Big Brother Canada 7 Day 63 - Dane wins the Power of Veto

May 3, 2019

9:00-10:00 AM: The doorbell rang. Big Brother Canada 3 winner Sarah Hanlon entered the house. Feeds went down at 9:19 to tape the BBCAN Awards.

4:00-5:00 PM: Feeds returned at 4:16. While alone in the pantry, Kyra talked to the cameras. They questioned how they were able to make it to this point. they also questioned how they are supposed to beat these guys. Kyra mentioned that it is the least ideal scenario, but they are going to win the Power of Veto tomorrow. Kyra wished that she had worked with people that were more loyal throughout the game.

5:00-6:00 PM: Kyra let Dane know that their word is true and that they would want to go to the Final 2 with him. Dane said his word is the same. Kyra brought up that nobody would have a shot at beating Anthony since he didn’t ever have to get any blood on his hands. They also said that nobody would have a shot at beating Adam either. Kyra said they would have a small chance at beating Dane, but they would be happy to lose to him if that were to happen too. Kyra asked that Dane not go up to the guys to tell them that they made a Final 2 deal with him. Dane promised that he would not do that. Kyra said Anthony hopes that they would bring him, but it would be giving him $100,000. Dane said Adam is going to go this week, and then it will be the two of them in the Final 2.

6:00-7:00 PM: Feeds went down at 6:13 for the nomination ceremony.

7:00-8:00 PM: Feeds returned at 7:08. Dane nominated Adam and Kyra for eviction. Moments after one of the houseguests mentioned that the veto competition will be tomorrow, the message saying “PoV Competition Today” was placed on the living room screen. Adam saw it shortly after. The houseguests then started to study. Feeds went down at 7:34 for the veto competition.

4:00-5:00 AM: Feeds returned at 4:19. Dane won the Power of Veto. Adam mentioned to the guys that they are by far the greatest alliance in BBCAN history. Anthony said they are way better than America too. Dane mentioned thinking that he thought Adam would beat him for his fifth veto. Adam brought up that Dane won both HoH and the PoV this week. Adam thinks that people will be talking about them for years, since the great people that work together usually turn on each other. Dane said it’s not every day that two of the biggest comp beasts and the best finesser in the game are in the same alliance.

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