Big Brother Canada 6 Day 23

March 25, 2018

8:00-9:00 AM: Paras told Will she feels like Ali and Olivia would vote for Maddy to stay. Will guaranteed that they are going to vote Maddy out. Paras said thinks have changed since last week, since they see Maddy as more of a number than Merron. Will said he thinks Maddy might be the target. Will thinks Maddy needs to focus on getting Derek and Kaela to vote for her. Will said he hopes Maddy stays. Paras agreed and said she thinks that they can make it happen. Will said they need one of the duos to vote with them. Paras said her gut is telling her that there is a bigger plan in place, but she doesn’t think that it would be either of them. Will mentioned Veronica’s name. Paras said maybe. Will said he doesn’t think that Erica would make a big move. He told Paras that Erica wouldn’t get the votes. Will thinks Erica already has too big of a target on her back to do that. Will mentioned that he wouldn’t go after Erica during the double since she saved him. Paras said you have to get big targets out during the double. She followed that up by saying that Ryan would likely be her target in the double eviction.

9:00-10:00 AM: Maddy and Ryan discussed the votes. They agreed that Maddy has four votes as of now. Ryan listed them off as Johnny, Paras, Will and himself. Maddy said the trick is going to be talking to Derek and Kaela individually about their votes. Ryan doesn’t think Kaela will vote Merron out after last week in the have-not room together. Maddy disagreed. Maddy said she has no intention of going after Erica any time soon if she keeps her. Maddy told Ryan she wants to work with Erica because she scares her. In the HoH room, Erica told Olivia that Maddy was saying Paras and Will have her 100%. Both agreed that it isn’t necessarily true. Erica said Veronica is not an immediate threat to her, but she will be and she is an immediate threat to the people that she is closest with. Olivia agreed. The two then discussed Johnny. Both have found that Johnny defends everyone that they say anything about, telling them that he likes that person. Olivia said he has to separate personal from game. Erica said they are in a good spot if they can get through this week the way that they want to. Olivia said she would want to get Ryan out during the double. Olivia mentioned not wanting Ryan on the jury, and she said she wouldn’t want to do that to him. Erica agreed since she wouldn’t want to keep him from his family if he is likely not going to the end. Olivia said she would nominate Ryan next to Merron. If Ryan uses the veto, Olivia said she might put up Hamza in order to try to get him out. The girls agreed that they would keep Paras around until the Final 6. Olivia doesn’t think she is as threatening as some people. Erica said she knows where her head is at more than most. Afterwards, Olivia told Ali that the two of them, Derek, Kaela, Maddy and Paras are totally solid in terms of voting to evict Veronica. Ali said she is concerned about Hamza, Johnny and Will. They think Ryan will vote the way that Erica wants him to, and Johnny will jump on board if they have the numbers. Kaela joined the girls. She said she just hopes that Erica will put Veronica up. Ali said they just have to keep showing her the support. Olivia said she thinks that Erica is good. Kaela said Erica is guaranteed four numbers in the three of them and Derek, then Paras will do it as well. Ali said Maddy will too if the veto is used on her.

10:00-11:00 AM: Derek, Kaela, Ali and Olivia discussed that they have to win the double eviction HoH. Derek asked if they are focusing on the white room people. Kaela said nominate Ryan with Merron being the pawn. Kaela made it clear that she doesn’t want Ryan in jury. Olivia said she could see Ryan throwing the veto to go home before jury. Derek said he loves how Erica is playing it off today, as she came into the kitchen to say she doesn’t want to talk to anyone about game today. Johnny joined them. When he was asked about his double eviction plans, he said nobody really tells him their thoughts. Olivia said they are telling him that Ryan wants to go before jury. Johnny said he thinks Ryan is the biggest target to go during the double. Johnny asked who would go up next to Ryan. Olivia said Merron could be the pawn. Johnny said they are assuming that Maddy doesn’t survive this week. Kaela said Maddy could be the pawn as well.

11:00-12:00 PM: Merron told Hamza that Kaela was saying in a joking manner that they want him to stay last night. While she was joking, Merron doesn’t think she would have said it if she didn’t mean it. Hamza said he is sick of people voting how others want him to. Merron said Ryan is a perfect example of that. Hamza promised that he will stand up in front of everyone to say that nobody is safe if he wins HoH. Hamza said everyone is back to laying down in the red room this week. Hamza stated that he wants to win to wreak havoc. Hamza said two people from the red room will be going up again if he wins HoH.

1:00-2:00 PM: Veronica told Johnny she is about 80% sure that Erica will end up leaving the nominations the same. Veronica was concerned that having so much time could lead to Erica changing her mind. Later, when Veronica spoke to Erica, Erica said she is excited to have a chill day without game talk. Veronica said she will do the same as Erica if she ever wins HoH. Erica explained that since she has the veto, everything that people say to her will be done in attempt to keep themselves safe. For that reason, Erica said she will not get any legitimate thoughts and feelings from anyone. Veronica agreed.

