Big Brother Canada 7 Day 19

March 20, 2019

1:00-2:00 PM: Dane told Adam that Kailyn’s focus during her talk was to put a target on Sam and Chelsea. Dane insisted that it helped Adam. Adam asked what was said. Dane said it was all about how Sam and Chelsea are controlling the house. Dane pleaded with Adam to believe him that it was focused on Sam and Chelsea, not him. Adam said he trusts Dane. Adam asked Dane if he would put the two of them up if he wins. Dane said probably not, but he admitted that he might backdoor one of them. Dane reiterated that this helped get Adam’s name out of their mouths. Anthony joined the guys. He said that what just happened was huge. Dane advised Adam not to go to Chelsea and Sam with the information, instead letting them hear it from someone else. Anthony told Adam that everyone will now be talking about going after Sam and Chelsea. Adam worried that he would be backdoored. Anthony and Dane disagreed. Elsewhere, Sam went to Chelsea to say “you don’t want to know what I just heard”. Sam said she was in the bathroom, and Adam didn’t think she was there, and he and Dane were throwing their names out multiple times. Sam said Adam and Dane are working together, and the two of them are planning to get them out 100%.

2:00-3:00 PM: Sam let Kyra know about Adam throwing her name and Chelsea’s name around. Kyra suggested that Adam could be playing Dane, not them. Sam disagreed. She insisted that Adam is playing them. Chelsea added that Adam could be telling Dane what he wants to hear. They discussed making sure that Adam feels as though they still believe him and don’t know that he is playing them. Kyra brought up that Adam and Dane might be together but pretending like they are with the girls on each side of the house. Kyra asked Chelsea and Sam if they think that Adam and Dane are with Anthony as well. Both girls said yeah. Sam said Adam told her today that he approached Damien about keeping the guys together. Sam wondered if they should talk to Este and Kiera. Kyra said they have to find out who is in power first. Chelsea questioned if the guys are actually that smart. Sam said Adam is. Anthony joined the girls. They asked what happened in the bedroom with Kailyn. Anthony said Kailyn told them her life story, and it was really tough to hear. He said she wanted to let them know who she is before she leaves, and told them her real age and how many kids she has. Anthony clarified that there was no campaigning. Chelsea worried that she will be hated for going after Kailyn. She began to cry. After Anthony left, Chelsea said she really doesn’t believe that Adam is against them. Sam said it very much sounded like the guys were okay with them going home. Kyra pointed out that Adam is always defensive when Dane’s name comes up. Kyra said they will have to try to backdoor Dane if they win next week. In the storage room, Adam told Anthony that he cannot be the one to take Sam out at this point. While he said he would be willing to do it if they were down to 6 or 7 people, he said he cannot do it right now. Adam thinks that people would be out with pitchforks when he gets home should he do that. Dane joined the guys. They talked about making a guys alliance with Damien. They plan to pretend that it’s a brand new alliance. Adam said they can call themselves “The Starting Five”.

3:00-4:00 PM: Anthony and Damien discussed Kailyn’s story. Anthony brought up that Adam was trippin’ once he noticed that they were all in a room with Kailyn. Anthony said Chelsea was also concerned about it. Damien said Kailyn just had to tell her story. They discussed that the real conversations wont happen until a new HoH is in power. While Anthony said that he does not want to win HoH, Damien said he has to or else he will be back on the block. The two assured each other that they will not nominate each other. In the archive room, Kailyn told Eddie that Sam came to her to say she would really like for her to stay. Kailyn said Sam told her she knows she is going to destroy her in her speech, but she really hopes that she wont. Eddie commented on how Cory immediately went to the other side to relay what happened during the meaning. Kailyn said she knew that was going to happen. While everyone is saying that Sam needs to go, Kailyn said Adam is the one that has go to go. Eddie said it’s smartest to put Adam and Sam on the block together. Kailyn said she would have nominated Chelsea next to Adam, and then put Sam up if Adam were to win the veto. Kailyn told Eddie that her speech is going to be epic. She added that she will be going out with a bang if she leaves. Kailyn said Sam is scared but what she has to say is going to be even more explosive on Chelsea. Eddie suggested directing the speech more towards Adam and Sam. Kailyn said she will destroy those two and Chelsea.

