Big Brother Canada 7 Day 14 - Chelsea nominates Damien and Kiera

March 15, 2019

4:00-5:00 PM: Feeds returned at 4:50 after being down for nearly 6 hours. The houseguests took part in a have-not competition.

5:00-6:00 PM: Chelsea let Damien know that she is going to be putting him on the block as a pawn. She vowed to make it clear to the entire house that Damien is a pawn. Chelsea said Damien is not threatening to her game but nominating him doesn’t ruffle any feathers since he has already been on the block. Damien thanked Chelsea for being honest. Chelsea talked about wanting a vote to unify the house in terms of eliminating people who do not deserve to go far in the game. Next up, Chelsea spoke to Anthony about her plan to nominate Damien and Kiera. Chelsea mentioned that it would be fun to do a big move but she would prefer to go after the people who don’t deserve to be there.

6:00-7:00 PM: Chelsea spoke to Adam and Sam about her plan to target Kailyn. They discussed that they could easily get the five votes need to get Kailyn out of the house as long as one of them win the veto and use it. Adam asked who would go on the block if Kailyn happens to compete for and win the veto. Chelsea said she would nominate Stef. Kiera and Stef then headed to the HoH room to talk to Chelsea. It was then that Chelsea informed Kiera that she will be going on the block. She explained that they haven’t had a chance to talk a lot of game up to this point. Chelsea let Kiera know that there could be the potential for alternate options. She encouraged Kiera to fight for the veto. Chelsea apologized for having to put her on the block. Kiera told Chelsea not to be sorry. She said it’s part of the game and she appreciates the fact that Chelsea told her and is giving her the chance to play for the veto. Kiera said Chelsea still wont be on her radar even after making this move. Stef spoke up to ask if Damien is also going on the block. She mentioned that he is looking really upset. Chelsea confirmed that Damien will be her second nominee. Afterwards, Chelsea told Kyra that Kiera handled things really well. Chelsea believes that she can repair her relationship with Kiera if she stays, which is what she said she wants to have happen.

7:00-8:00 PM: Chelsea let Mark know that she is hoping both Damien and Kiera are able to stay this week. Both agreed that they would prefer to get Kailyn out of the house. Chelsea said the plan will blow up if Kailyn finds out about it at all. Mark said Kiera is going to ask him if he will use the veto on her, which he would, and also if he would vote for her should she stay on the block. He talked about needing to get creative with his answer to that one. Chelsea brought up that only a select few people wouldn’t use the veto, meaning that Kiera is likely to stay. Elsewhere, Kiera spoke to Damien and Eddie about finding a way to put a target on Kyra. Kiera said they cannot lose Damien, Eddie, Kailyn, Stef or herself this week. She said they could tell Chelsea that Kyra said something to Maki about her, but they would all have to be on the same page or else it would blow up in their faces and it would be game over for them. Kiera talked about needing to do that prior to the veto competition. Feeds went down at 7:28 for the nomination ceremony.

9:00-10:00 PM: Feeds returned at 9:51 following the nomination ceremony. Chelsea nominated Damien and Kiera for eviction.

10:00-11:00 PM: Anthony told Chelsea he has an idea of what Kiera will do but no idea what Damien will do. Chelsea said she doesn’t think that Damien will do anything since he doesn’t seem to know where he is half of the time. Chelsea added that she doesn’t even care if Damien leaves should nominations stay the same. In the bedroom, Eddie let Kailyn know that Anthony doesn’t seem to want to work with her. He explained that Anthony wanted to leave her out of the loop when it came to the vote last week. Kailyn said she cannot take that personally since it was more so against Maki than her. Eddie sees Anthony as a number for the other side. However, Eddie believes that Anthony will be honest with him since he said that he would never betray him. Both agreed that they would prefer to see Este go over Kiera. Eddie said their goal this week has to be to infiltrate Adam, Sam and Chelsea’s alliance. Eddie talked about attempting to gain their trust by bringing them some information. While alone in the HoH room, Chelsea spoke to the cameras. She confirmed that her goal is to target Kailyn this week. Kyra joined Chelsea who commented on Kiera being oddly calm. Kyra said they believe it’s because Kiera has anxiety and she doesn’t want people to see her as weak. Kyra said Kiera opened up to them about it on Day 3. They discussed the plan to target Kailyn this week. Chelsea believes that they will have the numbers as long as they can get her on the block.

11:00-12:00 AM: Dane told Kiera she needs to win the veto tomorrow. He said the best case scenario would be Stef winning and taking Kiera off of the block. Kiera said she feels as though she has a really good shot at staying even if she doesn’t win the veto. Later, Kyra told Damien that they want him to stay and think that he deserves to be there. Kyra mentioned that Damien was only trying to keep his word to Maki by keeping him. Kyra advised Damien to act sad. Meanwhile, Kailyn told Kiera that the best case scenario would be to have Stef win the veto and use it on her so that they are both safe for the week. In the have-not room, Adam told Sam that he would love to win the veto and use it on Kiera so that Kailyn gets backdoored.

12:00-1:00 AM: Dane, Mark, Kiera and Stef talked over the plan for the week. Kiera asked Mark if he would use the veto on her if he were to win it. Mark said of course. Dane mentioned that they would need to know who the replacement nominee would be. Damien entered the room. Once all but Kiera cleared out, Damien asked if Kiera was okay. He sensed that something happened between her and Mark. Kiera said she is good but let Damien know that she trusts him way more than she trusts Mark. Damien said they need to get the showmance out since they are controlling everything. Kiera pointed out that one of them has got to win the veto. She worried that Stef would go up if Damien were to win. Kiera once again brought up her plan to get Kyra on the block. She said she wants to hold off until the veto comp takes place, otherwise it could backfire.

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