Big Brother Canada 7 Day 56 - Kyra nominates Adam and Dane

April 26, 2019

9:00-10:00 AM: Kyra pointed out to Anthony that it all depends on the veto this week. They said they brought up wanting to put Dane up as a pawn next to Mark, but Adam and Dane are saying that Adam could go up if Anthony uses the veto on Mark. Kyra explained that Dane is acting cool but Adam is trying to pressure them. Kyra said that they don’t want to put Anthony up, and they want to put Dane and Mark up, giving them the ability to break the tie. Kyra talked about how Adam would use the veto on Dane. Kyra said they are smart enough to know that they cannot beat Adam and Dane. Anthony said he can tell that those two really think that Kyra is that dumb. They discussed that Adam and Dane have a Final 2. Anthony claimed that those two 100% want to take each other to the end. Kyra said they are going to nominate Dane and Mark but they have to figure out how to go about it. Kyra mentioned that they will not win if they are in the Final 3 with Adam and Dane. Kyra let Anthony know that Adam said they might as well put Anthony up since the veto winner controls a lot this week. Kyra said it would make great TV if they got to break the tie with Dane on the block. Anthony said Adam is so dumb that he thinks it will work if he keeps bringing up Sam. Kyra said they are not going to play this game for what Sam wants. However Kyra said they do not want Adam to go home during their HoH week.

10:00-11:00 AM: Kyra told Mark that they are considering putting him up, but everyone is a thought at this point. Mark mentioned that Kyra’s best shot at winning the game would be against him and Anthony. He said that Adam and Dane are the two strongest players. He added that Adam and Dane seem to be looking out for each other since one of them would have been gone a long time ago if not. Kyra said they are deciding between two different options, and they will not be telling anyone who is going up before the nomination ceremony.

11:00-12:00 PM: Out by the hot tub, Kyra went over their speech for the nomination ceremony. They mentioned nominating Dane and then putting Adam up next to him since they cannot risk him taking Dane off of the block. Anthony told Mark that Adam and Dane are sewering the two of them. Mark said he kept things vague because Anthony told him to wait until after Wendy’s. Anthony said he is going to paint a picture for Kyra. Anthony suggested that Mark play dead to Adam and Dane, making it seem like he has already given up.

4:00-5:00 PM: Kyra let Adam and Dane know that they will not be announcing what they are doing prior to the nomination ceremony. Kyra said they aren’t sure if it will be Anthony or Dane going up next to Mark. Adam asked if they are scared that Anthony will be mad. Kyra said that’s not why. Kyra said they have to consider their options since they know that the veto is very powerful this week. When Kyra left the room, Adam said he feels like there was something said during Anthony and Kyra’s Wendy’s lunch. Adam hoped that Anthony didn’t throw them under the bus. Dane doesn’t think that he would have done that. Dane suggested that Adam try to get in Kyra’s head since they will listen to him. Adam wasn’t so sure. Outside, Kyra told Anthony about their conversation with Adam and Dane. Kyra doesn’t want those two to think that Anthony influenced the decision since they were already thinking it. Anthony said these guys do not want to piss him off, and it will be a huge problem that neither of them want if they talk to Kyra in a certain way. Feeds went down at 4:50.

5:00-6:00 PM: Feeds returned at 5:53. Anthony and Kyra spoke in the HoH room. Kyra said that they are going to regret keeping her over Damien. They added that anyone that hated them before will love them now. Anthony said they are going to be in the Final 2 together. Kyra added that they are best friends. Anthony claimed that nothing could make him choose Mark over Kyra. Kyra let Anthony know that they will help him study the days since they need to be better in order to beat Mark at the end.

6:00-7:00 PM: Adam told Dane he thinks that Kyra will end up listening to Anthony. The guys assumed that Dane would likely go up but were under the impression that Adam would not. Dane then spoke to Anthony, telling him that he is worried about leaving over Mark. Dane said Anthony has his vote if he goes up. Anthony told Dane not to worry. When Dane left the room, Anthony commented on how Adam and Dane think that they are really smart.

