Big Brother Canada 6 Day 24 - Erica uses the PoV on Maddy, nominates Veronica

March 26, 2018

3:00-4:00 PM: The veto ceremony took place. Erica used the Power of Veto on Maddy. Erica nominated Veronica as the replacement nominee. While feeds were down, the houseguests had all of their food taken away for breaking rules. They are all on slop. Johnny and Veronica were both crying on the couches. Veronica said the only way she is leaving is if people just do what Erica wants or what the house wants. Veronica said it sucks that she has to campaign against Merron. She said she will do it in a respectful way. Veronica listed off her potential votes as Maddy, Paras, Will and Johnny. She said she would then just need to convince Derek and Kaela to vote for her. Johnny said he doesn’t think that Derek and Kaela will keep her if they think that she is going after Erica. Veronica asked if she should wait until tomorrow to campaign. Johnny said yeah, so she can have a day to collect her thoughts. In the yard, Erica asked Veronica if they can talk later. Veronica said yeah. She said yeah. Erica told Veronica she doesn’t want it to seem like she has been faking everything and lying to her. Erica said she is sorry. Veronica said it’s fine, and asked that Erica still hear her out. Veronica argued that there are more benefits to keeping her. Veronica assured Erica that she was never on her radar. Veronica explained that just cause she put her up, it doesn’t mean that she is now on her radar. Veronica vowed to help fight for Erica. Erica admitted that she started to doubt whether or not she could trust Veronica. Veronica said she needs Erica to have a little faith and take a chance on her. Veronica mentioned that anyone who sits next to Merron will go home, where as keeping her around would give Erica someone to fight for her. In the bedroom, Maddy mentioned that Will is obviously keeping Veronica. Will said he doesn’t know for sure. He said he cannot go against the house. Maddy argued that there will never be another chance to get Veronica out. Will said Maddy is probably 100% going home next week if Veronica leaves this week. Will ultimately said that he will do what the majority wants. After Will left the room, Maddy said to the cameras that she cannot vote to keep Veronica.

4:00-5:00 PM: Veronica asked that Erica not let today be a deciding factor. Veronica pleaded with Erica to keep an open mind and give her the opportunity to explain why she is good for her game. Erica said she is willing to hear Veronica out but it can’t be today. Both girls cried throughout the conversation, so Erica wanted to wait until they got past that stage. She said she will sit down with Veronica to bring up every area that she is iffy about when it comes to her game. Veronica swore that she will be honest in what she says. In the living room, Hamza and Will discussed the vote. Hamza said he is willing to keep an open mind but he cannot see himself voting Merron out. Will asked about the Five’s Company alliance. Hamza asked if he really thinks that it’s a thing. Will said 100%. Hamza said that would change things and he would be down to keep Veronica if that’s the case. Hamza and Will then spoke to Derek. Will said he wants to know if they are still aligned, cause he wants to make sure that what they discussed was not just BS. Hamza said it would be tough to vote against Merron, but they will do this as a team if they are going to work together. Derek said he needs some time to digest things and get some good talks in. After Derek left the room, Hamza told Will that Derek and Kaela are not legit. Hamza said they are going to vote Veronica out. Will disagreed. Will thinks Derek and Kaela will keep her since they are big targets themselves. Hamza said they are putting Derek and Kaela up once they flip, then they can work with Erica and Merron instead.

5:00-6:00 PM: Up in the HoH room, Johnny asked Erica about what he should do if there is an effort being made to keep Veronica, and people ask for his vote in order to do so. Erica said she doesn’t see that happening. Erica later brought up telling Will that she wont hold him accountable for his vote, or try to convince him to vote a certain way. Erica said the same applies to Johnny. Erica talked about being willing to sit down with Veronica to hear her out. If the vote changes, Erica wants to be the one in control of that move. She admitted that she doesn’t see it happening. Erica said Veronica is so fickle with her word, so she doesn’t trust anything that comes out of her mouth. Erica plans to bring up the rogue vote to Veronica. If she denies it, Erica said then that’s that. Johnny mentioned that while Erica sees Derek and Kaela as an important piece, he sees people in the white room as important. Erica said Derek and Kaela are important shields since they will always be voted out over you. Johnny wants Maddy, Paras and Will to outlast Derek and Kaela. He talked about wanting to convince them to target Derek and Kaela if they win HoH. Ali joined them. Johnny asked when she wants Derek and Kaela to go. Ali said not for a while since they are the next big targets. Ali thinks that they need those two. Johnny said that’s as long as they are truly on their side. Both Ali and Erica believe that they are. Ali listed of Hamza, Merron, Ryan, Maddy, Paras and Will as people that Derek and Kaela are likely targeting before Johnny. Both Ali and Erica agreed that they would like to see either Derek or Kaela go before Hamza. Out by the hot tub, Will told Maddy and Paras that Veronica was done dirty. He argued that she deserves to be there, not go out like this. Paras said that if they are going to campaign for her to stay, they have to be careful not to list each other off as numbers. Maddy agreed. They want to ensure that people dont see them as a trio. Paras said Veronica has some solid points. She said Veronica is fired up, competitive, a number for them, and loyal to them. While Will believes that Derek and Kaela will keep Veronica, Maddy wants to sit down with them to hear their perspective before jumping to that conclusion. Once Maddy headed inside, Will told Veronica that he will do whatever he can to keep her there. Will encouraged Veronica to take the shot at Erica should she win HoH. Hamza then spoke to Veronica. He said he will be putting Derek and Kaela up next week if they vote Veronica out. He explained to Veronica that those two need to be on board in order for him to keep Veronica. Hamza said it pisses him off that people are asking what’s best for the house when they are in alliances that they should be protecting. In the bathroom, Veronica told Kaela she will have the votes as long as Five’s Company is on board. Kaela asked if she thinks Maddy and Paras will stay on her side. Veronica said 100%.

