Big Brother Canada 7 Day 8 - Adam wins the Power of Veto

March 9, 2019

9:00-10:00 AM: Anthony headed to the HoH room to speak to Adam and Dane. Anthony let Adam know that Kailyn is gunning for him. Anthony said he loves her but he is with the Pretty Boys at the end of the day. Adam told the guys that Kailyn brought up last night that it may be best to get Maki out. Adam thinks that Kailyn approached he and Sam about it in order to see what information they would give up. Dane said Kailyn was hinting that Adam or Sam should go on the block instead of Maki. Dane told Adam that Sam will need to go relatively soon. Adam explained that Kailyn is going after them but Sam isn’t. Anthony said their alliance is stronger and smarter than everyone else.

10:00-11:00 AM: Adam asked Anthony and Dane if they are sticking with targeting Kyra. Anthony and Dane confirmed that they are. Adam said he will check in with Maki to reassure him that everyone is on board with keeping him, making it look like he is fighting for him. Adam worried about Kailyn coming after him. Dane talked about the need to target Cory before Kailyn. In the bathroom, Adam asked Kiera and Stef if they still feel good with the eight. The girls confirmed that they do. Adam warned the girls to watch what they say around Kailyn. He mentioned her asking if it would be best to evict Maki, seemingly testing him. Adam said they need to evict Kyra. Adam then checked in with Maki. He looked to reassure Maki that he is safe this week. Kailyn was present for the conversation. After Adam left the room, Kailyn and Maki discussed that Adam only came here because he is getting nervous. Later, in the storage room, Adam let Maki know that Kailyn came to him last night to bring up the idea of targeting Maki. Adam questioned why she would say that when she is tight with Maki. Adam thinks Kailyn did it in order to test him, but he is smarter than that.

11:00-12:00 PM: Eddie and Kailyn discussed that Cory is someone who they would like to keep around. That being said, Kailyn thinks that they will have to nominate her if they win HoH next week. Eddie wasn’t so sure that it would be a good move to risk losing Cory on their HoH. Kyra spoke to Kiera about there being someone in the house who is pulling a lot of strings. Kyra was referring to Kailyn. Kyra suggested that they became a target due to this person after they realized that their manipulation was not working. Kyra said that more details will come out after the veto competition if the nominations are still the same.

12:00-1:00 PM: Kyra talked to Chelsea about Kailyn. Kyra thinks that Kailyn planted seeds about them to get Dane to put them up. They agreed that Kailyn is a very smart player, and she sees people as a threat as soon as they don’t buy into her manipulation. Once Kyra was alone, they talked to the cameras about a plan to take Kailyn down. Feeds went down at 12:41 for the veto player pick.

1:00-2:00 PM: Feeds returned at 1:14 after players were picked for the veto competition. Kyra, Maki, Adam, Anthony and Chelsea will be competing. Dane, the HoH, cannot compete. Dane and Kiera discussed that they cannot believe he isn’t able to compete. Dane observed Cory coming out of the diary room, and then putting on a black shirt before putting a red shirt over it. Dane suggested that she is some kind of agent or spy. Dane said they have to get her out next week. He proceeded to tell numerous other houseguests about what he saw as well. In the living room, Maki asked Anthony if he would be willing to use the veto on him. Anthony explained that it would create chaos since the house agreed to do what the HoH wants. Anthony said that Maki will be safe either way but they can have a talk about it if it gets to that point.

2:00-3:00 PM: Adam, Chelsea and Sam talked about Kailyn. Sam doesn’t think that Dane is on the same page as them when it comes to her. Adam assured Sam that the boys have voiced similar concerns about Kailyn. Chelsea wishes that they could get her out this week. She doesn’t think that Dane would be willing to make the move. Chelsea told Sam she doesn’t think that she can win the veto, seeing as it would put her in a bad position. Chelsea and Sam went to Dane to ask about what would happen in the event that Kyra wins the veto. Dane said they will deal with that when it happens. He did not want to give any names, and he encouraged the girls to focus on the three week plan of getting Laura, Kyra and Cory out. Elsewhere, Kailyn and Kyra looked to clear the air. Kailyn said she isn’t sure if Kyra was trying to use her words against her. Kyra said all that was brought up was her saying that Sam will get in a showmance and then they will pick each other over Kyra. When Kailyn claimed that Kyra was twisting her words, Kyra claimed that Kailyn is the one twisting words. Kyra suggested that Kailyn has been planting seeds. Kyra guessed that Kailyn is the one who planted seeds about them.

3:00-4:00 PM: Kyra let Chelsea know about the conversation with Kailyn. Kyra plans to expose things that Kailyn said if someone else wins the veto. In particular, Kyra mentioned telling Dane that Kailyn called Stef the Paras of the season. Chelsea said it’s best for her, Adam and Sam if Kyra stays in the house, but people are afraid to make a move. Kyra revealed a plan to go after Kailyn and Mark in the event that they stay in the house and win HoH. Chelsea and Sam spoke in the bedroom. The girls began to get paranoid that they may be going on the block if Dane has to choose a replacement nominee. They worried that Kailyn would be able to persuade people to send them home. Chelsea talked about Kyra being a wildcard but someone who is with them at the same time.