4:00-5:00 PM: Chelsea told Kyra she would rather know now that the guys are playing them than to find out later, cause they can get out in front of it and screw the guys over. Kyra said they had a feeling that it was happening. Kyra added that they are in a good spot since they can let the guys think that they are playing them. Chelsea said that if the girls win HoH, they need to rally all of them together to let them know what is going on. Chelsea mentioned that it’s not the end of the world if they have to align with Este and Kiera. Chelsea then spoke to Dane, asking him if everything is going to stay the same. Dane said it’s all good. He told her that people will start to catch on if she gets paranoid. Chelsea said she just feels bad now that Kailyn’s humanity has been brought to life by revealing her story. Dane reassured Chelsea that everyone wants Damien to stay.

5:00-6:00 PM: Adam asked Damien if he would like to meet up with the boys. Damien said yeah. Adam asked if he was the target during the conversation with Kailyn. Damien confirmed that Adam, Chelsea and Sam were discussed as the targets, and then Kailyn told them about her backstory. Adam brought up that the five guys are probably the strongest in the house.

6:00-7:00 PM: Chelsea told Kyra that part of this makes sense since some things that she has told to Adam have trickled back, but she cannot believe that the guys are that smart. She did acknowledge that Adam, Anthony and Dane appear to be working together and covering all sides. Kyra pointed out that Dane was close to Adam during Adam’s HoH. Chelsea and Kyra then joined Sam in the bedroom. Sam suggested planting some seeds with the girls so it doesn’t appear that they are only bringing up the information about a guys alliance if the girls get in power. Chelsea believes that it’s too risky, so they should wait until the girls win HoH.

7:00-8:00 PM: Feeds were down during the episode.

8:00-9:00 PM: Eddie spoke to Kiera about his perception that she was courageous last week but not so much this week. Kiera said it’s a little different for her now that she was on the block, because it will be easy for her to be put right back up now. While Eddie looked to talk strategy to plan ahead for next week, Kiera explained that it’s not smart for her to do so until she is in power. Este joined them. Eddie said they are being picked off one by one, and that wont change unless they do something. Este said she agrees that they need to plan ahead but they cannot do anything when they do not know how tomorrow will go. Eddie told the girls that the underdogs have got to stick together, or else they deserve to be underdogs. Kiera asked who is on their side. Eddie said they have Damien and the three of them. Eddie mentioned that Canada probably thinks that they are cowards right now for not doing anything, so they should stand up to the other side. Este said they will do that but she doesn’t feel comfortable with creating plans when she doesn’t know what is going to happen. Eddie became frustrated that the girls were not willing to talk game with him. He said he expected them to have the same courage that they had last week. Kiera said it doesn’t make sense for her to put herself on the line when she is the one in the worst position out of the three of them.

9:00-10:00 PM: Damien, Eddie and Kailyn discussed the best plan of action for next week. When Damien brought up the idea of nominating Adam and Sam, Kailyn said she wouldn’t do that. She suggested nominating Adam next to Chelsea so that Sam could go up in the event that Adam wins the veto. Damien was concerned that Sam would win the veto in that scenario, but Kailyn was not. Kailyn also reminded the guys that not every competition is going to be one that is catered to Adam’s strengths, so people need to stop looking at him like a God. Once Eddie and Kailyn were alone, Eddie told Kailyn that Este and Kiera were getting angry at him for trying to plan with them. They agreed that it showed that those girls do not want to work with Eddie. Kailyn let Eddie know that he should throw Este on the block if he doesn’t feel comfortable with going after Adam and Sam just yet, seeing as it would take a number away from Dane.

10:00-11:00 PM: Eddie sat down with Kiera for another talk. He pointed out that the girls were getting very angry at him for attempting to talk game. Eddie opened up about being disappointed by it since he decided to vote against the house, along with Este and Kiera, last week. Eddie thinks that doing that should have built enough trust for them to be able to talk game with him. Eddie said the girls got him hyped up last week yet they seem to be backing off this week. Kiera said she is confused by Eddie saying that she is not being courageous this week, seeing as she took the bullet by being the one on the block. Eddie brought up that she didn’t volunteer to go up. When Kiera questioned how they can plan ahead, Eddie suggested throwing someone under the bus just like Kiera wanted to do with Kyra when she was put on the block on Friday night. Eddie reassured Kiera that he meant no harm and that he is not against Este or Kiera. The two agreed that they will make a big move if they are in a position to do so. Kiera apologized to Eddie for disappointing him. Elsewhere, Kailyn talked to Anthony about wanting to stay in the game. She talked about Adam needing to go. Anthony said Sam is the one who Kailyn should be worried about. Kailyn insisted that Adam has to go first since Sam would be lost without him. If Sam goes, Kailyn thinks that Adam will get closer to Chelsea and still be in good with the guys.

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