Big Brother Canada 6 Day 40

April 11, 2018

9:00-10:00 AM: Johnny told Ali and Olivia that playing it safe is not going to happen anymore. Erica said it shouldn’t. Erica asked if Paras would take a shot their way as opposed to targeting Daela. Johnny said she is the biggest question mark. Ali said she feels close to Paras but thinks that Paras is the same way with everybody. Erica said Paras has done a good job of making everybody feel that she trusts them, and therefore they don’t want to break that trust. Erica said that they are not screwed by having Kaela around, like Ryan is suggesting, but their lives would be a lot easier if she weren’t there. Ali agreed. Ali brought up that Paras doesn’t seem to believe in the six, and she is saying that it’s solid just because she needs to in attempt to stay safe. The group continued to discuss Paras. Olivia said Paras is quiet when she is comfortable, and she blabs to everyone once something goes wrong. As for Maddy, Erica said she runs to power like nobody she has ever seen. Erica mentioned that target Daela before the triple needs to be done, but it’s not good from a jury management standpoint. Johnny said Daela would do it to them in a heartbeat. Erica agreed. Johnny told Ali and Olivia that their best bet for the triple is to have Daela out of the picture before the triple. Erica said it makes no sense to keep them around. Johnny said they can put Maddy up next to the remaining member of Daela if they get one out next.

10:00-11:00 AM: Erica mentioned that people saying Ryan should have went last week aren’t understanding that he isn’t after them. Johnny said Ryan throwing everyone under the bus to start the week has ended his game. Erica pointed out that one of them would have been backdoored if not for Ryan being in the game. Erica said he has served his purpose as a shield, so now he can go. Ali said Ryan is still going, but it was just a week later than they had originally planned for. Once Erica and Johnny were alone, Johnny asked Erica how she would feel about establishing something between the two of them and Will. Erica said Will mentioned that to her yesterday. Erica said it’s an excellent idea. Johnny agreed.

11:00-12:00 PM: Maddy asked if Will has been campaigning at all. Paras said no. Derek said Will should at least be checking in with people. Paras said she hopes that they are all on the same page. Derek said they totally are, but Will should do his due diligence since he is sure that Ryan is going around talking to people. Meanwhile, Ryan spoke to Johnny. Ryan told Johnny to ask himself what he thinks that Will brings to the table that he doesn’t. Ryan said Will pledged his loyalty to him on Day 2, so he should think about whether or not Will has been loyal to him of late if he is counting on loyalty from him. Ryan said he is expecting to go home, so tomorrow he will be having a pre-jury management conversation with everybody. Ryan said that will do a lot towards determining who he will vote for at the end. Johnny said Ryan has to realize that people may not want to give up all of their information when he is still in the house. Ryan said he will only have the meeting if he knows that he is going, which he will be. Ryan listed off Johnny, Maddy, Paras and Derek as four people who will not be voting for him. Johnny said it seems to be heading that way. Johnny said he wishes he had used the veto on Will, and both Ryan and Will could be safe this week. Ryan again brought up his pitching to work as a five with Ali, Olivia, Erica and Johnny. He mentioned that they are strong and have the majority of the competitions. Ryan brought up that Will said he had his back all along, yet he immediately gave out information to Ali the first time that he trusted Will with information. Ryan said that’s the first thing that led to Ali not trusting him.

12:00-1:00 PM: Ali told Derek and Kaela she knows that going after them is not what needs to be dons, so it’s just strategy if she goes along with it. Ali said Johnny talks about taking the shot at Daela every morning. Ali said she knows that Johnny is a bigger threat and he would turn on her much sooner than the showmance would. Ali said it will be fair game to go after each other once they go down to four. Kaela said she probably wouldn’t even take Ali out at that point since she hasn’t won anything. Ali stressed that she knows what move needs to be made next week, and she is going to do it. Kaela said Johnny is really pushing for them to take the shot at each other next week. Kaela asked if they should tell Johnny that they are targeting Ali and Olivia. Ali said she is still expressing hesitance but she is saying that it’s a move to consider. Derek said he will tell Johnny that he is thinking about it. In the red room, Olivia told Paras that Erica and Johnny are trying to convince her that taking Daela out before the triple. Olivia said that is not best for her game, and she doesn’t want to do that. Paras said it’s because they think that they can steamroll through the rest of them. Olivia said Erica and Johnny know that they are bigger targets as well. Paras said she has been on board with getting Maddy out for a while now, but they have a better chance at beating her than beating Erica or Johnny. Olivia said she doesn’t trust Maddy. Paras agreed but said her chances of winning a competition are better if they are going up against Maddy. Olivia said Erica has turned into a crazed comp tyrant. Paras said everyone seems to be so scared of taking a shot at Erica and Johnny. Olivia admitted that she has been hesitant to say anything about them because she loves them as people. Olivia brought up that Johnny and Will seem really close. Paras said Johnny is his number one, which scares her. Paras pointed out that Johnny got in with Ali, Erica and Olivia in the first part of the game, then he came over to the other side to make Maddy and Will think that they are his number ones. Paras said Johnny has positioned himself so well that he would have the votes if he goes up. Olivia said everyone has been whispering about Johnny, and the votes to evict him would come from Ali, Derek, Kaela and herself. Paras asked if Johnny should go before Erica. Olivia said she thinks so, and she believes that it has to happen before the triple. Paras asked that Olivia not even mention her name when people discuss votes to evict Johnny. Paras questioned who they should nominate next to Johnny, cause Maddy may go over him. Olivia said Johnny has been trying to convince them to get Maddy out. Paras wondered if he is just trying to distance himself from her. Olivia mentioned potentially nominating Maddy and Will, looking to backdoor Johnny. Olivia said Maddy can go if someone wins the veto who would not use it. Paras asked if this is Ali’s plan too. Olivia said she thinks so.

