Big Brother Canada 7 Day 49 - Adam nominated Damien and Este for eviction

April 19, 2019

9:00-10:00 AM: Dane let Adam know that he was talking to Kyra about everyone being pissed off at Mark. He said he told Kyra that he doesn’t know if Mark will go up or get backdoored, and Kyra pointed out that he won’t win the veto and basically everyone gets to play at this point anyway. Adam said he could put Mark up, since he is not going to go, but they did make a truce. Dane said he could use the veto on Mark if he wins it, but it would blow their cover. Adam brought up that Damien and Este are only there because of him. Dane said it’s sweet that a fan boy found it. Adam said he hasn’t told anyone about it but he is allowed to talk about it, referring to being the secret assassin. Adam said he doesn’t know if he wants to tell everyone. Dane said not to. Dane promised that he will not tell anyone. Adam then began explaining what exactly happened when he found the clues.

10:00-11:00 AM: Feeds went down at 10:48.

11:00-12:00 PM: Feeds returned at 11:20. Adam and Kyra were chatting out in the yard. Based on the conversation, it seemed as though Adam had brought up potentially nominating Este and Kyra while feeds were down. Feeds went back down at 11:27.

1:00-1:30 PM: Feeds returned at 1:00. Adam, Anthony and Mark were chatting the bedroom. Adam pointed out that talking about the plan as a group is something that they did not do last week. Mark questioned why it didn’t happen when Adam had the veto. Adam said Mark keeps going back to that because of his storyline. Mark admitted that they need to have more conversations. Adam said Mark could have nominated Este and Kyra, telling people that he is going after Adam. Anthony said they basically had guarantees that Adam would stay. Adam argued that it was the same for Mark. Adam them asked why Kyra has the be on the block as opposed to him nominating Damien and Este. Anthony claimed that it would be best for jury. Adam said Kyra is not going to buy it. The guys went along with Adam’s plan to nominate Damien and Este. Adam said he can point out that they were on the block last week and one of them was supposed to go. Mark brought up that Damien and Este will ask why he isn’t putting him up. Anthony said Adam can tell them that he is saving that for the backdoor. Afterwards, Anthony filled Dane in on the plan. The guys had discussed getting together as a group, without Mark, to make Damien, Este and Kyra feel safe with the plan. In the pantry, Adam let Este and Kyra know that he doesn’t want to put Mark up initially since he doesn’t want to give him a chance to win the veto. Kyra said Mark is not that strong. When Adam pointed out that he saved himself when Mark put him up, Este said that’s because Adam is a champ but Mark isn’t. Este suggested nominating strong players if Adam wants to guarantee that strong people play. Adam revealed that he plans to stay true to his word to Anthony, plus he and Dane have not nominated each other all season. Este took that as meaning that she and Damien will be going up together. Later, Kyra told Adam that he is damaging the trust built with Damien and Este if he makes that move. Adam said those two wanted him out last week, so there is no trust between them. Adam let Kyra know that he is going to grab Anthony to bring him in there. When Kyra questioned why, Adam said it’s because Anthony makes sense. Kyra said that of course Anthony is going to defend Mark. They didn’t understand why it was necessary to bring Anthony in.

1:30-2:00 PM: Everyone except for Mark met up in the HoH room. Adam told them that he will be using the candies to choose the nominees if they cannot reach a decision. Adam told Damien and Este that one of them was supposed to go home last week. He said he would like to make the chance that Mark does not get picked to play in the veto competition. Anthony spoke up to say that he would use the veto on the people in the room. He explained that while he has been close with Mark for a couple of weeks, he has been loyal to others for much longer than that. Kyra told Adam that Mark will be gunning for him whether or not he goes on the block initially. Damien said he would like to see Mark on the block. Dane offered to go on the block if Mark is being backdoored. He added that everyone in the room would then have to use the veto on him. Adam said he feels confident that Mark is going to leave this week no matter what happens. Dane let everyone in the room know that he would use the veto if he wins it. Anthony said the same thing. In the pantry, Kyra told Dane they think that Damien needs to be one of the nominees since he is the most disposable should Mark win the veto. Dane agreed. Feeds went down at 1:58.

2:00-3:00 PM: Feeds returned at 2:33. Adam and Este were having a conversation. Adam let her know that she will be going on the block. Dane asked Este about the conversation. Este revealed that she is going on the block next to Damien. Dane said he will go tell Adam that he is using the veto on her if he wins it. Dane claimed that he believes everyone would use the veto on her in order to get Mark on the block.

3:00-4:00 PM: While out by the hot tub, Dane dropped his teeth in to Kyra’s tea. He took a drink of it. Kyra eventually found the teeth when she had more of the tea. Dane claimed that they fell out by accident. Later, he told Este that all of his exes and the girls back home put his teeth in their mouth. Este then did the same. Dane headed to the pantry where Big Brother had left cookies for the houseguests to bake. Dane called everyone to the kitchen to bake the cookies. Dane had his teeth out and on the counter at the time.

4:00-5:00 PM: Once the cookies came out of the oven and the houseguests started to eat them, Dane asked if anyone had seen his teeth. He questioned if he had put them in the batter. Kyra said they just bit into something super crunch. They asked if Dane used crunchy peanut butter. Dane said no. He asked if Kyra just ate his teeth. Kyra asked if Dane is serious, putting his teeth in her tea and now in the cookies. Dane said he didn’t mean to. Adam told everyone to relax. He said it’s not in the batter. Dane went to the pantry to laugh by himself, as he was on a task. Feeds went down at 4:31.

5:00-6:00 PM: Feeds returned at 5:33. The houseguests were talking about a party that will be taking place later tonight.

7:00-8:00 PM: Feeds went down at 7:50 for the nomination ceremony.

9:00-10:00 PM: Feeds returned at 9:24. Adam nominated Damien and Este for eviction. Adam asked Dane if he is going to use the veto if he wins it. Dane asked if Adam wants him to. Adam said no. He told Dane that it would look stupid if Dane uses the veto and then he doesn’t nominate Mark. Dane told Adam to simply not pull his name to play in the competition. Anthony told Mark to mope around and play it off as though he knew that Adam would try to backdoor him. Afterwards, Anthony told Kyra that Mark said he knew this would happen and he is not dumb. Kyra said they feel bad for the guy. Elsewhere, Mark told Este that Adam is a smart player for not even giving him a chance to compete. Este commented that Mark still has a good chance to compete since only one person will not be playing.

10:00-11:00 PM: Feeds went down at 10:01 for the party. They returned at 11:53.

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