Big Brother Canada 6 Day 25

March 27, 2018

9:00-10:00 AM: Paras told Will she doesn’t like that Maddy is a total Ryan, asking for details on what she is talking about with people when she comes out of a room. Will said Maddy is trying to be someone that she is not. Will asked Paras if she talked to Derek and Kaela last night. Paras said the vote is still undecided. Will said Hamza sketches him out sometimes. He pointed out that Hamza is so close to Erica. Paras thinks that those two are working together for sure. Up in the HoH room, Erica told Johnny and Olivia that she has no desire to work with anyone if they are believing Veronica’s pitches. Erica said the week is turning into whether you are on Team Erica or Team Veronica, which is not how she wanted the week to play out. Johnny said the most important thing for him through this is to manage his relationship with Will. Erica said she doesn’t want to further sketch Johnny out about Derek and Kaela, but even she is sketched out with them at the moment. Erica figured it was in part due to not speaking with them yet.

10:00-11:00 AM: Erica and Ryan spoke in the HoH room. They discussed that Veronica is pitching to people that she will be a shield for them, though she cannot possibly be a shield for everyone. Erica said Veronica even pitched that to her. Merron then spoke to Erica. Erica said Ryan just spoke to her in order to let her know that he is keeping Merron no matter what he says to anyone. Erica said she believes that 100%, so they have Ali, Olivia, Ryan and Hamza. Erica said they only need one more, which they have 100%. Merron asked who it is. Erica said Johnny. Merron wasn’t so sure about that. Erica said Paras is also bordering on a yes. Erica advised Merron to ask people who they would rather be competing against out of Veronica and himself when he campaigns. Merron said he once believed that Derek and Kaela were the key to him staying, but he isn’t sure that that’s the case anymore. Erica agreed. Merron revealed that he is considering not even pitching to them anymore. While he said he has mentioned they will be his target, Merron and Erica discussed having him say his targets will depend on how the vote goes.

11:00-12:00 PM: Merron told Erica he doesn’t want Derek and Kaela to keep him. He said it would make it so much easier to target them. Once a fifth vote is locked in, Merron expects everyone to jump on board. Erica said she thinks that they already have five. Erica said her plan with Veronica is to say she is kind of regretting her decision since she thinks that she can work with her, but she is nervous that Veronica doesn’t have a solid alliance to bring her in on. Erica hopes that it will bait Veronica into exposing Five’s Company so that she can then use as leverage. Erica told Merron that Derek and Kaela pushed so hard for this move, yet she then found out that they are in an alliance with Veronica. Merron said that’s so messed up. Erica said Johnny is looking for justification to vote Veronica out, so getting the Five’s Company alliance out of her would be ideal. Kaela then spoke to Erica. She let Erica know that Paras was hardcore campaigning for Veronica yesterday, saying that Veronica will go after Erica and the girls on that side. Erica said she heard, and she is surprised that people are buying the BS from Veronica. Both girls agreed that Paras is smarter than she lets on. Erica admitted she doesn’t really know where Derek and Kaela’s heads are at since they could make use of a shield as big targets themselves. Kaela said she has chosen her side and her mind is not going to change. Kaela told Erica that she needs to worry about Maddy since she is leaning towards keeping Veronica right now. Kaela said Veronica is claiming to have four guaranteed votes in Maddy, Paras, Will and Johnny. Kaela said Johnny is playing the exact same game as Maddy and Ryan are, going with the house on everything. Erica said Veronica pitched to her that she has five solid in Derek, Kaela, Hamza, Will and herself. Kaela said that’s cool. Erica let Kaela know that she feels so solid with her that it’s almost scary. Kaela said she feels good with Ali and Olivia but Erica is way above them. Erica said there is no questions that she would keep Kaela over Derek if it came down to it.

