Big Brother Canada 6 Day 22 - Erica wins the Power of Veto

March 24, 2018

9:00-10:00 AM: Veronica told Paras she thinks she is the only one she can trust, even over Will. Veronica said Will has been acting so weird lately. Paras said when Will gets heated about his own game, she has seen him spill stuff that he is not supposed to. Veronica said she always sees Will with Hamza, which leads her to believe that they have a Final 2. Paras said of course they do. Veronica said that for both of their benefits, they should keep what they say between them. Paras said she is game. Paras told Veronica their ideal Final 5 would have to be with someone she can beat mentally and Veronica can beat physically. Veronica asked Paras if she feels bad for Maddy. Paras said she does. Paras said she thinks that’s what happens when you go in so deep with every conversation. Paras thinks they will be hearing about if for three days straight if she is on the block, because Maddy is already such a talker as is. Paras told Veronica she wouldn’t be surprised if Maddy flipped to the other side if she didn’t have the votes from their side. She hopes Maddy wins the veto so she doesn’t have to hear about it. In the red room, Olivia told Johnny it’s not time for Maddy to go. She said Maddy would be loyal. Olivia said she would rather get Hamza or Veronica out over Merron since Merron is just one of their minions. Johnny said he would rather get Merron out. Olivia said they just need one of the three to go.

11:00-12:00 PM: Players were picked for the veto competition. The veto players are Erica, Maddy, Merron, Ali, Olivia and Ryan. Ali told Erica that Maddy will be eternally grateful to them if they save her. She said Veronica could go up and go out. Erica talked about needing to see where the house stands. Olivia said she gets her hesitation because there is concern that the shot might not land. Ali counted herself, Paras, Maddy, Olivia, Derek and Kaela as the six votes needed to evict Veronica. Erica said Hamza told her that he would pick Merron over Veronica as well. Erica explained that her own personal game is conflicting with the overall game at this point but she is there to play the collective game over her own game at this stage of the season. Ali said her gut is telling her that Veronica will target her and Olivia, or Derek and Kaela if she wins HoH. Erica said she doesn’t want to take that chance. Erica admitted that the idea of backdooring someone makes her feel like crap. Olivia suggested that it’s different since she would be backdooring someone who has lied to their faces. Ali added that this is one of those moments that people look back on and wish they had taken the shot. If she decides to go after Veronica, Erica said she would pull Maddy down. Kaela joined the girls. They continued to discuss a potential backdoor of Veronica. Erica said she could always tell Maddy that she didn’t tell her about the plan cause she didn’t want her to blow it, if she ends up taking Maddy off of the block. Kaela said she could throw in that she knew Maddy would be emotional, which would sell it. Ali said it’s really funny that Veronica was salivating at the thought of them going at each other last week, yet they are now united in planning her backdoor. Erica then spoke to Ryan. She told him to gun for the veto but consult her before deciding what to do with it. Ryan asked if she can tell him that he will not be the replacement nominee. Erica said he will not. Erica said the worst case scenario is Merron winning the veto since people are likely to keep him around, making it tougher if she does decide to put another target up on the block. In the bathroom, Paras spoke to the cameras. Paras said she trusts Maddy a lot more than she trusts Veronica but she is out for herself. As for Veronica, Paras think she is desperate for a Final 2 and she would take her far. Paras said Maddy may have to go since Veronica will always be a shield for her and she will listen to what she has to say. Paras mentioned that she hopes the nominations stay the same, then Merron may have to go even though he would be all in if she were to give him a bit of attention. Paras wishes that there was a way to get Ryan on the block this week.

12:00-1:00 PM: Maddy headed to the HoH room to speak to Erica. She was told that people are not coming in saying they have to get rid of her. Erica said she would love to see Maddy crush the veto competition. Maddy said she wants to reenforce things pre-veto rather than post-veto when people have to say what they have to say. Maddy told Erica that’s what made the difference with her when it came to Olivia last week. Maddy said there are no hard feelings even if she sees Erica fighting hard to defend her nominations. Maddy told Erica she will respect whatever she decides to do. Elsewhere, Veronica told Merron she thinks that the best case scenario for their alliance is that nominations stay the same. Merron said if he doesn’t win the veto, he would rather nominations stay the same. Veronica said Hamza, Ali, Olivia and herself would all be sure votes for Merron. She also said she thinks that Derek and Kaela would vote for Merron. Merron said the worst case scenario would be Maddy winning the veto. If he wins the veto, Merron said he wont use it if someone he is working with is going to be the replacement nominee. Merron told Veronica that people would likely vote her out since she is a threat, so he wouldn’t want her to leave. Veronica told Merron to use the veto if Erica says she is not putting her on the block.

