Big Brother Canada 7 Day 32

April 2, 2019

10:00-11:00 AM: Heading in to the day, the plan remains to target Kiki. Dane asked Adam if they are going to vote out whoever goes on the block next to Mark if Kyra used the Blood Veto on Kiki. Dane specifically mentioned Cory or Damien. Adam said they are not going to vote Mark out. If Adam goes up, Dane said it would break Kyra’s trust with Sam unless the girls are rallying together. Dane mentioned talking to the girls about how Adam would have to stay if he goes up, and they said it might be their only shot. Adam commented that they act to his face like they would keep him. Dane said they would since he has been putting in work for him. Dane encouraged Adam to work on Damien since he is close to Mark. Adam later asked Dane who he should put up if he wins next week. Dane said the only four left are Cory, Damien, Este, Kyra and Sam. Dane suggested that they keep the weaker of the bunch, but Adam said he doesn’t see it like that. Dane said it’s a huge resume builder if he gets Este out or Adam gets Sam out. In the HoH room, Damien spoke to Sam. Sam said she wouldn’t want to have to choose another nominee if the Blood Veto is used, since the two nominees were the only two options for her. She mentioned that she would nominate someone like Dane or Este who would have the votes. Sam said she thinks that Kiki is a liar and it’s hard to believe what she says. As for Mark, Sam said that he is in la la land. Damien said the only thing he likes about Mark is that he has never thrown anyone under the bus. Damien said he needs to talk to the nominees again. Sam said that Kiki’s campaign is apparently terrible.

11:00-12:00 PM: In the HoH room, Kiki told Kyra and Sam that she will be the bigger target and the one more likely to go on the block if she stays. She plans to pitch that to Anthony and Cory who she sees as a clear duo. Sam said that’s probably the angle that she would be using as well. Kiki said she has not talked a lot of game with Anthony and Cory, so it’s hard since she does not know what they would do if they were to win. Este said those two were always around during Dane’s HoH but are not talking to them at all this week. Kiki pitched that she will likely go up if Anthony or Cory win HoH, making it safe for others to keep her. Sam asked what she is going to say if people ask who she would target. Kiki asked if she would be okay with her saying that she is coming after her. Este said they would have to talk to Adam about it too, since he would not be happy to hear that. Sam said she sees where Kiki’s head is at with that.

12:00-1:00 PM: Sam told Kyra that Kiki’s campaign was so bad and it’s not smart to tell the HoH that you are going to campaign against them. Kyra thinks that Kiki is gunning for her and Adam but she is going to pretend that she is only saying that. Sam agreed. Kyra pointed out that Kiki has said the names of three people close to them. Sam asked if Mark will be able to avoid the block if he stays. Kyra thinks that he will be an easy person to nominate. Sam asked how she should play this with Adam so that he is not happy about what Kiki is saying. Kyra suggested letting Adam find out on his own, or else he will confront Kiki. Kyra thinks that they will for sure have the numbers to get her out. In Leon’s Lounge, Kiki campaigned to Anthony. She pitched that she is likely to go up on the block again if she stays and doesn’t win HoH. Kiki argued that it would leave Anthony and Cory in a better position than if she were to go. Kiki said that two of the three people to put her up are still in the house and really want her gone, so her target is on them. On top of that, Kiki said that Anthony would get Este if she stays.

1:00-2:00 PM: Kiki campaigned to Damien. She said Sam seems to be leaving it up to the house since she doesn’t know where her head is at due to the Blood Veto. Kiki said she thinks that they would have the votes to save Dane if Kyra were to put him up in her place. Damien suggested working on Kyra. Kiki said she is. Kiki asked how Damien’s talk with Sam went. He said it was good but Sam seems to be unsure at this point. Kiki said she will have to take a shot if she wins HoH. Kiki told Damien the good news is that she has not heard his name at all. Kiki said she knows she has Dane, Este and Damien, and then her last vote could come from Adam, Anthony, Cory or Kyra. Outside, Mark told Dane that he loves him in this game. Dane said he likes Mark outside of the game as well. Dane mentioned that Mark will have a way better chance of staying over Adam should Adam go on the block. Dane said he has been sewering the girls to Damien by saying that they are working with Sam. Dane added that Anthony is doing the same thing. Dane let Mark know that he plans to take a shot at Sam next week if he wins HoH. Mark asked what Este has been saying. Dane said Este plans to keep Kiki but he has been telling her that he is voting with the house.

