Big Brother Canada 6 Day 43 - Derek nominates Johnny and Ryan, wins PoV

April 14, 2018

11:00-12:00 PM: The nomination ceremony took place. Derek nominated Johnny and Ryan for eviction. Johnny pulled Will aside to talk to him. He asked Will if he would use the veto on him if he picks him to play. Will told Johnny to pick him. Johnny said he would be picking him in hope of him using it. Will said he wants to say he will use it but he is afraid that Johnny will go back to Daela with that. Johnny explained that he doesn’t have to fake it with Daela anymore now that he is on the block. He admitted to trying to isolate himself yesterday in hope of them seeing that he is alone. Will suggested that Johnny start talking to Ali and Olivia again. Johnny said he thinks that they might want him out of the game. Will disagreed. He said they just felt it was weird that he wasn’t talking to them. Johnny thinks that Ali and Olivia have been feeding information to Daela, which is why they are safe and why Daela is suspicious of him. Johnny said he would like to nominate Derek, Kaela and Maddy if he wins the triple eviction. Up in the HoH room, Derek let Johnny know that he loves him on a personal level. He said this is strictly a game move. Derek pointed out that Johnny said it would be best for his game to split he and Kaela up. Derek told Johnny he considered a backdoor option but wanted to give him the opportunity to play in the veto competition. If Johnny wins the veto and fires back, Derek said that’s just them playing the game. Johnny spoke to the cameras in the red room. He said he will be damned if he goes out of this game without putting up a fight. Johnny said he is thirsty for revenge, and he wants to sharpen his fangs to sink them into Daela’s neck.

12:00-1:00 PM: Players were picked for the veto competition. The veto players are Derek, Johnny, Ryan, Maddy, Olivia and Paras. Johnny asked Olivia to talk. They both discussed that they needed some time after what happened Thursday. Olivia said she would not have nominated Erica or Johnny if Kaela hadn’t made the move that she did. That being said, she told Johnny that keeping Erica was not the best gam move for her. Olivia let Johnny know that she felt strong armed to go after Daela during some conversations with Erica and Johnny, which played a part in her decision. Johnny said he hopes Olivia sees the value in keeping him. Olivia talked about being more threatened by the Erica and Johnny duo, but not so much by Johnny on his own. Olivia said she wanted Maddy to go home this week. Olivia mentioned wanted to get strong players to the end so that floaters aren’t taken to the end for an easy win. Johnny questioned if Ali and Olivia have been spreading info to Daela for the past couple of weeks. Olivia said no. Johnny said they know a suspicious amount of stuff. Johnny later brought up that if Olivia feels good with Daela, that means that she wont go against their wishes of wanting him out if that’s what they want. Olivia said she would rather keep Johnny than Maddy.

1:00-2:00 PM: Will asked Johnny if Ali and Olivia would want to keep him over Ryan. Johnny said if not, it’s telling that they want to get to the end with Daela. Johnny let Will know that he will tell him everything he knows if he is going home this week. Johnny said he will be rooting for Will to win. Later, Johnny told Ryan he thinks that every single person is going to vote him out if he stays on the block. Ryan didn’t buy it. Johnny said people more or less told him that they will not be keeping him. Like he told Will early, Johnny told Ryan he will be telling him everything he knows if he is on his way out the door.

3:00-4:00 PM: Maddy spoke to the cameras. She said she would love to win the veto in order to keep Derek’s nominations the same. Maddy said she would also love to have a couple days of Ali and Olivia coming up to her, begging her not to use it. While Maddy said she feels bad for Johnny on a personal level, she said she does not on a game level. Maddy said she hopes everyone watching knows how much she thanks Paras for where she is right now. Maddy said if there is anyone she would take a step out of her own lane for, it would be her. However, Maddy said she’s isn’t sure if she would do it. Maddy said Paras is the most wonderful human, and an angel, especially if she is this way inside of the house. Maddy added that it’s okay even if Paras is talking behind her back in other rooms. In the have-not room, Johnny told Paras and Will he thinks that Daela could be playing Maddy. He said he believes that Derek, Kaela, Ali and Olivia have a legit Final 4. For that reason, he told them not to target Ryan if he leaves this week. Paras said she doesn’t think that the Final 4 is legit. Johnny said there is some room to shake it up if Derek and Kaela end up on the block. Once Paras left, Will asked Johnny if he really thinks that Ali and Olivia wont vote for him. Johnny said he doesn’t think so, which shows that they are way more with Daela than they were ever with him. Johnny said he could tell that they were acting on Thursday, as they knew that Erica was going up. Will mentioned that Maddy has been sucked in by Derek and Kaela. He said she would ditch him in heartbeat for those two. Johnny explained that if Ali and Olivia are willing to ditch him and ditch Erica, they have to be with Derek and Kaela since they know that they don’t have the white room on their side. Johnny added that Ali and Olivia had to have been bringing info from the six to Daela while they were working together.

