Big Brother Canada 7 Day 10 - Adam decides not to use the Power of Veto

March 11, 2019

12:00-1:00 PM: Feeds went down at 12:55 for the veto ceremony.

2:00-3:00 PM: Feeds returned at 2:13 following the veto ceremony. Adam decided not to use the Power of Veto. Kyra and Maki remain nominated. Sam let Dane know that it got back to her that her name was thrown out there. Dane said he told her that Damien would have been the replacement nominee, and he told Damien the same thing. Sam said she appreciates that he is straight up. In the yard, Kailyn told Mark that he will be able to slide right on through if he keeps playing the way that he is. Kailyn pointed out that he is not trying to bro out with the guys. Mark said it’s difficult to. She then added that she doesn’t get why people don’t see him as the mastermind that he is. Mark said the way to see whether or not he is a mastermind is if he can win mental comps. Kailyn called Cory the female version of Adam, saying that she will go all the way to the end if she is able to survive next week. Out by the hot tub, Kyra told Cory it’s odd that Kailyn is the one campaigning for Maki. Kyra thinks it may be because they called Kailyn out. Kyra filled Cory in on the current status of the vote. Kyra said they 6 or 7 votes but it is continuously talking so they don’t plan to talk game today. Kyra guaranteed Cory that the people who see Maki as a threat will not go after her next week if they stay. Cory said she likes that but she finds it a bit hard to believe since the people she thinks Kyra is talking about don’t talk to her. Kyra suggested that someone like Kailyn is talking game to her but she mentioned getting the new person out right away. Kyra told Cory that they could further discuss the deal that Cory wanted to make during her second day in the house. Kyra said they have Cory’s back if she has hers. Back inside, Adam asked Damien what he is thinking. Damien mentioned Kyra claiming to have the numbers. He said he doesn’t know if they are just making that up, but Dane’s initial plan to target Kyra may get in the way of that. Adam said Kyra had a similar talk with him. Adam said he will let Damien know which way they are voting the day before the eviction if he finds anything out.

3:00-4:00 PM: Adam let Kyra know that Damien still believes the plan is for them to go. Kyra figures it’s because he is talking to Kiera and Stef about it. Adam said he will talk to Damien the day before the vote. Kyra mentioned overhearing Maki and Stef whispering last night, and they assume that Maki and Stef were whispering about “Adam and Sam” because those are their targets for next week. Kyra talked about a plan to stroke Dane’s ego by telling him that Canada will love it if he makes a big move to take Maki out this soon. Adam told Kyra that Eddie, Dane, Sam, Chelsea, Anthony and Mark are all on board. In the blue room, Sam told Eddie that she plans to win HoH. Sam said Eddie will be safe with her. Eddie assured Sam that both she and Adam are safe with him. Eddie said there are bigger fish to fry and floaters are more dangerous. Sam let Eddie know that he is safe with her even if they aren’t always around each other. As for this week, Eddie said he wants to trust Kyra but they gave him the cold shoulder until campaigning got underway. As for Maki, Sam brought up him telling Dane that he cannot promise that he will not go after him. Sam said Adam is likely going to get Maki out since Maki is coming after him. Sam added that you have to get rid of the person who you cannot beat, which is Maki. When Eddie implied that Adam could be targeted next if Maki goes, Sam agreed and said that she could go either way. Sam said they can’t really afford to go against what everyone else is doing this week. Eddie said he gets what she is saying but keeping Maki may be best for his personal game. Adam joined them. Eddie asked if they don’t think that Kyra is going after them. Adam said Kyra would be loyal. Adam told Eddie that Kyra would go after Kailyn. Adam said there is lots of time but he thinks that keeping Kyra is the best move. Eddie said he is still weighing his options. They agreed to meet again before Thursday. Afterwards, Adam told Sam he is thinking that he won’t nominate Kailyn initially if he wins HoH. He said he will put two people up who could potentially win the veto so that he could backdoor Kailyn. He revealed that his plan is to nominate Damien and Kiera. Sam said that she will do the same. Elsewhere, Kyra spoke to Damien to let him know that they likely have seven votes. Kyra said there are only three people whose votes they are definitely not getting. Kyra promised to keep Damien in the loop as the week progresses. Kyra asked if Damien is down to join the majority if they have the votes. Damien said yeah. Upstairs, Stef told Dane that if Kyra stays, nobody will beat Adam in the HoH competition. Dane suggested that they could easily make it to the Final 8 if they continue to work with Adam.

4:00-5:00 PM: Feeds went down at 4:25.

