Big Brother Canada 7 Day 20 - Kailyn is evicted; Dane wins HoH

March 21, 2019

6:00-7:00 PM: Feeds returned at 6:00 following the eviction. Kailyn was evicted by a unanimous vote of 10-0. The “Buzzkilled” HoH competition began to air on the feeds. Kyra was eliminated before the live feeds came on. Eddie was the second to be eliminated.

7:00-8:00 PM: Anthony and Este were the third and fourth houseguests to be eliminated from the HoH competition.

8:00-9:00 PM: Feeds were down while the eviction episode aired.

9:00-10:00 PM: When feeds returned following the episode, we found out that Adam, Kiera and Mark had been eliminated from the HoH competition. Cory was the next to go, followed by Damien, leaving only Dane and Sam remaining in the battle for HoH. Sam told Dane that she has got him. She mentioned knowing that he will want to play in the double eviction next week. When Adam asked Dane if he is going to make any deals, he said no since his deal went south the last time that he was HoH. At 9:41, Dane won HoH. He hugged Sam and told her that she is okay. Adam spoke to Chelsea and Sam, telling them that they will be okay this week. Chelsea wasn’t so sure that she will be safe. Adam thinks that Dane will nominate Cory and Kyra. Sam threw Eddie’s name out there as another possible nominee. She followed it up by saying that Dane will probably backdoor her. Adam said that wont happen since Dane gave Sam his word. Elsewhere, Dane let Damien and Mark know that they are safe. Este and Kiera then spoke to Dane. They apologize for not pulling through in the competition. Dane said it’s okay but he needs them to win in the double eviction.

10:00-11:00 PM: Dane let Cory know that they can talk either tonight or tomorrow. Cory said she is good with whatever is best for Dane. Dane said he thinks that they are on the same page, so there is not much for her to worry about, but it will be nice to talk. Cory assured Dane that she remembers everything, so she will have his back if he does her a solid. Anthony and Dane then celebrated Dane’s victory. Anthony brought up Adam having said that Sam was going to win the competition. Dane said Adam came to him to say that he should have struck a deal with Sam. Anthony suggested nominating Chelsea and Kyra, backdooring Sam. Dane said he was thinking that right away. They discussed that they cant let anyone, including Adam, in on the plan. Dane told Anthony that Kiera came to him right before the vote to let him know that Chelsea was trying to create a girls alliance. Adam asked Dane if he is going to backdoor Sam. Dane said no. He told Adam that the four of them have to come to an agreement. Adam pleaded with Dane not to backdoor Sam. Dane said he wont and he will not nominate her either. Dane told Adam that Sam will have to save him and possibly Este if he keeps her safe. Adam agreed. Adam asked Dane who he is thinking of putting up. Dane said he doesn’t know. He asked Adam not to say anything, but there are a lot of whispers that Chelsea was trying to start a girls alliance prior to the eviction. Adam said he figured that. Meanwhile, Este and Kiera talked about their plan to fake it with the girls alliance. They discussed telling Damien and Dane about it beforehand. Adam went to Sam to tell her that he pleaded with Dane not to backdoor her. They agreed that they would keep Dane and Este safe if Dane keeps them safe. Adam then questioned Sam about the rumoured girls alliance. She denied knowing anything about it. Chelsea then gave Dane her word that she will not put him up. Dane said he appreciates that, and they can talk and make a deal. Chelsea advised Dane to pay attention to the people that are playing both sides.

12:00-1:00 AM: Adam and Sam went over Dane’s potential nominees. Sam figures that he will be nominating Chelsea and Kyra. She mentioned that it may be best for her to throw the veto in that case. Adam suggested winning it and leaving nominations the same. He pointed out that she could easily go up if one of the nominees wins the veto. Sam eventually agreed. Adam said that he wouldn’t use the veto in that scenario either. They discussed cutting a deal with Dane in order to keep both him and Este safe next week. Sam hopes that Este would be willing to offer her safety as well. Up in the HoH room, Dane told Kyra that he cannot for sure say that they will not be going up. He clarified that he doesn’t want to put them up. Kyra questioned why Dane would put them up over someone who betrayed him. Dane assured Kyra that they will not be going home. Kyra continue to ask not to be put up. Kyra promised to vote whichever way Dane wanted. Dane brought up hearing about a girls alliance. Kyra said they don’t think that it’s true. Dane said he believes his source 100%. Kyra let Dane know that they have been getting closer to Este and Kiki lately. Dane said they should continue to try to do that, since no one would expect it. Dane claimed that he flirts with those two girls but he doesn’t talk game with them.

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