1:00-2:00 PM: In the HoH room, Paras told Johnny that Will attached himself to Veronica when she won, said Hamza was his number one when he was winning, then attached himself to Johnny when he is winning. Johnny asked if that’s why Will is close to him. Paras said she doesn’t think that Will would turn on Johnny but he is only there for himself and his son. Johnny said he is annoyed that he feels manipulated by Maddy a bit. Johnny brought up that Maddy talks crap about Paras and Will. Paras asked if there is more that he can tell her, because it would help her stop looking out for her so much. Johnny said he believes that Maddy thought they were dead weight, so she was trying to put herself in a better position by creating some backup plans. Paras said Maddy thinks that they are dead weight but they have had to drag her along for four weeks now. Johnny said he knows. Johnny thinks she is distancing herself from him for some reason. Paras said Maddy has no loyalty. Paras pointed out that the two of them and Will had a gut feeling that Maddy was the one throwing names out this week. Paras said she didn’t ever question Johnny or Will about doing that. Out in the yard, Will told Derek he is going to check in with everyone to make sure that they are still keeping him. He said he already check in with Olivia. Derek said he is voting Ryan out 100%. Derek let Will know that he has his back going into tomorrow night’s HoH. Derek said he will not put Paras or Will up. Will said the four of them need to get together at some point to talk things over. When Derek brought up that he may be on the block next to Kaela, Will said that Derek will have his vote. Will said he cannot afford for another guy to go home. Will then spoke to Ali. He asked if he has anything to worry about tomorrow. Ali said no. Will suggested that they get together to talk later today.

2:00-3:00 PM: Olivia told Ali she opened up to Paras about how she feels when it comes to Erica and Johnny trying to strong arm her. Olivia said Paras then brought up Johnny on her own, saying that she doesn’t think they should both make it past the triple. Olivia said Paras stressed that she cannot tell anyone. Ali said what makes her nervous is that Paras said the same thing verbatim to her with regards to each of them being the only person she has talked to from the beginning. Ali said Paras also told them both that whoever puts her up as a pawn would be dead to her since she is disposable to them. Ali told Olivia to be careful there because it’s just game. Ali said it makes her a little wary that Paras has been talking to Johnny for hours. She said that if she was in Paras’ position, she would take the doubt from others to deflect her fear in order to make it seem as though it’s coming from others. Outside, Johnny and Will discuss that Derek and Kaela need to be nominated together. Will asked who Ali and Olivia are targeting. Johnny said either Maddy or Daela. Johnny said it’s driving him nuts that Olivia is just lying in bed, not playing the game. He said she sees the game as just winning competitions and taking someone out. Will said he thinks that Erica is a big piece of the puzzle for the two of them. Johnny agreed. He said he knows that Erica doesn’t feel comfortable with anyone. Will suggested that they talk with her. Will said he has no desire to target Paras, but he would take Johnny to the Final 2 over her. Between Derek and Kaela, the guys discussed that Kaela is the much bigger threat.

3:00-4:00 PM: Johnny asked Paras if he is wrong that it seems Maddy is being awkward with everyone these days. Paras said no. Johnny asked Paras if she told Maddy about the six. Paras said that would be so stupid of her to do. Paras said Maddy thinks that she is a mastermind. Paras told Johnny that Maddy is delusional to think that. Paras thinks Maddy will end up on the block if the two of them don’t vouch for her. Johnny agreed. Johnny asked who Maddy would put up if she wins. Paras said she thinks that Maddy would put up Ali and Olivia. Johnny thinks part of Maddy wants to be seen as a cutthroat villain. Paras said Maddy wouldn’t touch Johnny. In the red room, Ali asked Paras how her talk with Johnny was. Paras said Johnny obviously doesn’t have enough trust in her to give her any names. Ali told Paras she trusts her more than anybody except for Olivia. Ali said she has long terms for Paras, so she will be keeping her safe if she wins HoH. Ali and Paras agreed that targeting Daela is best for Erica and Johnny, but not for the two of them. Derek told Maddy that he has targets in mind. He said she is not one of them. Maddy said the same to Derek. She said it has taken seven weeks for her to win HoH, so she is going to take someone down with her if she is going down. Maddy said she would not go after Derek, Kaela, or Paras. Derek agreed. Maddy also said Will is not on her target list, but Johnny is in his ear a bit too much right now. Derek said Paras made it seem like Will is really trusting Johnny. Maddy said he is.

