy said she was not expecting this move based on how their talks had been progressing of late. Maddy said it is disappointing to have the line drawn this way. Maddy told Erica she would not have put her on the block had she won, which Erica said she believes. While Maddy said going on the block would not draw the line, she acknowledged that it would be sending them in an unfortunate direction. Erica told Maddy she gave her a lot to think about.

9:00-10:00 PM: Maddy let Will know that Erica is putting her on the block next to Merron. Maddy said it doesn’t look good since people will keep Merron. Will said Maddy is going to have to go hard right away. He suggested going for Derek and Kaela right now. Maddy then pulled Derek aside to talk. Feeds then went down.

11:00-12:00 AM: The nomination ceremony took place. Erica nominated Maddy and Merron for eviction. In the bathroom, Johnny asked Ali for her thoughts on who she would choose between the two nominees. Ali said her biggest problem with Maddy has been that she cannot trust her. She mentioned that the things she tells Maddy seem to get around. Johnny wants to keep Maddy in the game. He said he isn’t sure that others will look at targeting Merron moving forward. They discussed that campaigning against Merron would be going against Hamza. Ali said Merron is to Hamza what Jesse was to Derek. In the white room, Paras let Maddy know that Olivia talked to her about wanting Veronica out. Maddy said Ali has been pretty open with that too. Paras said Olivia told her that they had to make sure Veronica didn’t have a chance to fight for the veto. Maddy said she will blow things up if she is on the block next to Veronica, in order to ensure that Veronica goes home. Paras said she would go home regardless so there is no point in doing that. Maddy asked if she and Merron went up with the backdoor plan in mind. Paras clarified that she hasn’t heard it from Erica. Paras said it cannot get out to Veronica or else it will come back to bite Maddy. Paras said she wasn’t supposed to tell Maddy anything until after the veto but she hopes that this proves her loyalty. Elsewhere, Ali told Olivia that the best case scenario is she wins the veto, uses it on Maddy, makes a deal with her, and then they explain to Merron that they are keeping him in order to work with him. Olivia thinks that the veto will be used no matter what this week. Ali said Erica might keep it the same since she is having her doubts.

12:00-1:00 AM: Ali and Olivia discussed that getting Maddy out may not be the best option if nominations stay the same. Olivia pointed out that Merron is close to Hamza. She said Kaela brought up wanting to keep Maddy for that reason. Ali then went to talk to Maddy. Much of the conversation was about Veronica. Maddy said she saw her lie in a way that stresses her out. Ali said she sees a comp beast and manipulator in Veronica. They discussed that Veronica was likely the second vote to evict Olivia. Ali said her gut is telling her that she can put some faith in Maddy. Maddy said she can. Ali told Maddy that without saying too much, she can pick her if she gets houseguest’s choice. Maddy said Olivia told her something along those lines as well. Ali told Maddy she is not going into this battle alone. Ali suggested that Maddy try to open Johnny’s eyes a bit when it comes to Veronica. In the bathroom, Paras spoke to the cameras. She said she believes that her best shot will be trying to be the third in every pair. Paras said she is killing it with Ali and Olivia, and Derek and Kaela already. Paras brought up that she needs to win the HoH competition in the double eviction both times. Paras wants to wait a couple of weeks before building her resume by racking up HoH wins. Paras said Ryan has to go and Veronica has to go. As for Merron, she said that he can stay since she has control over him. Paras said she wants to keep Maddy in the game for a bit longer, so she is going to push for Veronica to go this week. Paras added that she cannot work with someone who lies through their teeth like that.

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