12:00-1:00 PM: Erica told Maddy that she doesn’t want Merron to go home, and she doesn’t want to gamble with his life in this game, but this week is going to show her where she stands with everyone. Erica said she knows that Maddy is going to be in a tough position. Maddy said she will since Veronica campaigned for her but Erica use the veto on her. Maddy told Erica she doesn’t think that she will be on Veronica’s radar any time soon, but she has to consider that she would not to be on the block next to Veronica who is capable of saying anything and everything to save herself. Maddy said she doesn’t want to be looking Veronica in the eye and lying to her. Maddy said she doesn’t think that people are looking beyond Veronica’s campaign to think about what would happen if she stays. Erica told Maddy she trusts that what Maddy told her is legit, and she feels as though they are making strides. Maddy agreed. Erica said she didn’t know where Maddy’s head was at coming into the week, but now she is understanding her head space since they are thinking the same. The girls assured each other that they are not conspiring against each other. In the red room, Ali reassured Will that they have his back. Ali said they have to take out a couple of flip floppers before they go after Derek and Kaela, otherwise whoever remains out of Derek and Kaela will be able to rally the flip floppers. Ali said she would love for Hamza to take a shot at Derek and Kaela, or she would love to be the one taking the shot herself. Ali said she feels good with Will, Paras, Erica, Johnny and Olivia. She added that the only people who are question marks to her are Maddy, Merron, Ryan and Hamza. Ali pointed out that the two of them, Erica, Johnny, Olivia and Paras would be the majority of the house. Will said he feels good with those people. Will then spoke to Erica. She said Ali, Olivia, Johnny, Derek, Kaela, Maddy, Paras and Hamza wont put him up, meaning that he is in the best spot in the house. Will said he wants to have numbers and know that people will fight in the veto comp for him if he is on the block. Erica said she wont hold it against Will if he doesn’t vote Veronica out, but the people who vote in the other direction are going to be screwed if it’s something like a 6-4 spilt. Will asked Erica if she can see herself working with him if Veronica leaves. Erica said yes. She said she just had that conversation with a number of people. Erica asked if Will would feel better if she can guarantee him safety in the double. Will said 100%.

1:00-2:00 PM: Ali, Erica and Will assured each other that they have each other’s backs in the double eviction. They discussed working together as a six with Johnny, Olivia and Paras. Will talked about being willing to send Veronica out the door to show his loyalty to the group. Will pinky swore with Erica that he will make it happen to send Veronica home. He said he wants to go far with her in this game. Will said they can battle it out in the Final 3 or 4. Later, Will let Johnny know that he had a really good chat with Ali and Erica. Johnny said his dreams are coming together. Will said the girls want to have a chat tonight, and bring a few others into the room. Will listed off the two of them, Ali, Erica, Olivia and Paras. Will said he is going to send Veronica home. Johnny said he hates himself for doing the same thing. Will said it’s best for his game. Will asked if she should tell Erica about Five’s Company. Johnny said Will should because he thinks that Hamza may have told her already. Johnny told Will not to tell Erica that he knew about the alliance. Will said the two of them and Erica can go to the Final 3, as those are the two people that he feels most comfortable with. Will said he wants to get the lie out of Veronica that she voted to evict Olivia before he votes her out. The two agreed that their decision is strictly game since they like Veronica on a personal level. Johnny encouraged Will to get in good with Olivia. Will said he might try to be a bit flirty with her. Will then spoke to Merron, letting him know that he feels better about keeping him over Veronica. Will said his mind is not made up 100% but he knows that they will both have his back, and he will remain associated with Veronica if she stays. Will said he might be able to sway some other votes as well. Merron said he thinks it could end up being unanimous once people find out which way Will is voting. Will said he feels bad if it Veronica doesn’t get a vote. Merron said if it’s clear that he is staying, he wont mind if Will gives Veronica a vote. In the living room, Paras told Maddy that Veronica is such an idiot. Paras said they could have saved her if she had stayed true to what she promised them. Maddy said she doesn’t think that they should keep Veronica. Paras agreed. Maddy told Paras that they aren’t on Erica’s radar. Paras said Veronica promised everybody the world even though she told her not to do that. Paras mentioned that Veronica is even making promises to Erica, and she is of no use to her if she is not targeting Erica. Maddy agreed. The girls discussed that Will is going to need them even more than before if Veronica is gone.