6:00-7:00 PM: In the HoH room, Paras asked Kaela what she thinks. Kaela said part of her thinks that Veronica will never be on the block again. Paras said she will be. She mentioned that Veronica might be good to use to talk shots at the other side. Paras warned Kaela that Ali and Olivia are just faking it with her. She added that Derek and Kaela are next for Ali, Erica, Johnny and Olivia. Kaela said Veronica told her that she would nominate Maddy or Paras next to Ryan if she wins HoH. Kaela asked if Maddy wants to keep Veronica. Paras said no one has said anything yet. Paras said they are playing Erica’s game right now. Kaela questioned if Erica actually has Johnny. Paras said she does, which is why he was crying since he knows that he will have to vote Veronica out. Kaela asked who Hamza is going after. Paras said probably not Erica, meaning that they need Veronica to take a shot at Erica since no one else will. Kaela said she is scared cause Veronica was so fake to Jesse last week, so she could be doing that to her too. Paras pointed out that Kaela isn’t the one who put Veronica up. Kaela said she doesn’t think she is going to make a decision today. Kaela wants to see how Veronica goes around campaigning, in case she promises the same thing to everyone. Paras said she wont trust Veronica either way, but she thinks keeping her would help take the target off of Derek and Kaela.

7:00-8:00 PM: Paras told Kaela to make sure that Derek is blinded and thinking that Erica is his best friend. She reminded Kaela that Erica was Jesse’s best friend prior to last week as well. Paras said she genuinely believed that Erica would nominate Derek or Kaela this week because Ali and Olivia has been gunning for them. Paras told Kaela that Ali and Olivia are the reason that Veronica is on the block. Kaela asked why she isn’t on the block then. Paras said Ali and Olivia were pissed off that Veronica messed with Olivia the day of the vote because she thought that she was too comfortable. Paras talked about making Veronica remain stressed out until the day of the vote, then let her promise them the world to stay. Kaela said it would take the heat off of them if they keep Veronica. In the white room, Veronica told Maddy she feels good about her, Paras and Will. She talked about Hamza hinting to her that he will keep her if things go her way. Veronica thinks her talks with Derek and Kaela went well, and those two will want to do what’s best for their own games. Veronica said it would be amazing to have Johnny on board as well. Veronica told Maddy she said to Erica that this doesn’t mean she will start a war. Maddy asked if she would honour that if she stayed. Veronica simply said that she will have nothing to lose if she stays. Veronica added that she will make big moves that are in favour of her and the people who have her back. Maddy said she is glad that Erica took her off of the block but Erica doesn’t have control over her vote just because she did that.

