Big Brother Canada 6 Day 42

April 13, 2018

1:00-2:00 PM: Feeds returned following the have-not competition. Ali, Kaela, Paras and Olivia are the have-nots for the week. In the HoH room, Johnny spoke to Derek. He brought up that he is absolutely someone who could go home over Derek if they are nominated next to each other, especially after the recent events. Johnny asked Derek if he thinks resume wise that getting him out is a great move. Derek said he hasn’t thought that far ahead yet. Johnny stressed that he needs people in order to get deep into the game. Johnny said he is a good team player, and he would tell him to ask Erica, but she’s gone. Johnny told Derek he is a free man in this game, and he would like to be picked up. Derek said he will try to see who he thinks is the most honest and will be the best teammate.

2:00-3:00 PM: Johnny continued to stress to Derek and Kaela that he has no one to move forward with. Kaela said Johnny has almost everyone. Johnny said that’s not true, seeing as Erica had people even more so than he did. Johnny explained that he feels as though he screwed everyone, so now no one is going to want to give him the time of day. Kaela said nobody has brought up Johnny coming clean since he did it last night. Derek asked if Johnny has ever considered that it would be beneficial to have them leave the game. Johnny said 100%. He explained that he has considered how it would be beneficial to have one of them gone, not both of them. Johnny pointed out that they would be unlikely to survive as a three until the end anyway, though it would give them a fighting chance. Johnny said he needs capable people in the game. Kaela questioned if Johnny is trying to reel them in like he tried to reel Will in before voting him out. Johnny said he didn’t want to vote Will out but it was against Erica. Kaela asked if Johnny was going to put them both up if he won HoH. Johnny said if Erica is out of the house, no. Kaela then asked if he would have done it if not for her move. Johnny said he would have had to talk to them. Kaela said that’s not a no. Johnny said that if they decide to establish trust with him, he needs both of them in the game. Derek asked if he would be considering them their number ones moving forward. Johnny said yes, as long as they establish the trust to have open conversations about everyone moving forward. Later, Derek told Ali that Johnny is worried, and rightfully so. Derek said Erica told Johnny about the five that she had with the two duos. Derek told Ali that Johnny denied ever having pushed for he and Kaela to go home. Derek said he knows that isn’t true based on what Ali and Olivia told him. Ali reiterated that Johnny said they need to take the shot prior to the triple. Ali brought up that Paras is saying Johnny is aligned with everybody. Derek said she is not wrong. Ali said she isn’t but Paras is aligned with everybody too. Ali let Derek know that Maddy and Ryan agreed to put their differences aside for Paras. Ali pointed out that Paras is close to Will as well, and she tells her and Olivia that she will never vote against them. As for Johnny, Ali said that Paras tells him that he is her saving grace since she cannot win competitions. Derek said they know that Paras doesn’t want to win any competitions. Derek mentioned that Erica and Will going up next to each other blew Johnny’s game up. Derek said he feels like Johnny and Ryan are the two biggest threats to his game and Kaela’s game right now. Derek said he believes that either of them would go over anyone else if one of them wins the veto. If nominations stay the same, Ali said she would be more inclined to keep Ryan. Derek agreed. Ali asked if Derek would put Johnny up straight up, or backdoor him. Derek said that he and Kaela discussed that there is a good shot that Johnny would get picked to play anyway, and he could save someone, so he would rather nominate him straight up.