2:00-3:00 PM: Will asked Veronica about being the rogue vote. She denied it and said it’s fair to ask but she doesn’t get why people haven’t asked Kaela as much as they have asked her. Hamza joined them. He said he is tired of fake people. Veronica said she wishes that people would be straight up. Hamza said they will continue to be fake. He advised Veronica to call a house meeting to call everyone out. Will said to do it. Hamza told Veronica that it would be epic. Veronica asked how she should call them out. Will said to let everyone know that she was not the rogue vote. He said that being genuine goes a long way. Hamza said to go off on everyone cause they are telling her what she wants to hear. Veronica said she has no problem with calling a house meeting. Hamza said the reason why Ika got called back after leaving week four is because she called everyone out. Veronica said it’s a good idea since she can do it without throwing names under the bus. Hamza told Veronica to say the line “we are all adults in this house. Vote the way that you want”. Veronica said it’s a good idea and she is pumped up.

3:00-4:00 PM: Veronica gathered the houseguests in the living room. She said she didn’t want to have to do this but she has nothing to lose. Veronica said she is pretty angry right now, and she might cry cause she is really upset. Veronica said a lot of people are being fake to her and telling her what she wants to hear. Veronica said she knows that people are in a room with her telling her one thing, then going in another room to tell people something else. Veronica said people have her back that they don’t even suspect have her back. She told them told draw the line in the sand rather than worry about going along with what the house wants. Veronica said Erica is the type of HoH who wants people to do what they want to do. Veronica admitted to making mistakes last week, so she said she will walk them through what happened. Veronica said she and Hamza decided that Olivia and Jesse were going on the block, and Olivia was going home. Veronica said she then told Jesse for three days that he was safe because she felt that he was. Veronica explained that she then spoke more game with Hamza and they realized that they wanted Olivia to stay. Veronica admitted to stirring things up by telling Olivia that she was not safe at one point, as that was what Hamza wanted to do. Veronica said Jesse gave them a great pitch by saying he would target the showmance. Veronica said everyone in the house was flip flopping last week, so they should not base their trust in her off of her first week of really playing the game and having a vote. Veronica told the group it’s unfair for them to ask her who she would put on the block. She said she didn’t know but she would sit down with the people who have her back to discuss it. Veronica then went on about the vote last week. She questioned who they are to say that she 100% voted to evict Olivia. Veronica said it could be any one of them. Veronica stressed that people should talk to her if they have concerns. Veronica mentioned people saying that she is promising to be a shield for everyone. Veronica said she told them to use her as a shield, but she didn’t promise anything to anyone because she is not in a position to do so. Veronica told the houseguests that they are scared. Veronica said to evict her if they think that she is a threat, but don’t evict her because of some rogue vote that doesn’t even matter. Veronica said she will not spend her last two days begging for votes when they already have their minds made up. She said a few people have promised her that they will have her back, so they are shady and are liars if they don’t truly have her back. Paras threw her two cents in, saying she doesn’t want to tell Veronica she 100% has her back when there is still time for things to change. She said Veronica admitted she didn’t want to do that to anyone again after doing that to Jesse last week. Veronica said she appreciates that if people are acting this way for that reason. She encouraged them to go into the diary room and pick a side through their vote. Veronica said she wants people to talk about her, reflect, and possibly see the benefits of keeping her in the game. Veronica then ended the meeting, going off to the bedroom alone. Erica said she doesn’t have an issue with people voting the way that they want to vote. She explained that what she has issue with is them lying about which way they are going to vote. Erica said she appreciates a person that can stand up for what they believe in. Erica said that all of Veronica’s points were valid so she has got nothing to say. Afterwards, Will told Ali, Olivia and Paras about the Five’s Company alliance. Will assured them that the alliance is not actually a thing. He said they cannot have secrets anymore if they are going to work together moving forward. Will explained that he is showing his loyalty to them by sending Veronica home. Ali and Olivia assured Will that they have his back going forward.