4:00-5:00 PM: Erica told Olivia that Will said he feels guilty by association when Veronica does things. Erica said Will might even get on board. Olivia said she truly believes that it might be a unanimous vote to evict Veronica. Erica agree. Olivia said it might not have been the case a week ago but Veronica’s true colours have been coming out more and more. Erica said Will is smart. Olivia said she is cute too. She mentioned being turned on by his study session. Olivia called Will very good looking, and she doesn’t know why she didn’t see it before. Erica agreed. Erica said she is going to use the Power of Veto on Maddy but she is not going to tell her beforehand. Erica said she will really play it up that she is not going to use it. Olivia said things are going to blow up after the veto ceremony. Olivia advised Erica to not react when Veronica goes off. In the living room, Hamza told Merron and Ryan has a pretty good social game. She said Olivia is the biggest kiss ass. Merron said he has to round up some votes. Ryan said he is safe if he has Derek and Kaela. Merron said they are the key to him staying this week, and he will be good if he gets their votes. Ryan said he can stay and put them on the block next week. Hamza said he is going to start nominating himself every week that he doesn’t win HoH. Merron asked Hamza who they are working with. He said sometimes he feels like he doesn’t know. Hamza said Will. Merron questioned what kind of person claims that they are working together but doesn’t vote for him to stay. Hamza said Will is just saying that right now. Hamza assured Merron that he will convince Will to vote for him. Hamza listed off Will, Veronica, Erica, Ryan, Maddy, Johnny and Paras as people that they are working with. He also said Derek and Kaela’s names while using air quotes. Merron said that’s basically the whole house. He said Johnny is not going to vote for him to stay. Hamza said he will be going up next if he doesn’t. Merron said he is going after whoever doesn’t vote for him to stay. Merron asked Hamza how he feels about the idea of having the two of them, Will, Veronica, Erica, Derek and Kaela as the Final 7. Hamza said he doesn’t like it. Hamza told Merron he wants to start cutting them next week, taking shots left and right. Hamza said Erica, Merron and Will are the only three that he cares about. When asked about Veronica, Hamza said he will cut her before them but she can be the fifth. Merron agreed that Veronica has to go first. Merron told Hamza that if Erica doesn’t use the veto on him, he would rather her not use it at all. They agreed that it will be Veronica going on the block if the veto is used. Merron said that’s why he told Erica he would rather she not use it.

5:00-6:00 PM: In the pantry, Ryan told Johnny he wouldn’t mind if Veronica got put on the block next to Merron. He explained that he would like to flush out any potential power that those two came in with when they were a week late. Johnny thought that was based on nothing but pure speculation. He also said he cannot see Erica doing it, so it’s almost a pointless conversation to have. Ryan said he mentioned to her that there is something to being the first one to backdoor someone this season. Ryan added that in terms of resume building, taking out Maddy or Merron is not necessarily a move that will get you a lot of credit. In the white room, Maddy spoke to the cameras. She said today feels like a big waste of time since there is no game talk. Maddy said she wants Erica to use the veto on her, or at least be open to her stay. Maddy thinks she will have trouble getting the votes if Erica is pushing for her to leave. Maddy said she is not leaving week four. Maddy said she cannot leave, and she cannot do anything but win $100,000. Out by the hot tub, Merron told Hamza that Erica wont use the veto no matter what. Hamza said she might if he talks to her. Merron said he can tell from his talk with Erica last night that she is not going to use it. Merron talked about Derek and Kaela being very important votes. Merron said he will owe them if they keep him around this week. Hamza said that would mean they are true to them, and he will take care of them.

7:00-8:00 PM: Erica spoke to Ali and Olivia about the plan to backdoor Veronica. They all agreed that they 100% have the numbers to get her out. Erica said Will complained to her that Veronica always needs so much attention, and she lumps him into things with her. Erica said Veronica is going to e livid when she goes on the block. Erica thinks she will either freak out or sob about it. Olivia expects Veronica to sulk. Ali said she will be trying to get sympathy votes. Ali asked who knows about the plan. Erica said Ali, Olivia, Derek and Kaela know about it. Erica mentioned that it’s probably best she won the veto so that she can play it off today as though she wouldn’t use the veto since she doesn’t want an even bigger target on her back.

