Big Brother Canada 7 Day 17 - Kailyn is the replacement nominee

March 18, 2019

10:00-11:00 AM: Feeds went down at 10:40 for the veto ceremony.

12:00-1:00 PM: Feeds returned at 12:59 following the veto ceremony. Sam used the Power of Veto on Kiera. Chelsea nominated Kailyn as the replacement nominee.

1:00-1:30 PM: Kailyn told Dane she knew that this would happen last week when she decided to stick by what she said and rallied the troops. Kailyn said she will not rally against Damien since she likes Damien’s game. Dane said it’s hard for him to have Damien and Kailyn on the block together. Kailyn advised Dane to go with the house. Meanwhile, up in the HoH room, Chelsea explained to Kiera she had a good feeling that this is exactly what was going to happen. Chelsea assured Kiera that she doesn’t see her as disposable. She brought up that they can work together moving forward, but she did not want Kailyn on the block right away since there was a good chance that she could have came down. Chelsea added that a backdoor seemed to be the best way to get out the biggest target. Afterwards, Damien spoke to Chelsea. He pointed out that being on the block against Kailyn will give him a better chance to stay. Chelsea reassured Damien that Kailyn will be going home. She thanked him for trusting her this week. Damien said that Chelsea did what she had to do. Damien said Kailyn is a good person but she played a little too hard considering that it is so early in the game. Chelsea said she just couldn’t trust her. Damien then headed outside to speak to Kailyn. Kailyn mentioned that this is an extremely smart move considering it is showing that you cannot go against the flow or else you are screwed. Kailyn let Damien know that he is sitting pretty this week. She said it wouldn’t have been a hard campaign had she been on the block against Kiera instead of him.

1:30-2:00 PM: Eddie asked Kailyn if she had any idea that this was coming. Kailyn said yeah. She mentioned being surprised that she wasn’t on the block originally. Kailyn added that Damien is safer to keep in the house. Kailyn said she will walk out the same way that she walked in. Cory and Eddie told her that she has three days. Eddie said he is so surprised and sad that the people he can talk to are leaving the house one by one. Cory said she was thinking that it could have been her going up, but she is not surprised that it was Kailyn when it wasn’t her. Eddie told Kailyn that he is so sorry. Kailyn told him not to be since the way that she chose to play the game last week has resulted in her going on the block. When Eddie asked Kailyn if she feels that she has a chance to flip the vote, Kailyn said she is currently on a sinking ship but her mind is always working. However, she said that she cannot say anything bad about Damien. Kailyn thinks it’s less of a threat to keep Damien since he is not someone who will get inside of people’s heads.

2:00-3:00 PM: While playing pool, Anthony, Dane and Mark spoke game. Anthony brought up that Este and Kiera may start thinking that they have to rally the girls just like they have the guys together. Mark brought up that Este and Kiera betrayed them during the last vote. Dane said he is with the Pretty Boys but he knows that Este and Kiera are numbers to get Sam out. Dane said those two are thinking about nominating Adam and Sam since they don’t want Adam to be off of the block and then save Sam. Anthony said their best possible scenario would be Adam on the block but they have to guarantee that they can get the votes. Dane said they can do it. Anthony said they cannot let Adam win HoH. Anthony and Dane said they will be taking Sam out if they win HoH. In the bedroom, Este and Kiera discussed that they are going to get so far in the game. Kiera joked that it’s because they are dumb. Este joked that it’s because they are so loyal to them. She followed that up by saying that saving Kiera means that they love her. Kiera sarcastically said that she could never turn her back on them now. Este said they will continue to make that side believe that they are with them, only talking about them to each other and to Dane. Kiera wondered how she went from being the target to being taken off of the block by the people that she is coming after. Este said they have to be really smart next week. Este pointed out that Adam, Chelsea and Sam are right that they will get to jury if they stick together, so the next best thing would be to get Mark out. Este thinks that they can justify it by saying that Mark is bringing info to both sides of the house. Kiera brought up that Dane really likes Mark for some reason, but she doesn’t know why. They agreed that they cannot lose Dane.

3:00-4:00 PM: Kailyn campaigned to Este, telling her to look at the big picture. Kailyn said she is a prime example of someone who is on the block because she went against the other side. Kailyn thinks that Damien is easy to keep since he will not cause waves. As for herself, Kailyn said she will always remain a target in front of people. Kailyn told Este that they will be doing the work for the other side if they evict her. Kailyn believes that Adam, Sam and Kyra will vote her out, but she thinks that the other votes are up for grabs. Outside, Dane explained to Kiera that Chelsea had said he was going to pick him if she got houseguest’s choice. Dane said they trust him and think that he is just hanging out with her and Este. Kiera said she didn’t think she would feel so safe with two people, but Dane and Este are her safe havens. Kiera brought up that both Adam and Chelsea believe in Sam, so Sam is positioned really well. In the living room, Kailyn told Eddie that going with the house would be handing the game to Adam and Sam. Eddie said he will vote for Kailyn to stay if she has the numbers. Kailyn remained confident that she will get the numbers on her side.