5:00-6:00 PM: Feeds returned at 5:37. The houseguests completed some sort of task that resulted in them winning dinner from Wendy’s for tonight. Anthony and Mark discussed that the last think they need to do is to create a rift with Adam. Mark said they have to protect Adam because he will take them far and his loyalty is to their alliance. Anthony said they know how to control Adam since he is emotional and passionate, and needs his horn to be tooted every so often. Mark brought up that Maki is trying hard to stay, but he has to go. They discussed that Maki’s speech was terrible.

6:00-7:00 PM: Out in the yard, Adam, Anthony and Mark discussed that Maki has got to go this week. They talked about meeting up later to discuss who next week’s target should be. Adam said he would like to get rid of Kailyn. Anthony said she is weak. Later, Adam brought up to Anthony that Kyra is claiming to be loyal, and Damien wants in, whereas Kiera and Stef are unwilling to budge when it comes to the vote. Adam said those girls are not part of the team even though they were in the original eight. Adam then told Chelsea how he feels about the girls. Chelsea said she agrees. Adam let Chelsea in on his plan to backdoor Kailyn if he wins HoH next week. They talked about keeping their votes from Kiera and Stef in order to have them end up on the wrong end of the vote, showing that they don’t have loyalty. Adam said he will nominate one of the two next to Damien. Adam believes that they currently have eight votes to evict Maki. In the HoH room, Anthony told Eddie that he always tries to deflect when Eddie’s name is brought up. Anthony said he can see in his eyes that he is a loyal person, and those are the kinds of people that he wants in the game. Anthony let Eddie know that a lot of people feel good about him. He claimed that Maki is the only person who has brought up his name. Eddie asked Anthony to keep him in the loop cause he hopes that they can vote together. Anthony agreed. Anthony and Dane then spoke. They discussed that Kiera was dumb to tell Adam that they don’t vibe. Anthony said they cannot allow an HoH to be wasted on Kiera. Dane agreed. Anthony noted that Adam mentions Sam in every conversation. Anthony wants to blow up Sam’s game. Anthony thinks that Kailyn would be a good person to do that since Sam approached her about a Final 2 deal. Anthony figures that Kailyn will get on board if they offer her safety. Feeds went down at 6:53.

8:00-9:00 PM: Feeds returned at 8:27 after the houseguests had their Wendy’s meal. Eddie, Kiera and Stef discussed the vote. Stef mentioned that Anthony, Damien and Kailyn have all said that they are on board with keeping Maki. Eddie said he isn’t so sure about that, since one of those three would not give him a clear answer. While Eddie said he would like to get Kyra out, he told the girls that he doesn’t know if they have the votes to make it happen. Stef pointed out that losing Maki would be losing a vote on their side. Eddie let the girls know that Kyra isn’t approach them since they know that they are tight with Maki. Eddie told Kiera that he wants to trust her but she doesn’t share any information with him. Kiera admitted that she held back because she saw how close Eddie is to Kailyn. Kiera said they can talk more game moving forward. Meanwhile, Stef checked in with Mark about his vote. Mark said he is going to do whatever the house is doing. He talked about people going back and forth. Stef said she isn’t sure what he means by that since six people have told her that they are keeping Maki. Mark said that would mean that he is staying then. Mark talked about wanting to do what Dane wants, so he suggested that they talk to him along with Kiera. Stef said that’s fine.

9:00-10:00 PM: Kiera continued to assume that Kailyn is the one who Eddie was talking about potentially not keeping Maki. Eddie questioned why Kiera trusts the other two, Anthony and Damien, so much. Kiera said they gave their word but Kailyn did not. Eddie advised Kiera against assuming that it is Kailyn, but said that’s all that he can say on the matter. The two reiterated that they want to keep Maki around. Kiera said she plans to stick to her word even if the votes are not going Maki’s way. Kiera believes that it would show her loyalty. Outside, Maki quickly checked in with Mark and Stef. Mark talked about wanting to do what Dane wants. Maki commented that nobody is going to send him home. Mark said the plan as of now remains to send Kyra home. Mark said Maki will have his vote as long as that is what Dane wants. Mark then went to Dane to fill him in on his talks with Stef and Maki. They remain set on evicting Maki. When Adam checked in with Dane, Dane talked about Kiera and Stef being part of the eight. Adam didn’t like that they were not willing to consider keeping Kyra. He said he wouldn’t even tell them which way they are voting. Dane said he will let the know on the day of the eviction. Adam preferred to wait until the final hour because he expects them to run back to Maki.

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