1:00-2:00 PM: Will told Maddy that she is going to have to campaign hard. Will said he will talk to Derek and Kaela when the time is right. He pointed out that Derek, Kaela, Johnny, Paras, Veronica and himself are all the votes that they would need to keep her. Will then spoke to Derek about the options for the week. Will mentioned that Maddy would continue to have a target on her back due to Ali and Olivia. Will said Merron would also likely be better in competitions. Derek said he and Kaela decided they would wait for the veto to play out before they make a decision. They discussed that the whole house would be on board with Ryan going up. Will brought up that Hamza will likely want to bring Merron in with them eventually, but he isn’t sure about doing that. Derek said they don’t want to get too big. Will said Merron would do what Hamza tells him to do if he wins. Derek agreed. Derek mentioned that he and Kaela are still pretty sure that Ryan is after them. Will said he will put Ryan up if he wins HoH. Derek thinks that Erica will nominate Ryan if everyone tells her to. Will said keeping Maddy would be better for their games. Meanwhile, Veronica told Hamza and Merron that it would be messed up for Erica to backdoor her after all of the things that she said to her. Hamza said Erica will not put up Johnny, Derek, Kaela, Ali, Olivia, Paras or Ryan, so that only leaves Veronica or Will. Hamza told Merron and Veronica that if one of them leaves, he will retaliate and he will be putting up the two biggest people in the house. Veronica said the big move this week would be keeping nominations the same and then keeping Merron. Hamza told Merron he has to use the veto on himself if he wins it, otherwise he will look back on it as the stupidest move if he goes home. Merron said he is leaning towards using it on himself but he is just saying that he is not narrow minded.

2:00-3:00 PM: Veronica told Ali and Olivia that she was talking to Hamza about feeling good with them. Veronica reminded Olivia that some people were trying to get her out last week. She encouraged the girls to think of which of the two nominees they would feel safer with. Olivia said the nominations aren’t pivotal for her so she wants to show people who she wants to work with that she is faithful. Veronica said that’s what they figured. She mentioned that Merron not wanting to take himself down is due to him being concerned about one of his allies going up if that happens. After the talk wrapped up, Ali told Olivia they should still take the shot at Veronica if they get the chance, but maybe they shouldn’t poke the bear by evicting Merron if the nominations stay the same. In the kitchen, Veronica told Hamza and Will that Erica said she is definitely not going up. Hamza said the red room is untouchable, so Paras, Veronica or Will would have to be Erica’s replacement nominee. Veronica questioned why Erica wouldn’t touch the red room. Hamza explained that Olivia is one of her allies, and with Olivia comes Ali. Hamza swore that if one of them goes up on the block, next week he will put up the two biggest targets in the house. Will told Hamza to not even get that idea in his head. Hamza said it’s stupid if Will really thinks that he is that safe. In the living room, Maddy campaigned to Kaela. Kaela said she has never talked game with Merron. She said she feels really good with Maddy but would want to make sure that she would stick with her if people are after her. Maddy said she wanted to reenforce her relationship with Kaela before she goes around and looks like she is playing the field. Kaela encouraged Maddy to talk to Derek too. Kaela said they get paired together but she speaks for herself. Maddy said she feels nervous being up against Merron who is basically a costume for someone else to wear and tell what to do. Maddy said she would be so heartbroken if the same thing that happened to Jesse happened to her. Kaela said she couldn’t lie to Maddy.