5:00-6:00 PM: Johnny informed Paras that Ali, Olivia, Derek, Kaela and Erica were working together as recently as Erica’s HoH weeks. Paras said if that’s the case, she would want to stick it to them by keeping Johnny since they don’t want that. Johnny said Erica had reservations about Ali, which is why they are claiming to have cut her. Johnny said he can’t bash Ali and Olivia, and he can’t have Paras leak what he is telling her, because he needs their votes, Paras’ vote and Will’s vote. Paras brought up that Kaela made a Final 2 with Veronica, and she tried to work with her, Maddy and Will. Johnny said Kaela is in the middle of this. Paras said if that’s the case, it’s best for Johnny to stay to go after them. Paras told Johnny she needs him to open her eyes. Johnny asked how that helps him stay in the house. Paras said she wont target him this week then. Johnny said that only gets him her vote. Paras said he would get Maddy and Will too. Paras said Ali and Olivia are being strung along, and she knows that this is Kaela’s idea. Paras told Johnny that if she understands why people are after Derek and Kaela, she can put them up. Johnny said they can set something up if he wins the veto. Johnny told Paras he has another piece of information that he has not told anybody. He said it will cost Paras a jury vote if it gets out. He then revealed that he locked something in with Erica, Ali and Olivia before the six was created. Johnny said he and Erica did not trust those two, and they wanted Ali out really bad. Johnny said it’s even further proof that Ali and Olivia must have something stronger with Daela if they were willing to cut Erica so easily. Johnny let Paras know that Ali has said a lot about her. He explained that Ali and Olivia talk about Paras saying the same thing to everyone, making it seem like they are her special person. Johnny clarified that Olivia doesn’t say as much as Ali does. Paras said she has always had a bad gut feeling about Ali. Johnny said Ali didn’t even want Paras to be in the six because she said she could not be trusted. Paras told Johnny he has got to stay. Johnny said he wants revenge for Erica and himself. Johnny told Paras that Ryan will be a good ally for her if he goes, so don’t kick him to the curb. Paras said she doesn’t want to.

9:00-10:00 PM: Feeds returned following the veto competition. Derek won the Power of Veto. Will and Maddy discussed that they feel bad for Johnny. Maddy asked Will what he is thinking of doing. Will said he isn’t sure, but he is getting the vibe that they want Johnny gone. Maddy said she is neutral, and she doesn’t want Ryan in the game either. Will mentioned that Ryan wants Maddy’s blood. Will thinks that Ryan would come after the two of them if he stays. Maddy said she doesn’t want Ryan in the game but she knows that she cannot beat Johnny in the game. On a personal level, she would rather have Johnny around. Will said he would prefer to see Ryan go first, though he doesn’t care who goes since both have done him dirty. Maddy is unsure of who Johnny would nominate. Will said he would feel safe with Johnny sticking around of another week. Maddy thinks that Johnny could put her up since he has been trying to disassociate from her for weeks.

10:00-11:00 PM: Johnny spoke to Ali and Olivia about their votes. Ali told Johnny that she will not be able to have an answer for him tonight, but she is not closed off to the idea of keeping him. Johnny said any chance he has would have to start with the two of them. Olivia mentioned she thinks that Maddy and Paras have Ryan. Johnny said Maddy is with Daela. He explained that Will warned him last week that Daela was trying to get him, Maddy and Paras together in order to come after the rest of them. Ali said it’s hard to imagine Johnny not being there. She said she feels like they could still do this. Ali said she just doesn’t want to feel disposable. Ali told Johnny that Olivia is the only person who has never made her feel that way. Ali said she is not blind to the fact that Daela is getting stronger by the day since the comp beasts are all leaving. Olivia said that scares her. Ali told Johnny she needs a night to think things over. After Johnny left the room, Olivia said she felt good about that conversation. Ali said she did too. Olivia said she doesn’t want to get rid of Johnny when he can be a number for them, whereas Ryan is not with them. Ali said she doesn’t mind crossing Daela after hearing that they tried to reel in Maddy, Paras and Will to come after them. Ali said they would need Paras and Will on board to flip things. Ali and Olivia said they would be so sad if Johnny was to leave. Ali said she wants to put feelers out. Olivia thinks that they would have to throw Daela under the bus hard in order to keep Johnny. Olivia pointed out that Daela didn’t put them up this week, which is something. Olivia worried that they might fail in their attempt to keep Johnny, then they are alone. Ali said she really thinks that they can get Will on board with keeping Johnny.