3:00-4:00 PM: Derek told Ali that they only need three votes this week. Ali said that Kaela, Olivia and herself are those three. Derek said if they are totally on board with what he wants, then whoever he wants to go will leave. Ali said 100%. Ali threw it out there that Derek could nominate Johnny and Will in order to drive an even deeper wedge between them. Derek said that’s a pretty good idea. If Johnny comes off of the block, Ali said that Ryan can then go up and go home. In the white room, Will asked Johnny if they still have each other’s back moving forward. Johnny asked Will to please not distrust him after this. Will said that people are coming up to him saying that he obviously can’t trust Johnny. Will said he has to play it off, which could work to their advantage if people don’t think that they are close anymore. Will told Johnny he expects that Ryan will be nominated, so it’s just a matter of finding out who will be nominated next to him. Johnny said Paras was telling Ali and Olivia that they are her person, which is weird cause she says the same to him too. Johnny wondered if she is saying it to everyone. Will assured Johnny that he had his back over everyone in the house prior to last night. Will told Johnny that he will 100% get him the votes if he goes up. Will said Maddy and Paras will do what’s best for them. Back in the HoH room, Derek told Ryan that Johnny’s name has been mentioned a bit, and some people are expecting him to nominate Ryan as well. Ryan admitted to having told people that if Kaela wasn’t next out, she can win the whole thing. Ryan said he knows that Kaela would probably rather see him evicted, so his only pitch is that he said he wasn’t coming after them until he was steered in that direction. Ryan suggested that the person who is more dangerous is the one doing the steering. Ryan said he has been a man on an island since week two. Derek mentioned that he has to look ahead because it’s possible that he will be alone in the game without Kaela at some point, then they might have reason to work together. Ryan said he will not deny that he put the target on Daela last week, but they are naive if they don’t think that the target was already there. Ryan said if he doesn’t end up on the block this week, he will consider it a one for one, and he will remember that if he wins HoH next week. Ryan said that if they are in a situation that both of them are there but Kaela isn’t, he would look at Derek as someone he can work with.

4:00-5:00 PM: Ali told Ryan that she and Olivia are comfortable with him despite certain things. Ali said they recognize that some of his actions are due to the fact that they didn’t ever vocalize something a little more solid with him, and they are now at the point where they want to do that. Ali said they know that they cannot go far with Daela. Ali told Ryan that she and Olivia are open to solidifying something but they don’t want to put their game on the line if Ryan has other things going on. Ryan said he is obviously close with Paras. Ali said they don’t have any interest in going after Paras. Ryan said she is 100% the person that he trusts. Ali asked if Ryan is confident that Paras would keep him over Maddy. Ryan said 100%.

5:00-6:00 PM: Maddy told Kaela that they, along with Paras, control the vote this week, literally deciding who goes home. Kaela said they only need three votes since Derek is the tiebreaker. Kaela said if they get rid of Johnny, they will get Will back. Kaela claimed to have no idea who would go up if Johnny or Ryan win the veto. Maddy said Ali going up would be the best option. Kaela asked if she would stay. Maddy said they have the votes, so she would stay. Maddy told Kaela she would prefer to see Johnny go this week. Kaela explained that she doesn’t want Ali or Olivia to go this week, otherwise she and Derek and are an easy two to throw up if there is a triple next week. Kaela said that she too would like to see Johnny go this week.

6:00-7:00 PM: Maddy asked Paras who she feels least comfortable with game wise. Paras said Johnny, followed by Ali. Maddy said hers would be Ryan, followed closely behind by Johnny. Next up, she said it would be Olivia and Ali in that order. That being said, Maddy told Paras that Johnny is her target this week. Downstairs, Ali told Olivia that they need to talk to Johnny. Ali wants to let him know that they want to be there for him, but they have reservations about where his head is going to be at moving forward. Ali said she wants to put Johnny on the spot to see what he says. Olivia said she would like to be there to monitor. Ali hopes that talking to Johnny will prevent him from rallying the other side of the house.