8:00-9:00 PM: Hamza told Merron that if he is going to get Derek and Kaela out, he has to play it off as though he is open to have Veronica stay. Hamza said he knows Derek and Kaela wont keep Veronica, so he has an excuse to go after them if they go against the alliance if he is pretending to want to keep Veronica. Hamza told Merron about the Five’s Company alliance. Hamza said he told them that Merron has to be included in it since they all have a person. Hamza said he is going to tell Erica about the alliance so she doesn’t just sleep this week. Hamza stressed that this week isn’t as easy at it looks. Will told Veronica that Derek feels good about keeping Veronica if they have the votes. Maddy asked Will what they are going to do if Veronica stays and they win HoH. Will said he will be making a big move if she goes, because he doesn’t want her to see her be done dirty like that. Will said Erica has complete power over the house right now. Maddy thinks it would be a risk for anyone to take a shot at her right now, because she has a hold on everyone but Veronica. Maddy said she thinks Veronica needs to stay to take a shot at Erica. Olivia told Johnny she knows for a fact that Veronica would come after her and Ali. Olivia said she gets that Johnny doesn’t want her out, but there are times when they are going to have to compromise unless it’s a detriment to that person’s game. Johnny said he gets what she is saying but evicted Veronica could be a detriment to his game. Olivia let Johnny know that she also is with him when it comes to not trusting Derek or Kaela. However, Olivia thinks that they can use those two for a couple more weeks before the time comes to take a shot at them. When Johnny circled back to wanting Merron out this week, he said the numbers are not there no matter what he wants. Ali and Olivia told Johnny that they will support him 100% if he chooses to vote Merron out since he was not in on the initial discussions about targeting Veronica. Meanwhile, Hamza told Erica he is going to gun for HoH to put the showmance up. Hamza told Erica about Five’s Company. He also said Johnny, Veronica and Will formed an alliance last week. Erica said she doesn’t believe it. Hamza told Erica to be prepared that things could flip. He promised that he isn’t lying about the alliances. Hamza said Erica needs two more votes since Ali, Olivia and himself are three of the five needed to force a tie.

9:00-10:00 PM: After her talk with Hamza, Erica told Ali, Johnny and Olivia about Five’s Company. She said they will take it with a grain of salt but it’s something to consider. Erica said Hamza also told her that Maddy and Paras are loyal to what Will wants. While Ali didn’t buy it, Johnny said that he believes it. Erica said they have to make sure that they get Maddy and Paras on board with evicting Veronica in case Derek and Kaela flip. Erica told Johnny she would prefer that he votes to keep Merron. Johnny brought up that they were just having a conversation about him voting which way he wants this week. In the HoH room, Merron told Will that some people feel it’s a given that Veronica is going home. Merron said he doesn’t feel that way at all. Merron told Will that some people think he is one of the ones that Veronica can lean on. Merron assured Will that he is good with him. He said Hamza and Erica are as well. Will told Merron he doesn’t want him to think that he is voting for Veronica 100%. Will said he will be straight up about his vote when he makes a decision, just like he was with Jesse. In the living room, Paras told Maddy that Derek and Kaela seem very open to the idea of keeping Veronica. Paras admitted that she has a couple of concerns about keeping her around. Maddy agreed but said they would be low on Veronica’s list of targets. She said that’s what they need to base their vote on. Paras said she heard something concerning that Veronica said. While she was interrupted before she could say it, Paras was talking about Kaela telling her that Veronica said she would use Maddy or Paras as a pawn. Paras then told Will about that. Paras said Veronica lies a lot. They both agreed that Veronica was the second vote last week. While Paras said she would like for Veronica to stay, she acknowledged that it’s hard to trust her. Will said he is in the same boat. Both agreed that the others will be targeting them if Veronica leaves. Will mentioned that he doesn’t know if he can trust Hamza that much anymore. They talked about Hamza running back to Erica and Merron with information. Paras said Veronica staying would give them someone to take a shot at Erica for them. Will said he plans to backdoor Erica if he wins HoH and the veto. Both expressed frustration with Maddy of believing that she got in Erica’s head to use the veto. Paras said it was planned from the start, and she even told Maddy on Friday that it could happen.

11:00-12:00 AM: Feeds returned after being down for over an hour. In the HoH room, Paras spoke to Erica about wanting to work with her, Ali, Johnny and Olivia. She said she has not yet got anything concrete back from them. Paras assured Erica that she would not be after her in the double. She also said she would not nominate Ali, Johnny or Olivia. Erica said she was talking to Johnny today about being obsessed with Paras. Paras mentioned that she is looking to verbally hear that they the four of them will not come after her until it gets to a point in which they have to. Paras said she doesn’t want to get dropped because she is viewed as just a number, or as a pawn. Erica said Paras is not asking too much. When Paras asked Erica who she is working with, Erica said she is close with Ali, Johnny and Olivia but they don’t have a set thing. When Paras brought Hamza up, Erica said they are buddies but their game moves don’t line up at all. Erica told Paras she is shocked that people are wanting to keep Veronica after they all told her numerous reasons to put her up. Paras said people probably want Veronica to do their dirty work by taking Erica out for them. Erica said they would have Ali, Olivia, and Paras as votes to evict Veronica. Erica said it would be brutal if they don’t have Derek and Kaela, and she isn’t sure if they would have Johnny. Paras said she would think that they would have Johnny. Paras brought up that five people can run the house and be so strong. She said maybe she is naive and the four already have a named alliance without her. Erica said she will go grab everybody. Erica told Olivia that Paras is wanting reassurance that they will have her back. Erica said they should give it to her.