11:00-12:00 AM: Will told Paras he would prefer to see Johnny stay. Paras said it seem like Derek, Kaela, Ali, Olivia and Maddy are on board with getting Johnny out. Will worried that Ryan would come after him next week. Paras said she doesn’t think that he would. Will said Daela is in the best position in the house. He told Paras that they have to win something. Paras said the next one is going to be hers.

12:00-1:00 AM: Paras told Will that if they go against Daela by keeping Johnny, those two are for sure going to come after them, especially if they have a Final 4 with Ali and Olivia. Will pointed out that Ali and Olivia would have to be on board in order for Johnny to stay. Paras said they are not. Will believes that Olivia would do it. Will again brought up that Ryan is going to come after them. Paras disagreed. She said Ryan is a number for them. She said Daela put him up, and he would go after them. That being said, Paras told Will that she is on board with keeping Johnny if they can get the votes. Will said keeping Johnny would be better for their game since he will not come after them. Paras continued to bring up that Ali and Olivia want him out. Will said they can beat Ali and Olivia easier than they can beat Derek and Kaela. Paras agreed but said Ali and Olivia are more likely to come after them. Johnny joined in on the conversation. He said his only hope is that Ali and Olivia want Ryan out. He said those two have trust in Paras and Will, which means something. Johnny asked that they remain open to hearing Ali and Olivia out if they approach them to discuss keeping him. Johnny assured Paras and Will that he will not ever put them up. Johnny made it clear that in order for this to work, Ali and Olivia need to believe that they are the ones coming up with the plan to save him. Paras agreed that they cannot be the ones to approach Ali and Olivia about it. Paras said she is not opposed to keeping Johnny if those two are on board. Will said Johnny would have to give his word that he is not coming after him or Paras. Johnny said 100%. When Will asked who Ryan would go after, Johnny said Daela. In the HoH room, Derek said Johnny seems to think he is going home. Ali said that’s what he said to her and Olivia as well. Ali said Johnny told them that he understands the trust has been broken, but he is alone. Ali explained that Johnny’s pitch is he doesn’t think it’s a bad thing that they are with Daela, and he wants to stay in the game even if it’s with them. Derek asked if they would really trust him as a fifth. Ali said she doesn’t know. Olivia said Johnny is obviously harbouring resentment over last week. Derek thinks Johnny would like to take them out if he stays. Kaela said it’s the perfect thing to win the game with if you can say that you were able to stay when everyone wanted you out. Derek suggested that Ryan would remain a target since he was going to leave unanimously last week. Ali said Ryan will become a back burner target. Ali said she would like to really process everything before making a decision.

1:00-2:00 AM: In the HoH room, Derek and Will had beers together. Derek said he doesn’t want to see Ali or Olivia in the Final 2. He also said he doesn’t want to see Maddy there. Will agreed since he thinks that Maddy would credit her gameplay with getting her there. Derek said it would not be the reason she got that far. Derek talked about going to the Final 4 with Kaela and Paras. Will told Derek he would choose him over Kaela if they ever end up on the block together. Derek said he would do the same thing for Will if he and Paras are nominated together.

2:00-3:00 AM: Derek told Will that he will let Johnny know he is leaving if enough people tell him that they are not keeping him. Will said he will let Johnny know that he is too good of a game player to keep around. Derek and Will discussed that Johnny has already won cash and a trip. Will said the two of them will have a better shot at winning competitions if they get strong players like Johnny out of the house. Will suggested that they bring Kaela and Paras in tomorrow to solidify things between then. Derek said he is on board. He let Will know that he is his boy in the house. Derek told Will he would like to rely on himself to win competitions, but he wants to be able to rely on Will as well.

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