8:00-9:00 PM: Derek told Kaela that Ali was pushing to put up Johnny and Will. Kaela said she did the same with her as well. Kaela advised Derek against it. Derek agreed that it’s not a good move, because he doesn’t want to lose trust with Will. Derek said it’s his time to sit down, have some beers, and reel Will in. Derek told Kaela he wants to keep Paras around but it might become apparent that they are playing both sides. Kaela said it will as soon as Johnny and Ryan are gone. Derek revealed that he is thinking of nominating Ali or Olivia if Johnny or Ryan win the veto. He said that would show the other side that Ali and Olivia are still their targets, and they can let Ali and Olivia know that there is no need to worry since they have the votes. Derek and Kaela expect both sides to be saying that they must not trust them if they are pawning someone from their side. Derek said Will cannot be the replacement nominee, because he would freak out. Derek also mentioned that Maddy, Paras and Will outnumber Ali and Olivia, so they may have protection from more people by nominating Ali or Olivia as a pawn if it comes down to it. While Ali’s name was originally mentioned, Derek later threw Olivia’s out there as a pawn. Kaela told Derek to make sure he puts someone up that he is fine with going home. Derek said the only way that they are going to go into the triple somewhat safe is if nominations stay the same and Johnny goes home.

9:00-10:00 PM: In the have-not room, Ali asked Will how Johnny has been with him today. Will said he has been good but he feels kind of embarrassed and weird. Will thinks Johnny is nervous that his game is totally messed up. Ali and Olivia said that Johnny being cold and distant is concerning them more than his lie about his vote. Will asked Ali who she would like to keep if Johnny and Ryan are nominated. While Ali said that she isn’t sure, Will said he believes that Johnny can be trusted more even though he did him dirty yesterday. Will then spoke to Derek. He asked if Derek has a preference with regards to who goes home. Derek said Ryan seems to be less of a threat, so he is leaning more towards Johnny. Will said that Ryan would have to go next week if Johnny goes this week. Derek agreed. He said that either one leaving this week is not a bad thing. Derek let Will know that he might have to put Ali or Olivia up if Johnny wins the veto.

10:00-11:00 PM: Will spoke to Paras about the need to bring Maddy back in before Daela sucks her in to give them a numerical advantage. Paras said sh is on board with reeling her back in but she doesn’t feel comfortable with telling her too much. Will asked Paras who she would like to stay if Johnny and Ryan are nominated. Paras said it depends how Will feels with Johnny now. Will said he feels good and is letting Johnny feel good, but he would like to send him home if he is on the block. Will said Ryan will have to give his word that he is not going to nominate them if they save him. Paras said she doesn’t think that he would do that anyway. Paras mentioned feeling bad after a talk she had with Johnny. Will said he feels bad too but that’s on a human level. On a game level, Will feels that Johnny put him at risk by voting him out. Will wants to remain on Daela’s good side by voting to evict their target this week. Ali checked in with Derek. He let her know that he would like to see Johnny go over Ryan. Ali agreed. Derek then told Olivia the same thing. Olivia said it’s more productive to put Will up over Ryan but she gets why it’s best for Derek to nominate Ryan instead. Both agreed that Derek would lose Will if he nominated him. Olivia talked about wanting to nominate Maddy, Paras and Will if she wins HoH in a triple eviction. Olivia said she wants Maddy to go so bad. Derek and Olivia discussed that Paras is in a really good spot right now. Olivia said it freaks her out since Paras is not even her #5 but she makes her feel that she is her #1. Derek said nobody has Paras on their radar but she is playing a weak game that wont get her the win in the end. Before the talk wrapped up, Derek let Olivia know that she is safe.

11:00-12:00 AM: Olivia told Kaela about her plan for the triple in the event that Johnny leaves this week. She said she wants to break up Maddy, Paras and Will. Kaela said she would probably want Maddy and Will to go if those were the nominations. After that, she said she would want to get Ryan out. As for this week, Olivia said that Johnny staying is bad for her game since he thinks that they betrayed Erica. Olivia mentioned that Erica betrayed them first. Kaela brought up that Erica told Johnny about their five. In the HoH room, Ali told Olivia that Ryan might have to go if Johnny wins the veto. She said Ryan is too good at competitions, and they will not be able to beat him if he survives the block for a fourth time. Ali and Olivia both think that Johnny would nominate them over Daela if he stays past this week.

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