Big Brother Canada 7 Day 38 - Dane uses the PoV; Sam is nominated

April 8, 2019

10:00-11:00 AM: Feeds went down at 10:17 for the veto ceremony.

11:00-12:00 PM: Feeds returned at 11:50 following the veto ceremony. Dane used the Power of Veto on himself. Cory nominated Sam as the replacement nominee. Out in the yard, Sam cried. Kyra said Dane put in a lot of work to get her backdoored since he wants Adam all to himself. Sam said that she has to get Adam to open his eyes if she leaves. They agreed that Adam is delusional when it comes to Dane. Kyra said they might actually self evict. They asked who they are supposed to get close to now that Sam may leave. Sam suggested working with Adam and Anthony. Sam said she wants to call everybody out if she knows that she is going home.

12:00-1:00 PM: Adam came by to speak to Kyra and Sam. Kyra said the only way to keep Sam is by throwing Dane under the bus. Sam said she doesn’t even think that Kyra should waste her time on Adam. Kyra let Adam know that the boys want Sam out in order to have him to themselves. Sam said Adam is fine with that. Adam asked her to stop, but Sam said it’s true. Adam told Sam that he has been fighting for her since Day 1. He revealed that the guys wanted him to throw the last HoH so that they could put him up next to Sam in order to send her home, so it’s going to be hard to get the votes. Kyra asked if Mark is included in that. Adam said no.

1:00-2:00 PM: Adam, Anthony and Mark chatted in the pantry. Adam said he knows 1000% that it was not Sam’s idea to backdoor Cory. Anthony said he knows that Sam went to Cory and Este about creating a girls alliance, saying that Adam is definitely an option for next week. Adam let Mark know that Sam thinks she has a chance to sway his vote. Mark said he will hear her out. Adam argued that two guys will be on the block if Este wins. Mark said they will be in the same spot if Sam wins. Mark said it’s BS that Sam wont put him up again, seeing as Adam already had a chance to convince Sam not to put him up but he couldn’t do it. When Mark continued on, Adam told him to chill out. Mark said he will listen with an open mind but he will vote Sam out. Mark asked why Sam didn’t put Este and Kiki up together. Adam said it’s because he made a deal to protect Este if Dane would protect Sam.

2:00-3:00 PM: Mark asked Sam why so many people have wanted her out since the beginning. Sam asked if it’s because of her personality. Mark questioned why she is asking him when she put him on the block. Sam said she knew that he was not going home. She mentioned that there were talks of a guys alliance, which she thought he was a part of, so she believed that he would be secure. Sam explained that she knew she wanted Kiki to go but she later realized that Mark wasn’t as tight with the guys as she thought he was. Sam brought up that she will always go on the block before Mark if she stays. Mark asked Sam who she would put up next week. Sam said that one of her nominees would be Dane. Feeds cut before she named the second nominee.

3:00-4:00 PM: Anthony told Dane they have to be careful since Damien and Este are so close. Dane said both have been telling him that they will nominate Adam and Kyra if they win HoH. Dane asked if Sam has talked to Anthony yet. Anthony said the only thing Sam told him is that Dane will be coming after him if she leaves. Sam then broke up the conversation. Mark asked Adam if he actually thinks that Cory could be convinced to keep Sam if came down to a tie. Mark had been told that his vote is needed to give Sam three. Adam said it’s possible if he discloses some information.

4:00-5:00 PM: Adam told Dane he knows what everyone wants but he is questioning what the best situation is. Dane said they need to win HoH. He mentioned that Sam can win and she is telling Cory that she is coming after him. Adam said the fact is that she already won and didn’t put him up. Adam asked what will happen if Este nominates him next to Mark and then they don’t win the veto. He suggested that they have a better shot at persuading Sam than persuading Este. Dane said Este really wants Kyra out. Adam and Dane eventually started discussing that they are doing the most in the game and that they are so close to getting to the end. Dane said they will control the votes after this week, since they only need three votes at that point. Once Adam was called to the diary room, Dane and Mark had a chance to chat. Mark made it clear to Dane that Este is not simply going to get his vote, and she needs to campaign to him. However, Mark said that Dane knows which way he will be voting. Mark brought up that the Pretty Boys are running the show. He said Sam is such a liar. Dane said it’s perfect since no one knows that Mark is in the alliance. Mark thinks that Sam is the only one to suspect it.

5:00-6:00 PM: Mark let Adam know that the best option for him is still probably to have Sam leave. Adam brought up that Este is good with a lot more people than Sam is, making her more dangerous. Adam suggested that the boys could bring Sam in. Mark told Adam that he can convince Anthony and Dane of that if that’s what he believes. Adam said they can get Sam to swear on something, which Mark said means nothing to him. Mark brought up that Sam told him she wouldn’t put him up the week before she ended up nominating him. Adam explained it as Mark being the least threatening of the boys. Mark also discussed that he is more likely to beat Este in a competition. Adam admitted that Sam nominating Mark was not a good look. He said he had to give it a shot. Elsewhere, Anthony told Dane that Adam is out of his mind if he thinks that Damien is coming to the Final 5 with them. Anthony said they need to bring someone weak. He threw Kyra’s name out there as someone who is weak and should be taken as far as possible.

6:00-7:00 PM: Adam told Sam he thinks that she has a better shot at getting Anthony and Dane to vote for her than she does with Mark. Adam let Sam know that Mark is sour over her putting him on the block and lying about a couple of things. When Adam added that Mark thinks Este would be easier to beat, Sam said that’s fair. Later, Sam advised Adam to stop campaigning for the day. She felt that he had started to say some things that were doing more harm than good. Adam pointed out that she would have been gone long ago if not for him. Adam said he has some say with the boys, so he just has to get in to their heads. Adam suggested that she work on Anthony since Dane will follow suit if Anthony gets on board with keeping her.

7:00-8:00 PM: Anthony told Mark that either Damien or Este need to be the next to go. He said which one goes first will depend on who wins HoH. If Anthony wins, he plans to target Este first. Anthony spoke to Mark about last week’s events. He said he knows that Adam and Dane were the ones to come up with the plan to backdoor Cory. Anthony said he would have understood had they approached him to let him know, but they didn’t. Anthony said he eventually talked to Dane to let him know that there cannot be any more funny business moving forward.

8:00-9:00 PM: Out by the hot tub, Kyra let Sam know that they plan to nominate two strong players should they win HoH next week. Sam asked if she is talking about Adam and Dane. Kyra said they would nominate Cory next to Dane, telling Cory that she is going up to ensure that Dane doesn’t win the veto. In Leon’s Lounge, Adam and Dane talked about Anthony pushing for Cory to stay until the Final 5. They do not believe that it’s best for the alliance to have her in the game for that long. Both agreed that Kyra would be their best bet to take to five. Dane admitted to Adam that Sam has a good shot at leaving this week. Adam said he would like to know if it’s a sure thing on Wednesday so that they don’t waste their final day together. Adam said it’s probably going to be a lot different playing the game without Sam, and in a good way. Dane said Adam will then be focused on winning, which is what he needs since all he is thinking about is getting to the Final 2 together. The guys said it will be a win either way if they can make that happen. They also promised that the other would have their jury vote should they not make it to the end together.

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