12:00-1:00 AM: Paras, Ali, Erica and Olivia chatted about working together. Paras said she has been open with them and given them all time to get to know her before committing to something. She said she is at a stage where she would like some security. Ali said that bringing them all together is the first step since it shows that she is serious about working with them. Erica said they are not targeting Paras. Paras asked for reassurance that the girls will fight for her if she is on the block, if she picks them for houseguest’s choice, and vote for her to stay. The girls assured Paras that they have her back. Ali said Paras and Will are the only people from the white room that she would like to work with down the line. Ali said she would feel more comfortable deepening her bond with those two once Veronica is gone. Before the conversation ended, Ali and Erica brought up the Five’s Company alliance. Meanwhile, Veronica campaigned to the Five’s Company alliance. She questioned what the point of having an alliance is if you cannot rely on them when you are on the block. Veronica said she will fight to save them, and fight for the veto, when they are on the block at some point. Veronica told Derek and Kaela she thinks that she will have the votes if they are with her. She listed off Maddy, Paras, Will and Johnny as her possible votes. Veronica swore to God that she will have their backs until it gets down to the end and they have no choice but to target each other. Will said the pact that they made means something to him. Will later told Derek that Erica invited him for Wendy’s in order to plant the seed about Veronica leaving. Will said it was fully planned. Will said Derek and Kaela are going to be the targets if Erica’s side wins HoH next week. He kept stressing that they are going after pairs. Back in the HoH room, Olivia told Ali and Erica that Kaela said Paras was pitching for Veronica to stay, and she told Kaela that she doesn’t trust them. The girls began to wonder if Paras is playing them. Kaela spoke to Olivia again. She said Paras told her that Ali and Olivia are after the showmance. Olivia said Paras just begged them to be a part of their group. Kaela said Paras told her she is stupid if she doesn’t keep Veronica, and Veronica has been telling her that she has votes from Maddy, Paras, Will and Johnny 100% locked in. Kaela mentioned that Johnny must want Veronica to stay in order to go after his allies since he can’t take the shot at them himself. Olivia suggested that Kaela act as though she is on the fence in order to see what Paras says about the vote. Olivia thought that Paras might have felt that she wasn’t in with them but now she does.

1:00-2:00 AM: Kaela let Ali know that Paras was campaigning for Veronica. Kaela thinks Paras is too scared to take a shot at the red room but she thinks that Veronica will do it for her. Kaela told Ali that Paras was telling her that Ali and Olivia are after her, and she is blind if she doesn’t see it. Ali and Kaela agreed that they cannot keep Veronica. Kaela listed off the four sure votes that Veronica is claiming to have. Kaela thinks that Maddy can’t be trusted, plus Johnny has chosen his side with this move. Ali said she will wait to see on Johnny. Kaela said she is still on his side but she wants him to wake up and pick a side. Afterwards, Ali and Olivia discussed that they are freaked out about Paras. They also talked about working Johnny. Olivia said it bothers her that he is thinking so selfishly. Olivia then spoke to Erica. She said she doesn’t think the Five’s Company alliance is true. Erica thinks Derek and Kaela are just covering all of their bases. Ali came by a few minutes later. She too believes that Derek and Kaela are on board to evict Veronica. Johnny joined Ali and Erica. Ali said she needs to know where his head is at. Johnny said he thought that they had the votes locked in. When he heard that they do not, Johnny said this is so annoying since he would have advised against this. Johnny is frustrated that he has to put his cards on the table when this was not even his plan. Erica said it worries her that he might not vote Veronica out when she is coming after him. Johnny said he knows where his vote is going but it’s annoying. Johnny wants to be able to tell Veronica he isn’t keeping her because he found out about Five’s Company. Erica plans to ask Hamza if it can be exposed. In the bathroom, Paras told Derek and Kaela she found out some information tonight that is making her think that they shouldn’t keep Veronica. She mentioned that Veronica is making the same deals with everyone. Paras said she will fill them in tomorrow. Paras is also irritated that Veronica is saying that she has her vote when she told her not to say that cause her mind is not made up. Derek told Paras that Will is saying he has her and Maddy 100%. Paras denied it. Derek said they have to be split up since Will is campaigning for Veronica hard. Derek assured Paras that they have her back. Paras said she has Derek and Kaela 100% too. Paras brought up that Will was the deciding vote to send Jesse home, which she will not forget.

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