4:00-5:00 PM: Paras told Veronica she can’t throw her a vote if she has no other votes, but she will keep trying to get her to stay. Veronica said she wont be able to rally anyone if no one is telling each other the truth. Paras said if Veronica promises everybody everything, her words starts to not mean as much. Paras told Veronica that promising Erica stuff can’t be the truth. Veronica said she knows that people in the house like Erica, so she means it when she says she wont go after Erica for next week. Veronica said she would choose Will, Maddy and Paras over Ali, Erica and Olivia. Veronica explained that people have been twisting her words. Paras said Veronica is 100% better for her game than Merron is, but it would be stupid to throw her game away if the votes aren’t there. Veronica said she gets that. Paras said she has campaigned to Derek, Kaela and Johnny for her since she wants her in the house. Veronica said Johnny has even voiced to Erica that he wants her to stay this week. As for Derek and Kaela, Veronica said they told her today that they will vote for her if she has the votes to stay. Paras said that if they decide to keep her, she has to take a shot at Erica since they would be going against Erica by keeping her. Veronica said it is going to happen but she doesn’t want to go around telling everybody that it is going to happen. Veronica called Erica the best all around player in the house. Paras said they can take out Erica’s two soldiers if they take her out. Veronica said she would do to Erica exactly what Erica did to her. After Veronica left, Paras said to the cameras that she doesn’t know what to do. She said she can be at the bottom of the alliance with Ali, Erica and Olivia, or she can take a shot at Erica by keeping Veronica. In the white room, Paras explained to the cameras that she wanted to keep Veronica but then Erica offered her something good by offering her a spot in the six. Paras said shots will be fired if the line is drawn by keeping Veronica. She talked about loving a split house as a viewer, but she doesn’t know if it’s the right call to be taking shots just prior to a double. Paras worried that Veronica would beat her in a physical veto comp in the double eviction if they are nominated next to each other, but she doesn’t want to keep giving numbers to Erica. Paras said she is so fired up and this is the Big Brother that she signed up for. Paras thinks she gets to make the call on who stays and who goes this week.

5:00-6:00 PM: Paras told Derek and Kaela she knows that Ali and Olivia are still targeting them. She said she hears it all the time. Derek questioned how recently and if it means anything. Paras said she is just trying to have their backs since she made a promise to tell them if their names came up. Paras clarified that she is not trying to stir anything up. Kaela said they know. Derek said he trusts Paras 1000%. Paras said her loyalty is to them at the end of the day.

6:00-7:00 PM: Paras told Derek and Kaela that if Ali and Olivia are coming for them, it might not be a bad idea to keep Veronica since she is a bigger target. However, Paras said she can’t trust anything that comes out of Veronica’s mouth. Kaela said she wants to keep Veronica for that reason, but she doesn’t know if Veronica is lying to her. Derek said he is not threatened by Ali and Olivia wanting them out. Paras said they should vote Veronica out then. Derek said they have all day tomorrow to decide. He said he wants to talk to the nominees again. Derek told Paras they will not let her go into the vote without knowing which way they are voting. Paras said by default she will be voting Veronica out at this point. Derek and Kaela said it’s scary that Veronica could come after them if she stays, whereas Merron is someone who is much more unlikely to win a competition. Derek said he has many reasons to not trust Veronica but few to not trust Merron. After Paras left, Kaela commented to Derek that what bothers her about Paras is that she throws Maddy and Will under the bus all the time, and those two are supposed to be her top allies outside of them. Kaela thinks Paras is trying to cover her own butt so that she is in the middle. In the yard, Erica told Hamza she pretended that she didn’t know about Five’s Company when Will brought it up to her. Hamza said he told Will he should go tell her about it so that she would trust him.

7:00-8:00 PM: Johnny told Paras he is excited about working together with the people that he likes the most. Paras said she realized that they didn’t offer them anything until Erica worried that some backlash could be coming. Johnny said it’s just like he was told that he could have his own independent vote, then now they need it. Despite that, they said they are excited to work together. They agreed to keep Maddy close even though she is on the outside of the six. Johnny and Paras said they feel as though Veronica wouldn’t come after them for a very long time. Paras said it feels like she is making a bit of a dumb move for that reason. Their talk was then interrupted. Paras then told Maddy that they don’t really have to finish their conversation since she talked to Johnny and he wants to vote Veronica out. While Paras thinks that Derek and Kaela can be convinced, she isn’t sure that she wants to go out of her way for Veronica. Maddy said she doesn’t want to go out of her way for Veronica.