3:00-4:00 PM: Maddy spoke to Veronica next. Maddy acknowledged that Veronica will have a really big decision to make if she stays on the block against Merron. Veronica asked what reads Maddy has been getting from people. Maddy said she feels hesitantly positive. She mentioned that Merron is malleable and people may think that they can influence him more than they can influence her. Veronica brought up that they made a pact in the white room to look out for each other. Veronica said she is as big of a target, or a bigger target, than Maddy is. Veronica said Maddy and Paras are her top girls in the house. Veronica said she feels so protective over Maddy because she and Paras tried to comfort her early on. Veronica let Maddy know she is confident that she would help her if she ends up on the block. Maddy agreed. Will joined them. Veronica brought up that Hamza is telling them that one of them will go up if the veto is used. Maddy said if they feel that their relationships in the house are good, they will have to trust that they will fight for each other. Veronica said Will doesn’t have to be worried since she is a bigger target than he is. Veronica told Will they can talk to Erica once the veto competition is done. Maddy told them not to forget who is already on the block. Veronica said Will better fight to the death for her if she goes up. In the HoH room, Erica told Ali she thinks that she wants to backdoor Veronica. She said she is only worried that there might be a secret veto in play. Erica later told Will that she doesn’t want him to worry. She said he is one of the only people that she can confidently look in the eye to say that they are not going up. In the red room, Maddy and Veronica picked up on their earlier conversation. Veronica asked Maddy if she is committed to their group. Maddy said of course. Veronica told Maddy that regardless of the promise that she made to Merron before entering the house, she has socialized and established more with Maddy, Paras and Will than she has with Merron. Veronica said she will likely have to based her decision on the fact that she believes those three people will have her back. Veronica said they need each other in the game in order to have people who would be willing to fight for each other if they are on the block.

4:00-5:00 PM: Johnny asked Ali and Olivia if they would throw the veto competition to Maddy. Olivia said she would if Maddy was going to win. Ali agreed that it would have to be a sure win for Maddy in order for her to throw it. Meanwhile, Ryan told Maddy that he can’t commit 100% to using the veto, but he will use it on her if he wins it and does decide to use it.

5:00-6:00 PM: Paras told Kaela that she feels most threatened by Erica out of the people in the red room. Kaela said she knew that so she did some digging once she found out that Erica had won HoH. Paras asked if Erica said anything about her. Kaela said Erica only mentioned that she is more workable than Maddy is. Kaela brought up that he doesn’t think Ali and Olivia trust her at all. She explained to Paras that they are both just being nice to each other right now while neither of them are in power. Kaela said she would be on the block if those two were to win HoH. Before the conversation ended, Paras told Kaela to start planting seeds for her because she is going to have to switch from playing with the white room to playing with the red room at some point. Derek and Kaela then discussed that it would be nice to get Veronica out in order to split her up from Will. Kaela said they could then nominate Hamza and Will side by side if it’s a double eviction. Derek said it is best for them to get rid of Five’s Company since they would have a better shot at winning HoH against the people in the red room. Veronica joined Derek and Kaela to ask for their thoughts on the week. Kaela said she isn’t sure yet since she hasn’t talked to Merron. Veronica said she and Merron made a promise to each other but that was done prior to getting to know anyone else. Veronica said her decision will not be based off of a promise that was made the first day. She said she has to start making decisions that benefit her game. Veronica pointed out that Merron will be able to float through as a pawn. She also said he won’t turn against Hamza. Veronica told Derek and Kaela that she is not gunning for them. She said they have to fight to keep each other in the game. Veronica went so far as to say that she would like to go to the end with Derek, Kaela, Hamza and Will. After Veronica left the room, Kaela said that was a bunch of BS. Kaela added that she hopes Veronica goes home this week.

6:00-7:00 PM: Will told Veronica he thinks that Maddy is definitely the best person to keep this week. He explained that Maddy will continue to be a target ahead of Veronica. Veronica said she agrees. Veronica thinks that Maddy will be loyal to the two of them and Paras. Both agreed that they don’t owe it to Hamza to keep Merron around. Will told Veronica that she has to have his back over anyone else’s. Veronica said he doesn’t have her back over everyone else. Will argued that he does. He said he will fight for Veronica to stay if she goes up next to Maddy. If Veronica is against Merron, Will said she will go home 100% because Merron is less of a threat. Veronica said she is going to have to tell Merron that the promise they made was before they came into the house, and she has to start thinking about her own game. Veronica vowed to turn the house upside down if she gets nominated. She told Will that you haven’t seen someone campaign until you see her. Veronica said she is fine with doing it in front of everyone. Will let Veronica know that she would have his vote against anyone. Veronica thinks she would have Will, Derek, Kaela, Maddy and Paras voting for her. Johnny’s name was also thrown in the mix. When Veronica asked what Will thinks Ali and Olivia would do with the veto, Will said they would both leave nominations the same. Veronica thinks that is what Erica would want.