4:00-5:00 PM: Paras told Erica she would be very surprised if she was gunning for her. Erica said she should be very surprised, because that would be dumb of her. When Paras asked Erica who she would put up next week, Erica said she will worry about it when the time comes. She said there are some strong humans that need to go. Paras said you either take a shot or you get taken out. Erica said she is stressed out cause Kaela said that everyone was throwing her name out. Paras said she was told the same thing. The girls agreed that it’s probably BS. Paras doesn’t think that people would say Erica’s name, because she is a straight shooter and has the ability to win competitions.

5:00-6:00 PM: When Ryan brought up that he is being sent home, Ali said she feels for him. Ryan said it’s not too late. He said that she can make something happen. Ali said she cannot do it, for her own personal game. Ali mentioned that people could be blowing smoke due to jury management, but she has too much respect for Ryan to BS him. Ali told Ryan that Paras will not vote against Will. Ryan said his only way out was to get Ali, Olivia, Erica and Johnny. Ali said Johnny wouldn’t vote Will out ether. Ryan said Johnny would have to be convinced by someone other than him. In the HoH room, Ali told Derek and Kaela that Erica said she is so confused because she had a really good chat with Kaela. Ali said Erica is claiming that she feels good after talking to Kaela, then not so good once she talks to Johnny. Ali said she thinks that Johnny is putting it in Erica’s ear to go after Daela. Ali asked what Kaela thinks about Maddy. Kaela said she is hard to read. Ali said Maddy freaks her out. Not long after, Maddy broke up the conversation.

6:00-7:00 PM: Ali told Derek and Kaela that Johnny is paranoid that they are working with Maddy. They discussed that Johnny is working with everyone, and is saying everything to everyone. Ali mentioned that Ryan is trying so hard, pitching that they could be a solid five. Ali said Ryan is saying to stop doing what the HoH wants. Ali said she isn’t about to jeopardize her game for Ryan who put her on blast. Paras spoke to Kaela about Maddy being such a flip flopper. Paras said Maddy seems to be very on board, though she has done this with every HoH. Paras suggested that they be cautious moving forward. Kaela said she has to trust someone going into the next HoH competition. Paras agreed. Paras said they have to treat Maddy as a number, not an ally. Kaela said she doesn’t give her much but she wouldn’t put her up if she won in the triple. Paras said that she wouldn’t either.

9:00-10:00 PM: Paras told Maddy she thinks that Johnny has been throwing her name around. Maddy said she is not surprised, as Johnny was telling Kaela he wanted her to go on the block. Paras said Olivia told her that Erica and Johnny were trying to convince them go after Maddy and Paras next week. Paras said those two don’t want to get their hands dirty by coming after them. Maddy talked to Paras about wanting to go down swinging. Paras told Maddy that if she takes out Erica or Johnny next week, she will take out Olivia and whichever one is leftover the following week. Out at the hot tub, Erica, Johnny and Will discussed working together. They eventually decided to call themselves “The Social Aspect”. Will said he likes Olivia and Paras as well. When Erica and Johnny said the same, they agreed that those two can get down to five with them. Erica asked what they should do if one of them wins next week. They all agreed that they should go after Derek and Kaela. They also agreed that Kaela is the bigger threat. Erica said the three of them have the three strongest social games in the house. Johnny said they will be able to work different angles, doing some serious damage.

12:00-1:00 AM: Will told Paras that Maddy was apparently going to target the two of them. Will explained that that’s why he is so anti-Maddy lately. Will revealed that Johnny told him that. Will said that Maddy has no loyalty. He mentioned that Maddy is close with Daela now. Will told Paras that Johnny loves her. Paras was concerned that he is close with everyone. Will explained it away as Johnny being Johnny.

1:00-2:00 AM: Will told Paras that Maddy is a snake. Will brought up being unsure whether or not Johnny would choose him over Ali, Olivia and Erica. Paras said she thinks that he would. Will told Paras that if he ever were to leave because of some Canada twist, she would have to work with the five against Daela. When Paras said she doesn’t think that Daela is after them, Will said he can’t guarantee that she wont ever put him up as a pawn again. Will said he will wait until he wins to make a decision, as he people that he is working with to consider as well. In the red room, Ali told Olivia she thinks it’s best for them to go after Maddy. The issue that Ali saw with that is Daela might want them to do something about Johnny after everything that they have told them this week. Ali figured they could say they are considering a backdoor option, then hope that someone like Erica wins to keep the nominations the same. Ali also told Olivia that they need to keep pulling Paras in now that she is pissed at Will for moving over to the red room.

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