7:00-8:00 PM: Adam spoke to Kyra to see how they were feeling. Kyra said they have to think about all angles. They mentioned that Adam was right about a lot of things and needs to trust them. However they refused to say names. Adam admitted to being a little bit worried that he could go up since Anthony is very good at talking. Kyra said that they made the decision without Anthony. Kyra later said that Mark knows and it’s kind of sad that he is down. When Adam left, Kyra said they feel terrible since they care about Adam. They said that they just had to lie to the guy’s face. Kyra believed that they were about to make the biggest move of the season. Dane came by to say that he is good with whatever Kyra decides in terms of nominating him or nominating Anthony. Dane said he trusts in the three. He asked if Kyra is still leaning towards Mark. Kyra said yes. Kyra then continued to practice their speech when Dane left the room.

8:00-9:00 PM: Feeds went down at 8:17 for the nomination ceremony.

9:00-10:00 PM: Feeds returned at 9:37 following the nomination ceremony. Kyra nominated Adam and Dane for eviction. Things were a bit heated in the HoH room. Adam brought up that Anthony was the one that wanted Kyra on the block last week. Anthony claimed that he had never once said that. Kyra said Anthony had nothing to do with their decision. Adam insisted that a conversation happened at the hot tub in which Anthony said to put Kyra up. Mark was called in to the room. He said that it never happened. Adam accused Anthony of lying. Kyra took offense to a comment that Adam made about getting the jury to vote for one of the Pretty Boys. Kyra said it’s disrespectful since they were able to survive while being on the outside of the alliance, and they made the biggest move of the season. Kyra claimed that they knew about the guys alliance since week two. They called it sexist that Adam would say the brotherhood between them means that they have no shot at winning. Adam, Anthony and Mark continued their shouting match outside of the HoH room. Adam continued to press them about it not being his plan to nominate Kyra last week. He told them to man up. Anthony said it wasn’t him. Mark mentioned that he isn’t the one stomping around every time someone gets nominated. Anthony said Adam is the one who talked about nominating Kyra. The shouting continued until Adam walked up to Anthony, said he is sorry, and asked that they stop this. The two then hugged and said they love each other. Adam hugged Mark as well. He brought up that what they have accomplished in this house is great, and one of them will win the game. Adam apologized to Kyra as well. Kyra again said that they knew about the alliance since week two, but they chose to pick away the numbers around it rather than go after the guys themselves.

10:00-11:00 PM: Adam told Dane he guesses that this is what they get for screwing Damien over. Dane asked if Kyra said that this was their own decision. Adam said yeah. He explained that Kyra nominated him so that he couldn’t use the veto on Dane, which Dane took as an indication that he is the target. The guys discussed that they both could still survive if one of them wins the veto. Elsewhere, Kyra told Anthony that they had to play dumb about the guys alliance because that’s what kept them there. They then said it disgusts them to be called weak. Kyra expects Adam to attempt to rally the votes against them, but Anthony said Adam doesn’t tell people what to think. When Dane asked Kyra who the target is, Kyra said it was Dane at first but now it could be either of them since they don’t think that Adam will forgive them for this. In the kitchen, Adam told Anthony that he appreciates and respects everything that Anthony has done for him in this game. He said there are no hard feelings. Anthony let Adam know that he would like to talk later about some shady things that have been going on. Adam told Anthony that he has played the game phenomenally. He called Anthony the best talker that he has ever heard in his life.

11:00-12:00 AM: Mark quickly checked in with Anthony to ask if Dane is still going this week. Anthony said yeah. Afterwards, Kyra and Mark spoke in the HoH room. Kyra talked about wanting Mark to be their voice in jury if it comes down it. They said they are tired of the underdog being looked at as someone that didn’t do things in the game. Kyra said they had to let people think that they had sway over them, but no one ever influenced their decisions. Kyra told Mark that they were loyal to two people in this game, both of which are gone, so their loyalty now goes to Anthony and Mark. Mark informed Kyra that Dane wants them out next. He added that Dane said that as recently as an hour ago. Kyra said their target this week is Dane, and they would like to send him home with a tie breaking vote. Kyra reassured Mark that he will not be leaving even if he goes up next to Adam.

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