8:00-9:00 PM: Veronica campaigned to Derek and Kaela. She said the position that Hamza is in sucks but it shouldn’t matter given that they have Five’s Company. Veronica reminded the showmance that she and Will overheard Olivia saying she wants to target them. Veronica asked if they would be comfortable with joining some people in a room to say that they are voting to keep her. Kaela said she doesn’t think the conversation will go as Veronica expects. Kaela suggested that nobody will say anything just like they wouldn’t when Jesse did the same thing. Veronica said she would like to work with the bigger threats in the house, and there is no benefit to keep Merron when he is just a vote for Hamza. Meanwhile in the HoH room, Ali asked Johnny and Will about the plan for the double. Johnny said he is tempted to nominate Derek and Kaela. Ali said it’s too soon. She pushed for one of the flip floppers to go first so that Derek and Kaela don’t have numbers. Johnny said he believes they can convince the next HoH to knock out the remaining member of the showmance if they take one out. Ali still suggested that a floater should go first. Back in the red room, Veronica told Derek and Kaela that she let Hamza think for her last week when she evicted Jesse. She said Hamza then tried to get her to call them out during the meeting today. Veronica said she doesn’t think that she will be working with Hamza anymore if she stays in the game. Veronica assured Derek and Kaela that they are not her targets. After Veronica left, Kaela told Derek that Hamza is a rat. Derek said he is covering his own butt, and it doesn’t make him trust him any less. Kaela said she can’t believe that Veronica told Erica about their alliance. Kaela talked about not wanting to tell Paras which way they are voting. She expects that Paras will vote whichever way they do, which wont allow them to find out who they can trust. Kaela mentioned that they will solidify trust with Ali, Erica and Olivia by picking a side in this vote. As for the other side, they figured that they could explain their vote by saying that Veronica threw their names out there.

11:00-12:00 AM: Paras told Johnny she wishes that people would be straight up. Paras mentioned she told Veronica that things are not looking good. She said she doesn’t want Veronica to think she is staying when she is not. Paras then asked if they are 100% not keeping her. Johnny said he thinks so. Will then came outside. Johnny asked him when he is going to talk to Veronica. Will said he will tell her tomorrow night. Will explained that he would love to give Veronica a vote because it is going to crush her if he doesn’t, but he is worried that people will lose trust in him if he does that. Johnny said they can maybe discuss that tomorrow. Johnny told Will it’s important that they push for Maddy to stay. He pointed out that Maddy would be a jury vote for them. Will agreed that they should push for Maddy to stay. Up in the HoH room, Ali told Erica and Olivia that while they now have the six person alliance, it’s the four of them above the six. She said they had to scoop up Paras and Will before someone else did. The girls then talked about it being too soon to go after Derek and Kaela. In the red room, Paras told Johnny she feels so bad for Veronica. She admitted that she is still going back and forth in her head. Johnny said he is doing the same but he thinks that they are in too deep at this point. Johnny told Paras the same thing that he told Will with regards to keeping Maddy in the game to be a jury vote for them if they are up against Ali, Erica or Olivia.

12:00-1:00 AM: Veronica spoke to Johnny about potentially getting her voters in a room to discuss the plan. Johnny said he doesn’t think that it will work, and it’s likely that it will turn into them saying they are sorry that they cannot keep her. Veronica said that’s fine since she would then know. Johnny said he doesn’t think that people are being straightforward with Veronica. Veronica agreed, saying that’s why she held the house meeting today. Veronica doesn’t think that they will continue to lie if she brings everyone into a room. Later, Veronica spoke to Paras about bringing people into a room. Paras said she doesn’t think that Derek and Kaela are voting to keep her. Paras said she thought they might be on board yesterday, but now they will not give her a straight answer since they don’t want their names being mentioned as votes. Paras explained that her gut is telling her she needs to keep Veronica, but she doesn’t think it’s smart to draw a line in the sand right before the double. Paras said she has gone back and forth on the decision four times today. Paras reiterated that she doesn’t believe Derek and Kaela will keep Veronica, but she knows she will regret it if she doesn’t keep her. Veronica asked that Paras join those two, Johnny, Maddy and Will in a room to discuss the vote. Paras said they can do that tomorrow night.

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