7:00-8:00 PM: Ali implied to Maddy that she will throw the veto to her as long as there is no cash prize involved. Maddy said she appreciates that. Maddy talked about Veronica and will freaking out about potentially ending up on the block this week. In the red room, Olivia told Kaela that they just need to get one more person out before jury after this week. Both agreed that they would love for it to be Ryan. Kaela said she wouldn’t mind it being Hamza or Will if she is thinking about who she is scared of winning on the other side. Both prefer to see Hamza leave first out of those two.

12:00-1:00 AM: Feeds returned following the veto competition. Erica won the Power of Veto. When feeds returned, Maddy was speaking to Erica about using the veto on her. She talked about how it would progress their relationship in the game. Erica said she wouldn’t want to go home in a double eviction. She asked which of Maddy’s people would be willing to keep her off of the block if they win HoH. Maddy said Paras and Will. The two agreed to talk more later. Ryan then spoke to Erica. Erica talked about balancing putting a bigger target on her back and making a big move. Ryan said he doesn’t think that anybody is going to give her credit for getting Maddy or Merron out at the end of the game. Erica said she likes the idea of resume building, but she worries that people will look at her as a comp beast, cutthroat, and social if she does that, which would lead people to want to get her out. Ryan suggested that she form a group and then choose a target and vote that person out as a group in order to lessen the heat on her personally for making the move. Ryan listed off the various pairs in the house. He said it might be time for her to decide which pair she wants to work with and which pair she wants to target. Ryan said targeting the showmance is too aggressive of a move. Before leaving, Ryan told Erica that she will have his vote this week if he is kept off of the block. He pointed out that he has said that to every HoH and he has followed through each time. Ali then spoke to Erica. They discussed that they both really believe Maddy. Ali said Maddy told her she can bring a lot to the table and she is ready to pick a side. Erica counted the votes to evict Veronica as Ali, Olivia, Derek, Kaela, Paras, Maddy, Hamza and Ryan. Ali said it’s a golden opportunity.

1:00-2:00 AM: Erica spoke to Derek and Kaela. She said she doesn’t want to talk to Veronica. Kaela said Erica should tell her she doesn’t want to use it because it would put a bigger target on her back, then go ahead and use it anyway. Erica said it will be a week from hell once Veronica is on the block. Erica went over various options for her speech, including saying there is only room for one bad b*tch in the house. Erica said she is agitated with how Veronica played last week. Erica and Kaela discussed that Veronica was definitely the second vote to evict Olivia. Kaela let Erica know that she is living for this move. She said she would like to win next week in order to keep shooting. Next up, Erica spoke to Merron. She made it clear that she didn’t want to win the veto but she couldn’t have thrown it if she tried. Erica reassured Merron that at no point has she mentioned wanting him on the block to go home. Merron said he believes it. He told Erica he would rather she not use the veto at all than use it on Maddy. When Erica asked why, Merron said he doesn’t know who her replacement nominee would be. Erica questioned if he doesn’t think that there are people she could put up that would be better to sit beside than Maddy would be. Merron said he didn’t think that far. Erica told Merron there are so many people that have a bigger target on their back than Maddy does. He said that’s true. Erica told Merron she is hesitant to use the veto now after winning two more competitions this week, out of fear of putting an even bigger target on her back. Merron asked if Erica is trying to make a big move. She said she would have considered it before she won the veto. Later, Hamza encouraged Erica to go out swinging if she plans to use the veto. He told her not to put a weak player up.

2:00-3:00 AM: Maddy told Paras that Erica made it clear she will owe her if she uses the veto on her. Maddy said she would still try to take Erica out if she got the chance to do so. Before bed, Maddy checked in with Erica once again. While Erica didn’t reveal her plan for the veto, she did once Maddy let the room. Erica said she can’t wait to use the veto. She added that it’s going to be sick.

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