8:00-9:00 PM: Maddy asked Erica if she has had any more conversations today. Erica talked about making it clear to people that she didn’t want to talk game today. Erica said she cannot foresee anyone being able to tell her anything that would change her mind, or that she would totally believe, or care to hear. Up in the HoH room, Johnny asked Olivia if she is in a named alliance with anyone. Olivia said she joked about one with Ali but they have nothing set in stone. Olivia told Johnny she trusts Ali 100% but that doesn’t mean Ali is the only one that she can trust that much. Johnny asked if he can have the same trust in Ali. Olivia said she thinks so. Johnny said he trusts them more than anyone. Johnny said the people he vibes with the most, and would like to go far with, would be Ali, Erica, Olivia, Maddy, Paras and Will. She mentioned Veronica’s name as well but said she is not going to last that deep into the game. Johnny asked if Erica talks game with Olivia. Olivia said yes. Olivia told Johnny she thinks that Erica wants to do the same with him but she doesn’t risk it because he hasn’t said anything and he is good with everyone. Johnny said he has chosen who he likes best and wants to work with. He told Olivia he doesn’t know how to get Derek and Kaela out of the game. Olivia said she thinks that Hamza is working on it. Both agreed that Kaela is more dangerous than Derek is in the long run.

9:00-10:00 PM: Outside, Johnny told Ali, Erica and Olivia that they are his top three. He said he wants to do this so badly. Erica said that makes her feel so happy. Ali said it feels genuine, not forced. They discussed potential names for their alliance. Olivia pushed for Johnny’s Angels. Johnny said he think it is important that he continues to play the game seeming as though he doesn’t have anyone. Before they could finish choosing a name, Paras came outside to break up the talk.

11:00-12:00 PM: Erica sat Johnny down to let him know that she is pulling Maddy down tomorrow to backdoor Veronica. Erica said she doesn’t want to waste her week. Johnny didn’t want people to find out that he knew ahead of time. Erica said she wanted Johnny to know that this is a group thing and that he is involved. Johnny said he wanted to send Merron home. Ali said Veronica is coming after them. Erica said Veronica has told every single person except for Ryan that she is keeping them safe. Ali said they have to support Erica’s decision, voting Veronica out. Johnny said he isn’t sure if he supports the idea.

12:00-1:00 AM: Johnny spoke to Ali, Erica and Olivia about potentially bringing Will and Paras in to work with for now. He said he doesn’t want to bring Derek and Kaela in. Erica said she took Will for Wendy’s today in order to see where he was at with regards to Veronica. Erica said Will told her that he wants to start distancing himself from her. Ali said her only hesitation with Paras is that she is very insecure. Erica mentioned that she will also be in a good spot with Maddy if she uses the veto on her. They agreed to keep those people on the outside of their alliance but work with them. Erica told Johnny she has to take the shot at Veronica since nobody else will. Johnny questioned who will take the shot at Derek and Kaela. Ali and Olivia said they haven’t promised those two anything, so they can take the shot in a couple of weeks.

1:00-2:00 AM: Merron campaigned to Erica to use the veto on him. He said he doesn’t want to go home when she has said that he is not her target. Erica said she can’t see herself using the veto but an hour can change everything. Erica told Merron to prepare for the possibility of her not using it cause she doesn’t want to give him false hope. Merron said he wants to trust Erica and move on with her if he survives this week. Erica told Merron that regardless of what happens, she does have a plan. Out in the yard, Pars told Johnny she doesn’t know who she would want to go after. She explained that she has 20% friendships with a lot of people. Paras said Hamza claimed he is going after Derek and Kaela. Paras asked Johnny who he feels threatened by. He said Derek and Kaela have lied to him the most, and that would be such a good resume builder. Paras said that going after Derek and Kaela would be a good move for her to make in order to prove herself to Ali, Erica and Olivia, but they have not lied to her. Paras told Johnny to not necessarily assume that Maddy and Will are who she wants to work with game wise. Paras said Will did not respect what she had to say the last couple of weeks with regards to who should go home. Paras said the people she feels good about playing the game with are Johnny, Ali, Olivia, and Erica but she doesn’t know if Erica feels the same back. Johnny said he feels the same way. Paras said she likes Derek and Kaela but there hasn’t been a lot of game talk. She admitted that she hasn’t thought about taking them out since she doesn’t think that they have said her name and she knows that others will take them out. Erica and Johnny then spoke up in the HoH room. They said they are excited about what they formed with Ali and Olivia. Johnny brought up that there has never been a Final 2 with two gay people. Erica said that would be really cool. The two discussed that they are with each other above Ali and Olivia.

2:00-3:00 AM: Hamza told Erica he does not want Merron to go home. Erica said she doesn’t want to promise but Merron is not going home. Erica told Hamza to trust the process. Erica asked Hamza if he trusts her. He said yeah. Erica said they are good then. Hamza told Erica that she doesn’t know everything that is going on. Erica assured Hamza that she will not put Merron in a position that is not good for him. After Hamza left, Erica told Johnny she almost wanted to tell Hamza that she is using the veto but she wants the shock value. Erica said she has to take the shot cause Veronica will come after her if she keeps winning more competitions. Johnny let Erica know that Paras just named her, Ali and Olivia as people that she trusts. Erica said if they do Final 2, they need someone to take out Ali and Olivia. Both agreed that they would like to talk with Will. Johnny said he feels that Hamza would need to be cut before that. Erica agreed but said she is not going to take the shot at him.

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