Big Brother Canada 7 Day 55 - Kyra wins HoH

April 25, 2019

8:00-9:00 PM: During tonight’s double eviction episode, Este was evicted by a vote of 3-1. Dane was the one vote to evict Mark. Dane went on to win HoH. He nominated Damien and Kyra for eviction. Anthony won the Power of Veto. He left Dane’s nominations the same. Damien was then evicted by a vote of 3-0.

9:00-10:00 PM: When feeds returned, we found out that Kyra is the new HoH, meaning that one of the Pretty Boys will be evicted in fifth place. The Pretty Boys discussed that it was a good run. Mark said they still made history by having four of the final five. Adam added that they ran the whole game. Dane figures that Canada is pumped since this throws a wrench in to their plans. He thinks that everyone loves an underdog story. While alone, Adam spoke to the cameras. He said he hopes that Kyra doesn’t put him up. He said the boys had a good run but at least he has been working with Kyra. Dane joined Adam. They discussed that they made a Final 3 with Kyra, so hopefully that means something. Dane expects that Kyra will listen to Adam, especially if he brings up Sam and says that she would want them to work together. Down in the pantry, Adam told Anthony he doesn’t know what Kyra is going to do. While he admitted that he might be okay due to the whole Sam thing, he said Dane has put Kyra up three times now. Anthony added that Kyra hates Mark.

10:00-11:00 PM: When Kyra went to the diary room, Anthony told the guys that the only thing they can hope for now is a twist. They once again discussed that they had an incredible run. Dane mentioned that Damien wouldn’t have won that competition. Mark agreed but said there was no way that they could have known that. Adam said Damien could have won the veto. Once Kyra got their HoH room, they told Adam and Dane that they will be putting Mark on the block. Feeds cut before they could finish saying the rest of their plan.

11:00-12:00 AM: Kyra let the guys know that they can talk game tomorrow. Kyra wanted to enjoy their tipsiness from the alcohol that they got in their HoH room. Mark told Dane that the two of them are screwed. Dane said they will be going on the block. Dane let Mark know that they should keep each other safe if one of them gets off of the block. Dane said he thinks that he could get Anthony to keep him over Adam. Dane brought up that Anthony will win the game if he can get in the biggest fight of the season with Kyra and still not touch the block. Adam, Dane and Kyra then chatted in the HoH room. Kyra said they are putting Mark up and they are considering Anthony or Dane for the second nominee. Kyra made it clear that Adam will not be going on the block no matter what. They also clarified that Mark is their target. Kyra asked if Dane would be mad if he goes up as a pawn. Dane said no. Kyra explained that they don’t want Anthony to know about their Final 3, plus they feel as though Anthony would be more likely to hold it against them if he goes up as a pawn. Dane brought up that Anthony could use the veto on Mark if he isn’t on the block, and then Adam could end up going home. Kyra said they didn’t think of that. Kyra mentioned that they are going to take Anthony to Wendy’s and then ask him straight up. Both guys said that Anthony will not tell the truth. Afterwards, Adam and Dane talked about the need to play it up that Anthony would save Mark. Adam said he was initially upset that he didn’t win HoH but it could be for the best since he won’t have to take one of the guys out and now he and Dane can both compete in the next HoH.

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