Big Brother Canada 6 Day 32

April 3, 2018

10:00-11:00 AM: Paras told Will that she is thinking about jury votes, and it may not be smart to take the shot at Daela considering that they have two votes. Will said that’s why everyone keeps saying that they will throw HoH to him. Paras said that Maddy is a bit delusional. She brought up Maddy thinking that the veto was used on her because of her talks with Erica. Paras said it had to do with Veronica being thrown under the bus. Paras pointed out that she told Maddy the night that she got nominated that the veto would be used on her. This week, Paras thinks she was the one who talked Erica out of putting Maddy up. Paras said Maddy is a shield for them, but she is so cocky and arrogant in the game. Paras and Will discussed that so many people want Maddy out but they are the ones who have put in the work to keep her safe.

11:00-12:00 PM: Kaela told Derek she would probably want to try to get rid of people she couldn’t beat in comps during the triple eviction. She listed off Johnny, Erica and Ali as potential targets for the triple. Derek said that as long as one of Ali and Olivia are gone, they are broken up and will be looking for someone else. He added that you don’t need to get rid of both of them. Derek said he really hopes that Merron does his campaigning in the next day or two. Derek thinks that Merron should go throw Ryan’s name under the bus. Kaela agreed. Kaela said Merron is pretty sure that Ryan made up that he is going after Erica, cause Merron hasn’t ever put that out there.

2:00-3:00 PM: Kaela told Erica that Merron isn’t going to win any competitions. She said Ryan has the ability to convince people. Kaela brought up Merron saying to her that he believes Ryan started the rumour that he is going after Erica. Erica said she heard it from Will. Kaela said Ryan has been telling her that he is going after Ali and Olivia. Kaela told Erica that Ryan is so good if he is capable of convincing everyone to keep him. Erica pointed out that there will be bigger fish to fry next week, meaning that Ryan will coast along. Erica said she sees pros and cons to both options. Kaela said Ryan will end up making it to the Final 3 and then win the game. Erica suggested that people in the white room would nominate Ryan if he stays. Kaela said whoever goes up next to him would end up leaving, and it would be one of them. Ali, Erica, Kaela and Olivia then met in the HoH room to weigh out their options. Erica said she doesn’t think Ryan is coming after her. She said she doesn’t know where Merron’s head is at but she doesn’t think that he will win anything. Erica said keeping Ryan is not bad for her game but it might be detrimental for the others. Ali said Merron would be easy to get out at any point, but Ryan wont go down without a fight. Erica worried about Ryan threatening to be a bitter juror. Ali said he is going to vote for the best player if he is as big of a fan as he thinks he is. She also said that Ryan would be mad at everyone if it’s a unanimous vote. Kaela said she wants to evict Ryan. Ali agreed. Olivia said she sees benefits to both sides. Ali said Ryan should go from a purely strategic point of view. Ali said she will keep Ryan next week if he stays this week, because she has to deal with Maddy next. When the conversation wrapped up, the girls agreed to evict Ryan.

3:00-4:00 PM: Olivia told Johnny that she was talking to Ali, Erica and Kaela, and they were thinking of getting Ryan out now. Johnny asked if she is kidding. Olivia said she is indifferent. Johnny said Ryan is a target for Daela, Ryan would put up Daela, Merron is aligned with Daela, and Merron will never go home when he is on the block. Johnny didn’t understand why the wouldn’t get Merron out now that they have the chance. He thinks that Ali is persuading people. Olivia said she thinks that Merron is coming after her. Johnny said he is after Erica as well. Olivia mentioned that the two of them and Erica should talk without Ali. Johnny agreed, adding that Ali will always push her own agenda. Olivia said that even if Ryan comes after them, Ali would go over her. Olivia let Johnny know that Ali, Erica and Kaela were talking about getting Maddy out next. Olivia said Erica is listening to other people after originally wanting Merron to go. Olivia doesn’t understand why Ali wants Ryan to go when that’s what Daela wants. Olivia said she thinks that Merron should go. Johnny asked if she can commit to that and stick with it. Olivia said she thinks that she can. In the bathroom, Ali and Paras disagreed over who should go. While Paras said that Merron needs to go because he is with Derek and Kaela, Ali insisted that he is not actually with those two. Paras said Ali is underestimating Kaela. Paras said they should want to keep Ryan to take a shot at Daela. Ali said she doesn’t think that Ryan will take that shot before he comes after her and Olivia. Paras said Ali is wrong. Paras said she thinks that she is being played, and they are working with Daela. Paras straight up asked if Ali is working with them. Ali said no. Ali explained that she and Olivia will become the targets if Derek and Kaela leave. Ali said she will have no problem taking the shot at those two herself, though she doesn’t want to do it just yet. Paras said Ali is wrong if she thinks that Kaela would not take a shot at her this week. Ali said she wont. Paras then tried arguing that Ryan will go after Daela because he thinks that those two are the ones blindsiding him. Meanwhile, Olivia told Erica she doesn’t know if getting Ryan out is best for Erica’s game. She said Ali is pushing her agenda really hard. Erica agreed. Olivia reminded Erica that Merron is after the two of them. Olivia said Johnny, Maddy and herself all want Merron out. Erica said Daela will go after Ryan if he stays, so that provides a buffer for them. She also said that it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if Ryan were to win HoH.