4:00-5:00 PM: Adam asked what he should do if he wins the veto. Dane said to keep it the same, cause people are going to want him to nominate Sam. Adam asked what Dane wants. Dane said Sam is going to have to go at some point. Adam asked if Dane thinks that Sam could take away from his game. While Dane said he knows that Adam is 100% loyal to the boys, he worries that Sam could trigger something in him. Adam expressed his concern that Kailyn would come after him or Mark if Sam is gone. Dane said they can keep nominations the same then. Dane pointed out that Sam will need to go soon since she is very paranoid. Afterwards, Adam spoke to Chelsea to say he is concerned that Sam is in her head and getting her paranoid. Chelsea said she is thinking about it logically, and her connection to Kyra would mean it makes sense for Dane to put her up if Kyra wins the veto. Adam assured Chelsea that there is no way she is going on the block. The two discussed that they want Kailyn out of the house. Chelsea said she would like to use the veto on Kyra in order to make a big move, but the house is not ready for it. Adam said he doesn’t think that Chelsea would like who would go up if that were to happen. He mentioned that Dane would not nominate one of the boys.

5:00-6:00 PM: Cory asked Adam and Sam who the target is this week. Adam and Sam said it’s Kyra as of now. Cory said she at least got that part right. Adam let Cory know that there were talks last night about potentially sending Maki home, though it was coming from someone who is close to Maki. Cory acknowledged that she is a target. She said she doesn’t take it personally but she isn’t sure why people wouldn’t want to use her as a tool. Adam said he has been thinking about talking game with her all day. Cory said no one has done it yet. Sam said she really doesn’t believe that. Adam said he was scared to talk to Cory in case she had already been talking to people. Adam told Cory that he wants a couple of people out and it’s not her. Cory said that makes her feel better.

6:00-7:00 PM: Kiera told Damien her theory that Cory gets called to the diary room more often than all of them because she is a secret agent and she gets information on everything they say and do in the archive room. Kiera finds it odd that she doesn’t talk game with anyone.

7:00-8:00 PM: In the HoH room, Stef told Kiera that Kyra plans to blow up Kailyn’s game if she doesn’t win the veto. She added that Adam and Sam want to target Kailyn next week too, so they will get her out for her. Kiera wondered if Dane and Mark are pushing so hard for one of them to win HoH to target Cory only to turn around and nominate her or Stef the following week. Kiera thinks Adam sees her as the biggest threat. Stef said it could be cause she is not all over him like Chelsea and Sam are. The girls commented on how Adam and Sam are always staring at the two of them. Stef told Kiera that she doesn’t trust Mark but she can’t tell Dane that since Dane does trust him. Damien joined them. He too talked about Adam and Sam staring. After Stef left the room, Damien said the best case scenario would be getting Sam out this week and Kyra out next week. Kiera said it would be better to get Sam out and keep Kyra even longer.

8:00-9:00 PM: Kailyn once again told Eddie that it’s smart to put Cory up to give her a shot to play in the veto competition and save herself. Eddie worried that Cory would expose them if they put her up. Kailyn said she is a decent person and would not do that. Cory joined them. Cory mentioned that she had a good conversation with Adam and Sam. Cory said she thinks you can get so much out of Adam if you make him feel uncomfortable, and she thinks he is kind of scared of her. Kailyn agreed. Kailyn told Cory she believes that Adam would take Mark out if he can. Kailyn thinks that Adam will want Mark to himself. Cory said she could bring up to Adam that Mark and Sam are lovebirds if she sees them together. Kailyn liked the idea. Feeds went down at 8:32 for the veto competition.

11:00-12:00 AM: Feeds returned at 11:16 following the veto competition. Adam won the Power of Veto. Dane and Sam had a lengthy chat in the have-not room. Sam’s paranoia earlier in the day was discussed. While she believed that no one was looking her in the eye and that she may have been the replacement nominee, Dane insisted that she would not have gone up. Dane claimed that Damien would have went up since he is liked by everyone. Afterwards, Dane let Damien know that he had to tell Sam he would have nominated him in order to calm her down. Dane said he really would have nominated Sam. Anthony informed Adam that Maki was saying they need to win next week because Adam is going to kill them in everything. Anthony said Maki will need to go next week. Adam wondered if they should target him this week since he has a better shot at winning HoH than Kyra does. Anthony suggested that they should stick to the plan rather than create chaos. Anthony did agree that they could talk it over with their alliance to decide on the best plan.

12:00-1:00 AM: Kyra thanked Adam for trying so hard to win the veto. Maki finished in a close second, and Kyra thinks the target would have been 100% on them had Maki won the veto. Adam said they would have backdoored someone. When Kyra asked who it would have been, Adam mentioned that Sam had a weird feeling. In the HoH room, Stef told Dane she would like to make the competitions fair. She doesn’t think that it will be fair as long as Adam is around. Dane said the only way to get him out will be during the double eviction. Stef said they don’t even need to wait that long if they don’t have to. She pointed out that a few people wouldn’t mind nominating Adam and Sam if they win HoH. In the worst case scenario that Adam wins HoH next week, they agreed that they could try to get him to target Cory. Meanwhile, Kailyn told Damien and Maki that it may be best to let Adam have HoH next week. She argued that they could get him to target Cory, then he wont be able to compete the following week. Kailyn said it would be a waste for Damien or Maki to win HoH when they would have to do what the house wants anyway.

1:00-2:00 AM: In the storage room, Anthony told Dane and Mark about Maki saying that Adam is a monster who needs to go. Anthony admitted that he shouldn’t have told Adam that since he is someone who reacts before he thinks. Anthony suggested sticking to the plan, getting rid of Kyra, and then dealing with Maki next if need be. Anthony advised Mark to flirt with Sam even more than he is now, hoping that it would lead Adam to believe that she doesn’t like him. Anthony said he sees a bit of jealousy from Adam when Mark is around Sam. Dane and Stef then discussed that Kiera made a big mistake by telling Adam “we don’t vibe”. Dane said you can’t go around telling the biggest threat in the house that. Kiera later spoke to Mark about the comment. She said she didn’t want Adam to think that she was being fake, so she told him that sometimes they don’t vibe.

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