2:00-3:00 PM: Adam told Sam he hopes that nothing happens with the Blood Veto. The two discussed that they would love to see Este go next week. Adam thinks that they would need a “good sport” to go up next to Este. He brought up that Mark would stay again if he was the pawn. Sam told Adam that Kiki’s campaign is coming from Este, which Adam agreed with. Once Adam left the room, Kyra joined Sam. Kyra said they feel like they are setting themselves up well this week. Sam said the whole thing with Kiki throwing out her name and Adam’s name is working out perfectly since it has already gotten back to Adam and he is not happy about it. Sam said the damage is already done with Adam. Kyra let Sam know that they are going to get Dane out next week. Kyra said Damien does not trust Dane as much as they thought. Sam said Anthony and Cory don’t either. Sam assured Kyra that she will vote Dane out.

4:00-5:00 PM: Anthony and Dane planned ahead. Dane said everyone is going to want to go after Adam next. Anthony asked who he needs to work on. Dane suggested working on the girl since they are starting to question him. Anthony said he knows for a fact that Este and Kiki threw Dane’s name out there. Dane said he thinks that Sam made that up. Dane said they need to keep the weakest players around. He listed off Kyra, Este, Damien, Sam and Cory in order from weakest to strongest. Anthony said it’s not just about comps. Anthony pushed for Cory to stay, saying that he has put in so much work with her to keep Dane safe. Anthony questioned if Dane is considering keeping Damien over Cory. Dane said they could take Damien out first but Sam is the very first one that needs to go. Afterwards, Anthony spoke to Cory. The two compared notes on Kiki’s campaign. Anthony then brought up that Adam and Dane wanted Cory out for some reason, possibly due to jury votes.

5:00-6:00 PM: Cory told Anthony she is waiting for the right time to tell Sam she knows that Dane and Adam, more so Dane, were the ones trying to get her backdoored. Cory said there is a chance that Dane realized that it was a bad idea and is with them now, but the fact that he so easily went that route is dangerous. Cory let Anthony know that Kyra plans to nominate Dane and Este. They agreed that Kyra is unlikely to win. Cory said she isn’t putting Damien up, she isn’t putting Kyra up and she isn’t putting Sam up. Anthony said the numbers are scarce and this is where Big Brother starts. Anthony said they will really have to test some people to see who will say what to who. Cory said she extended trust to nearly everyone to see what happens. She talked about Chelsea and Kiki cracking and then leaving after it.

7:00-8:00 PM: Este told Dane she wants people to say who they are voting out already. Dane agreed. He asked what they will do if Damien goes on the block. Este said she would still want to vote Mark out, plus that’s likely what Sam would want too. Este believes that Cory would do the same. Later, Kiki campaigned to Kyra. She reassured Kyra that she is not targeting them nor Sam. Kyra brought up hearing that Kiki told the cameras that she wants to take down the showmance, which Kiki denied. Kyra said they don’t care if Kiki threw Adam’s name around but Sam is good for their game since she is the only one that is loyal to them. As for their vote, Kyra said they trust Kiki more than they trust Mark, and they think that the house is still leaning towards keeping Kiki. Kyra said they will do the same if the house is keeping her.

9:00-10:00 PM: Dane told Sam he thinks that the Blood Veto will come into play on Thursday. He asked Sam if she thinks that Kyra would nominate him. Sam said she has tried to get some answers out of Kyra but they haven’t said at all. Dane figures that Kyra isn’t allowed to say anything. In the event that Damien goes up, Dane said it would come down to the fact that he can beat Mark in competitions. In the have-not room, Este and Kiki discussed the rumour that they spoke to the cameras about wanting to get the showmance out. Neither girl remembered doing so. Este thought that they may have done it while alone, but definitely not with someone else in the room. Este thinks that someone may have made it up just to get people to go against them. Kiki said it is messing with her game. Este thinks that Mark might be behind it. Dane joined them. He said he thinks that the girls did do that in front of the cameras but he isn’t sure if Anthony was present at the time as well.

10:00-11:00 PM: Kiki told Este that people are going to believe that they told Canada they wanted to target the showmance if it came from Anthony’s mouth. Este suggested that Kiki talk to Sam. Not long after, Kiki did just that. Sam assured Kiki that she didn’t think anything of it or else she would have came to Kiki to bring it up. Kiki said if it pushes people to lose trust in her, she would like to find out who was the root of it so that she can target that person. Sam said she isn’t sure who said it to her first but plenty of people have brought it up. Sam assured Kiki that it’s fine and that she is doing a good job campaigning so far.

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