4:00-5:00 PM: Merron asked Will to talk. He said he thinks that Erica is worried about him coming after her. Merron said he is not confirming whether or not that is true. Merron assured Will that he is not working with Derek and Kaela. He asked Will to tell Erica that he doesn’t think Merron is after her if she brings up that he could be gunning for her. While playing pool, Ryan told Paras he saw Ali saying to Olivia that “I dont trust that b”. Ryan said she didn’t censor it though. He said he thinks that it was about Paras. Ryan told Paras to keep it cool. Paras said she wants to figure out if it was about her or Maddy. Ryan said it was one of the two of them.

5:00-6:00 PM: Ryan went to Maddy to say he heard Ali telling Olivia “I don’t trust that b*tch”. Ryan said it could have been about her or about Paras, but it was one of the two. He said he thinks that it was Paras. Paras went to the bedroom to speak to Ali and Olivia. She asked who the comment was made about. Paras said Ryan overhead them saying that. Ali denied having said it. Paras said Ryan must be making stuff up then. Paras looked for reassurance that they are solid. Ali said she can’t with this anymore, and she does not believe that she said what Ryan is accusing her of. Paras said their decision has been made for them now, as they should vote out the person who is starting all of this. Paras thinks that Ryan is trying to get her vote by saying that Ali and Olivia are against her. Meanwhile, Will asked Erica if she wants Merron to go. Erica said they don’t have a choice once Will told her that Merron is after her. Will said Merron is almost positive that he has Derek and Kaela’s votes. He also revealed that Merron asked him to say that he doesn’t think Merron is going after Erica. Back in the red room, Johnny got filled in on what Ryan said. Ali said Ryan is trying to sewer them even though he had a nice chat with them. Paras said it’s clear as day. Paras and Johnny then spoke alone. When Paras said that Ryan is obviously lying, Johnny questioned if it is actually obvious. Paras said she doesn’t know. Johnny said Ryan shouldn’t necessarily be the one to go even if he is lying. Paras said she is afraid to work with Ali and Olivia if that’s what they think of her. Johnny assured Paras that they don’t feel that way about her. Johnny reiterated that it’s best for them to keep Ryan. Johnny and Paras agreed that Ali and Olivia must have something with Derek and Kaela. Ali joined them. She said she told Erica and Will about what’s going on. Paras was upset that Ali started spreading what she said. Ali said she is going to call Ryan out. Paras was not on board with that, feeling that it accomplishes nothing and blows up her game. Ali said it would expose Ryan and seal his fate. Johnny agreed with Paras that calling out Ryan is not something that needs to take place. Erica, Maddy and Will joined the discussion. Erica said she was only fine with keeping Ryan if his words are impacting anyone, but they seem to be. Ali said Paras was upset when she approached her. Paras said she wouldn’t have came to Ali about it if she had any doubts about her. Ali said she will be voting to evict Ryan since he keeps dragging her name through the mud. Erica said it’s going to be exhausting if keeping Ryan means that this will continue to happen. Paras said it didn’t have to happen, but Ali got other people involved. Ali said it’s not that she doubts Paras, but she doesn’t want Ryan saying things about her to others. Erica and Maddy said that that’s a valid concern. Paras eventually gave Ali her blessing to call Ryan out if she feels that she must. They discussed doing so in a way where it is just asking a question. Erica said that if they are going to call Ryan out, he had better go this week. She explained that Ali could be making herself a target if not. Ali said it’s baffling that anyone would want to keep Ryan after all of this. Ryan was eventually brought into the room. Ali asked what he heard. When Ryan said Ali said “I don’t trust that b*tch”, Ali asked who she said that about. Ryan said somebody. Ali guaranteed that those words did not come out other mouth. Ali said that even if she did say, how does Ryan know what she is talking about. He said he knows that she has tried to get him out in the past 24 hours. Ali said Ryan is using this in attempt to sewer her game. Ali swore on her mother’s life that she did not say those words. Johnny said it’s possible that Ryan just misheard it. Ryan said he will apologize if so, but he believes what he heard. Ali said she was leaning towards keeping Ryan after their conversation, but he can now forget it after this. She said that she cannot keep someone who is going to throw her under the bus over something that isn’t even concrete. After the group split up, Paras told Ryan it’s concerning to her that Ali would swear on her mother. She said she wants Ryan in the house but it’s messed up if he is going to lie about that. Ryan swore on his son that he believes what he heard. Ryan said that Paras, Johnny, Maddy and Will can send him home if they don’t believe him. Ryan told Paras that he let her know what was said for her own good, not for her to go call Ali out. Paras asked Ryan to look her in the eye and say that he heard it. Ryan did so. Paras said they can turn this around then.