4:00-5:00 PM: Kailyn made her pitch Cory. Afterwards, Cory told Adam, Chelsea and Sam about her conversation with Kailyn. Cory said Kailyn is good with her words but she is not wavering when it comes to the decision this week. Cory said Kailyn is pitching that she will go after Adam, Sam and Chelsea, which makes sense since she has been on the opposite side as them. Sam said she would go with that angle if she were Kailyn too. Adam pointed out that they will still have the numbers no matter who goes home this week, but they have the numbers to send Kailyn home. Cory said she is dangerous to keep around since she will throw names out the second that she is in danger.

5:00-6:00 PM: Adam spoke to Este and Kiera. He said Kailyn is probably trying to convince them that they are down low on the totem pole, and she can stay to come after him and Sam. When Este brought up Kailyn saying that she is a target, Adam disagreed that she is a target since she hasn’t won anything. Adam brought up that Kailyn uses prayer to manipulate people into doing what she wants. When Este brought up Kailyn having a motherly feel to her, Kiera said she is only 29. Adam then questioned if she really is. Kiera said she doesn’t think so. Este said she doesn’t believe it. Adam said there is no reason why she would lie about that, but Este pointed out that being the oldest person in the house can be a detriment to your game.

6:00-7:00 PM: Este told Kiera she wishes that there were a way to get Sam out without looking like they were behind it, because they could then get Adam. Kiera said the thing that will ruin Adam’s game is how much he intimidates people, seeing as he comes across as arrogant and unapproachable. Este said that Adam tries harder than Sam, since Sam wont even give her the time of day when it comes to talking game. Este figures that the best way to get Sam out while still keeping Adam on their side would be to have Damien nominate Sam next to someone who Adam gets along with. Feeds went down at 6:28 for a pizza party.

10:00-11:00 PM: Feeds returned at 10:19. Adam and Sam discussed that Chelsea walked in on them kissing. Chelsea knocked on her own HoH room door for a battery change. Adam and Sam asked why she is knocking. Chelsea said they know why, and their faced are burned into her memory. Chelsea said it’s hilarious. She told them that she saw nothing. Elsewhere, Anthony told Cory he thinks that Sam suggested getting Kailyn out in order to use Este and Kiera as votes. Anthony said he thinks that Este and Kiera are a little too smart for that, so some serious shots may be fired next week depending on who wins HoH. Anthony said people don’t give Sam enough credit, because she is basically a Kailyn that hasn’t be exposed yet. Cory said that she is starting to see hints of it more now that she is around Sam more often. Anthony said he has a feeling that Sam will be the next to go. Cory said she would like to see Damien win the next HoH. In the bathroom, Chelsea brought up to Sam that Adam is in love with her. Sam said it’s mutual. Chelsea asked if Sam thinks that they were put in the house together cause they are meant to be together. Sam said yeah. Kyra asked Sam if she thinks that they will end up together outside of the house. Sam once against said yeah. Sam said she thought that she was too independent of a person to find someone who fills in the gaps like Adam does. Sam said she would still put him on the block or whatever. They laughed. Sam said she wouldn’t put him on the block but they are both there for the game. Once Kiera joined the, Sam reiterated that she is self-sufficient. She said she will put Adam on the block.

11:00-12:00 AM: Chelsea told Adam it’s nice to see something that is real in a house full of fake stuff. Chelsea told Adam not to worry since she doesn’t think that she is stupid for aligning with a showmance. Adam said he wont be going around making out in front of everyone. Chelsea said it’s not like he can backpedal from it now, so they might as well flirt. Chelsea mentioned that Adam is most of the way to falling in love. Adam said probably. Chelsea said it’s really real. Adam reassured Chelsea that he wants to go far with her just like he wants to with Sam. He said he had that connection with her even before he had it with Sam. Chelsea said she feels that too. Chelsea let Adam know that she is starting to see through Anthony’s game a little bit. She explained that she sees the way that he plays the role of a mentor during conversations, making you feel as though you need him. Chelsea added that he makes you feel as though you are the only one that he is working with, and he is making sure that he is good with everybody. Chelsea wondered if he is also planting things in order to break things up. Chelsea thinks that Anthony is trying to deflect his dirty work on to other people. Adam said he could see that, but he trusts Anthony. Adam clarified that he doesn’t trust Anthony as much as he trusts Chelsea. Chelsea said she doesn’t think Anthony is a problem just yet.

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