6:00-7:00 PM: Paras said she doesn’t think that the Ryan thing had to be made into such a big deal. Erica pointed out that it’s not Paras’ name getting dragged through the mud. Ali said Paras told her that she would have her back if she called Ryan out. Paras said she was only supposed to ask a question. Ali admitted that her emotions got the best of her. Ali told Paras that she has her back and did not call Ryan out to screw her over. Ali explained that it had to be done since Ryan has been doing this to her consistently since week two when he turned her and Daela against each other. Ali assured Paras that this will not happen in the future when she brings information to her. Paras said she doesn’t think that what Ryan did is malicious. She mentioned that they should reconsider things. Ali said she can’t now that she blew up at Ryan. Paras attempted to convince Ali that Ryan is going after Derek and Kaela, especially if they leave those two on the wrong side of the vote. Elsewhere, Johnny told Will that Ryan has to stay for their games. He worried that it is not possible anymore after what happened. Johnny said he would almost guarantee that Ali made this strategic play in order to make it seem like they are going against her if they keep Ryan in the house. Maddy then spoke to Will about Paras responding emotionally by going to Ali like she did. Maddy said Ryan needs to go soon but not yet. Maddy talked about how she and Johnny cannot go against what Erica wants to do, so she is frustrated since Ryan was good up until now. Maddy said Ali is manipulating people by making them scared to go against her in this vote. Afterwards, Will told Paras what Maddy said about her being emotional. Paras was not happy to hear that. Paras said Maddy thinks that she runs the house but she is actually on everybody’s radar and doesn’t run anything. Paras then spoke to Maddy. She pointed out that Maddy did the same thing that she did. Maddy said she wasn’t saying that Paras being emotional is a bad thing. Paras said Johnny and Maddy will not be screwed, since the vote is still going to go the same way but they will now have Ali and Olivia on board. Paras said Daela will be the ones on the outs. Paras then spoke to Ali once again, telling her that Ryan will go after Daela. Ali said there is no squashing things between her and Ryan. Paras said they can leave him around for another week, then take him out after he takes the shot at Daela. Ali said she doesn’t get why Paras feels the need to keep him to take that shot when so many others can take it. Paras said Merron is a number for Daela. Ali also believes that leaving Daela in the dark about the vote will only lead to them coming after her even sooner than they otherwise would have. Paras argued that Derek and Kaela would be mad at everyone. Paras said Ali can claim that she was strong armed into keeping Ryan on the day of the vote. Ali later said she feels as though she has dug her own grave. Paras said they can vote Ryan out if that’s how she feels.

7:00-8:00 PM: In the HoH room, Ryan let Erica and Olivia know that people were warning him that Ali was looking to blindside him this week. Olivia and Erica said that that’s not true. Ryan mentioned that he might be able to get Derek and Kaela to keep him after all of this, since they will view him as a shield. Olivia pointed out that Ryan told her and Ali that they are good with him, and yet he is now implying that his targets may be voting for him. Ryan said everyone has been telling him that they are lying, and the only way to find out is through the votes on Thursday. Once Ryan left, Olivia told Erica that this is the worst case scenario. Olivia said she wants Merron to go. Erica agreed. They are concerned that it will look bad to Ali if they make that move. Erica told Olivia that Ali is sewering her game. Olivia said it may not be bad to separate herself from Ali, so it’s on Ali if Ryan stays and goes after her for this. Erica agreed that it wouldn’t be bad for Olivia’s game at all. Paras joined the girls. They all agreed that they want Merron to go. Paras said she doesn’t want Ali to feel that she doesn’t have her back. Olivia said the longevity of most of their games depends on Merron leaving. Erica thinks that Ali sees that. After Olivia left, Erica told Paras that Ali’s reaction was sketchy. Paras said it scared her that Ryan was able to keep his cool while Ali was raising her voice. Erica said that Ali’s reaction was similar to Veronica’s after the rogue vote incident. Erica and Paras agreed that Ali would be the one in the six to target Erica.

8:00-9:00 PM: Paras spoke to Derek and Kaela about how it may be best to keep Ryan now. She explained that Ali blew up on Ryan so much so that he will have no choice but to target her if he stays. Derek said he wants to hear out both of the nominees. Kaela said what bothers her is that Merron doesn’t fight for himself. Paras said she will fill the showmance in on what everyone is saying so that they don’t end up on the wrong side of the vote. Kaela brought up that it would be nice to have Ryan there to put up during the triple eviction. After Derek and Kaela left, Paras spoke to the cameras about how she needs to be careful. She said she made a mistake but she is going to make sure that it works out in her favour. Paras said that Ali may need to go. Paras talked about wanting to throw competitions for a couple more weeks. She mentioned the triple eviction as the time that she wants to win an HoH. Paras said she is still going to keep Ryan this week since it was her fault that things messed up today.

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